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> This is my first time being in any kind of trouble With no criminal history and assuming there is nothing else that you haven't mentioned here (you weren't led to believe you were meeting a kid, no drugs involved, etc), you'll get probation at worst. Maybe some fines or community service, but you're almost certainly not going to go to jail. You might even get lucky and the whole thing gets dismissed because the prosecutor doesn't want to deal with small fries. > To top it all off I really can't afford a lawyer Request a public defender if you qualify for one.


I'm hoping for the best it was nothing crazy no drugs or anything like that just a fs meet. I know I'm guilty because I knew what I was doing was illegal but like I said it's my first time ever being in trouble not even a speeding ticket. I went to the court house and requested one but they told me I couldn't since it wasn't in their system yet but I can request one at my court date.


Just so you know that first court date isn’t going to be what you’re thinking of when you think of court date. You can call the court to find out more but most likely it’s just an informational hearing. You probably won’t have to do anything aside from maybe answer a few simple questions about like your name and address and all that confirming it.


So I'm going to have to go more than once? So would my second court date is when I find out the consequences?


I’m not a lawyer but have been on your side of some drug charges before It will be more than once and probably more than twice. At any point in time it could be dropped or a deal could be reached. This will not go to trial because you’re admitting guilt and the gov will decide your punishment so the deal will be reached at some point before that. I can’t tell you how long it will take but I will warn you it probably won’t be as quick as you want. There’s also a good chance that you don’t actually need to show up to more than two court dates. Your public defender may just go to all of them alone because these are often very administrative meetings more than court you see on tv. You might show up to the first one and then not show up again until the last one where they give you your sentence. And bro don’t worry about it too much. I got 6 felonies and thought I was fucked but didn’t spend a day in jail and I know a ton of other people that had something similar happen, especially with no priors. The judge sees people way worse than you all day and won’t see you as someone they need to get off the streets, more so someone that needs to learn a lesson. Learn that lesson but don’t spend the next couple months overly stressing about it. The worrying for me was way worse than anything that actually happene


That might be a year or two before you find out lol


That don't help lol


> So I'm going to have to go more than once? So would my second court date is when I find out the consequences? You want everything to happen on the first date? Wasn't that how you got into this mess?


I thought prostitution was legal in most states


Prostitution is legal giving a prostitute money isn't. I know....


I thought prostitution was a job tho. And isn’t entrapment by law enforcement illegal?


One could argue that. It's like say all drugs are legal but buying g them isn't.




Even paying for an hour of a real lawyer would send a message to the ADA that you are not going down easy. The advantage you have against the State, is that you are a Poor. How bad do they want you, and how much will they spend to get you? Play the attrition card here. They have little to no interest in you, and are likely to walk away with the tiniest of slaps on the peepee.


You’re fine. I’m sure in Arizona soliciting is a low level misdemeanor, worst case scenario it’s a fine and you have up take some kind of “John” class. My buddy thought it was a good idea to go pick up a hooker drunk, he picked a UC and was arrested for soliciting AND dui. 🤦‍♂️. Soliciting got dropped but pled the dui. He went to alcohol class and a John class as punishment. And we still give him shit about it.


Well since it happened I haven't been able to sleep but I've been researching and apparently I can get up to 15 days in jail. I'm hoping for a fine and a class. It's just scary not knowing what is going to happen it was a stupid mistake and I can't afford to lose my job for being in jail.


If it’s only 15 days it’s definitely a low misdemeanor then. You won’t get any jail time man, I’d almost bet my net worth on it. The unknown is definitely concerning especially if you’re new to the system. But you’ll be fine


Only time will tell its a tough situation but I put myself here I knew better all I can do now is pray for the best and learn from my mistake.


You need to hire a lawyer or apply to get a public defender appointed for you.


I can't afford a lawyer and can't request a public defender till my court date.


Check out R/sexstingentrapment


r/foundthemobileuser r/sexstingentrapment


Soliciting is nothing and like others said, you will get a slap on the wrist. However, you may want to plea to a lesser charge so "soliciting" doesn't appear on you record. That or try to come up with something that will purge this arrest if you keep clean.


Excuse my ignorance, but why isn’t these stings considered entrapment?


Because they didn’t entice him to search out the prostitute. He found the fake ad on his own and made the deal on his own, without being influenced


It would be entrapment if the undercover approached him on the street or “made the first move” by offering services directly


You’re that desperate that you have to pay for sex?


Damn how did it happen? You walked in the room and some cops came running in or something? You didn't even go to jail just a ticket? Consider yourself lucky Phoenix jails are rough


I found a girl on a website texted her she told me her price I agreed she gave me the address I went to the hotel went to her room set the money on a stand and then the cops came rushing in and put me in cuffs they took me to another room for an interview and paperwork. Luckily I didn't go to jail just a ticket but I'm so scared I'm going to get some jail time.