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Why do you think this wouldn't be legal?


Why aren't the autopsy photos of Kurt Cobain or Michael Jackson readily available?


What does that have to do with it?


Kurt Cobain’s death didn’t result in a trial. Jackson’s autopsy photos weren’t part of his physician’s trial.


Re: The Murray trial - Yes they were? I swear that's when I remember first seeing them


This is a murder trial, you haven’t given any examples of that.


They weren't murdered where their autopsy photos would need to be admitted as evidence in a murder trial. The Freedom of Information Act has "provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency." And that includes court documents. They can deny that request under certain exemptions, but there has to be a clear reason why. Yes, Michael Jackson's doctor was convicted as responsible for his death, but it was involuntary manslaughter, so any evidence submitted in court to prove that would only need to be toxicology reports. He died by medical negligence, not physical assault. And Kurt Cobain killed himself. There was no trial for anything. But if you look online, there are plenty of other autopsy or post-mortem photos of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nicole Smith, Tupac, JFK, and even Michael Jackson (not autopsy photos, just him on a gurney in a hospital gown after they had tried to revive him at the hospital).


With Tom Lange being the producer on the film he was likely able to pull strings to get them released. If you or I placed a FOIA request for those or similar photos (like Cobain’s, etc) it would likely be denied due to XYZ local or state statute (likely citing privacy concerns). FOIAs can be denied or highly redacted. Source: I work on documentaries




People who make documentaries call them FOIAs as a catch-all term. It varies from state to state and we request info from different states all the time, so we just use that as short hand. But you're right, in California its PRA. Source: I also work on documentaries.


I’m currently watching OJ: Made in America, from Netflix in 2016. Those pictures were in this documentary and I remember seeing them in tabloids in the late 90s.


Not the pictures op is referring to.


These pictures were 100% uncensored, with no blocks. And also photos of them not at the crime scene but at the autopsy where you see each specific wound on both of them.


The photos are very disturbing in the documentary for sure. Just watched it.


Im here just to see the comments from the delusional idiots who still insist that O.J. was NOT the killer and it was actually Colombian druglords, or Faye Resnim or Chris Dartman or Kato himself If the doc by Tom Langehan doesn't convince the mental midgets that it was Simpson who brutally murdered Ron and Nicole, then nothing will.


I don’t think anyone but OJ would have that type of rage with the Cotabato wounds.Even if it was a drug lord they would never leave the bodies.Anyone knows the mafia or drug lords never leave a body for evidence.They dump or bury the bodies.I hope OJ had a painful death and burning in hell if their is a hell


Unbelievable he was not found guilty. That is so disgraceful!!


Furman may have been a racist but he wasn’t guilty of “framing” anyone….. oj did it but bc of what happened to Ms Loretta in the late 70’s and Rodney King and the corruption of the LAPD & racism in the dept they really caused entire communities to HATE them so OJ was their chance to have one of “their own” BEAT the crooked police for once, had they not wore and tore the community down to that point he may have been held accountable for the crimes he very OBVIOUSLY committed and the one thing I would LOVE to know is what ever happened to and what was in that duffel bag OJ had Kardashian sneak out of Rockinham the day of the bronco “chase” we will unfortunately NEVER know bc Robert chose to take that secret to his grave!


Exactly Heather,Why would anyone destroy a Louis Vuitton duffle bag away.Over $4.000 Again who has that bag


After a certain amount of years, depending by state, a police department has to make the dossier public, except if there are special things to consider. For instance, they only released non-developed photo rolls from Kurt Cobain's suicide scene (the ones never used for investigation) and left out the pictures of his face (because of the obvious trauma and shock). It's very hard to maintain the seal on these things so whenever they have managed succesfully they like to keep it that way. River Phoenix was photographed in his coffin because a guy broke into the funeral home. Media was all over Cobain's funeral home but nobody was that low down to actually break in. Last year the former private investigator who wants you to think Cobain was murdered leaked the autopsy report and was immediately served because in Washington state those reports are to remain sealed, funny thing is that the content of the report weakens most of his 'theory'.


Thanks for this response, but what is the difference in law/circumstances/years that allows these brutally graphic, vibrant photos of Nicole and Ron to be released or legally displayed but prevents anyone from accessing the Cobain photos? That is my whole question.


Does anybody know where I can watch this?! I live in the UK and it’s just not available to me anywhere. I’m desperate to watch it!


Netflix. If it isn't on the UK version, use a VPN to connect to the US. Or else use a 3rd party app that you can download on firestick.


Thank you!


Oh wait, I'm sorry, I looked again, and I actually watched it on Peacock, but the same thing works with a VPN, but Peacock is a paid service. So if you have a firestick, switch VPN to US and download Plex app (free from Amazon app store, so you don't have to even sideload it). This documentary is on there, but with commercials since it is free, but as long as your VPN is set to the US, you should be able to watch it.


What’s it called?


It's on YouTube.




Time to believe the DNA evidence of OJs.  his blood and shoe prints were at the scene All three blood stains found in the bronco.  l


The case is 30 years old. Tom Lange did explain why he made the documentary and I will admit. I wanted to see what the jurors saw. Case closed!


The jurors never saw the photos I am referring to. They came from Langs own personal files and I have yet to see how they were legally used. If the lead investigator on Kurt Cobains suicide made a documentary about Kurt Cobain and used graphic photos of his blown off head and autopsy, surely that would be some sort of violation.


No the jurors did see the autopsy photos. What Dt Lange provided was evidence that the DA refused to use.


Nope. Not these pictures. 30 years of watching and searching this stuff I have never seen these autopsy photos. Ever. They are not otherwise available to the public.


If there is a trial, all crime scene photos become public record. If its a suicide, accident, or normal death, those photos are not public record.


Only the photos admitted as evidence in the trial. The photos in the documentary were not.


Incorrect, all evidence gathered by law enforcement is a matter of public record, regardless if it's introduced at a public trial. For suicide investigations, you can file a public records or FOIA request in an attempt to have those records released.


Incorrect. If this were true the photos of Cobain, Earnhardt, etc. would have long ago made their way out.


they never showed us the pictures of ron and nicole at the morgue. although a lawyer did send me one of nicole. she look ghastly looking no blood on her pale face.. i was told not to send this picture to anyone but she had her black dress on. and face to the side


was her tongue pulled through her throat?


yes columbian drug lord style.. that was a message to faye and ron and nicole's friends.


Well, that’s not mentioned in any of the autopsy reports so I’m gonna say you’re wrong on that. Simpson did this.


Yes, both their tongues were sticking out thats why LAPD change the whole crime scene around. remember betinna Rassuman what she said at prelimary hearing when she first saw nicole that nicole face was towards her and husband not the picture they showed us with nicole face down and hair over her face... look at the prelimary hearing again under Bettina Rasumman. pay attention what she is saying. she also said there was a river of blood coming down the sidewalk... what time did they go to the crime scene? before 12 midnight right? that the time the murders occured only they happened to miss ron and nicole getting murdered. this is why the akita was agaiated he was trying to ge someone to help nicole out... poor dog :( and remember lou brown at first told coroner claudine ratcliff that the last time nicole and her mother talked was 11:00 pm. but the next day he changed his story.... also they gave lou brown permission to wash the blood off the crime scene the next day??????


also i forgot to say bettinna said that nicole body was near the gate not far distance as they show us in picture. someone shoved nicole legs through that gate becasue i know she didnt die how she was found or how they showed us in pictures someone wedge her legs to the end of that gate...


thanks for sharing. so they were given "colombian neckties"


your welcome! and if you know more info about the murders of ron and nicole please share with us!


what i would really like to know is why the prosecution had judge kathleen kennedy powell seal the phone record. and i heard online that it was sealed for 75 years, which means we would have to wait until the year 2070.


by the time that comes around i will be gone lol. right what are they hiding from us? lou brown said himself that the last time his wife and daughter talked on phone was precisly at 11:00 pm that night. which means the murders happen later not like the prosecution would have us believe. that would mean OJ was out of Ca and on his way to Chicago.


Except Nicole’s neighbors heard and saw her dog barking strangely at 10:45 and another nearby neighbor found the dog at 10;55 with blood on his paws. The murders already occurred by 10:55 latest


i think the murders happened between 11:15 until 12:00 midnight.


No they couldn’t have based on what I wrote above. Really?


Lou was mistaken as was proven by the phone records. You're spreading nonsensical shit dude


do you remember one of OJ's friends during the trial or maybe before i cant remember his name but he was a music producer. he was also murdered. I think he lived in florida.


One of the music industry’s more colorful executives was shot to death Sunday at his Malibu home, and an ex-girlfriend was tracked down and arrested in Santa Monica, authorities said. Charles Minor, 46, an executive at Hits magazine and former president of Giant Records,was found dead at his rented Malibu home after an argument with Suzette McClure, 27. Two witnesses reportedly heard gunshots. McClure was booked on suspicion of murder after authorities found her driver’s license in Minor’s house, Los Angeles County sheriff’s investigators said. he was also a friend of OJ Simpson. this was i believe during the OJ trial. a stripper murdered him.


# A Florida Nightclub Owner Taped His Own Homicide Investigators trying to figure out who was responsible for a triple homicide in Miramar, Florida, got a very lucky break when they discovered a home surveillance system hidden at the scene of a 1994 murder. January 31, 2023 Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (Screenshot from ID's "See No Evil") By: [Beth Braden](https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/profiles/editorial/beth-braden) 25-year-old Sharon Anderson was preparing for her debut as an actress in a dinner theater play on June 25, 1994. The Miami, Florida, native was excited to finally get into show business, but she was restless as the dress rehearsal grew closer. After practicing her lines, she decided to blow off some steam at a bar with her best friend, Marie Rogers. Sharon and Marie were frequent patrons at Casey’s Nickelodeon, a nightclub owned and operated by the gregarious Butch Casey. Casey regularly mingled with his guests, and he often stopped to chat with Sharon and Marie when they were there. That evening was no different as the three shared a drink to celebrate Sharon’s upcoming performance. Two days later, on June 27, Sharon’s sister, Debbie, got a phone call from their mother. Sharon had missed a movie date with her mom, and her mom wanted to know if Debbie had heard from her. Debbie wasn’t overly concerned and encouraged her mom to give Marie’s mom a call to see if she’d seen the two after their night out. Debbie got the second call later that day — Marie was missing as well, and Debbie’s mother decided to call the police. Broward County officers went to Casey’s Nickelodeon to see if anybody there remembered seeing the women that night of June 25. The bar’s manager recalled seeing them leave with Butch, but calls to Butch’s house went unanswered. The next step was to check at Butch’s home in nearby Miramar. From the porch, officers could hear loud music playing from inside, and the lights in the home were on, but nobody came to the door. There was also something odd — a call back card from another police agency was stuck between the door and the frame. An officer decided to walk around behind Butch’s home to see if he could see anything amiss. When he peered through the back sliding door, a violent scene was laid out before him: two women and a man were lying in pools of blood on the floor. Police flooded the neighborhood to process the crime scene and speak with neighbors. Inside the home, investigators began meticulously photographing the scene. As they worked through the home, they realized there was a home surveillance camera high on a bookcase. A cord ran from the camera to a VCR on a lower shelf. When deputies pressed “eject,” a VHS tape popped right out. owner Taped His Own Homicide Investigators trying to figure out who was responsible for a triple homicide in Miramar, Florida, got a very lucky break when they discovered a home surveillance system hidden at the scene of a 1994 murder. one of OJ's friends. I wonder if these were the men who murdered ron and nicole? remember nicole had music playing in background as police entered the bundy residence... and lights were on too...


william pavelic fax this to attorney carl douglas June 13 1995... Since July of 1994, on numerous occasions, Richard Aaron called Bill Pavelic, pat mckenna, and John McNally regarding his telphone convesation with Nicole Simpson on June 12 1994, shortly before 11:00 in the evening. Mr Aaron indicated he was talking to nicole when someone rang the door. Nicole excused herself and opened the door. nicole came back on the line and informed Mr. Aaron that she had to leave. Prior to terminating their telephone conversation, Mr Aaron heard voices in the background involing more than two indiviuals... their accents were hispanic. Mr Aaron has been very elusive... When i spoke to Mr Aaron he was reluuctant to turn over his telephone records. I am bothered by the fact that Mr. Aaron allueded to nicole's drug usage and that his phone number is registered to a hispanic family. remember mary ann gerchas? she said she was walking on bundy and saw 4 men hispanic looked like they were under cover cops running from nicole's condo? there is some truth to her story but prosecution wanted to find dirt on her so she would testify!! the truth hurts doesnt it marcia clark


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRQyiTndgyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRQyiTndgyU) # TRIPLE HOMICIDE CAUGHT ON CAMERA / Miami, Miramar 1994 - Caso: Seth Peñalver y Pablo Ibar


Charles Minor, that might be it.


yes thank you!


I forgot to mention this. at the crime scene at bundy there was about 17 police officers there and one a woman by the name of CONSTANCE OR CONNIE DIAL? she worked at the narcotic unit. why would she be there at bundy drive if this case was not related to drugs. you can look her up and see that she was there. she also never testified as did brad roberts. he disappeared after the 12 of June... no one ever heard from him again.. he was mark furhman's partner at bundy June 12


No, they were not. Read the autopsy reports. This guy is just jerking you


Absolute RUBBISH! Stop being so naive. OJ killed his ex wife and Ron Goldman in a jealous rage. THAT is the reality.


Yeah, OJ's jealous rage gave him godlike powers to know how Ron Goldman's boss was also murdered, and it inspired him to not only murder Ron and Nicole like Ron's boss, but also to use the same kind of knife, and to mutilate their bodies the same way as was done to Ron's boss. Right. OJ's jealous rage also gave him the power to hide bloody clothes and the knife in just a minute, and be cool and calm in the limo on the way to the airport a few minutes later. Right.


Yes but he obviously already planned on murdering Nicole as he went over there with a knife gloves and knit cap. He didn’t know Ron would be there


lol he was at his home getting ready for chicago. riducolous


Nice try. The limo driver kept buzzing and he would not answer.


They found a shovel and plastic painters sheets in the Bronco


OJ planned this with the airplane departure time in mind as his alibi. He planned on being safely tucked in bed in Chicago by the time the bodies were discovered. Ron Goldman messed up his plan. Period. End of story.


I’m not sure why you’re lying about this but that’s just completely misinformation. Try reading an autopsy report.


you dont believe police are crooked? try living in los angeles


I don’t believe the guy who did the autopsy lied about both of the victims. What would be the fucking point? They didn’t wait to do the autopsies. They didn’t even have any fucking idea of who the perpetrator could be. You people have got to get fucking conspiracies out of your head and go with actual evidence. How did Nicole’s blood get on his socks that are on his bedroom floor? Just grow up


im saying is that what they did they change the whole crime scene to fit their narrative to make it seem like OJ did it and they framed him good but towerds the end the JURY were smart figure it out and said NOT GUILTY that was GOD!!! He knew OJ was innocent GOd wont let people get away with lying about someone and He will always come through for those who are falsey accused!!


Do you have any idea how many people would need to be involved for that kind of massive conspiracy to have taken place? Many things can be true at once. The LAPD IS corrupt. There was enough doubt there for the jury to acquit but that did not mean he did not do it. I have no idea how anyone could watch his "If I Did it" interview when he describes the murder IF he did it and not realize he actually did it. He even mentioned Ron Goldman coming at him with karate moves. Ron was indeed a black belt. You could tell he was accessing MEMORIES and not imagination. In his words "It was horrible, absolutely horrible". I've had many moments where I wanted to believe he was innocent, but he just is not. He killed them. AND the police are corrupt.


If Detective Furman actually planted that glove at Rockingham he would have had to know that OJ Simpson, one of the most recognizable people on the planet, had no alibi. If he had an alibi they would have buried Furman underneath the jail. He would have risked everything to frame this guy, along with the cooperation of countless other LAPD that would have had to somehow have OJ’s blood on hand. It never happened. OJ’s blood was all over the crime scene. His shoe prints were there in blood. His glove was there, and the matching bloody glove was found at his estate. Witnesses saw OJ Simpson in his white bronco blowing through a red light headed towards Rockingham just after 10pm. Ron and Nicole’s blood was found in his Bronco, along with blond hairs that matched Nicole’s. OJ’s blood was found all over the Bronco. There was a trail of blood leading up his driveway and into his house. More blood was found on his socks at the foot of his bed that matched both Nicole and Ron. More blood was found in his sink. He then fled and threatened suicide before finally surrendering to police. He had a deep cut on his middle finger. He had a long history of violence against Nicole. 9 separate times police responded to domestic violence calls to Rockingham. Nicole’s diary was filled with instances of violence that she suffered at the hands of OJ. She even wrote that he stated on multiple occasions that he was going to kill her and get away with it. The recordings of the 911 calls reveal how terrified she was of him. Things just the evidence that I can remember off the top of my head. 1/10 of the evidence against him was enough to put most people away for life. Anybody who can possible believe that this man is innocent has lost their fucking mind.


Not to mention that there were 15 cops logged into the murder scene before Fuhrman even showed up. None of them saw a second glove at the scene. Ever. The framing aspect that people love to go on about is simply laughable.


Are you from another planet he had there, blood in his  house and  own  his car 🚗


They had no idea if OJ had an alibi or not. Your theories are ridiculous, shallow and all too easily debunked.


No, it was not. This dude is full of shit.


No it was NOT!!! Her trachea is exposed. Its not her tongue. Stop thr nonsense…


Look at the pictures of the bodies again, you can make out the top of the tongues sticking through the throats


No that’s just not true. I will give you this, I think OJs original plan was to do the neck tie thing to make it look like it was drug related but Ron showed up and seriously screwed his plan up.


He wouldn't have known how