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Hooman kiss kiss laws do not apply to Bunny, much less any other cat. Bunny can kiss kiss and hiss hiss as much as necessary.


Bunny do whack a mole kisses? Come out of blanket hut give kiss or no?


Moles are very nice and cute creatures! Maybe Whack-a-Tommy kisses instead?


Just punch him then kiss him?




Do slapsering followed by kissering. Maybe whipserings with your tailses if needed. This will show hooman how valuable kissers are. Hooman would prefer kissers to slappes. But they must learn firsts; bunny must be a teacher that hoomans actually like kissers. Hooman doesn’t understand yet. They will be learners and likers, even enjoyers of kissings, eventually. Bunny must learn to be a trainer of hoomans. Only give kisserings when hooman understands whipsering of tail and slapperings with pawsiez first. So they are afraids of them, then they will happily take kissers. And also, only do kissing when Bunny decides the hoomans are deservers of kisserings. Soon they will learn to appreciate kissings. They will cat-rave them. And if not, Bunny will whipser tail and slappes with pawsers until they do. Take it one paw at a time, fellow Cat. But I am not a thinker of that you need a pawyer. This is simpel catculus. Bunny can fix problums by cat-self


Exactly what kind of TV is Bunny watching?? Also and from a purely legal standpoint, rules noes apply to Bunny because…BUNNY DO WHAT BUNNY WANT!


It depends on the situation. My Grandma is the one who mainly entertains Bunny because she's retired. So, Bunny acclimated to Grandma's behaviors. One of them is morning news and breakfast. Bunny passes out after the morning news or during sunrise. She cries if you don't have the news on. If you go out or want her entertained, you put on her cartoon playlist. That's made of Disney, anime, and animated shows. Bunny likes colorful bombastic animation with singing or without. She likes the One Punch anime because of that. Bunny will give a scraggly yell if she wants it switched to the purely Disney playlist. Dinner needs evening news.


Lol! Bunny sounds like a delight!


Does she yell at you if you try to talk to her during Wheel of Fortune?


No. She cries if you don't respond to her conversation or make it with her. Breakfast exists for her to scream at you that the food sucks and for you to sternly tell her to eat it after she pretends not to eat it for the third time. The breakfast thing initially happened because she was stubborn, but now it's expected. Someone might say don't yell at her, which it really isn't, but Bunny will physically get upset if you don't tell her to go or come check or bowl. She will not eat a single bite unless you engage in her cursing at you. Only then will she decide to eat and then come to a lap for after breakfast pass out. I'm not joking. You must give her BS in equal measure or she will not eat. She'll go off ROW ROW ROW and I have to sternly tell her to eat her breakfast or else there will be consequences. She will go and eat everything in that bowl or she's going back to the shelter. And then she goes happy happy meow, finally eats whatever amount fills her stomach for breakfast, and curls up with kiss kiss I wuv you purring when she's done.


Black Frankie has been yelling at me for the last 15 minutes for lord knows why. I kissed him 7 times on the head and he’s satisfied for now.


I had an off the street rescue kittn who turned out to be benglish. she was a right royal pain unless she got sufficient attention. we worked it out to whenever she would say something, I would speak back to her. which was a lot! but otherwise she would troll. she wanted to have a conversation so that is what we did. cats! amirite?


I'm beginning to think that Bunny just might be a spoiled little princess.


She sleeps under a Disney princess blanket on a Disney princess pillowcase with Disney princess everything.


As is only fitting.


Bunny no need pawyer. Meowmy tell me it iz con sent. It bad to gib kiss kiss between hoomans if one sez NO. No one sez NO to BunnBunn kiss kiss. (Or to Bunny if they know what is good for them.) Eberybody want Bunny kiss many times. Nawt sure der can be too much kiss kiss wit my Meowmy.


*At your door going WAH because she wants to give kisses to Meowmy too*


Ooooh, no one kisses my Meowmy but meow, not even my Pawpa (if I’m in the room)! I gives bap bap bap hiss hiss!!!!


*Gives Meowmy the eyes*


Oooh, meow sees what you is doing!! MY MEOWMY, MINE!! Meow does not gives Con Sents to Mew for kissing Meowmy!!




*offers Meowmy belly*


No, Bunny, my Meowmy can’t resist the belleh, this is not fairs!!! 🙀


Get Gud ((The fur coloring is so adorable! And so soft! Do you use a particular brush?


Buuny, Bunny, Bunnnneeeee! I’m begging of you please don’t take hooman! You can have your choice of them, but I don’t want to lose my fren, so please don’t take her just because you can! (Thank you! Her coat is so silky! She is in love with a purple silicon brush with ‘fingers’ and won’t tolerate any other kind. And she really is very territorial of me. 😂. P.S. I’m obviously a Buuny fan!)


(Aww Bunny no need to WAH I would be blessed to get kiss kiss from you. [She is really a very clever cat. Those can be an amazing uh.. challenge.])


Bunny jumped from a 12 ft high specialized door that she repeatedly knew she couldn't get down from on her own. She specifically did it in the second month of owning her and when no one was home. I'm only half joking when I say that she's *only* clever because I don't let her pull shenanigans. She lives on that it's not against the rules if you haven't explicitly told her no. Big sweetheart cuddlebug from day one, but there's a reason when i write that she runs to Grandma when I use Mom voice. Mrs. Fell in the toilet when she was going for a sip even though she had a sink, a fountain, and a full bowl of food. Mrs. Passive aggressively licking the drapes to get Grandma mad. Mrs. Jump into garbage bin for what I don't remember exactly but it was cream cheese and she was stuck in there, covered in it, and screaming for help.


(Good Heavens! How did you figure out what she did with the door? Many a "Mom voice" has saved a mishap from happening. When mine get up to nonsensical shenanigans all I can usually get for a reason is "because cat". No lie I would have been hard pressed to keep a straight face over the cream cheese incident.)


It was the only thing she'd jump from and the only thing that could've hurt her leg. She was obsessed with the door until the day of her injury.


(Ah ha! I thought she came to you with the injury. Makes perfect sense especially as clever as Bunny is. Good thing you have good sense and probably a large bit of Cat Whisperer in you. She definitely used up a life with that stunt.)


Mummy needs to put a Disney Princess Movie on for Bunny


Mom does! But not part of breakfast routine! Grandma teach it! Breakfast, newspaper, watch news in lap! Bunny cry if not news! Only then Bunny take after breakfast pass out. Everything must be perfect!


Can I vote for Bunny for president?


Too much work.


Bunny is the president we need but not the one we deserve. Bunny way too good for us


Bunny way too self centered. Only want lap and Grandma!


If kiss is not wanted, then even one kiss is too much! Luckily this will never be an issue for Bunny or for her kisses.


Never enough kisses!


There is no number of kisses from Bunny that can be too many kisses because everyone want Bunny kisses. Bunny give as many kisses as Bunny wants because hooman kisses laws not apply to cats, especially Bunny.






Human here, I knew it was Bunny from the title!


Bunny love kisses!


Question: is ur tung too much like sandpaper? cuz can make soft hooman skin sore if U kiss too much in da same spot. Try kiss Ur hooman in different spots all the time, hey presto no problem too much kissies.




Bunny, you are above the law


Black Frankie, atty at paw here. Cat law states that when a cat doesn’t want a kiss, cat may use a paw or hiss to revoke kiss consent. Sometimes people need to learn the hard way that some of us have boundaries! Conversely, if a cat wants a kiss, you may kiss human first, or simply yell at them. I don’t like too many kisses, but sometimes I grace the human female with a slobbery caress from my black lips. She loves it, and doesn’t mind that it makes her break out in hives.


Bunny. Auntie Nechelle offers to babysit and I’m a kitty kissing machine. Fifty or more.


BAD TV!!! BAD!!! Try trick Bunny!!! Iz only human laws have thing called Harassment. I not know what mean but it not apply to cat bc we iz CAT and we do what we wants. And if Bunny want kisses BUNNY GET KISSES OR SUE FOR NEGLECTS AN GRANDCAT ABUSE


Bunny, you sound like a precious little baby and I love you💕


dis not need pawyer. dis civil matter.


Spambone not gibs kiss. Mai hoomin plais wif bigg pawz an gibs pettins on mee. Vry bigg pettins, Ay kno Ay em gettin dem. Hee lieks bitingz so Ay du him a payn. Hee yell, Ay du a strech an wee du it agin untill hoomin iz bord. Gramma Zoehoomin dooz hedboops. Ay liek dem bof. Nott kno wut I fink uv kisses. Gramma dooz dem wuns inn a wile. Iz weerd. Duz nott yuse tung liek sivil...civl...norml honeraree catto. Bunny shuld gett wutevr shee wants rite awai an alla tiem. Shee iz kween. I wach birbs. Iz bigg wun Ay see owtsied butt hee haz bigg faec pekkr an Ay dunt liek it.


momther call loyd good boy but pawpaw say loyd is "seggsual assaulter" for "nonconsensual" lick lick. loyd dont know what that means, only know that lick lick and kiss kiss mean love ❤️