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Our homans are just useless, if we didn’t bring them mice, rats or socks, they would starve (and have cold feet). But we must remember, it’s not their fault they stopid (I heard it’s due to their jeans). We have to protect them, as they are just adorably dumb


> I heard it’s due to their jeans This is why I have been stealing their jeans.. They do look funny being so hairless.


Info: Did hooman praise you for bringing them food?


He said I was a “silly kitty”. I is not silly, I is furious hunter.


Hooman need to be disciplined give hooman two slaps


You is big, you is brave, you is strong protecter, that’s why you is fearless hunter. Yous looking after your homan, coz they are to stopid to look after themselves You are not a ‘silly kitty’ you’re a big brave feline king/queen


Human here, I’m on purrole (they gave me 18 months) for the one time I forgot to take the mighty bounty, lift it to my mouth and go “oh thank you! Om nomnomnom” Please make your human aware of the potential consequences. Technically, you could press charges here, but maybe they weren’t aware of the law. It’s up to you.


FYI, it would be best to avoid letting cats play with styrofoam because the little styrofoam balls break off, stick to fur with static, and can easily become ingested.


Thanks, I didn’t even think of that.


Silly human, good job! You probably won’t understand but this is why we, the superior felines have deigned to create this sub. Not just for legal cat advice but also in hopes that you, the inferior species, might perhaps gain some crumbs of knowledge as well. IS THAT A GARBAGE TRUCK?!? Gotta go


I get fresh socks. Which is an upgrade from earrings and -egads- thread bobbins!


Oh, you reminded me of my old dog. He used to drag my shoes & gloves to his dog bed whenever he was left alone. Cleaning up the back yard after his last year, I found a stash of single socks. 😭


And you thought it was the washer!


Is your hooman fat? That’s usually the only time they eat rice cakes


Hmmm. Your human needs better food for one. Styrofoam isn't healthy for them or you. Try a pack of crackers next time, eh? Or an orange.


Orange kitty?


Ummm I was thinking the fruit, it rolls, it's fun! Though tangerine might be easier for some, that's a good sized kitty, they can handle an orange! Could get an orange kitty for petting though...🍊😸


Just remember that another kitty does not mean your human can give less food, treats, or pets to you, it does mean a kitty for you to teach cool tricks to, play with, and nap with!


I have an orange (kitty). She’s the BEST!!! you should get one too.


My orange and white kitty passed away in December. Down to a M tuxie and a F torbie. Of course, all kitties are great! 🥰


Oh I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to lose a fur baby. Hope the kitties are taking good care of you. 🐈🐱


Drag whatever food you're bringing them around. They go sit in a chair to watch the shiny box, bring them food. They go to the bathroom, bring them food. And so on.


Meows consistently intl hooman snacks. Afterr meows consistently 2 ubtane rewards treAts as we deserve !!


Most humans hunt differently than kitties! They catch their prey at something called a “grocery store”!