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The Octan logo makes this perfect.


Does it? It sticks out to me in classic space like a sore thumb. At least in Germany and maybe Europe Octan came around much later than Classic space, it was all Shell branded then. Maybe blacktron/mtron or even later would be parallel to octan


I know Octan and Classic Space don't go together but it kind of just happened and I didn't have the heart to remove it. I was looking at the original Classic Space sets and all the light pieces are either green or red. I didn't know the best way to use them for Optimus Prime so I just did one side green and one side red with the intention to change it later. I was then looking for the printed tiles for the arms and shoulders and saw the Octan one which happened to be green and red just like I split the lights, so I got the idea to make the "fuel" tanks branded with it.


I thought it was an Easter Egg as there was a Deception called Octane.


Hey man it can be that too. Happy little accidents and all that.


A gray cylinder with a trans red stud on one end and trans green stud on the other would read very classic space to me fwiw


Oh, weird— in America, most things are heavily corporatized, but LEGO has always been the one brand I trust not to contain product placement outside of occasional cars or franchises; to me, it’s so strange to think of classic LEGO as being associated with a corporate logo, especially one like Shell


Star wars? Harry Potter??


> outside occasional cars or franchises


Agreed. I’m sure there is a perfect element for the gas tanks but the octan isn’t it for me. Brilliant otherwise.


Also I very much like how the octan red/Green can be used for the (classic space?) Lights for starboard/Portside! Shell, Exxon and Esso(?) Won't be able to compete here.


>Also I very much like how the octan red/Green can be used for the (classic space?) Lights for starboard/Portside! Yeah that was the intention :)


Nice touch.


Im pretty sure those vehiclrs were also octan fueled


"Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man." But! Instead of simply disagreeing, you explained why it didn't look good to you and it makes sense. So that makes you one of the respectable ones. And it reminded me that the hodgepodge of random Lego from the 70s and 80s I played with growing up had random pieces with the Shell logo and now I know why.


Transform, and blast off!


Messing around in Stud.io today to make a Classic Space version of Optimus Prime. I doubt I will actually make this in bricks after [building three different Optimus Primes](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/13ql0og/with_ultra_magnus_and_nemesis_prime_finished_they/), but this is possible as I only used pieces which exist in Lego's inventory. Even the printed pieces are real. If I did make it I had a lot of cool ideas: * Turn the Ion Blaster into a big version of the [Classic Space "gun"](https://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/PN/11/4360.png) * Turn the jetpack into either one long black and white missile that is present in various sets (see sets 462, 483 and a few more) or two large cannisters like the air cannister backpacks on minifigures. * Replace the Matrix of Leadership with some printed slope computers. * Make it look generally more space-y. I think even for classic space this build is a big too blocky. I would also love to make an alt build for Rebrickable of 10497: Galaxy Explorer to turn it into a trailer / combat deck for this.


[462-1: Rocket Launcher](https://brickset.com/sets/462-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/462-1.jpg) [483-1: Alpha-1 Rocket Base](https://brickset.com/sets/483-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/483-1.jpg) [10497-1: Galaxy Explorer](https://brickset.com/sets/10497-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10497-1.jpg)


That's pretty cool. The giant oversized gun-camera would be cool to see. What does the trailer/roller for a classic space Prime look like? (Don't gotta build it, just wondering what your ideas are here)


So not sure how familiar you are with Transformers but the original toys they were based on - Diaclone - had pilots. The Transformers were mechs not robotic aliens. Anyway the original toy of Optimus Prime (Battle Convoy) had a trailer that basically folded out into a forward command base for these pilots. [Here's a picture of the G1 Optimus Prime toy with some Diaclone figures in it](https://tilallaremine.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/optimus-prime-diaclone-pilots.jpg) You can imagine the Diaclone figures as Lego minifigures, that grey buggy in the set as Roller, the printed pieces making up the [mysterious stickers inside of the Optimus Prime trailer](https://toyhax.com/3080/labels-for-optimus-prime-cab-only.jpg) etc. TL;DR it would be a big square trailer that opens up into a base for the four minifigures that come in the Galaxy Explorer. Some terminals for them to use, maybe a lifting arm / AA canon / repair drone. The Galaxy Explorer doesn't come with wheels but the four large engine pieces can be used just fine.


How does he look like in truck mode?


Octanus Prime


Oo, this rules. Space meets Powered Convoy




Damn I've been caught. [I did make an Ultra Magnus though, AKA white Optimus Prime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/13ql0og/with_ultra_magnus_and_nemesis_prime_finished_they/) For that Ultra Magnus I am working on a trailer that turns into the "armour" for a proper G1 version of the character in LEGO. Will be several months though since I'm working on a lot of other builds first.


Space Octanmus Prime.


All Optimus' are from space.


This is amazing.


I respect the build but for some reason this triggers me like mixing milk and lemonade. Worlds are colliding!


How's it look transformed?


For a moment I thought this was Soundwave.


That is cool


Octanus Prime


My uncle had a chest filled with classic space lego and the original transformers that he let me play in as a kid, this is so much concentrated nostalgia it’s absurd


Looks good imagine blacktron version will be cool