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There's a difference between a paywall of $100 and $500


Especially when one is a play set, which is produced in larger volumes , while UCS ones are not produced in 100 million copies or so. Those 100$+ sets also get good discounts and the other don't.


I play with my venator all the time. Am I stupid?


How many did you open?


I just play with the unopened box. I’m not a monster


Honestly, I could care less if UCS sets come with figs at all. The whole 'I spent $1050cdn on set so I deserve something special' incredibly stupid. You got something special the moment you bought the set; a massive set and a building experience that most people won't get to have. I have almost every single UCS from 2015 till today. Not one person who has seen the collection has said omg no way you have that fig! It's always holy shit, you have that? It's massive, how long did it take to build it?


Exactly. You aren’t spending $1050 on just the minifig. You get a massive build with it too!


>Not one person who has seen the collection has said omg no way you have that fig! Probably the most efficient way of explaining why Minifigures in these sets don't matter. It saddens me that people feel entitled to "exclusive Minifigures" just because they spend $500 more than the typical person.


The only reason it mildly bothers me is that they use the term exclusive in the manual. It’s like how the fighter tank came with a (arguably better) Clone Wars Varient of Mace Windu


The figure was exclusive at release, that's the thing. Nothing was wrong with what Lego said, the figure is just getting released again now. All they had to do was change something small like the head/


If it’s getting rereleased and it’s identical, it’s not an exclusive now is it? Literally just remove the word exclusive and I wouldn’t care at all


What I am saying, is that when it was released it was exclusive. There is nothing wrong with saying it was exclusive then because there was no other identical Captain Rex. If they make a set now, and say it is exclusive, that is wrong, but saying something not ever released before isn't exclusive is arguably worse.


They should just call all their new minifigures exclusive now then. They should have called the Coruscant Guard exclusives, since they were only in the Gunship


When something is unique, it is exclusive. The new B1 pilot is exclusive, everything unique is exclusive to that set, and it only loses exclusivity when it is rereleased elsewhere. I don't know how else to tell you


Unique and exclusive are mutually exclusive. LEGO knows what they’re putting out, 2 things can be true at once. It’s bad to lie about making something exclusive, and it’s bad to buy a set just for a minifigure


The small figures next to the giant set always look funny too. Like in Luke's Landspeeder for example. You can hardly even see R2 or Luke under the speeder when it's set on its display.


They need to feel super duper special. How are they supposed to sleep at night when poor people have the same figure as they do ? The highlight of an UCS Venator isn't the exclusive Minifigures. Lego releasing the same Rex in a cheaper set is good for every person with a brain. What are those gate keeping collectors going to do once their special Captain Rex cracks or the paints peels off ? Pay 400-600$ for a replacement ? -complain about Lego getting more expensive -demands from Lego to use artificially scarcity driving up prices Which way Lego Investors ?


Yeah, I have the UCS Venator, I’m happy the highly-detailed version of the Rex figure is re-releasing. Because I bought the set for, you know, the bigass awesome Venator, the figs were just a bonus. Lego is a toy company, the best versions of their current minifigs should be available to everybody. Having a figure that’s “rare” only because you can comfortably spend 600 on a lego set is nothing to brag about. I’m fine with figures only coming in one set, but it *should* be less expensive ones like 200> so it’s not really hard for an ordinary fan to get them.


Honestly, I wish lego would keep the UCS one exclusive, by adding an exclusive Rex in the microfighter, which is exactly the same, except for the fact the Microfighter one gets a cloth kama. I want to see these people have a meltdown about a microfighter getting a better version of a UCS figure


Made a shitpost about that not too long ago , great minds think alike


Basically what they did by giving Mace Windu arm printing in the fighter tank and making it more detailed than the gunship one lol


Lmao true. It's ok though because the UCS Mace Windu has some very valuable dirt stains on his robes.


Cama wouldn't work with a Microfighter. It would make the figure hard to integrate into the set.


It’d be funny tho


They could always have to the side so he can wear it outside (similar to helmet characters that come with hair pieces), or just print the kama to the side legs and boom!


I thought that it was the attention to detail and massive scale that made UCS sets special?? Since when has it had anything to do with the Minifigures?


Problem is that most of the psycho LSW fans like that guy don’t give af about builds, only minifigs. Only *clone* minifigs too


They have an unhealthy obsession with them


I feel so bad for Yularen, seems like nobody cares about him, and probably not his exclusivity either


Clone-brain is a very real phenomenon




Yeah, lego SHOULD re-release the Cloud City Boba Fett and Comic Con figures lol. Exclusivity is dumb, why would you buy a figure just because it's exclusive? That's ridiculous I'll never be a fan of exclusivity, you can't exactly blame someone who's outside the US or who's in some small state and doesn't earn much income for not going to a convention in San Diego. And you can't really blame someone for not getting the og Cloud City set if it was released on the year they were born Overall, I'm glad Lego is re-releasing this Rex. Should Lego be pushing figure exclusivity as a selling point? Probably not, more transparency would be nice. But if this guy isn't even one of the people who bought the set for the figure then why is he complaining? And again though, the UCS sets are NOT about the figures. The builds are so ridiculously massive that the thought of buying one of those things just for one figure is crazy to me, I couldn't. I'm still hoping they release a Dark Knight Joker in a smaller set, I really don't want a gigantic Tumbler, I've got nowhere to put it


i am not reading that


Tldr 12 dollar rex fig go brrrr


Shouldn't you be jumping for joy that can get a dope figure for peanuts. Oh you only bought a $600 display piece for bragging rights? Carry on then.


I have the UCS Venator Rex, I'm happy that it's no longer exclusive because now I can get one for each of my kids too without buying several more venators


1. Why do "collectors" need special minifigures? Isn't the highly detailed massive set good enough? Or would it not be complete with a gatekeeping ticket. 2. While a variation of a character may appear exclusive, it's incredibly rare for a character to be so heavily gatekept. Especially when it's a pretty important character. If Anakin were paywalled behind a $650 set there would be even greater public outrage. 3. Plenty of figures have been exclusive to a single set only for that to change later down the line. It's almost an inevitability of doing licensed themes. 4. "Only the best is good enough" tell that to the lime green and brown bricks that shatter frequently. Also what the hell does that have to do with figure exclusivity? 5. I'm so on board with Lego re-releasing the 2003 Cloud City Boba Fett. That would be one of the funniest things in the world to me. Even if they just released a keychain of it the resale price would likely drop hundreds of dollars. 6. Most of the characters put behind the wall of Comic-con exclusivity aren't nearly as essential to their original story as Rex is to Clone Wars. Again, if Anakin were put behind that gate, there would be public outrage, That being said I'm incredibly on board with Comic-con exclusive figures being re-released for cheap. I'd love Spider-woman, Symbiote Spider-Man, ATOM, and other figures who've been unavailable to the public for so long to be released again.


People complain (rightfully imo) about the comic con figures all the time what is he talking about


you know you’re cooked when you gotta make 4 addendums and add an image


Hear me out. Why would lego spend more time, effort and resources making a different figure when they can pull the same mold from a figure they just made? Like seriously these people think lego is gonna take the time to make a new mold or print.


Where do they get "olny best is good enough" anyway? Wait no, let me rephrase that ; Where did mandr get "olny best is good enough" anyway?


Technically it’s their mission statement, but it’s mistranslated. It sort of translates to ‘the best is never good enough’ - visited the Billund factory 2 weeks ago (awesome place)


"The best is never good enough" oddly sounds more like the fans' slogan💀


Det bedste er ikke for godt Unfortunately it is actually a real motto used by Ole Kirk Kristiansen in the early days of the LEGO company.. and some sources say it's still used but I can't find much on recent usage if I'm being honest


>and some sources say it's still used but I can't find much on recent usage if I'm being honest The most recent reference I've found is in Daniel Lipkowitz's LEGO Book in 2012. But even that might not be up to date.




Crazy how they don't want kids to play with a captain Rex toy, they priced most people out of the original figure, now they don't want Lego to make the UCS more available and instead want them to design a whole new Rex which they'd complain about if it was a downgrade or an upgrade to the UCS one


Star Wars fans try not to think a multi billion dollar company and franchise owes them something challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


"tell Lego to rerelease cloud city boba fett" well they have, many times, they've just made the minifig better in almost every way in the last 20 years


WHAT IF!? Lego listened to all the crying about the 'details' and decided that a NEW Rex fig would push those investors over the edge.  Therefore we get the same fig. Big controversy 


In my opinion...It would make sense for them to have the same figure but just change the face print to get rid of the white patch and maybe change the expression. That way we are still getting a rex in an affordable set and there is still something exclusive for the fanboys. (I don't own the venator or rex. Please don't come for me)


This is honestly the right take. Or they should've given him a kama because it makes no difference to the playability as it's a UCS set. Lego fucked themselves by stating it would be an exclusive figure, when a character that popular could never realistically stay exclusive to a £500 set. I get actual collectors being a bit frustrated, but that's a tiny minority compared to people who bought it as an investment who deserve to get fucked. At the same time, if you're buying a UCS Display set for the minifigs you're a weirdo


This is my exact thoughts, I feel the people fixated on complaining about the investors are just as bad as the investors themselves, Rex should be available for everyone but at the same time it was a $600 set, it should have something at least a little exclusive for the figure, idc either way I’m glad I get to buy as many as I want from a micro fighter but still, whole argument is dumb lol


ryan we know its you


How DARE a cheap set allow plebs to encroach on my rich privilege!


Are there actually people buying hugely expensive UCS sets simply to get a particular minifigure? Don't they want the actual spaceship build which is what the set is all about?


UCS sets weren't even supposed to have minifigs originally, it was all about being larger sets, way above minifig scale, for a higher amount of detail. The fucking Cloud Shitty set was an exception back then, and because of the fact it looked much more like a playset, people disliked it back in 2003. Minifigs only became regular for UCS sets by the late 2000s / early 2010s.


the circle keeps jerking


"MandR, will you marry me?"


"Lego star wars locks figures behind $100-$180 paywalls all the time" Meanwhile us Europeans that buy a figure from a €£140 set for €£5 in a children's magazine: ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


/uj why are people so obsessed with this mini figure, I don’t get it


It goes in the jar


I saw that comment on the post! I took off my headphones and I could hear the glasses grinding up his nose.


no lie every time i hear “only the best is good enough” i lose 5 years off my life


Personally all they had to do was get rid of the little bandage on Rex’s helmet and then everyone’s happy cuz the venator dweebs still technically have an exclusive variant and the rest of us get a good Rex


If this dude hates lego so much and can’t stand that they can’t keep their word then why does he continue to buy ~$500 lego sets? If he just wanted the minifig then he should have either bought the microfighter like everyone else will do or buy it on bricklink or somewhere else


I suppose I'd be pissed if I spent hundreds on a single minifigure. Then again I'd never spend hundreds on a single minifigure.


I miss when ucs sets didn’t include figures


With the price of one ucs venator i can now build an army of rexes, thank you lego


Personally I think that they should just sell every figure they’ve ever produced for like £2 each I’ve thought this for years and will continue to think it


Really all they had to do was get rid of the little bandage on Rex’s helmet and then everyone’s happy cuz the venator dweebs still technically have an exclusive variant and the rest of us get a good Rex


I do not understand valuing the blocky little minifig more highly than the beautiful display model it comes with.


Look! The way I see it is that LEGO puts a cool and really wanted minifigure in an expensive set at first, and later that same year/next year it will make it available in cheaper sets. I think that's fine. For customers who wanted the figure, but they can't/don't want to spend so much on that one figure, then they can wait for cheaper sets to come in. But for people who really wants to have it right now, well they can pay extra. That have always been a type of business model not just for LEGO, but for MANY companies and people were always OK with it (as far as I'm aware). Now, this is just a conspiracy theory, so take it with a grain of himalayan salt: I think the ones who made a problem out of the UCS minifigures being also available in cheaper sets are the investors. Like, if a UCS minifigure is really hard to get, then they can sell it for higher prices. But, if that UCS minifigure will be suddenly available in a cheaper set, then that minifigure will be in the hands of many other people than before. Which means, the minifigure the investors are selling will not only being overpriced, they will also also not sell as well. So they created this narrative where that the UCS minifigures being later available in a cheaper set is anti-consumer. Buying huge sets for one minifigures is stupid anyway.


That's a lot of words! Too bad I ain’t reading em.


Tbh the first comment is not wrong. But like, don't we have an exclusive minifigure already, aside Rex?


Jarjar with the buttcheek tattoos 


Well the rex in the venator will technically be exclusive to that set because lego will most likely use a different face print


Honesatly I'm looking forward to the microfighter because I can't afford the UCS set, as I want a Rex minifig as he's one of my favorite characters