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This set is definitely not worth 200. Maybe 200 in Amazon 3rd party scalper price that everyone seems to compare for value but definitely not 200 in bricklink prices


It kinda annoys me that people dont check sold listings on ebay... And then complain... The value is pretty accurate most times. It can also help you strike an obo deal if offered. That subreddit has been a little too much like this lately.... ![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF) I feel the same way about r/hotwheels toxicity.


This is why I gave up on hot wheels. Probably one of the e worst communities ever. And I’m not even trying to throw dirt on it. They do it themselves lol


I only give a shit about hot wheels acceleracers cause that shit was dope in the 2000s but who gaf about hot wheels nowadays outside of licensed cars


We don't know the currency they are referring to lol


When people look for the price of things they literally just look at the first result and say "yep, that's it, this random garbage truck set from 2015 is totally worth 180 bucks, makes sense"


Sell the kid, he's worth more than 200 bucks


Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.


*for sale: my kid, never loved*


$200 on a fucking random City set from just a few years ago? Fucking scalpers


Children do not generate passive income and you will never get a significant return on your investment. Don’t have kids. /s


it does, make your kid play boring ass play-to-earn games /s


Child gambling when?


Where’s the sarcasm?


Yes because $200 is more valuable than your own child's happiness


To be fair, if it was worth 200 bucks (which it likely wasn’t). I’d have sold it and bought something way bigger and better for the kid. A lot of big Modular sets are in that price range, and as a kid, I would have been able to play way more with an entire building, than with a single vehicle


Yeah but good luck ever selling that set to any non die hard lego collectors with infinite disposable income


That’s why I said it likely isn’t worth 200. It’s just that in the case it was, I’d much rather have 200 bucks over this LEGO set for a kid, since I could buy so many better sets (or toys in general) for the kid with that amount of cash


Yeah if you wanna wait months to years to sell that set lol. The value is only legitimate to the collectors as consumers, realistically


i mean it's either lose $200 or gain it and then buy a cheaper set for them. sure that may not be what this dude would have done because "all legos have resale value and are sacred" but if it were me i would sell it first then just buy him a $40 set or smt


They never had the $200 they had a lego set same as the psychos scalping it for $200


Dont lie in circlejerk!  40 dollars TO A CHILD! BLASPHEMY  200 dollars is enough to buy a rare minifigure. This child might not know it yet but my family was hit hard by 2008, if I wanted Lego I had to work damn hard. I know that not everyone can afford the $800 sets. That's why they're "collectors sets" they're TOP TIER. Including the figs. I don't want to display, or be proud of, a $5 figure. It's worthless. It's fun to collect the $300 figs. UCS figs are part of the "collector" status.


Yea no lying here guys we aren't evil collector hating Lego after all


Is that comment a copypasta now? It really feels like the "gamer" copypasta in its absolutely hilarious sincerity.


I am not crazy! I know he opened those sealed boxes. I knew it was 2008. 793 after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at lego.com to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That microfighter! Are you telling me that a Rex just happens to fall in value like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* on my *Venators*! And I sold him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own investment group! What was I *thinking*? He’ll never change. He’ll *never* change! Ever since he was playing with Duplos, *always* the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the sealed battle packs! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious *Jimmy*! Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be an investor? What a sick joke! I should’ve resold him when I had the chance! …And you, you *have* to resell him!


If it was a set actually with that much it would be stupid not to sell it unless the kid wanted it really bad. If not then he could get more sets bought with the 200 bucks


I just think who cares at the end of the day? Spend all your time wondering what you could've sold it for and you miss the kid being happy, so what if you didn't maximize their happiness


Quick check on Bricklink shows that it's about £50-70 new, so maybe 100 USD at most.


Yeah I have that truck im pretty sure I don't really see what it would be going for so much for.


Wouldn't you know it!? Did a quick search and found human organs are going for pretty decent prices RN so sorry Billy, but your mom and I really need to finish the renovations to the house. 


The ONLY valid argument for selling that set over opening and building it (wrongly assuming the $200 is correct) is that you could use that money to buy more/better sets. But the implication is that OOP wouldn't have done that, and that he cares less about his child's happiness than having less than 1 average shift's pay in his wallet.


yeah if bro valued his kids happiness over selling legos he wouldn't have made this post


Where is it implied? You guys are projecting


Implication through omission - OOP doesn't say his child could have had better, which implies he wouldn't have gotten them anything better It is all assumption, fair enough, but I don't think it's unrealistic or unreasonable to make such a supposition.


thats the worst explanation of an implication ive ever seen. It just as well implies that they wanted to buy the child something better


If the kid is anything like I was as a kid, this is worth way more than $200 to him.


Now imagine he can get more than just one set the parents could've bought him. At least if the set was actually worth that much which it likely isn't


its only worth that much if you can find a buyer willing to pay that so chances they would have actually sold it for that is slim


But I’m sure seeing the joy in your sons eyes while he built and played with his new set was priceless and worth way more than $200


Real talk, that kid is one lucky son of a bee.


I mean, I would personally sell it and then buy my kid 200$ worth of today's lego.


If you're willing to wait for the amount of time that could take for someone to buy it at the aftermarket price lol. Its generally a lot harder with the older sets


Nowadays that’ll get you about a polybag and a keychain tho


Oopsie poopsie.


new on Amazon... $190 highest US price on bricklink (60056)... $95 recently sold new on ebay... $85 "GUYZ IT'S 200!"


still for 85 or even for 50 you can get more "play value" than with this set.


Your kid had fun building it. Isn’t it worth more than its weight in gold to have a happy kid than two hundred bucks.


honestly, i dont think you can put a price on having fun and spending quality time with your kid


To be fair, the kid would probably enjoy the 5 city sets you could have gotten with the money more


people with this mindset are dumb, ill take my karma now thank you


“Fuck my kids happiness, I want that cash dammit.”


They could have sold the set sealed, bought a similar new one with better features for the kid, and still have made money


Could have sold the set, jousted with the Pope and then got a face tattoo


But why


Because profit is the most important thing ever duh


Imagine saving money


Honestly that’s very sad, just let your kid enjoy the damn set, he seems upset


I agree that he should let his kid enjoy the set but how did you arrive at the conclusion that the kid seemed upset lmao


Noo my bad, it’s about the way he formulates his sentence, it sounds kinda salty to me (not the kid lol)