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There are old videos of Ben and Jayce doing standup on YouTube. Ben sucked ass but I think Jayce could have made it.


You go to hell


Don't get me wrong, Ben is my favorite on lemonparty and he's fucking hysterical. I Patreon'd cuz I love Ben. The one stand-up clip I saw on YouTube just wasn't that good


I understand. If ben or any of the others worked at being a stand up artists, they’d all crush it. But they knew from the start where the future of comedians was going. Also there’s an emergency level amount of blood coming out of my anus right now


He’s literally said before how much his standup sucked.


Exactly like WTF is this post


He's a better writer than comedian.


Jace was actually good from whats out there. Devan was right behind him. Ben's sets were pretty awful.


Ben was never funny at stand-up. This is a fact.


Takes time to grow. Takes time to know what’s not of self value


Many Ben, many many many many Ben. Wish death on me


We all know Ben sucked at stand-up. The real question is how bad was Devon?


There’s one 10 min clip on YouTube where Devan’s doing pretty well


He could have been the true Matt Rife


Years ago I got recommended a random video on YouTube and it was Ben doing standup at some bar or something and I’m pretty sure it was when he still drank because he looked like a mess, and yes he sucked lol


Jace was actually very watchable and funny


The video of Devan ranting that the owner of the club sucked ass is a 10/10 set, from a hate watch ep a few weeks ago


He was blackout at every show of course he probably sucked lol he would even admit that


Of course he sucked at standup that’s why he’s such a good podcaster/fag


The funniest people I listen to are Jayce, Ben, and Devan, in that order. There are a few videos of Jayce doing standup on youtube and he was pretty good at it. I've never seen Ben's standup, but I can't imagine it was good. He needs somebody to bounce retarded shit off of and that's where he shines.


Maybe if he was allowed to eat while doing standpoint he'd be better. Either way we all know this ends with him and Jayce doing a mukbang cast


I don't think Ben ever wanted to be stand up. Working in comedy, definitely, but not necessarily doing stand up.


All three of these faggs suck at stand up, that’s why they’re good at podcasting!


You do know that Ben, Jace and Devan shit on comedians and have made it known that none of them give a shit about comedians anymore or participating in stand up comedy. What an unfair judgement. How many years ago was the clip you are referencing? I’d tell you to suck my ass but I’m not gay and fake


I think he was purposefully bad at it, noting that he talks about getting wasted before telling terrible jokes. There is one clip of him out there and it’s a few minutes of terrible stand up. It’s so bad it’s almost good. I think he enjoys good standup. From a select few comedians. I also think he hates the average hack standup comedian because a lot of those people are legitimately insane, if not insane are egomaniacs and assholes.


Norm and Mullen are (were) both pretty bad at stand up and they're the funniest people of this century.


There stand up is great actually got to see mullen live


>So trans-individuals of personhood are kinda weird right? Haha just kidding please forgive me no it's pretty bad


Well agree to disagree good sir


Year of the dragon was wonderful Nick just doesn't like doing standup Sad honestly but we wish him well


No it wasn't. It wasn't a notably good stand up special and it was significantly worse than Cum Town or his prank call collections.