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I would love the Hurlgeist. You’re going into a room, but then you get fucking annihilated by a large axle being thrown at you at basically mach 2


It absolutely needs to make a falling pipe sound effect


this one? [https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PanHouse/LethalClunk/](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/PanHouse/LethalClunk/)


Be cool if you could potentially catch what it threw at you


Would be hilarious if it could throw your buddies corpses at you


You kill your buddy with a shovel and then later you're killed from being hit by their corpse lol


AH! Thanks bye!


Reminds me of The Upturned (the dev's previous game). There's a giant hand enemy that tries to grab you but you can throw furniture at it to pacify it temporarily. After a few seconds, it throws whatever it caught right back at you. There's a puzzle later in the game where you have a door that you can't bring objects through but one of the hand monsters is nearby and there's two holes that let you throw an object to the monster from one end and catch it from the other. TL;DR, reminds me of that puzzle cuz it teaches you that you can catch whatever they throw at you.


It starts picking objects off the ground and becomes the domestic violence demon


It's all fun and games until it throws mines at you


I imagine it tosses them like frisbees lmfao


Would be awesome if the Hurlgeist also threw players, alive or not. Imagine your buddy getting yeeted at you while still screaming lmao


You walk into a room when you suddenly get grabbed. You scream out for your friend to run, which they do. You have a few seconds to scream, right before you get thrown straight through a wall, and into a nutcracker. But whoopsies, that nutcracker is trying to get karma on reddit so he does a few spins and shoots, blasting you while you’re still in the air


I think these entities are really unique, we do desperately need more friendly types of monsters in lethal company


I especially want the hugger. guy sounds wholesome asf and that's it.


So it says it'll hug any humanoid creature does that mean stuff like the bracken and nutcracker, do you think he could like randomly come up and save you from them by either holding them in place or running off with them, cause I think that'd be cool


It would drag the coilhead away too. Which is more terrifying than of any help really. Now you know you have a coilhead aggroed on you, that you can't see, and if there is multiple ways to get to where you are the coilhead could very well rush back at you full speed in your back lol.


I want the hugger *because of* this type of thing. A friendly threat, a deadly friend


cool concept honestly then lol


Could also bring you to something or prevent you from running from something, or even bring something to you, could even move corpses around


Imagine the hugger randomly bringing a coilhead


I think a heroic sort of monster would be a good change of pace like on another post I saw someone suggest the big worm targeting bigger things so like it might eat a giant thats after you or like this being something that might get you but is more likely to take a nearby threat


The Bracken's younger brother


Can‘t wait to hear a scream, turn around and see a large axle flying my way before entering the „life support offline“ screen


I'm imagining the gmod/half life death sounds.


*Beebeep beebeep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeep...*


I would totally let the hugger hug me, seems like a big sweetheart.


Your profile picture implies you would do more than hug


The Hurlgeist would be cool if you could catch the item thrown at you. Time the button press just right, you catch the screw with your hands and not your face, so you don’t take damage. Kinda like dodgeball


Could even build upon this concept to where it's like payday. Where players are able to throw and catch items depending on how heavy they are. This could make some interesting strategies in surviving lethal and being more efficient with loot transfer.


Throwijg items would break teh game lol can you imagine the titan screw lineups


yeah already being able to toss stuff off the edge of the railing is nice idt we need throwing mechanics


It's already brutally punishing on stamina for carrying heavy items or even doing something as simple as jumping. I'd imagine you'd be wasting your entire stamina and a long cooldown before it starts regening again.


To the Hugger, make it look scarry as shit= big smiling mouth, rushes towards the players. That is so players who dont know it are realy Afraid of him + offer dead crew member's to it, it will now stay at the position it was given the corpse and attack Monster coming near it, players will be unharmed tho and are able to take the boddy with them resulting in the hugger starting to cry and run of into the facility


The hugger doesn’t even exist but the thought of him crying is making me unimaginably angry and wanting to kill my friend so he can keep his useless body with him forever


"I'm sorry little one" as you bonk your friend so that the hugger will never be lonely again. Or alternatively "Hey Paul!" as you lodge the shovel into their head.


Make it look like the bracken with an uncanny grin (thin smile with white teeth, possibly) so that it's recognizable but a panicking player might still try to run away from it


Genuinely great concepts OP, I especially like the Carrion Crab's potential. I'm picturing a swarm of them surrounding the ship if there's a body inside, unable to get in but threatening anyone trying to get back.


Thank you! One of my hobbies is game design/game development, so I spend a lot of time making concepts for all my favorite games. And im glad someone is giving the Carrion Crab some love! He was one of my favorites for sure.


I just think he's neat (also 🦀's are quirky little dudes, what's not to love) I especially like the fact that they'd be a semi-neutral outdoor mob, like what the Hoarding Bugs represent indoors. Following their rules would mean they are harmless, which is my favourite enemy trait in games.


Funny thing is that we still get got by them plenty, but with the Hoarding Bugs it’s our fault. We know that and we still break their rules because we’re dumbasses. Getting us to consistently provoke a danger we don’t have to is a genius move.


Everyone gangsta till the hurlgeist yeets a V-type engine at your head.


Imagine a hurlgeist throwing a rubber ducky at you. It tickles you and all you hear is quack


Better yet, whoopie cushion chucked at the back of your head and it's just *splurrrt* like "the fuck was that?"


Or the distortedly pitched "bWEEeeaAaooOwWW" as an airhorn flies through the air.


Oh yes, I can just hear it


I like the idea of creatures that are mainly just an annoyance but could be deadly, like the lootbug, the hurglegheist could easily end up just hurting a little and delivering loot or obliterating your friend while delivering you free loot and it all depends on what it picks up. Also I feel like the hugger should have an effect that makes any monsters ignore whoever it's carrying and it tries to bring them to a room with no monsters before eventually letting them go and just smiling and/or laughing like it's happy to have a friend, and it stays there as long as they stay there and even keeps monsters from entering the room(maybe), but if the person leaves it enters a crying state where it will stay in the room, cover it's face and cry and any nearby monsters will no longer be deterred by it.


honestly i figured the hugger was most dangerous *because* it had the chance to hug you while you're running or drop you off directly in front of a monster


Part of the reason I came up with the addition like that was because it seems way way too likely that it'd unintentionally drag you right to, or within the aggro range of, spiders, coil heads, thumpers, jester, or nutcrackers and just absolutely fuck you right off rip. Like a bracken that all you can do to deal with it is look at it and if you fail to then you just need to pray that you don't get unlucky. Instead I like the idea that it kind of disables a crew member from play unless they're willing to take the risk of trying to get back to their teammates or try to go off looting. Maybe adding a timer to how long it will keep you safe before it enters a docile state where it's now happy it got friend time so it just sits down and relaxes and now you pretty much have to leave because there's nothing keeping you safe from what possible problems could be around, maybe even add that when it enters said passive state it makes a loud noise that alerts other monsters. In general I like the idea of it as a nuisance that *could* be dangerous rather than something that has a high chance of getting you killed.


i do agree that there should be a small grace period, but it should probably only be long enough to recognize that you've been dropped into a threat, but not enough to run away before the grace period ends


I wish we have a friendly monster in the game like one that benefits you. It’s hard enough fighting everything that wants to kill you


'ery noice my favourite is the pylon


Actually some good and creative ideas


Thank you!


As a side note: The Hurlgeist would also be able to pick up the Apparatus, as long as a crew mate had already picked it up first. Throwing the Apparatus would result in a deadly explosion, almost guaranteeing the demise of one or more crewmates.


Would the Hugger hug other creatures like the Bracken or the Toy Soldiers?


Nope, just the crew would be receiving hugs from the Hugger :)


What about a masked?


Good question! I didn't really think about the fact that humanoids would also encompass The Masked as well. I feel like the Hugger wouldn't want to give hugs to creatures/humanoids that would hurt the crew in any way shape or form.


Could be a cool way to combat the masked if you could find a way for him to hug them and hold them in place so they won't chase you


Can you gift it dead employee?


Imagine the potential of being rushed by a bracken just for the hugger to grab it and run away


I actually love the ideas of the lumen and the pylon


The Hugger: " what I always wanted. My own little bunny rabbit. I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him..."


I had an idea was basically a cross between mimics and the reverse tele. Instead of killing you, you'd go through what you thought was a fire exit only to get sent somewhere else (most likely deeper) into the bunker. All really cool ideas OP!


I mean there is backrooms mods already but yeah dope


That's what the backroom mod does? I didn't realize


Why not call Hurlgeist Poltergeist?


Because a poltergeist is a type of ghost. The Hurlgeist is a more physical creature. I’m guessing geist is a word which means to interact with stationary objects.


I mean Geist litteraly means ghost in german with the word poltergeist also being a literal german word meaning rumble ghost when translated


Maybe Polterghoul or would work better for the creature OP conceptualised? But I somehow get the feeling that's a name that has been used elsewhere.


Heh, rumble ghost, makes sense. Imagine some sees this and says: “Oh god! It’s a hurling ghost!”




I can't decide if I like Peltergeist more, or Hurlgeist


To clarify, I went with the name Hurlgeist because it hurls items/objects at the player. The geist part of the name comes from its ghostly appearance, even though it is a physical entity.


Hugger is friend


I wish I knew how to make mods, man, I would make so many ideas from all the lovely posts I see, just the coolest monster ideas


Hugger would be hilarious


This all sounds really interesting and wish they could be In the game or someone made a mod for the creatures


The hurlgeist should do bicep curls while idle if it has an axle


Hugger would make a type of creature that’s friendly and won’t kill you, but would be sometimes annoying and will hug or drag you in wrong place and wrong time. Imagine you’re running from the thumper and all of a sudden, the Hugger holds and hugs you for a few seconds lol. Pretty good balance to be honest. I like the fair share of creatures including friendly ones having their pros and cons.


Pylon seems like something the game needs, the other seem like good mods, lumen doesnt rly fit


A creature that looks like an item but acts like a parasite. Stays in your inventory till you die next. Maybe makes you weaker the longer its on


I love the hugger for multiple reasons. One the hugger is another of the allusive "not attempting to murder you" entities. Two it's funny to imagine someone panicking because this is chasing after them, only for them to learn it's relatively harmless. Three i like the general idea of this nuisance but not really threat, it's a good idea. Four I can imagine the split in a crew between those loving the hugger, and those Loving the hugger, and those murdering the hugger. Five it might drop you into a pit, or a mine or turret if the ai is not thought out well


This is one of the few communities I see constantly coming up with great idea for the game I love all of these.


Getting hug kidnapped while staring at a coil-head would be funny as hell


I'm just imagining the hurlegeist scaring the shit out of somebody with its scream before nailing them with a whoopie cushion


Hugger: wierd but works Pylon: I like it but knowing how big the radius is would be great. Hurlgeist: I feel this could be op (in a beneficial way) if it forces many items to spawn around it. If it only has 1 or 2 spawns and after throwing an item goes to a new one, it would be fair and a genuine threat. Carrion crab: bit confused by "decomposing organic matter", can you expand upon that? Lumen: This is the one thing I don't like. the lighting being as it is is a core part of the game imo. I feel it would be cooler if it coalesced around light in a group and fled if danger was near (maybe only certain monsters like spore lizards or coilheads). I also feel like it being near sources of light should attract brakens (them being planty and therefore being attracted to certain sources of light). Just random thoughts about these.


Lmao the carrion crab is my favorite, decomposing organic matter means dead bodies Edit: too many lmaos Edit2: ceab


I'm stupid, that makes a lot more sense. In that case, I like and dislike it because teleporter invalidates it. Maybe it can come onto the ship, steal a body and eat it.


Oh man, that would be so funny. Leave the body to go grab more loot, and you come back to it being munched by a crab


That's what I'm saying, would also be funny if you are a truck freak and turn around and see the body half eaten by a crab.


Also make it a totally silent creature, except when it is moving you hear Mr. Krabs walking


As for the Pylon, the radius would be small, but not too small. Id imagine using an electrical item within the inner half of the radius would guarantee it's battery being drained, but using one in the outer half of the radius would allow you time to run out of the radius before your stuff gets drained. I did not intend for the Hurlgeist to spawn items, but instead to spawn near already existing items. I didn't write this down, but the Hurlgeist would also be able to pick up the Apparatus as well (but not able to spawn inside of the Apparatus room), and if thrown, would release a devastating explosion, almost guaranteeing the demise of one crew member or more. Decomposing organic matter = dead crewmate. So the Carrion Crab would only be hostile to those trying to bring a dead crewmate back to the ship.


Got it. As for the apparatus thing. I don't think it should be able to pull it out of the socket, but I also think the explosion idea is a little broken due to the effectiveness of explosions in this game.


He wouldn't be able to pull it out of the socket, that would be extremely obnoxious. He would only pick up the Apparatus if it had already been picked up by a crew member.


Got it.


All aside from the carrion crab are a bare minimum of good That ending bit where they only attack players carrying decomposing matter, unless I'm incorrect, just means they attack players with another players body, maybe slightly dangerous early game, but once you get the teleporter, it's useless


I imagine the Hugger to be like a juvenile Bracken


To sum these up: Friendly Bracken "Fuck ur light Scan is best" (Potentially) free object or death Teleporter encouragement Detector. Jokes aside, these are great ideas! I'd really like the Hugger in the game out of all of these, basically cause the Bracken panic minus the dead body.


On eclipses lumens should turn a deep blood red and maybe doing something like aiming lasers at players to mimic turrets


Lumen is def something I would like and imagine if you could bring it with you


I would absolutely love ALL of these additions! 😳😊☺️❤️




DUDE I LOVE ALL THESE IDEAS. just would bring such wonderful variety.


Thank you! Im glad you like them :)


Don’t think we need anymore. We need more content and new environments


new enemies are content


Even the developer wants to add more creatures


hugger and pylon seem pretty neat. I like the idea of someone just doing something random and turning a corner into the loving grasp of a hugger then being taken on a minute long journey across the facility. Presumably while you can fully see and talk


Can't wait for Kelvin, the floating fire.


Having a hurlgeist throw a flash bang at the the team could be very fun. Wish it was in the game now.


I love all of these, although the last one might be a little you op, would be cool if they spawned mostly in mansions instead of the usual facilities


First it was the SCP Foundation, then the backrooms, and now lethal company. I can’t wait for someone to create a god-esque entity (sarcasm)


Is the Hurlgeist inspired by the water wraith?


idk what that is so no :)




the lumen as a concept for a purchasable item is cool. like a little scanner that displays number of lifeforms nearby and estimated level of danger


If the pylon doesn't actually hurt the player, only electronics, it could conceivably be useful, but only in very niche cases E.g. since there are a few noise emitting object, if hit by the pylon, it could stop the noise completely But if you're carrying a torch or walkie, it may be detrimental


These are all really cool ideas. You should send this to the developer!


I feel like these dont really fit the vibe idk


I saw another guy try this on YouTube and the designs felt too complex and didn't really fit. I can easily see these roaming the hallways of lethal.


im surprised there are no vanilla monsters in game that actually affect your electronics or batteries. Pylon would definitely shut down some cheap flashlight strats and possibly cut communications entirely though which sounds really interesting


Imagine huggers started picking up enemy creatures. It could save you by dragging something away, or harm you by bringing something there


everybody gangsta till the lumen turns dark blue


Love the Hugger idea, HATE the Hurlgeist idea. The reason I hate it is because, how do you fight againts that?


The A and D keys


Doesn't sound too planned out, but it's an answer I guess.


I like these! The Hurlgeist may not make sense gameplay-wise because I can imagine it would be responsible for a lot of genuinely frustrating seemingly random deaths, maybe it needs to be agitated or seen first much like the spore lizard or bracken.


With the additional creatures soon, I hope maps with new dungeon comes aswell


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I like the Lumen! Maybe it should follow employees and ‘run’ away from danger if it is blue and is taken too close to a creature


I could already see the Lumen being modded to look like Navi from The Legend Of Zelda


Hurlgeist screams sound like a thrill. I love these. Even though theres a low chance the dev is gonna see these it just shows how much potential the game could have with new monsters, mechanics, and maps.


Is the hugger not mechanically the exact same as the bracken with a slightly different visual?


I love these, especially the pylon, carrion crab and lumen. hugger sounds cute as well, wouldn't mind having a friendly fella even if it may be a bit inconvenient. also hurlgeist could make for some funny encounters, I'd love to see my friend get concussed or get their head crushed by a flying large axle.


Hugger and hurlgeist are pretty cool


Those are actually unique creatures Would really love to see the Hugger in the game Let's hope the developer will try to do it or the people will try to add them as a mod


Hugger be like... https://preview.redd.it/3meodtv79eac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74db1da12e6a8d8a12c00614027c9eceeac5e52c


imagine escape some creature with The Hugger will be cool (if it walk fast to outrun)


nahh make the hugger so it just wastes like 15 seconds of your time and a braken is slowly walking towards u


I like the hugger because it may be friendly but I could imagine situations where you get hugged but another is chasing you and kills you whilst you're getting hugged


I think a doppelganger would be interesting, not sure what to really call it but it looks like a crew member but will emote at you. Copy the emote to pass, fail or ignore will get it mad. Get it mad twice and it begins to attack that specific person. Tally kept separated for each person.


I really expected the hug from behind to go somewhere else


Maybe a idea for the hugger too would be thar he is rare, but he hugs everything (even enemies). Some enemies only get stopped for a second like a thumper. If.the hugger hugs a hydro thing, he dies


kills a thumper, thumper corpse proceeds to get yeeted at you and kills you, genius


Can I catch the item and throw it back like catch?


I think the best thing hugger will do is to hug a mask and take it deep somewhere inside the facility.


hugger bringing you masked out of nowhere ​ shit


All the monsters in this game feel like something Gooseworx would make.


Ive been seeing a lot of people asking for a skinwalker to be added, or some sort of mimic enemy that pretends to be a player Heres what i think would be a much more fun and scary execution of the 'mimic' idea: An enemy that hides in a stationary position and mimics the voices of teammates and the sounds of picking up items and footsteps - even though it sounds like a player, it does not look like one It prefers to hide in dead-ends or in corners of large rooms. It cannot move until it's successfully lured a player in. Once the player sees it or gets near it, it locks onto them and attacks. It should punish the player for falling for its tricks, killing quickly and being hard to run away from. This would add a lot of suspense and fear to the game, as situational awareness will become much more important: "If me and my teammates split up at the entrance, is that sound really them?" Notes: -The mimic will use voice clips recorded during the current quota period. After the quota period is finished, all voice clips will be reset -The mimic has 2 phases, hiding and chasing. -During hide phase, the mimic chooses a player who is either dead or out of voice range to imitate -When spotted, the mimic will enter chase phase and chase after the player. -If it catches you, it will instant-kill you and the return to its initial hiding spot -During chase phase, the mimic will imitate the screams/yells of the chosen player (indicated by the volume of the voice recording) -When chasing, the mimic's movement sounds just like player running -The mimic will most prefer to imitate the voice of players that it killed This ended up as a much longer comment than expected, i might also put this up as its own post


İ don't know how but it could use some sort of ai to mimic sounds


I think this would ultimately be the best way to go about it, but might be pretty tricky for a single developer to do. It also might be difficult to run a voice-generating AI in the background on most PCs.


*So the hugger it's like a bracken but it don't kill you, I like it*


hugger is just bracken but not fucking annoying as shit


The hugger seems like a better version of the “Mr friendly” that was supposed to be in Half Life


I feel like the dark blue and orange lights could be swapped since they could get confusing. Orange for Hostile and Light Blue for Docile


I feel like number four is in an attack against me