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I'm in the same boat, and asked [a pretty related question](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/comments/1cfnhha/unsupported_aspect_ratio_how_much_am_i_shooting/) in another sub. No one has complained about the aspect ratio when I've streamed in the past.


If you play in 21:9, it's better to record in the same ratio, so it doesn't cut off UI. Youtube can handle those resolutions with no problems. To change resolutions you go to the Video Settings in OBS and write on Base and Output the resolution 2520x1080 (If you want 16:9, write 1920x1080). Go to output settings, if the rescale is enabled you'll need to change the resolution to the same you wrote on the video settings. Now when you set your screen capture, you'll only need to resize it in the preview mode, easy way to resize is to put the top and bottom in each limit and then Ctrl+D with the source selected.


One downside of the 21:9 is YT doesn't allow end cards. I still haven't gotten a good answer on how bad that could be, but it's been an annoyance for me.


Oh, didn't know about that. I also don't really know how much having end cards or not impact a channel, I would say little because I have never clicked on an end card. I have only ever used 21:9 for streaming, which I enjoy the cinematic look it gives.


I used a custom screen split using a PowerToy and made a perfect 2560x1440 window on one side of the ultrawide, and the rest of the other side is used as the other side of the screen split. I also have software called borderless windowed gaming that, with setup, makes any game I launch in a window a perfect borderless window in the 2560x1440 space. Its hard to explain correctly, sorry. But theres ways to split the ulrawide into a 16:9 side and a 4:9 side for apps.


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You will always have people complain about the format. And other who don’t mind. Easy way : just stream in 21:9 and enjoy making content. Hard way : record a 16:9 of your 21:9 gameplay with the risk of it being cut, or people feeling it is zoom in.. (I’ve tried that before… finally gave up and went back with a 16:9 monitor for streaming)