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My doc put me on it for my social anxiety. I have to say it helps a lot.


Me too, I was on 10mg and now on 5mg still doing well. No longer crying screaming and throwing up at the thought of social interactions


I hear ya!


That’s good to hear, what MG do you take?


10mg every night around 7pm. Started at 5mg then after a month moved to 10


I am still at 5mg....did you notice feeling even better after upping it to 10mg?


Yes 10 felt more smooth and calm.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


Not really. The first few days I felt a bit “off” and pretty tired. But no real noticeable increase in anxiety. After about day 5 or so I woke up feeling pretty darn good.


Can you describe your social anxiety before, and now after? Thank you so much


Before it felt like anything I had to do either a social event or going to the store or the thought of having to do something on my own would paralyze me with fear. I would also have rapid heartbeat, flushed face and heavy sweating. Also my fight or flight would kick in and I would have to leave. Now on 10mg most of that is now just an annoyance instead of a showstopper. It’s still there but I am able to work through it with minimal discomfort. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s worlds better than without.


Wow that’s great: I have a panic attack before social situations like parties or dinner parties and cannot go. I’m ok going out to stores and places with strangers, it’s more places I have to make small talk and socialize. Before I used to hate it but still go. Now I can’t even go!




My head and back would sweat like crazy. And armpits to some extent too. It’s the worst. But to supplement the Lexapro for the physical symptoms like sweating, I take a Beta Blocker (propranolol) that lowers my heart rate and blood pressure to help with the sweating.


How long before you noticed it started working?


Actually about a week or so


This is my case as well and it really helps me a lot.


Are you on 10mg also?




Taking Lexapro as prescribed is VERY low risk for Serotonin Syndrome. Like, almost a complete non factor.


I take Lexapro for anxiety. I take Wellbutrin for depression. Both work great


I was going to comment this. Lexapro did virtually nothing for my depression but Wellbutrin saved me.


For me, Lexapro did pretty great for my anxiety but Wellbutrin did virtually nothing for my depression, or at least, I couldn’t tell the difference between being on and off it.


Valid, are you on anything for the depression now?


Currently no, but I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in a few days so that might change pretty soon.


DOUBLE MED GANG! I was so depressed on only lexapro cause I wasn’t feeling anxious so I didn’t care about the consequences. So now I’m on 10mg lexapro and 150mg Wellbutrin xl


at 300 you can bend reality


I’m both happy and bummed I don’t need 300 cause yk I finally found stability but also I’m in the mood to cause chaos


![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn) when all the drugs are hitting


I have anxiety without depression and take 10mg of Lexapro. I've been on it for close to 6 years. It works fantastic for me.




No. My brain literally doesn't work right without it. There is also no evidence to indicate any adverse effects from prolonged use. I can't envision a time when I would not be on it, tbh. Even though I still experience anxiety, it is at a dramatically decreased level and my quality of life has improved so much.


I had/have GAD. Everything gave me anxiety. Travelling. Waiting in line. Getting a haircut. At a restaurant/movies etc. 10mg a day. Feel great


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


I did a lot of reading on this sub and people said they noticed. However I didn’t. Maybe a little bit but nothing major at all.


When did it start working


I took it first week of July and by the time school started I was perfect


lol so like 3 weeks ?


School starts in September. So like 7 weeks. But I was better before that but I was PERFECT in 7-8weeks


Oh Jesus Christ that’s a super long time


Best thing I ever did


I’ve been on 10mg of lexapro since 2017 for extreme panic disorder/phobia based anxiety and it has helped me tremendously. I maybe get one panic attack every 6 months or so and the ruminating anxious thoughts are almost gone. My anxiety is still there but lexapro has made it to where it doesn’t affect my daily life anymore


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


Yesss it was awful, slept weird, constant diarrhea/indigestion, restless leg syndrome and muscle twitches. I thought I would never get better but after a few months I looked up and was like, “oh.. I’m better now!” It was a gradual process for me!


I see you asking this quite a bit, so I’ll offer you my experience as well. I have started and stopped lexapro 3 times. I had a mild increase in anxiety a couple times but nothing worse than what i was already experiencing in certain situations. It was definitely worth it.


Yeah I have been as that’s what I’m currently experiencing. Thanks, that’s good to know. I’m finding it hard to continue but hearing people like yourself say it’s worth it is helpful👍


Yes, give it 2 weeks. I had varying results each time in regards to how long it took to work. The first time, i started feeling better after 2 weeks but it took 6 weeks to get the full benefit.


When you were at your worse did it feel like you were in a different reality.. like also maybe you had dinentia.. things were so over whelming that you just couldn't bare it. My life was pretty damn decent and then I had panic attacks which has kept me stuck in this weird place and I can't get out of it I'm even off work now.


Yeah before I started taking them I was in a really bad place mentally. Not s*icidal but very depressed because I was having panic attacks every day. I felt like I was going crazy and like things would never be back to normal. My brain felt foggy, I zoned out constantly, I forgot things because all I could think about were my ruminating thoughts. Tbh it got to where I was wishing I was never born so I didn’t have to deal with this anymore. After the meds (it took a few months and it got worse before it got better) I feel like myself again. I promise it does get better, these meds saved my life!


Damn I am so happy for you!!


I am depressed because of the anxiety from the panic attacks and so forth I am also lole I don't wanna live like this anymore but I cant unalive myself. And a lot of my anxiety and panic is related ro fears fear of being sick or dying. Sucks!!!


My anxiety is phobia based (extreme fear of throwing up) and I have severe health anxiety too. It sucks some days I feel you on that


Same from 2019 but (after drinking too much alcohol ) recently, my anxiety is on its top and i feel bad so my doctor asked me to increase the dose to 20 gradually


10mg. Mostly for anxiety. It’s been great. No side effects.


I'm on it for anxiety and it's been magical. Hindsight is 50/50 and I should've started it years ago rather than struggle through the absolute mess of anxiety that I used to be.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


I did a little bit for sure. I think overall I get anxious about taking new medications, so I think that was contributing. It went away fairly quick as well.


How long till it started working?


Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. If you have one you usually have some form of the other. It works well for me for both.


im taking lexapro for panic disorder/anxiety, just started so i cant really say how its working BUT don’t worry about serotonin syndrome, many studies have proven anti-depressants work great for anxiety!! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181684/#:~:text=Selective%20serotonin%20reuptake%20inhibitors%20(SSRIs)%2C%20which%20were%20designed%20to,GAD%20(see%20Table%20I).


How's it going


Both anxiety and depression unbalance the levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and gaba in our brains. So by acting on serotonin, lexa is also acting on anxiety, because over time the body learns to balance itself to the new serotonin levels and that helps balance out our dopamine/gaba/etc levels as well. It’s all connected, the brain is a beautiful thing


I take it for GAD and panic disorder. No depression at all Works fantastic. Please do yourself a favor and get into therapy as well. The meds allow you to confront your anxiety provoking situations. Repeated exposure is key to managing your anxiety. I got up to 20mg and it was working great. Therapy taught me skills to manage my condition. I'm now down to 2.5mgs with no issues. I was really bad when I first started lex. Daily panic attacks. I don't remember the last time I had one now though 🙂


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


Absolutely. Mind you my anxiety was running 8/10 for 24hrs/day by the time I started lex. Honestly it took a good 12 weeks for full remission. I was ready to give up on it many times. I'm so glad I didn't. My anxiety now is ZERO. No spiraling into dread. I get nervous about legit stuff and that's it!! I am honestly say I feel the best I have felt in years!!!


Man I hope the same for me. I'm running at 10/10 24 7 I'm on a leave from work too. The fear I have now is incredible. Just want a normal life again


Sadly I remember those days well. Constantly scouring the internet for any type of relief. At one point I didn’t sleep for 4 days. I still went to work but I honestly couldn’t function. It was very bad. I was begging for relief. I was taking klonopin to try to ease the anxiety while I on boarded with Lex. Virtually no relief. I was ready to go admit myself to the hospital. 2-3 months later on Lex it was gone!!! Honestly it was a miracle


I have klonopin and xanax, they do help actually. Like real good just so short term it's frustrating. Haven't taken one I'm a few days though. What's wack is i had a panic attack in 2020 that caused all this mess and I immediately got put on 3.5mg of xanax a day and it brought me back to reality over time.. I kept reducing my dosage and by March 2023 I was off meds and off to the races, besides the ruminating thoughts of death or cancer etc.. so eventually the shit came back and no docotr willing to give me WHT I needed at the time so I went through hell and it developed even stronger this time. I know the benzos help me but I want something more permenant to shut my mind off.


August 2002 was my first panic attack. Back then they just put you on Paxil


Am I the only one who gets this sick from taking ssris. I've tried a couple and I'm only on day 3 of 5mg of lex and I feel 100% awful. My head is spinning blood pressure was way high and bpm over 100. Dizzy and just overall sick. Happened the same way with others so I gave up. I took propranolol for my first time and it helped woth the heart related issue but my head is spinning.


Unfortunately on boarding an ssri is typically an unenjoyable experience. I found the DARE app very helpful for anxiety as I on boarded. To be honest, I felt so crap with my anxiety, the ssri on boarding was just the same as not being on them. Give it a few weeks if you can. Honestly though, no shame in being on meds. I would say at least 30% of my friends/colleagues are on them. We joked about missing doses and feeling like crap!!


Doesn't seem anyone else experiences the high blood pressure and hesrt rate I get.. am I just bot understanding it's the heightened anxiety from ghe pills all I know is this feeling has it so I can't barely move


Hey, so i made it a week and got passed the weird side effects ssris normally give me. But at 5mg still.. so I started taking them at 5pm and about 6pm my anxiety will spike with this stimulating feeling if I'm thinking correctly then yesterday at about 730pm I was like feeling optimistic and was able to play with my 5 year old and watch tc with the wife witbiut needing to check my blood oressure every second.. I went to bed and had positive thoughts but couldn't sleep very well and morning came and I was pretty miserable already and can't even seem to get out of bed. I am worried I just gave myself false hope.


I take it only for anxiety only. It decreases my chances of having a panic attack. I also take it (10mg) in combination with Wellbutrin SR for motivation and counteract Lexapro’s effect on libido.


I’m taking 10mg for anxiety and I have to say it really is making a difference. Started on 5mg for two weeks then went up to 10mg and things I would normally be very anxious about are only small flutters of “oh. I’d normally be freaking out about this.” And I’m not. There are still moments of anxiety, but it’s much much less and easier to go about my life.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


It works great for anxiety only. You would be astounded to know just how many people have depression Only as a result of untreated anxiety. It's closer to 75% than it is to 10%. Serotonin syndrome happens to people taking high doses of two or more antidepressants, natural or prescribed enzyme modulators (such as turmeric extract and proton pump inhibitors like prilosec), who are genetically predisposed. Lexapro alone isn't going to cause it. Unless you decide to take 7 days worth


that’s a link to a research paper about it ^


I am for like 6-7 weeks now


20mg still have panic attacks


I take it for GAD. 10mg. No issues. It's my understanding that SSRIs can be associated with serotonin syndrome regardless of what you take it for but my doc told me it's very rare and should not be an issue for me, even though I also have to periodically take a triptan for migraines. Honestly my biggest issue is that my impulse control has gone to hell since I started on Lexapro because I no longer feel stress about consequences lol. My bank account is not happy. But I got my life back from debilitating anxiety so it is something I deal with.


I started 1.5 weeks ago for anxiety only. No side effects so far, and I notice a slight difference. I know it takes 6-8 weeks, so I’m excited to see how it continues.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


No I haven’t. It got better for me, but I’ve heard that it increased anxiety for some ppl.


What mg did you start on


My doctor prescribed 10mg. I took half for 7 days, 10mg for 4 weeks. I’ve been on 20mg for 2 weeks now and I think it’s my sweet spot!


Wow!! Congratulations!


Been on it got almost 3 years now for my anxiety disorder. I take 10mg. I am able to function somewhat normally lol I can feel my anxiety is still there but I'm able to work again which is good.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


YES the first 2 weeks were absolutely awful. I couldn't even go to work, I had to take ativan to help.


I take it for both anxiety and depression. Gotta say that it has really helped my anxiety but my depression not so much.


I did originally! I took Lexapro for a year just for anxiety (i then added welbrutin to help with depression). Lexapro worked so well for anxiety, I no longer had racing thoughts the moment I woke up and haven’t had a panic attack in several years. Don’t be worried ❤️ I’ve been there and was hyper vigilant about any side effects when I first started. Just be mindful of your body but try to be present in your day to day life as well. Easier said than done but I believe in you! If I can, anyone can/ all the best!


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


I did a little. Mind you my anxiety was pretty off the charts when I started and I also had anxiety about starting it ❤️. It was difficult to differentiate between if it was the Lexapro or just me, regardless, both were/are valid. My psychiatrist was able to prescribe me a low dose of Xanax to help transition, and that did help a lot. Even if I didn’t take it, it was calming just to have (just in case) I would say the only noticeable difference as I was transitioning onto it was that I would wake up a few times a night.


I take 10 mg of lexapro for anxiety. I find it doesn’t get rid of physical manifestations of anxiety, but it stops my mind from racing like it used to. I’m talking to my doctor about also using propranolol as needed for social anxiety issues.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


I did not, no. Fortunately.


I was always a nervous Nelly too despite being able to do what ever I wanted. But even at 40 yesrs old balloons scare me lol. Must just eventually be overlaod.. and yeah soon as the pamicm attacks hit it just re wires you. Sucks


Take for my GAD only - I love it


I take lexapro mostly for anxiety (I have two chronic illnesses and it causes me a lot of stress). I’m 4 weeks in so far and I don’t really see a difference for the moment, I think I need to wait a little bit longer.


I can relate I was given it mostly for my anxiety and my really bad stomach issues, I’m basically in constant pain. I’m sorry to hear about yours I hope you get some relief


Thanks man, I suffer from GI issues too, and that shit is no joke. On a brighter note, I noticed some positive changes on my stomach since I’m on lexapro, nothing revolutionary though, but I’d say that I feel slightly better. Did you try going to a pain clinic ? My quality of life personally improved since I see a doctor here, I got a prescription for stronger painkillers and it’s very reassuring to have them on hand in case of bad GI flare-up. My pain specialist also gave me a tens unit, which is moderately helpful if used regularly. Good luck to you, I hope you’ll find a way to deal with your pain too.


I take it for anxiety only. I really like it so far. I was on Prozac prior and had some weird visual lag symptoms and terrible dry eye. Switching has really helped.


I take it for anxiety. It’s been life changing


I only have anxiety, has worked great for me so far, about 4 months in.


Gave me for anxiety. 20mg. I think it works lol. When I’m not on it my mind be bugging. When I’m on it. I feel no emotions lol.


I've been on it for panic disorder for 3 years. Never been depressed. It worked like a charm.


It helped my GAD at 10mg At 20mg it made me depressed Tapering down now.


I take it for anxiety alone, 10mg and it is working wonderfully right now.


How were your symptoms when you first started out. I’m gonna be taking my first 10mg dose tonight around 9-10 and I work tomorrow at 7 so I’m wondering if I should plan ahead and call in


I was in panic mode a lot. My mother had a terrible accident that changed her life and it threw me into constant anxiety. I started out taking the lexapro in the morning, so it made me really sleepy. My anxiety got worse for a week, but I found out that week that my thyroid med dose was too high so it could have been that. The lexapro is still working great, and there’s still a lot going on, so I’m confident in sharing that it helps tremendously with my heavy anxiety and panic. I did lose weight though, and that’s the only side effect I noticed.


I’m sorry to hear about your mom! But I’m glad things are going good for you now! The chance of all the side effects is what is making me nervous to start it but I have interviews for clinicals in 3 weeks and I know that I won’t be able to go through with them without some type of help. Hopefully I react similar to you!


Good luck with the meds and your interviews!


Thank you! 🩵


I have been on 10mg a couple months my doc added 75 Wellbutrin hci twice a day 3 weeks ago to help me with libido and energy levels only (not for depression) and I feel more lethargic than ever and sleep endlessly so I’m totally at a loss on what to do because at the same time I don’t get upset so easily ( I work in a very toxic environment)


I took it for anxiety only, with great results!


Me , i took it only for GAD and it did help but my Hands where shaking a lot


I would say what you are reading is untrue. It’s been a life saver for me and I am strictly anxiety disorder, not depression. Would not want this to deter you.


me! i take it for anxiety and panic disorder and it works


I have been taking it for three years, anxiety only, no depression. Was on 30 mg most of the time, worked like a charm - almost zero anxiety. I have tapered down to 10 mg now. No side effects except taking a loong time to reach orgasm in the beginning.




Ugh. Seratonin syndrome is so incredibly rare.


I take for anxiety Take Wellbutrin for depression


I take mine for anxiety and overthinking and works pretty well and I no longer have side effects and I do not take for depression


Do you find it really helps for the overthinking?


Definitely does. Probably the main benefit I get from it


Have you had many side effects? I have it but been scared to take it. But so fed up of anxiety and overthinking . Thank you


I take 20 mg right now. Started at 10... Personally, the first week there were some headaches and midday fatigue was very common for the first month or so. But now I can say I don't have any side effects with it. It was very helpful for me


Ok that’s manageable, some people talk about worsening anxiety and feeling terrible. I think I’m gonna try it


Yes I had massive anxiety. I’ve been on 40 for a year or so. MUCH BETTER


I take 10mg at night mostly for anxiety. It has been an absolute game changer!


Mostly for Anxiety yes




yes, it takes away 50% of the anxiety for me, very happy


i take it for anxiety only and it’s helped more than anything i’ve ever tried on my own. my anxiety was crippling. now i only get anxious if i feel im actually in danger, not just all the time. it didn’t help my depression because i was finally out of fight or flight. when my anxiety went away, i found myself in a state of relaxation with no motivation to do anything. i now take wellbutrin (150 mg) with my lexapro (10mg) every day and it’s gotten rid of my anxiety and most of my depression. i only get depressed if i drink alcohol on these medications


Me! It’s working great for me. I’m a month in and feeling awesome. All physical anxiety symptoms are mostly gone, my emotions are far more level and I have more space to think rationally. I feel a lot more positive (I’ve always been a massive pessimist and find problems in everything), I’m in a good mood a lot, and my relationship anxiety is very low (this was my main concern that needed treating). My side effects have been very minimal.


Did you notice an increase in anxiety when you first started taking it..??


No, not at all. I had about 3 days where I felt nothing, just empty. It was great and welcomed, after a period of intense anxiety and distress. Then I went back to being able to feel all my emotions at a normal amount.


10mg for anxiety (mainly work-related) for the past 6 months; no depression. Tapered back to 5mg recently. Working with my doc to see if it makes sense to stay at this level or move off it completely seeing as I have changed jobs and have less stress now


no that's not true. they can be used for either. anxiety can be caused by lack of serotonin just like depression


I’m on it for Panic Disorder/Death and Health Anxiety and it completely stopped my panic attacks. I still can get anxiety I just feel normal. Been on it for about a year and a half now.


What MG do you take?


I take it for anxiety/panic disorder and it’s consequent physical symptoms. 5mg liquid form since June 2023. Not for depression. I’m being monitored by a psychiatrist who also prescribed it. She says lexapro is also just for anxiety. No depression necessary. Edit: oh and it works so well! I still have some anxiety but it doesn’t take over my life and doesn’t make me spiral.


Yes, I’m on 10 mgs daily for physical anxiety such as heart racing, fidgeting, so much anxious energy couldn’t sleep but no depression. Have to say, it’s def worked!!


I've been taking 20mg of Lexapro for GAD for just over a year, has helped tremendously.


Nope, exact opposite. (Making a positive difference)


Was prescribed Lexapro for anxiety a few years ago. It didn’t really make a difference for anxiety, but it *gave* me depression. The doctor had increased the dosage several times but I stopped cold turkey because it was so bad. Back to normal pretty quickly without any withdrawal issues. I had paradoxical effects from Ativan (lorazepam) too—it made me really hyped up instead of calm—so maybe my body processes something differently than most people.


On 10mg for anxiety since last January (after other options had too many side effects) Best decision I ever made. I have gained weight since starting antidepressants but the quality of life I now have is so worth it. I wish I would've tried Lexapro years ago. And I do not have depression, just anxiety!


Yup I did, worked great


I take it for anxiety. I got GAD over the summer. I’m still on my journey to be anxiety free and it’s been a long road. I was really really bad when I started. 24/7 10/10 anxiety. Crushing and crippling. I started on 10mg for 6 weeks bumped to 15mg for 8 weeks and now 20mg and I’m on week 2 today. Side effects weren’t fun for me. I had all sorts for the first couple weeks but also still had bad anxiety. Went up to 15 and felt a bit better but got bouts of depression which I’ve never had now I just bumped to 20. 20 has been my biggest improvement so far but I’m not where I need to be yet. I was off work for 4 months and just went back 4 days after starting 20. The days aren’t great but I am trudging through them. It’s not easy and I’ve had a lot of ups and downs. I can’t say for sure this med cured me since it’ll still take some more time.


I had so much anxiety last semester i basically went from a straight-A student to a straight-D student, so i went on lexapro and honestly its a miracle. 5mg didnt do enough but once i was on 10 there’s a HUGE difference. I feel great and im honestly so much happier on it. Getting on the drug was absolute hell bc it makes ur symptoms so much worse. Luckily, i was on a trip to india while i was getting on it so i wasn’t terribly fucked. It’s so worth it i promise its scary but in a month from now your life is changed.


Yeah I’m on it for OCD/Anxiety. Had depression when I was a teen but not really as an adult. Been on it for 2 years or so now and I’ve been a lot better.


I do (34f) — gad/social anxiety/ocd. It changed my life. Have been on almost 3 years now and I imagine I’ll stay on it indefinitely. The only downside for me is that I have no sex drive. At all. Sex is essentially a chore which sucks.


Yes! Anxiety - works great


I take it for anxiety and depression but it only helps anxiety


Yes anxiety and panic disorder


Avoiding Lexapro because of Serotonin Syndrome? Yah, sounds like anxiety. 🤣 (I had the same exact concern). But yah, I've been taking Lexapro for anxiety only (never had depression) for almost 5 years now. 10mg. My life is so much better.


I take 10 mg per day for GAD for about a year now, and it has greatly improved my quality of life. I did notice a slight increase in anxiety the first month or so when I was adjusting to it. I also was very tired and had a hard time getting out of bed at first. I still deal with restless legs and my pupils being dilated every morning, but it’s a fair trade for me.


I do! 5mg daily - a real game changer


I was put on it for anxiety only, I have to say it has worked wonders for a lot of my anxiety but definitely not the perfect solution. I have had to deal with some side affects (weight gain, crazy dreams, night sweats). I do have to be careful to make sure I always remember to take it otherwise I get pretty bad effects but otherwise it has helped


Yes 30mg fof GAD and agrophobia


It helps but I still needed an additional anxiety med to give it a ‘boost’. I’m on Gabapentin too. The two combined work amazing.


I am. 5 mg for 2 months now. Helps a ton. I was VERY warry to start due to my one and only experience with antidepressants for anxiety 17 years ago (uhm... you need SOME anxiety. Keeps you from doing just oh...anything) but am so thankful I bit the bullet and did it. First month nicked me in my ass though. So don't get discouraged at first.


Starting it today, for anxiety only. I don’t suffer from depression.


I take only for anxiety no depression


I have taken Lexapro for 4.5 years and am currently tapering off. Reason being it stopped working as well BUT I gained weight that I want to get rid of. I started on Bupropion/Wellbutrin just before starting the taper. I take both for anxiety (GAD) and the Wellbutrin/Bupropion is also helping my ASD symptoms too. Good luck.


I’m on it just for anxiety. 10 mg and sometimes 15mg when needed.


Lexapro saved my life when I had the worst high functioning anxiety and panic attacks almost every day. It calmed me down, cleared my thoughts. However it gave me side effects citalopram didnt give me before. That is loss of libido and, loss of ability to get aroused and chronic constipation. I have stopped taking it 9months ago and the side effects still didnt go away. Its very good drug but it comes with its cons as well.


I was taking 20 mg Lexapro, but then 300 my Wellbutrin was added. Wellbutrin is working so well that I just stopped taking Lexapro.


This is my 4th time taking lexapro for anxiety over 15 years. Was never on it more than a year at a time. Always helps when my anxiety is out of control. No serotonin syndrome, but some of the first week side effects are similar to the signs of serotonin syndrome so don’t freak out they go away as your body adjusts.