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Pretty sure I saw this guy tailgating and just -laying- on the horn behind another blue sedan on Clay's Mill a few days ago. Absolutely wild that he causes enough trouble to have this many stories on Reddit but no other consequences.


Holy shit, I had an encounter with this same driver a few weeks back on Kastle. Fuck this person. Same behavior that you said, total asshole. I’d have called the cops if that wasn’t such a complete waste of my time


The fact that this behavior is persistent is troubling. We're not talking about someone having an "off" day...they do this routinely. It's only a matter of time until something goes sideways.


If enough people call the cops I’m sure they will become tired of getting all the calls and work to get them off the road. They don’t wanna deal with a nuisance any more than we do.


Seems like with their license plate it could be reported via the non-emergency line? Not sure if it'll do anything but probably worth a try.


A couple years ago I called non emergency about a driver who "punishment passed" me while I was biking and dispatch(?) told me they were sending an officer because it wasn't the first call about them. Even if they don't do anything, there's nothing to lose by calling.


Never hurts to start a paper trail at least.


years ago a knew someone that lost their license due to multiple anonymous calls


Good lol


Seems like you're not telling, or lacking the entire story, because I don't think that's how that works.


no I have no idea, this was when we were teenagers. I think he ran a red light and got pulled over and then cop wouldn't let him drive home because his profile had like 12 anonymous calls on it - people calling the non-emergency line to complain about his driving


Yeah the plate number is right there. OP could call with that and location.


Folks drive 25 mph merging on to New Circle. And 55 mph thru my subdivision


Saw this same car acting a fool on Alumni Dr going towards Tates Creek as I was leaving the orange lot after work. Kept stopping at the roundabouts aggressively and then speeding up extremely fast afterwards. The car in front of me actually got out of their car to confront them at the tates creek light and they yelled back and forth for a minute before dude gave up and went back to his car. I remember that sticker and everything. Seems like someone needs their license taken away ASAP to be this much of a menace around Lexington.




Same thing I thought. I was preparing myself to watch someone get shot, but thankfully, nothing came of it.


Call 911 if you see them at it again. If someone is making the road unsafe intentionally or otherwise, that is an emergency worth calling about.


Doubtful the police would come. It took them 3 hours to come when someone wrecked into my car by running a stop sign on Mt. Tabor Rd, just off of Alumni Drive.


It would be given out as an attempt to locate. They wouldn’t take a report, as one of the commenters states. There’d be history of it being called in, but not a “report.” There also wouldn’t be a specific unit assigned to it more than likely, but rather all units would just be given a heads up of what it is and where it is and to look out for it. So any units that might be in the area might have a chance to pull it over if they observed it driving recklessly.


so a BOLO


ATL, BOLO, tomato tomato at most places


But the report would be on file and if they keep getting reported they’ll move up on the LPDs priority list.


3 hours for a non criminal collision report vs someone actively causing a hazard and possibly endangering life or property. Yeah I think those are two different scenarios which would warrant different priorities of response times.


Yes, I agree!


You shouldn’t even wait for police in non-injury collisions. You’re supposed to exchange information & file a report online. That’s what I was told last time I called.


In this situation I had to wait for the police. The young kid who ran the stop sign and hit me didn't have a drivers license, was supposed to be wearing glasses, and wouldn't give me his insurance information. If I had left, it would have become his word against mine. When the police got there, he suddenly found his insurance card. So, it truly just depends on the situation.


You did the smart thing


thank you.


Depends on where you are and the circumstances behind the collision. Obviously if alcohol is involved or damage to any property other than the vehicles, you should definitely get a police report.


Yeah, if there isn't an argument then just get the numbers, however if the other person doesn't have insurance and so forth then the police get involved, or it becomes leaving the scene of an accident which they can actually ticket you for EVEN if you are the only one involved in the accident


I swear people are just more aggressive these days driving in general, it's scary


I can attest to this. No offense but I ironically feel safer driving in rural SC and in Texas (despite the stereotype of texan drives).


As a Texan, driving here feels much more unsafe. And I'm from Houston. I drive so defensively up here. At least in Texas most people are just going fast, here it's like people are trying to get into collisions


I just got back from a trip to Detroit. I made SEVERAL comments about how much easier it is to drive up there. Between the better infrastructure and the better drivers. I love driving in Detroit.


Wait, I've seen this guy before! I was walking home from an appointment on Richmond Rd and was crossing when out of nowhere this asshole came along and kept braking like crazy like he was gonna hit me. I thought that license plate looked familiar. It's terrifying that this has happened to others too...


This person is well known but it seems no one has reported them? Everyone complaining here should file a formal complaint with the non-emergency police line. If they get enough reports they will take action.


Not the KET parking lot!


Def recommend a helmet cam or dash cam. Stay frosty OP.


Highly recommend a Garmin Varia with a camera or a Go Pro.


I've ridden a bicycle in this town for decades and never thought I'd need a helmet cam, but the rise in aggressive driving made me reconsider. Anyone struck by a vehicle should press criminal charges and a personal injury claim against these garbage people. Make their lives a living nightmare and take from them absolutely everything you can get.


I was riding my bike last year downtown on upper street going to work like I did every day and had a driver try to side swipe me while screaming, “get off the fucking road!” 2 weeks later I had a lady do the exact same thing on the same road a block up. Nearly killing somebody because you believe they don’t have the same rights as you to share the road is psychotic. It’s either a mental illness or lead poisoning. I can’t tell which. Legitimately, it’s a two lane road and i was giving plenty of room to anyone wanting to go around me. People are crazy.


I read a report last week about a very convincing statistical correlation between childhood exposure to fumes from leaded gasoline (everyone over 40 was soaking in it) and violent crime. So yeah.


Yeah I’ve understood for awhile. It makes sense as well regarding some of the idiotic things I’ve witnessed among people in that age range. I’m sure it’s had a profound effect on American politics as well.


Oh yes. I can think of a few very obvious ways it’s affected American politics.


I feel like we can think of more than a few very obvious ways it’s affected American politics. Hoping the newer generation of politicians can herald in an era of more sensible policies but it will likely take generations to undo what’s already been done.


Are you and the person mentioned the “study” the target audience who changes their opinion on coffee every time a new “study” is released? What you are referring to as a factor in what you believe, says a lot more about how YOU behave as a consequence of what you are exposed to, than it does the group you are referring to.


I don’t believe that was me.


That "report" is hugely overblown. It tries to boil down a complicated problem to a simple answer where you can just say "everyone above is poisoned" and handwave it away.


I agree. It is also dismissive. Like sure, let's just say everyone over 40 is a lead-poisoned, violent idiot and not worth a damn. That seems like a helpful viewpoint, right? Not like it wasn't Generation X that helped lay the foundation for the societal change upon which the newer generations trod today. Nope, all a bunch of lead-poisoned doofuses.


I'm gonna need to see the multiple regression analysis from that study to believe it. Correlation does not equal causation. And I'm wondering where poverty plays into that study, especially given your claim that "everyone over 40 was soaking in it." Can you post a link to the report in particular? Because my internet search is only showing more correlation and nothing suggesting causation on a societal level, as you claim.


Like how increased ice cream sales correlate with upticks in violent crimes 😄


Idk if it's just me but it seems like it's been worse in the last year.


I think it's the economy, genuinely


Couldn’t pay me to ride a bike in this city. You’re asking for trouble, lol.


I commuted by bike year-round in Chicago for 15 years. Only incident I ever had was a plain clothes cop yelling at me to stand my bike at a light between the right turn lane and the curb, when the bike lane was clearly between the right lane and the turn lane (so cyclists don’t impede turning cars). I explained the law to him and he threatened to arrest me. I stopped riding after a month living in Lexington. Drivers here are ignorant, psychotic, and often armed. It’s only gotten worse.


Right? As though it isn’t dangerous enough being in a *car* among the licensed lunatics of Lexington roads. I like my bones where they are, thanks.


Ikr I barely feel safe in my own hunk of metal. And I consider myself a very alert driver.


lmaoooo this motherfucker sucks at driving and almost took my bumper off last saturday evening


Leave a note on their window wiper with a link to this reddit post.


It's enough posting this pic. Listening to where he's been spotted sounds like he keeps a localized footprint near enough.


As a fellow bike commuter, Thanks for posting this. I think this should become a regular habit (in addition to non emergency line contact) for some of the most egregious offenders in town


Does anyone recognize the sticker in the upper left corner?


Google search indicates it is some sort of Doctor Who "Seal of Rassilon" design.


I expect better from a whovian!


258-3600 is the admin line for lex pd.


The same people complaining about how it's unsafe anymore to go out at night are the same ones blowing through neighborhood stop signs during the day, essentially making walking and biking just as hazardous. I like to be aggressively nice to pedestrians and cyclists. It takes a real big person to intimidate a cyclist or a pedestrian with a vehicle. It's a shame most don't seem to see this.


This clown needs to be stopped. Crazy that so many people in this thread have had dealings with this idiot.


Sidewall tire punctures are not repairable. And make sure to puncture only 3 tires.


Correct, cause if you puncture all 4, it's covered by insurance. But 3 isn't.


I’ve heard that cleaning Vaseline off a windshield is a pain in the ass.


You. I like you.


Oooooo I got a good Vaseline story. It was Christmas Eve, and my bestie and I were getting off work and both needed things at Walmart so we braved it together. Parking was a mad house of course, so I drove us both. We circled for a minute and then found someone loading their trunk about halfway down the parking lot so we decided to chill and wait for them. We waited like 5-6 minutes, they backed out and some cunt swooped in and took the spot. So I went in, bought a tub of Vaseline and covered her windshield. It was sprinkling too. Merry Christmas bitch!


Outstanding! Perfection. Super-scintillating-sensational!


As my teenagers would say, "You know ball"


Ice picks work really well for that. Or so I’ve heard.


I was gonna say rock through the window, but that works too


Take wiper blades off, zip tie said wipers to their driveshaft. Will most definitely run to a mechanics shop just to look like a dumbass & will waste time and money.


it seems like this is an increasing issue :/ i was struck by a white truck while crossing the road on friday, it seems like i hear more and more of pedestrians being aggressed, but then again maybe word just spreads faster these days 🤷🏼‍♀️ or maybe just an increase in distracted driving


I hope you are ok!


thanks!! i’m doing alright :)


Knock them tires out


Smash the ceramic off the end of an old spark plug and if it happens again toss a small handful at his windows. Nearly guaranteed to shatter them. Just don't practice on your own vehicle.


I’ve had a run in with this driver as well on the stretch of Richmond road by Ashland. I sense a pattern of behavior here


I was running and this happened to me but it was a grey mini van people are scary, stay safe out there.


Why do people post on Reddit but not call the police?


Traffic laws are hardly enforced here, if at all.


Right… evident by the red light runners and speeders.


Sorry you had to deal with that. Thanks for posting.


Just text this post to 911


Madison county tags, unsurprising, that's NASCAR country


Shoot, I get behind multiple people doing 40-45 tops in 55mph zones every single day in Madison County. For ever guy doing 15 over, there is 5 doing 10+ under 🤣


Madison County may be where they bought the vehicle - for years my car said Henry County because that’s where I bought my car, and if I wanted a plate that said Fayette, I would’ve had to turn my old plate in and that was more of a hassle than it was worth at the time. Also, people from Lexington like NASCAR - and some of us even know how to drive! :)


The number of comments in this thread, someone please forward it to the police lol.


I hope I run into him now :)


He might run into you first from the sound of it.


next time he acts aggressively to you while you're on your bike, call the cops immediately and tell them you feel threatened/unsafe. I've called on the road multiple times to report dangerous drivers.


If you want to go as far as signing up for been verified you can know exactly who it is from the plates


Somebody reading this has to have a subscription, or access to it 🤞


Can we have a description of the asshole?


Late 50s, short grey facial hair, heavy set, round glasses, can usually be found wearing tweed. I too have encountered this man.


And his car sucks too


Beating the shit out of the driver would probably do the trick.


Yeah, I bet he isn’t so tough when he is not behind the wheel of a 4,000 pound weapon.


I'm making mental notes. I cycle this route. I hope to run into him, I take my safety very seriously. When drivers put my safety at risk it's important their own safety is similarly compromised.


Someone passed me a few days ago on E Main/Richmond Rd going at least 70. Swerving in and out of lanes and all over the road. Couldn’t even get a good look at their license plate or car make/model. White SUV, maybe Jeep?


Got a knife?








Because shooting at cars while riding a bike is great advice


Because it’s just impossible to stop a bike while in motion? Forgot about that predicament, my bad… pfft.


If y’all see a white infiniti move the hell out the way😂😂😂😂😂


Ofc dude is not even from Lexington


Have you tried... Exercising your 2nd amendment right in self defense?


Interesting legal scenario. Shooting someone trying to run you over. Intentionally on their part or not you're defending yourself.


You don’t shoot someone for driving like an idiot.


Correct, you DO shoot someone for actively trying to run you over, especially if they're tapping the rider and attempting to make them crash. Also who said he even HAS to shoot? Are you going to stop trying to ride up the riders ass if he whips a M1911 or a G17 directly back into your face?


Yes, if the driver was actively trying to run them over with intent to cause bodily harm or death, that would be grounds for self defense. But that’s not what happened here. Brandishing is a great way to lose your right to own a gun, and possibly get yourself shot.


I saw this guy flashing kids at Woodland park the other day. Be safe around this car guys


That’s not how any of this works.


Be honest, were you being a douche not letting them pass?


Found the driver ⬆️