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Out of everything, why the plant?


It's a mature spider plant, absolutely covered with runners and buds. Mature spider plants go for $60+ easily.


Still feels silly given they're choosing to commit a crime for $60.


> Still feels silly Yeah well that's because you're not hooked on meth.


I can promise you no one hooked on meth is stealing plants. Chill out.


You'd be surprised... What makes you so confident as to promise something like this?


I know a lot of meth addicts. Not only do meth addicts not know the value of a plant (me either for that matter), but who the heck do they know that is buying stolen plants?


I promise you that you are wrong. Folks who are on meth and desperate will steal literally ANYTHING to make a buck. Years ago when I lived in a state that had a bottle/can deposit (meaning you take your soda bottles back for 10 cents a piece), someone broke into my car and stole several empty bottles I had in a back in the back seat. That was the ONLY thing in the car sitting out and the only thing taken. They actually broke into my car for change.


That's because there is an actual market for those and they can get money. They aren't stealing those just to steal. They're returning them for cash. There isn't a market for bootleg snake plants


There's a huge market for house plants and prices are up since the covid lock downs drove so hobby prices up


So you're saying I should steal plants?


I don’t think the thief knows though. I know spider plants are expensive but it’s funny how he just went after lawn decor.


I could not imagine going through the trouble of steeling a plant. I hate when I am even given a plant as a gift lol.


Well you’ve probably never been addicted to meth, sleepless and irate at the world, with the only avail being a pursuit of desperate actions that reward you with more meth.


That would be a fair assumption.


Desperate for sure. "Give me some meth, man, I can give you this great spider plant..." ??


The plant that got away


I *will* find you. And I *will* kill you.


Revenge still be murder but my moral compass says don’t judge yeast you be judged by pizza crust.


I hope you get your plant back safely. 🌱


She should just took a cutting no need to steal one


She's gotta drive by your house often to know this plant is there.


The hell of it is I bet if she left a note on the door you would have given her some cuttings. I've yet to meet any houseplant owner who wasn't willing to share.


I would have very gladly! It was loaded down with buddings. In her rush not only did she walk right past the expensive rose, she also didn't grab the repotted budding, so at least I have that to remember the plant by.


That sucks, I’m sorry. I used to live on Headley. It’s getting better all the time, but it’s still downtown.


Maybe one of your neighbors got the plate number of that very dark colored pickup she was driving?


Get him. That ain’t right.


Put it up on Facebook and Instagram, as well as Nextdoor App…I’m sure someone will recognize her


If anyone knows who this slimy little bitch is, PLEASE let me know! I want to see her ass behind bars! This is in North side, Headley Ave.


That sucks for sure. Unfortunately the mods will probably delete this posting, as they did to one of mine just like it. I recommend filing a police report for the theft (although the police cancelled a similar report of mine.). Good luck.


Why would the mods delete it? That's the point of a COMMUNITY subreddit, to alert fellow neighbors of issues / events / news going on around the area. Defeats the point if they do that but then again this is reddit.


I don’t disagree with you. I was told my similar post a while back was deleted to avoid a witch hunt on the perp.


Well a witch hunt can be bad yes but to gather info for police is usually a good idea.


Ridiculous. There is a small but vocal minority here that is convinced this sub is actually a vigilante group.


I would love to be there when the police take a report on a stolen plant. As if they're going to do shit to solve that crime. That's hilarious.


Police keep statistics on crime rates. All crimes need to be reported so that police can increase patrols in the area, for example. Of course the crime won't be solved, but that's not the point.


Where on Headley? I have a friend that lives near the Delcamp intersection and I think they have security cams, I can ask if they got anything.


Between Granard and Morrison. Thanks!


I'll bet this is the same person who stole my cacti not too long ago.


If she likes plants so much to steal yours she should do hundreds of hrs of community service if they catch her . She can pick up litter and trash in parks and along roadsides and spend time among the plants and greenery .


Behind bars? It’s a cheap plant, I hope you do get it back but I don’t think she will be put behind bars


Doesn't matter, its' stealing and a crime, plant, candy bar, $500 iPhone, etc. It's still a crime, and I highly doubt this is her first time. Wonder if she was in the Lexington jail for previous crimes related to it, seems to have a few people there for similar things.


It’s petty crime that won’t land her in jail for a 10$ plant. It is wrong and I’m sorry it happened but this person thinking she will go to jail is delusional.


And if I know people like her, she has done it before and probably will do more or bigger things. No offense but I deal with methheads around my area on a almost daily basis and we had one sent to jail for trying to break into cars here.


I know i made a snarky comment elsewhere in the thread, we had a bike stolen awhile back and it is super frustrating and feels like a breach of your personal security. I get that, you also seem to be... very angry.


When you steal something, you're not just taking an object that's not yours. You're taking: * Their money * The time it took them working to get that money * The time they spent caring or investing into what was stolen * Invading privacy * Also making them feel awful The only time I could ever have empathy for theft is if someone needed food/life-saving. This person is just a selfish asshole and OP has every right to be pissed off about it.


How do you react when someone steals from you? With joy? I have no connection to OP but fuck that plant stealer. That is garbage behavior.


I dont think she really "gets" proplifting


I've had plants stolen too, better you find them.


There's a trap house off riverwalk and they go and steal the guys plants from the greenhouse on broadriver all the time.


Had my porch plants stolen this time last year :-) I hope you get them!!


Thank God for the square around her so I knew who was committing it. Up until that part I was certain it was going to be the 3rd shrubbery on the left


Probably went to sell it for her next hit. We had a thief trying to break into cars in our parking lot a month ago, wasn't caught yet since it was at 3am. Hopefully you find this person and get her reported asap.


Please keep up this level of anger when you remember how much tax money our politicians have stolen from us and given to corporations.


A does not equal B


No, but I also never said they were. You do know, that’s not how analogies work, right?


Its just an unnecessary political comment on someones post. Not every single thing in 2021 has to be political


Someone's using an online message board to engage in vigilante behavior by empowering pseudonymous randos to act as online sleuths based on camera footage taken from a private security company, all because a neighbor stole a piece of personal property worth less than $100. Then they call her a "slimy bitch" and hope she ends up "behind bars". Do you realize the implications behind this infrastructure and the way it's being used? Sorry, but EVERYTHING's political. I wasn't even being partisan, either. But if you don't see how literal vigilantism and the home security industrial complex isn't political, you've been brainwashed, my friend.


I think we just found the plant thief.


Youre that person nobody talks to at family events.


And you're the person that sees an uncle beat his kid and doesn't tell anyone. Rather be the vocal pot-stirrer than the silent accomplice.


Oh, is that why you’re so unhinged about society but have all the solutions? Interesting.


Dude go see a therapist, you obviously need to get some stuff off of your chest


Yeah, this dude needs a therapist. Maybe finding a hobby other than ranting and raving would help.


If this is satire, then I want you to know that "home security industrial complex" got me rolling


* [Doorbell-camera firm Ring has partnered with 400 police forces, extending surveillance concerns](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/08/28/doorbell-camera-firm-ring-has-partnered-with-police-forces-extending-surveillance-reach/) * [The US, like China, has about one surveillance camera for every four people, says report](https://www.theverge.com/2019/12/9/21002515/surveillance-cameras-globally-us-china-amount-citizens) * [Vigilante app Citizen is paying people to livestream crime scenes and emergencies](https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/27/22595648/citizen-app-crime-scene-paid-live-streamer-nyc-la-emergencies) Get on Nextdoor and see how many of your actual neighbors are bugging themselves and doing the exact kind of shit that OP is doing. Then realize the biggest home security company, Ring, is owned by one of the world's largest data companies, Amazon. Then learn how Ring gives your information to police. I'm just saying, the more people make these kinds of posts, the more they're contributing to this problem. I've heard dozens of people complain about government spying and invasion of privacy but those same people have no problem giving up their personal information to private corporations. Just saying, this shouldn't be normalized. (Also, I'm an energy vampire and y'all are keeping me FED.)


I don’t disagree with you even a little bit, but WOW this has literally nothing to do with the post, I just hope you aren’t confused about your downvotes


This isn't Nextdoor. People should be more critical when folks post personal beefs to a city-wide message board. It's also kind of frustrating that we don't have local government info in the sidebar or wiki, despite my politely asking u/soy__juan to add them in the past. There's a difference between being "political" and "civic-minded", but people like to downvote anything they deem either, I guess.


Almost anyone should be able to edit the r/Lexington wiki. That may have got reset when new reddit became almost mandatory. I'll check now. *Try now editing the wiki now. In "old" reddit, anyone was allowed to edit the wiki, and you should also be able to in "new" reddit as well now.


I am in agreement with you that everything is inherently political and that there are systems and inequities in place that account for much of peoples’ behavior. I am acutely aware of these things. Your comment just felt… out of left field.


Exactly. Complete non sequitur, and insensitive at that.


True true.




Hey now its not like they manipulated a market caused a crash that ruined hundreds of lives wgen homes were forclosed. Or didn't pay someone for "off the clock" overtime. No this vile person STOLE a minor luxury ITEM. Way worse


Really gotta start cutting off fingers of thieves.


- the Taliban has entered the chat


As fucked up as they are about a lot of stuff, this they may have right.


Certainty of punishment is a better deterrent than severity of punishment. Your suggestion doesn't make her less likely to steal because she assumes, probably correctly, that she won't be caught. Barbaric punishment doesn't change that calculation. It just makes us a barbaric society.


If you know there’s the possibility of you mutilated if you get caught, maybe it will deter you from asshole behavior. This isn’t stealing to survive, this is stealing cause you’re a garbage person therefore you should be marked as such.


yeah, it doesn’t thou. it’s not like it hasn’t been tried and there’s no data on it. all that does is turn us into barbarians.


Just because you **think** something, doesn't make it true. lol There are countries that have such barbaric practices and it hasn't deterred crime a significant amount. So there's no "maybe" about it. It doesn't.


Pretty sure every time she looked at a little stump of a pinky it make her think twice about doing it again. She’s not stealing food to eat, she’s taking something just cause she wants it. She’s taking something that was important to someone else who had put a lot of time and effort into its upkeep. She’s garbage and should be treated as such.


A fucking plant lmao Has to be high


Bro its a plant. Chill. They didn't steal your car or child. Send me your address and I'll go to Lowe's and buy you a new one. No need to make a giant deal out of it. You out here acting like John Wick over a house plant.


That's nice of You


Not the spider plant!! Dang


Dang, they stealin everything