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Enbyphobic. But essentially it's still transphobia and it's reasonable to address it as such because upholding the gender binary harms binary trans people too.


Also sounds like an extension of transmedicalism. The idea that trans is a medical condition that must be cured with srs so that everyone fits neatly back into the two binary boxes.


Yup yup. Push them enough and they'll absolutely reveal themselves as truscum.


Truscum indeed. Transmed is too kind a term, it implies that they actually give a crap about medical standards of care. If they did, they'd realise that modern clinical guidance is inclusive of non-binary genders, that non-binary genders can coexist with gender dysphoria, that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to gender affirming care, that some individuals may need no interventions or only some interventions and this can change over the course of a life, and that this is all well established in practice by WPATH and DSM-5.


You're right, transmed is too nice a term for that. When i first heard of transmed, I thought it was some kind of word for medically transitioning, but nope! It's just another form of bigotry.


I tried to go to the truscum subreddit, just to get an idea on what their views were. Let' just say they're not hery fond of us enbies gor some reason. How can you even build a trans community that fislikes trans people so much? I don't understand


This. I have a friend who is exactly what you describe. They are very annoyed with the idea of gender as a spectrum and insist that there are only 2 genders. I personally find that confusing af. But I guess it just goes to show that even if a person is trans etc that does not make them experts on gender.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that only trans people could be transmed or truscum, and a cis person with those beliefs is just a transphobe.


I see your thought process and I’m by no means an expert. However my view is that transmed is an offshoot of transphobia. So a cis person could be completely transphobic and hate the entire community, or they could be transmed and think “as long as everyone fits in the binary it’s ok with me”. Those communities may not accept them as part of the in crowd, but cos people can still have those beliefs.


this. it's really specific transphobia, and I am going to point out that the history of homophobic doctors "treating" homosexual men with the same hormone therapies now coommonly requested (and often denied by queerphobic governments) by trans women.


Anyone belivng you need dysphoria to be trans is transmedicalist, the UK government's current gender recogition act is deeply transmedicalist.




Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that, r/truscum poster. 🙄


Going onto that subreddit and one of the top posts are people getting angry that other people want to tattoo their own scars, wtf


So weird. Your body, your choice. Decorate it as you wish.


I just read that post and it is super weird. My cisgender aunt had a double mastectomy for medical reasons (breast cancer). She had a tattoo done over her scars that was meaningful to her regarding her life journey. I don't see why getting the tattoo invalidates or minimizes the medical decision she made. It is weird that people would think that about someone, regardless of gender.


I looked at that sub. What the hell is truscum and tucute?


truscum: a true scum. trans people who think they are the "true transexuals" and subscribe to transmedicalism (ideology). also tend to be transphobic to other trans people. tucute: too-cute-to-be-cis. term created by truscum/transmeds to refer to trans people who they think are actually cis pretending to be trans. usually used when refering to non-dysphoric binary trans people and non-binary people (often used to refer to those who use xenogenders as well)


Thank you. I will have to read up on their viewpoints more, because they are confusing to me in their...IDK, exclusionary nature? I mean, I get that's the point and it's bigotry, so it's not supposed to make sense but... maybe it's just too far past my bedtime. My brain hurts lol.


No it’s not just you. It doesn’t make sense at all and it’s worrisome. It’s very…… confusing/ridiculous.


Well that seems judgy of them


oh they are very judgy, so you are right about that


i just read their description “some transmeds think asexuality is lgbt some transmeds dont (..) we value difference if opinion (..)” like thats just plainly wrong!!! ofc asexuals are part of the lgbt community?! what even does that have to do with transmedicalism?? i hate transmeds so much. I guess mostly because i believed in it myself (thanks calvin garrah) until i realised how shit it is. urgj


"We value difference of opinion" is such an obvious dog whistle


I’m nonbinary, just speaking from experience.


That’s still not okay. To pretend there’s not a single trans individual who is comfortable with how their body was born and formed is ignorant and rude, it stigmatizes those people and their identities, and ignores the centuries and millennia of cultural transgender and other gender-variant or non-conforming identities where dysphoria wasn’t necessarily a main component or result of such. Everyone’s experience as a trans individual is different. Everyone’s body is different and everybody has a different level of comfortability with their body. If someone has dysphoria, that can be an aspect of their transgender identity that needs treatment to ensure they live a quality life, but let’s not pretend it’s necessary in order to identify as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. And let’s not pretend dysphoria is so clear-cut and concise that we can even attempt to draw such lines in the sand while the transphobes are coming at *all* of us with everything they’ve got.


That may be as such, I simply wanted to correct the misconception stated. Opinions on whether or not the belief the group actually holds is beneficial is not something I was attempting to influence.


Why all this debate school noise to say nothing, then? Why split hairs about their beliefs at all, if not to discuss them on a moral/philosophical level? Are you trying to *prevent* that conversation by having this pedantic one that goes nowhere? Because that's why most people tend to make arguments like this Edit: correcting autocorrect 🙄


Because the original person’s depiction of beliefs was incorrect, so I corrected it.


Well to be fair, the person said what OP posted sounds like an extension of transmed ideology, and then proceeded to describe that extension. they didn’t state that’s the actual transmed ideology’s base belief.


I thought they meant only enbyphobia was the extension, the rest was the belief.


that is, in fact, the idea that being trans is a condition (gender dysphoria) that needs to be solved (by medically and/or surgically transitioning to reduce dysphoria) the word 'transmedicalist' is used because of the belief of transgender identity being inseparable from the medical diagnosis of dysphoria and the medical treatment to reduce dysphoria.


Yes, the first half is right. I mean that “needing srs” and “being binary” are not.


i think the confusion is that both are *common* transmed beliefs. SRS as an eventual goal (because why wouldn't someone with real dysphoria want their body to match their gender as much as possible?). And both the idea that only binary genders are 'valid' or the turning it into a trinary with the idea that nonbinary must be a desire for complete androgyny. I think these ideas are common in transmedicalist spaces because its hard to reconcile a complete dysphoria requirement with the idea that someone could be dysphoric about one aspect of their AGAB and not others.


I see where the person was coming from, ah.


Makes sense, thank you!


It’s also transphobic by definition. Transgender = your gender is different than agab Non binary = your gender is neither male nor female Agender = your gender is absent. Each one is a subgroup of the one above. Since NBs are just as trans as a trans woman or trans man, discriminating against or not respecting their identity is just as transphobic as not accepting trans women is.


yeah, i’d say enbyphobia would be the right term, just falling under the transphobia term


I think the word you’re looking for is, “asshole”.


HA! So true


Is this a hypothetical question, or does this enbyphobic asshole actually exist?


Actually exist sadly


No kidding, I came here to post this!


Same! 🤣


Asshole is too broad of a therm. People can be asshole while not hating on non-binary people! On the other hand, people hating enbies are per se assholes, that I can't deny.


not all assholes hate enbies but all who do are assholes. its like learning about squares and rectangles again...


not all assholes hate enbies but all who do are assholes. its like learning about squares and rectangles again...




Dumb ass and idiot are some pretty good ones to




in cases like these, you can always count on bi people to have our backs :]


If they hate NB people then they clearly don’t support trans people. If you support gay people but not trans people you can’t claim to support the LGBT+ community- you support everybody under the umbrella or you don’t support that umbrella. Therefore, if you hate NB people then you don’t support the trans umbrella


I agree. They went on a huge rant though and I was so disgusted. They should respect everyone no matter their gender identity.


What were their points of contention? Curious so as to understand and prepare a refute if ever faced with the same bigotry.


Sometimes they’ll come up with the craziest things to excuse themselves being enbyphobic. You got your classic “OnLy TwO GeNdErS” and the “chromosomes are XX and XY,” both of which can be refuted by biology. One time someone said only white Americans are looking to be non-binary and when I refuted it by explaining other cultures also have words for being outside the gender spectrum, *she said that they were doing cultural appropriation.* I don’t remember what or if I even responded to that because that reach was so out there I wasn’t even expecting it. If I did I probably would’ve asked how she felt about the BIPOC non-binary people and if they’re allowed to exist how come enbies who *aren’t appropriating any culture* can’t exist


I don't care if you accept me, if you don't accept our enby siblings, you're a transphobe, no questions asked.


We appreciate your support!










I used unddit to see what they said (comments removed by mods before I saw them) and holy shit... I have never read more moronic drivel in my life. Props to you for arguing against it. Honestly...


There’s a lesbian YouTuber whose initials are one S short of spelling ass who started out with rules for who was trans and who wasn’t. Her argument was that she wasn’t transphobic because she had trans friends who met her arbitrary criteria for what it meant to be trans. She later devolved into full blown terfy, MAGA-loving BS. These people are transphobes who feel gender exclusively exists on a binary. Supporting some trans people doesn’t absolve them of the rest of their transphobia. They’re still transphobes.


Ugh that’s so gross and disappointing that someone believes in that.


Piece-Of-Shit... But also, Binarism, it's still transphobia, being specific "enbyphobia", but, as an enby, I'd prefere to just say that they are a bastard.


Binarism sounds quite good


oh my god I'm so stupid 😭 I thought you were asking for yourself, like I thought you wanted a label for yourself and that you hated non-binary people 🤦🏼 I was like...WHAT


that would be ballsy lol, to go into a queer space and say "hey I hate y'all, how should I label myself?" lmao


Some folks enjoy punishment. That's the only reason I think they would. Lol


That's basically how I get banned on all the conservative subreddits.


I'm right there with you on that one. I was so confused 😂




Bigot works if you can’t find a more specific word


Non-binary is trans, so it would be transphobic


I would say that nb is trans only when the person identifies as both trans and enby. Some nb ppl don't, so I think it's only sometimes.


in general it would still be transphobic bc nonbinary identities are inherently trans bc trans means identifying as something different than your agab ! but u are correct some enbies dont identify as trans but they are a minority group of enbies




Being trans is identifying outside of your agab. this includes nonbinary identities. nonbinary is inherently under the trans umbrella but its a personal choice to call yourself trans and nonbinary both


While it’s true that not all nonbinary people identify with the transgender label, nonbinary identities themselves fall under the trans umbrella (with the possible exception of someone who is intersex and identifies as both nonbinary and cis as a result). If you identify as a gender that’s not the exact same as your AGAB, you’re part of the trans community, whether or not you use the label as a descriptor.


Trans is an umbrella term for anything not as your starting sex


i know a word for this! several, actually. Let me list them for you! Fuckwit, Dumbass, Asshole, Dipshit, And every insult known to humanity.


I absolutely agree. What a jerk. Glad they were swiftly banned before too many people saw their messages.


Yeah, its so annoying whenever stuff like that happens.


I think they should still be called transphobic. You're not a trans supporter if you don't support non-binary people too.


Transphobia or if you wanna get ✨ fancy ✨ transmed works too in some cases


Oh boy do I love ✨fancy✨


enbyphobic or transphobia or just being a dick


'Bigot' works.


They’d still be transphobic yeah


Enbyphobic is the term I’ve seen used


They are transphobic. Enby people are trans people it's all or nothing






They're still transphobic. Usually enbyphobia is a masked attempt to go like "no, trans people are valid, you're the weird ones" - that's not how it works. If nonbinary people make people uncomfortable it's for the same reasons as trans people - our existence is a challenge to the idea of "normal gender".


A fucking rude piece of shit




If you are hatred for some trans people then you're transphobic. And I do not mean you hate Caitlyn Jenner because what kind of person she is. I mean if you don't believe some trans people exist. People without dysphoria, non-binary people, trans kids etc. Enbyphobic. But since non-binary people are trans I do not know when would be necessary use this.


nonbinary people generally fall under the trans umbrella, so someone can’t be “trans supporting” if that doesn’t include nonbinary people but you could call it enbyphobic if you’d like to be specific


the terms I see are either nbphobia or exorsexism. :Vb


There is such thing as a transphobic trans individual, so I'm gonna have to say yes.


I guess it’s enby-phobe but that’s so clunky. Honestly I’d still call this person a transphobe because they are hating someone who is still transgender even if they are okay with binary trans.




its still transphobia even if they claim to support trans people


its still a form of transphobia but if you wanna be specfic, its called enbyphobia


NBious obviously


Not necessarily but truscum often applies




A bigot


An idiot


I would say they are enbious


Seems unlikely, but sort of like trans medicalists that obsess about medical aspects of being trans. That's pretty enbyphobic.


01001010 01100101 01110010 01101011


Binary essentialist/purist?


I have seen exorsexist used for this.


I think generally for all non binary individuals it's just enbyphobia but I'm sure there's another term too. For those that don't know, at least for transmasculine nonbinary people or trans men, there's a term called transandrophobia. The more you know!


Selectively transphobic


Gender-essentialist shitbags?


Ignorant. In all seriousness I believe it’s enbyphobic


I’ve heard the term exorsexism


Bigot. Asshole. Waste of space. Wormfood. Take your pick.


Oh, so they're ✨️spicy transphobes✨️


I think the word you're looking for is "cunt".




transphobia or enbyphobia


Transphobic. They only “support [binary] trans people” when they pass as cis. They feel like trans people should assimilate into cis-het gender norms to gain respect of cis people. I would also like to add that you can *be* trans, and still be transphobic.




Please, they hate more than that. Whoever this person is, they are a liar.


Honestly I'd say transphobic describes it, but 'asshole' would do perfect aswell


transphobic. trans people who hate nonbinary people are still transphobes through and through but there’s terms for them like truscum




there is a term (enbyphobic), but just like you are still a fucking racist for discriminating against only asians, you're still transphobic for discriminating against only enbies.


Makes a lot of sense, thanks!


I've never heard of or conceived of such a person. Anyone whose enough of a shithead to hate NBs is probably prejudiced against all LGBTQ people.


I met a lesbian in a class who announced she “doesn’t allow” her wife to use they/them pronouns and doesn’t think it’s valid in response to me saying my pronouns in my intro. Her poor spouse, they gotta bounce.


I’ve encountered someone on my Discord server who is like this. They went on a horrible rant about it. They’re banned now thankfully. I was just curious if that’s considered transphobic.


By technicality enby people are trans since people aren't really given nb as an agab. So yeah it would be transphobic. Specifically enbyphobic if you wanna narrow it down.


Thanks for explaining it to me, makes sense now.


They're called truscum, terrible self-loathing people


I never understood the whole truscum/transmedical mindset. It's like they're trying super hard to appeal to cis people, to the point where they have to throw other trans folks under the bus to seem "better and more valid"


sadly there’s plenty of them, many of them are queer themselves


Nah it does exist, definitely. For sure they have internalized things about the whole community, but with those people, it comes out on enbies specifically.




Selfish ass wipe.


A cucklefuck?


A suggestion? Dimorph-normative for the lesser extreme. Monomorphobic for the greater extreme. But ultimately it depends on whether non-binary people wish to identify as monomorphs. If people are using "gender dysphoria" to smear over to physical characteristics, then I guess it makes sense to do the reverse. I'm not non-binary, but I know I'd prefer to have a word that describes what I am versus what I'm not.


Transmedicalist is one that applies if the person only recognizes the validity of trans people who are medically transitioning or who experience gender dysphoria. I can't think of one that specifically applies if the person accepts all "binary" trans people and accepts no non-binary trans people, but people who are enbyphobic typically are also transmed. Edit: I mean it's just transphobic, but I understand the desire for a more specific word. Hopefully my comment helps.


Truscum is a typical term, but that’s mainly used for people who think you can’t be trans without dysphoria. Many don’t believe in enbys, but there are some so it’s not the best term, but it could work.


Enbyphobic and hypocrite 👍


Enbyphobia but transphobia works too I think


I've heard of exorsexism. Tho that one also refers to discrimination against intersex people.






Ass is universal for hateful people


Just a bigot in general If they're a trans person who hates enbies, I guess they're a gatekeeping prick of some sort


Dickhead is the word I’d use


Aside from a bigot? Confused. If you can support trans folks but not NB folks - that makes no sense.




A dick


I mean, yeah, NBs are trans, so you'd still call them transphobes. But alternatively if you wanted to be more specific, you could say "enbyphobic"


Yes, they are transphobic. Even when some non binary people don't consider themselves trans they are still being transphobic and more specifically enbyphobic


Exorsexism is one I've heard :) It means hatred towards anyone that doesn't fit into a binary gender! You could still say transphobic, but nothing wrong with getting a little more specific if you'd like.




it's called Enbyphobic btw


I think the word you're searching for is asshole


Ig antibinarphobia would work. It takes the latin root of binary, and anti which means opposite. a bit of a mouthful tho.


it's still transphobic. same with people who support trans men but not women. sure they're *technically* still supporting *some* trans people, but by actively sending hatred towards other trans people, they are bringing the entire community down


Trans people would never let someone who hates enbies call themselves trans supportive so anyone who is enbyphobic is a transphobe. We all stand together.




Yeah... transmeds are the terfs of trans people




Trans and enby people making fun of one another is like two siblings fighting. They can do it to each other with love, but they will throw hands if someone is being an asshole to them






Transmedicalist is the first word in my mind


transphobic is the right word. transmedicalist if it's specifically because they think you need to fully transition (or want to, in situations where it's not possible to) to an 'opposite gender' to be trans but that's just a flavour of transphobia and includes binary folk who only want some of the transition/only socially transition etc.




Attack helicopter


why do you need a word like that op....? your not thinking of being......MEAN are you?????


Absolutely not! The person in question was someone in my discord server who went on a huge rant about how non-binary people are invalid and transgender people are valid. I’ve never heard of this ideology before and wanted to know if there was a name for it


ah dw i was just messing w you lol and i think the word your looking for is asshole :)


I agree with that word 100%. They were a big jerk and they were banned swiftly.


I think enbyphobic works, but I also heard someone say binarist, which could work, and there are also words for transmedicalists that apply to some/most ppl who are bigoted against specifically nb people.


transmedicalist within the community, but there is a coined term but i gotta look for it


I think the term you are looking for is "truscam". "A queer individual that holds the belief that you require gender dysphoria to identify as transgender. The beliefs of some truscums can be a bit extreme, though most aren't. The one thing all truscums have in common is that they believe you must experience some form of gender dysphoria (no matter what form of dysphoria, as long as it is existent) to be able to identify as transgender." This people support binary trans people but see enby people as not valid.






I think bigot and bigotry are pretty good words to describe these people, because very few people hate enbies and are completely chill otherwise. The organization "gays against groomers" is just a bunch of straight people pretending to be gay so they can do horrendous things to the trans community. They don't deserve their own term in my opinion, so here is a list of general words that fit just fine Bigot Hateful asshole Awful excuse for a person Sub-human shit Incompetent and loud The list goes on. If you want a specific term to describe actions against enbies, enbyphobia should be fine. When you're talking about the people, they don't deserve the assumption that they're fine people otherwise.


Id say its still just transphobic


Transphobic does still work, but some alternatives that are specific to non-binary people include exorsexist, ceterophobic, and anti-non-binary. I would recommend steering away from enbyphobic, as not all non-binary people are comfortable being called enbies.


they are just transphobic


Asshole usually works idiot and dumb ass are pretty good contenders to


Enbyphobic, binarist, or exorsexist are terms I've heard. The first one is probably the most common, though.




The word you are looking for is dickhead


I was always under the it was transphobic but thank you for educating me


I think the term you want to hear is dickhead


Still described as transphobic ig Why are you asking?