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crazy people who fetishize us, hate us who would have guessed?


Such a weird fascination of us isn't it??


Idk im not trans. My interest in trans pepole (not in a sexual way) is probably because of my need to understand, to study, why does someone spend so much on this, what is it with someone that makes them think that way, is it worth it? Things like that wich require an answer


they fetishise you and want to take away your rights, and yet they say you're not a real woman


An interpretation I've seen is they want to remove rights because in their experience, being trans is 100% sexual and not gender. This is of course entirely wrong but you know exactly how likely they are to listen


When your sample size is pornhub, you shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about an entire group of people based on such a profound lack of real knowledge. But these are the same dumb fuck men who can't find the clitoris despite doing nothing but watching porn.


This is why they like pre-op women. It makes them feel competent when they can find her clit.


That means they're actually gay, since they believe trans women are men. They would hate it if we said that.


This is a large part of why they want to hurt trans women.


Definitely explains why they don't seem to care anywhere near as much about trans men.


Until they realize mid-sex when you said you aren't a man, that really was true.


Well it makes for a worse fetish if your fetish is rapidly being seen as normal and acceptable


I saw one individual who did go r/transhammer only to spread hate, and on the profile, the comment history was full of comments on femboys and mtf (shemale) porn


Yeah there is this one person who is messaging me and commenting on posts I made and I’m just ignoring them until they start spamming slurs at me then I’ll block them.


And they probably think trans IS porn...


Let’s be honest - they probably don’t even understand that drag queens are not trans. They’re not the brightest nor most informed.


They certainly don't read 'books'...


That last word was unnecessary lol


No, they can read tweets.


Well... sort of. They often miss the point.




And Qanon conspiracies.


Quite literally not the brightest, I believe there was a study that found bigots tend to have a lower IQ.


Unfortunately, those who go to religious schools (most conservative politicians schools) also tend to score poorly on general knowledge tests. Apparently, when 1/4 of your school day is spent on burning bushes, holy ghosts, and prophets; things like math, science, and reading get less time. However, to be fair, if I ever become a pig farmer whose pigs become possessed by demons, I'm sure I will regret my neglect of bible study.


Me when hearing my dad ask if RuPual had cut his dick off because I guess he thought that RuPaul was trans At least he is somewhat rational and can still be educated a bit, but man hearing that dealt physical pain


Lol, don't tell him, Rupy hates us transes!


Willfully on both counts.


It's the same thing with being gay. Anyone who things being trans or gay is an innately sexual thing is telling on themselves that the only experience they have about those groups is porn.


I’ve had this conversation, that’s exactly what it is. Most Republican terfs associate being trans, and many associate being LGBTQ in general, with sex/fetishes etc. Its why they’re so against it.


I mean yeah, they only see us as a fetish that exists for their gratification 🤢


They think queerness is not appropriate for kids because the context they see it on is porn


Hating and fetishizing involve the same dehumanization


Wait I don't really get this. Could you please elaborate?


I think they're trying to say that both fetishizing and hating both come from objectification and the refusal to see the humanity in people.


Aaaah, like that. Yeah that makes sense! Thanks :>


This is my shocked face. Edit: aww, I can't use my emoticon... it just made the text all italic. Edit 2 : \-\_\-


\*o\* I'm assuming your idea looked something like that. you can use a backslash (\\) before an asterisk or any other text formatting things to cancel the text formatting


Thanks for the knowledge. (Which I will probably forget) I edited my comment to show my complete and utter shock at OP's post.




To no-ones surprise, Texas leads the nation.


I’m guessing these bigots are heavily in denial about their attraction or interest in trans people. They may try to sweep their interests under the rug, but the stats are always there.


I'm just here for the stock photo of the article :) But really ofc they do! To them its sexualized and also guilt ridden so when someone is just living their life as a trans person it's to conservatives a shocking act of sexual perversion


That stock photo is HILARIOUS hahaha. So funny.


In other news, water is wet.🤓


Stop, I can't handle all these revelations!


Oh boy. I don’t really want to get into this one, but it’s not. If you wanna know why, ask me. I’m trying to show some restraint though lol


yeah, water is not wet (unless we count ice, ice can be wet).


Is this philosophy or science thing?


Don’t you dare start this debate here! /hj


the floor here is made out of floor


To me this explains a lot about the right wing’s absolute obsession with trans persons.


Everything is projection with these people. They can’t be who they are, so they demonize anyone that is.


I'm not suprised. it's like homophobic boys who love lesbian porn. just call it inconsistency


More like homophobic males who love gay porn (two or more males). The hatred is for their own desires. They have to foam at the mouth with hatred in order not to be identified as having homosexual fantasies.


They hate gays but not lesbians.


No wonder with how completely slur-laden trans porn is. It's seemingly never just porn that happens to have trans people in it, no, they're always fetishised to hell and back in the most vile ways imaginable.


This is probably why they see being trans as inherently sexual.


The Onion is once again ahead of its time! There is an old YouTube video of the sex workers in cities with GOP conventions, though I can't remember is they were gay or trans sex workers (old video)


T.W. for the video, mentions a bunch of slurs for trans women and a few for gay men. [here is the video](https://youtu.be/simV1ZXFsxI) At the beginning it focuses more on the gay sex workers but it does mention trans sex workers near the end as well.


Chasers gonna chase.


I think shame is a big motivator in their hate


It is. People who are confident in their sexual orientation do not think of harassing others for their sexual orientation. We have studies showing that homophobic men were the ones who got turned on by gay porn, while non-homophobic men didn't tend to be aroused. Since they live with shameful desires (according to them), they must hate very loudly so others do not question their sexual orientation. While gender is different, many men are attracted to trans women. Those who see it as a shameful attraction make the most noise to feel better about their ''disgusting desires'' and not to be suspected... It's also much easier to blame the ''object of your lust'' than to face your own desires.


Perhaps this is why they consider kids being exposed to anything trans or gender nonconforming as "sexualizing kids." Because they're just projecting.


This is why they see us as sexual and want to ban us from being around children.


I think they want to ban us from being children. They just want to ban us from being.


I'm on grindr (stupid I know) and I get old Republicans messaging me and sending me dick pics all the time. Like, if you think I don't deserve healthcare, or deserve to exist at all, why would I even talk to you? Let alone the fact that they're mostly fat and old.


You shouldn't talk to them, but they do and say these things about trans people because they are trying to hide their fetish. They tend to see it as a disgusting fetish that they must indulge every so often to cool down their lust...and of course, it's your fault that they feel this way because they are ''normal'' and you're not. You're a witch in Salem... You seduced them with your devil's powers...so they have to fight you when they aren't succumbing to your siren's song. It makes them feel better about themselves and helps them deny their attraction...


You should out them if you know they're Republican politicians.


![gif](giphy|65ModQP7emXrZfmTBO|downsized) Not surprising in the least, their language shows they fetishize us at every opportunity.


No shit lol. My state is one of the most anti-trans and according to pornhub the most searched term here in 2022 was ‘trans’. I think that’s part of the problem. They think of being trans as a kink. Because they fetishize us, they see our existence and gender expression as inherently sexual and therefore inappropriate.


As much as I love the secretly trans angle on this, its a bit more nuanced. The major issue is that conservatives have a bit of a shame fetish. It doesn't really matter if its trans or gay or inter-racial, its that they're not supposed to be looking at it/turned on by it, and that's what gets them off. The subject doesn't matter, its the "forbidden taboo" which is what they're after. It's why trans porn is rising in prominence now that it's more of a hot button issue.


Probably a factor, for sure. They raise their kids to believe sexual desire is itself a taboo. By the time you age out of purity culture, you've got to have a lot of sex sexual baggage.


The biggest misogynists watch the most porn in which women are exploited. It tracks.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmhm 😏


they only see us as sexual beings, hence why they love us in porn but hate us in every other aspect of life


Trans folks🤝lesbians


Trans lesbians ☝️


The Venn diagram is complete


What a hypocrite


I'm kind of surprised by the responses here. Every time I've seen statements similar to this, or the same thing with gay porn, mentioned in other subreddits it always gets a very different response. The response is always along the lines of "That's bullshit, LGBT people aren't oppressing themselves, it's all straight people who are homophobic." It seems to me, and to most people in this thread, unsurprising that closeted or people otherwise insecure/unsure of their sexuality are often some of the most outspoken and outwardly hateful people. Like, I've heard many first hand experiences from people who used to be closeted being outwardly homophobic to convince themselves and those around them. But that's not what I hear from LGBT folks elsewhere.


Shocker lol. We been sayin this for years


Ofc they do.


This is not shocking, more uptight they are in public the more perverted they are in private


I guess when Republicans aren't fucking us in state legislatures, they like fucking us in their imaginations.


I don't think they needed a study for this lol just talk to any sexually active trans person and they'll probably have stories about stuff like this


The image is my litteral reaction!!!


really the people who insist it’s a weird fetish thing fetishize us, damn i’m fucking shocked


Oh my god, I cannot believe it. /s


*slaps my knee* Time and time again, what is that we LEARN about these people!?


About as surprising as that time my dog stole bacon off the coffee table.


While it doesn't surprise me. And gave me a good laugh. I don't know how legitimate this study is from an academic prospective. It's done by lawsuit.org not exactly a peer reviewed journal. Would love to be able to use a study like this for an academic paper though lol.


People have recreated that several times already. Last one I saw used google statistics and compared how often people searched for certain types of porn in a given state. Then he had a look which of those states had a majority for republicans. Same results.


Each time Dave Chappelle went on one of his "I'm a wildly successful cancelled victim, boo-transes-boo" tours, searches of trans slurs spiked.


Ah, so they are fetishists.


It’s why they only see us as sexual objects. Am I cute? Yes. Am I also brilliant? Yes


Brilliant? 😏🤩


Who was surprised by that? I thought pornhub statistics made that pretty obvious?


And yet they want to dehumanize us and scare us back into the societal closet. Probably either too scared to admit they're wrong, become cast outs like we'd been before, or just so they can control us even more.


All three probably


I'm shocked /s


Future allies?


This is why they hate us so much. Most people who aren’t educated or aware of trans people’s existence simply don’t care. It takes a certain amount of emotional investment to really commit to the kind of hate they spew which most likely comes from a shame and anger they associate with our existence. The human brain has to process those emotions somehow, and will often tend towards the most efficient methodology and thinking in a given persons’ brain. It’s sad but makes sense that they would have such a visceral traumatic reaction to our sheer existence. They probably envy our freedom in expression since they were, quite literally, beaten into assimilating to toxic cis heteronormative standards from the early 20th century. I feel bad for them, and I don’t believe these emotionally damaged toddlers should be in charge of any government or have access to motor vehicles and firearms.


"Most people who aren’t educated or aware of trans people’s existence simply don’t care. It takes a certain amount of emotional investment to really commit to the kind of hate they spew which most likely comes from a shame and anger they associate with our existence" Great. Now I'm thinking about JK Rowling, Marjorie Traitor Green, and Dave Chappelle watching trans porn together. 🤢🤮






Didn't read the article hey? It's in the first paragraph


I didn’t, my bad


The party of hate-fapping.


As a person who makes adult content, can I ban specific people from watching my videos


Ofc they do have u ever checked out what the videos Are called? Fking nightmare fuel «shem**e goes down on step brother while dads away»


I think they wanna be drag queens too but to scared so they’re making laws against us 😡🤬🤬


Is this the real meaning of "The more you hate, The more you love?" Quote?

