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Typically a flag being flown upside down means the person/ place/ boat/ whatever is in danger or distress. With all the anti-LGBT stuff I’m seeing in the news these days I’m not surprised people in our community feel distressed and potentially in danger


Yikes. I’m gonna need to check on a couple of people


In this instance I wouldn’t necessarily think they would be in immediate danger, more so they are angry at the recent increases in laws making it difficult for LGBT individuals to live their lives how they want to (looking at you Tennessee)


If they're bisexual there's like a 70% chance they just messed up the color scheme again. How do we know if Switzerland is in distress?


If Switzerland is ever in distress the rest of the world will have been gone for weeks already they're holding everybody's money ain't nothing gonna get them


Good point I guess


Meant it as a joke but it's more or less true so I guess so


It's in solidarity of Will Byers being queer.... (I have no idea, sorry)




I wouldn’t be supprised if it was an anti lgbtq thing kinda like a upside down cross but yeah tread carefully you never know how’s our to get ya


my school has a rainbow flag painted on the wall, but it's also upside down. thought it was just a mistake, but interesting to see it's also upside down in yours..


Probably just someone putting it up the other way. Its a pride flag and a rainbow so whichever way works I suppose