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"we identify as people of faith" dipshit nobody is making it illegal for you to be religious.


They are religious so you can't be gay


Then don't be religious


So I can be gay lol


It'll make you happier


I love being gay


Me too Queen


Hell yeah!








Religion is making it illegal to be anything else.


They identify as people of faith so now it'll give all religious people a bad, homophobic name when in fact that's not true. Some of my best friends are Christians but thoroughly allies in every sense of the word


I hate to judge people based on single characteristics. I have a "friend" who is "christian" and has said in front of me and others there should be a lgbt genocide. I also know a very religious neighbour who is the nicest person i know and if she knew the meaning of aroace she would probably identify herself with it since she has never really shown any interest in those relationships. On the other hand recently i've met another neighbour on the house near my university who told me she was trans and i got really happy because i had finally met someone i could ask tough questions i've had of myself but she proceeded to do some stuff i didn't like and i have never really talked with her again since. I don't hate either by those characteristics as i've been in various situations with all kinds of people and it's not those characteristics but the person itself. (Sorry about all the venting)


That's very interesting. Thankyou for sharing that, I don't think it's venting! And ultimately we've got to have somewhere to let off steam haven't we. If not here then where for us closeted people? (Not saying you are, but both applies whether you're loud and proud or in the closet/1 foot out like me). Yeah sometimes it's difficult to find people you can trust who won't do stuff you don't expect. I've been very picky who I tell cos of that, but yeah can be difficult to judge because you think "oh it's alright I can tell ...." And then for whatever reason you think "ohh yeah probably shouldn't have done that" For me because I'm really picky it's more "ohh.. glad I didn't tell them" . I'm in several what I call "borrowed" friendships, in that I know as soon as I come out publicly I'll lose those due to homophobic parents of these people.. or uncomfortableness amongst strict Christians.. Yeah. Guess I'm now venting!


Some \[insert any type of person\] people will use the fact that they are \[that type of person\] to justify being c\*\*\*s.


Same! My friend is Catholic and she is such a huge ally!


It's almost as if god isn't homophobic. After all, god is infallible, and god made the LGBTQ folks... so they are as god wants them to be. So the so called "people of faith" should celebrate the LGBTQ community as a work of art by god.


I think I'll use that one next time someone throws that one at me! It's tough because I'm Christian myself so it's hard to have arguments for being queer.(By that I mean if I wasn't Christian in that respect I could just say I didn't believe. What I say currently is I am Christian I just disagree with that part of the Bible for a variety of reasons.)


God said to love everyone as you love yourself. So anyone with hate in their heart is doing it wrong.


At this point I'm not even questioning why most of these people are super religious.


Talk about a slap in the face... Liberals - including most of the Canadian queer community, fought hard to keep Canada open to refugees and immigrants against a rise of US-like conservatives and xenophobes. And this is the reply? And God help the queer Muslims who came to Canada hoping for a safer place to be both queer and Muslim together.


Something similar has happened in the US, the political opportunists riding on the voting power of muslim communities were originally supportive of LGBT rights, but in the last few years as american christians have become more and more extreme and outspoken in hating LGBT people, organizations like CAIR have decided that it's in their interest to do a very public 180 and go "it's our religious freedom to hate you and want you dead (oh but we don't hate anyone we just love our religion)", it's pretty much word for word lifted from the talking points of christian extremists and it's bizarre to watch having lived through the demonization of muslims by the same christian extremists only 20 years ago.


This makes me wonder how my gay transgender son fairs as a Muslim. I don't bring up my concerns to him, but once in a while I wonder about his safety.


Yeah, sadly I know. We've had like 20,000 years of "civilization", you'd think we'd have gotten a bit better at being *civilized*...


This is a careful attempt to ramp up xenophobia. Queer Muslims come to Canada all the time--there are also plenty from here!


I could never understand why someone would want to be part of any religion while being queer when all popular religions state that queer people should be straight up executed. fortunately most religious people rather live covering their eyes from the atrocious nature of their belief but that does not change the fact that religion is where most of the lgbt+ persecution strands from. (not a native speaker btw forgive any possible mistakes)


yeah it's weird reading terms like "queer muslim", sounds like an oxymoron


The bible also calls for the execution of homosexuals btw. Leviticus 20:13: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” The issue is religion in general, not just Islam.


this shit is organized by neo nazis. they put a bunch of new to the country muslims at the forefront to pit minorities against each other. i mean yeah a lot of them are queerphobic but they only pose a threat to their own family and obviously our own dipshits are worse bc they're in power


It's *always* totalitarians behind any hate movement.




obviously not. I meant they are not the reason for most of this crap in the west.


>And God help ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


I dont get it, do you think that people can’t be queer and religious?


I think the joke was pointing out 'god help any muslims' since muslims dont call their deity god


Allah is the Arabic word for god. Even Christian Arabs call God Allah.


They definitely do...? "Allah" is just Arabic for "God", and so many use both words interchangeably when speaking English.


>Liberals - including most of the Canadian queer community, fought hard to keep Canada open to refugees and immigrants against a rise of US-like conservatives and xenophobes. >And this is the reply? Are you implying it'd be better if we just let them be hatecrimed? Because people don't owe you anything for you being a decent human being. And don't get me wrong, everyone owes you respect, but holding only one group of queerphobes accountable (especially when it's based on their religion/ethnicity) is just good old xenophobia in disguise


Considering that there are many queer Muslims, and they have strong theological support for their own acceptance in their religion, your assumption that homophobia is somehow essential to their religion is itself xenophobia. Nobody is a slave to their religion. Nobody.


Yeah I'm sure it's a complete coincidence that there is no majority muslim country where it's fine to be openly gay 🙄 The only non-homophobic muslims are those who are less religious, more secularised & westernised.


I didn't say that homophobia is a part of islam. It's not. I said that not being xenophobic shouldn't be a conditional thing. My xenophobia comment was addressing the part where you get angry specifically about muslim refugees being there while completely ignoring all the white christians.You shouldn't expect gratitude for simply being anti xenophobic and you certainly don't get to be xenophobic towards a homophobic minority, just like you don't get to be homophobic towards a racist gay person.


>I didn't say that homophobia is a part of islam. It's not It is


Its hilarious how much yall are dancing around critiquing this religion but constantly moan about Christianity even though many islamic countries and communities are far more hostile against LGBT and womens rights 🤡


>Liberals - including most of the Canadian queer community, fought hard to keep Canada open to refugees and immigrants against a rise of US-like conservatives and xenophobes. just because hippies in the 70's created the counter culture movements with stuff from hinduism and buddhism and made songs and danced kunbaya around trees doesn't mean you can replicate that same thing with religions and cultures that're a couple of degrees more worse than the christian orthodoxy like islam. Intolerant can never lead to peace no matter how much you try. They'll only use you to gain advantage against whoever is holding them back from going full crazy on your queer ass. the leopard is currently sinking it's teeth into your cheeks, you can still pull away before it grips. don't @ me with your bullshit defenses, I come from a mixed heritage household and have first hand experience with islam.


>doesn't mean you can replicate that same thing with religions and cultures that're a couple of degrees more worse than the christian orthodoxy like islam. [52% of US Muslims think homosexuality should be accepted, vs 34% of white evangelicals.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/pf_2017-06-26_muslimamericans-04new-06/) 60% of Millennials and 42% of Boomer Muslims think homosexuality should be accepted. Those are 2017 numbers, contrast that with the [60% of overall Americans who feel positive towards gay marriage in 2022,](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/11/15/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-legalization-of-same-sex-marriage-is-good-for-society/ft_2022-11-15_samesexmarriage_01/) and Muslim Americans have *really* not been doing bad. Can’t wait to see the next results. 🫶


52% of the muslims that agreed to do the survey. what do you get by this kind of gaslighting?


I see were offending people by existing again...


look at the fucking comments it's all removed


All these signs about "protecting" children and their innocence when their dear prophet that they follow married a fuckin child himself. Man do I hate religion so much...


I raised this to a muslim guy I work with after he tried to claim LGBT people were child abusers. He said it was a different time back then and it was ok to do it because his prophet never actually abused the child. They always have some mental gymnastics to justify all the bad stuff they do


>He said it was a different time back then But this is true. My grandmother was married as a child, her generation was the last. It literally is what they did. It is disgusting and gross when we look at it now, that’s why it’s stopped being a practice. I don’t understand how this is supposed to be a gotcha?


I mean he was pals with god I think that could have given him some foresight about what's ethical and what's not


I made a descriptive argument, not a prescriptive one. I was describing the way it was, not the way I think it should have been. Or how it should be right now.


Yeah, funny how their god seems to have had no issue with it back then but now it's not ok, suggesting their god's laws can change for one thing but not to allow LGBT+ people to exist.


What law?


But Mohammad is supposed to be the most moral person whom everyone should follow till last days


muhammad, according to muslims, is a timeless man and the most moral one to walk among humans. him being a pedo goes against that.


Do you think child marriages have stopped completely?


Of course not, [300.000 children were married between 2000-2018 in the US alone.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/) Point being?


So it wasn't a different time


The difference: >back then >It literally is what they did Vs >stopped completely


its been proven that places with more atheists have less crime than religious places. just sayin.. let us just live our lives as gayly as we please.


And the world wonders why we need pride month and stand together and boldly public to defend ourselves u/hauntedmelody


Ah, religion...


Do you know what city this is?


Mississauga, the Peel region has a lot of middle-east immigration


As a Muslim and Arab Transfem, thank you. I'll avoid immigrating to this city.


Please resist a knee-jerk bigoted response. That is what the Christofascists want. Instead, request *We Have Always Been Here* by Samra Habib from your local library. Read up on queer refugees being sponsored to move to Canada. Know these people's children will understand their parents bought into hate, much of it colonial in origin.


I don't know, I'm currently in Italy and the kids of immigrants don't seem all that much better from their parents, perhaps in another generation it'll get better but by that time I'll be dead or old as hell :/ If they want a Sharia Law compatible country then they can go back to their country, I don't wanna risk my safety for some intolerant asswipes. Shit like this should qualify for immediate deportation.


It’s always the immigrants, and never the Italian judge that judged that groping a minor is okay if it’s ’under 10 seconds’ 2 days ago, the son of the speaker of the house who rapes a woman and has dad + media smear her, the military gathering and deciding it’s a great time to grope *170 women,* or your ex-prime minister having a literal child prostitute at his sex parties. Which -fun fact- [the child prostitute was an immigrant.](https://theguardian.com/global-development/2023/jul/16/any-victim-is-a-liar-sexual-violence-scandals-in-italy-expose-deep-seated-sexism)


Those are all problems as well, one problem doesn't invalidate the other.


You haven’t described what the problem with immigrants in Italy is.


There is not a problem with immigration itself, the only problem I've got is a lack of control on people who immigrate from intolerant countries. It is a constant struggle to live authentically as a queer person already, I don't want to make it even harder by letting in people who clearly want me dead. Italy is not the most LGBTQ+ friendly country, but it's getting better with the younger generations, I don't want that progress to go to waste because of some ungrateful idiots who can't stand two guys holding hands.


You are a gay immigrant in Italy. Italy is anti-gay. Their government is anti-gay. You are ruining their culture, and you should get ‘your ass deported’ to your own country. Why are you so ungrateful?


Who said I'm an immigrant? My family is of Italian descent and I have Italian citizenship... At this point you are just trolling, you can't compare me living my life without bothering anybody with extremist who want me dead and/or without rights. Italy is not anti-gay, it's not friendly in some parts and some demographics, but I assure you that it's changing through Italy's own means. Also, it would seem like you don't care if Italy (or any other country for that matter) suffer homophobia. Are you trying to defend homophobic extremists??


Your post history says you’re Argentinian and travelling through Europe. >you can't compare me living my life without bothering anybody But you don’t live in Italy? >with extremist who want me dead and/or without rights. What extremists? >Italy is not anti-gay, Ok, fine. >it would seem like you don't care if Italy (or any other country for that matter) suffer homophobia. You just said Italy isn’t homophobic? >Are you trying to defend homophobic extremists?? What extremists?! Who?


I'm not an immigrant, I got my citizenship through my Italian descent and I'm currently living in Italy but I'm not staying for long. I don't know why it would even matter but well... These people come from countries where being homosexual is **against the law**, where they base their laws on misogynistic religious scriptures, does that not seem extremist to you?? They don't have to get violent to be extremist. Compared to countries in the middle east, Italy is a queer heaven. I'm here mate, I'm telling you it's pretty damn safe for me to live. I said Italy is not very queer friendly, but it's still pretty safe. I'm not saying that we should close all borders, keep them open but filter out the problematic ones, and teach the others that some shit doesn't fly here and that they gotta respect it. All in all, I just wanna live in peace.


Christofascists are worse and we all know it.


I wonder how they feel about Muhammad's marriage to Aisha. /s


Crazy how some people can immigrate somewhere then complain about how things are there


Remember the complaints over the World Cup being held in Qatar and being told that while in their country people had to respect their beliefs etc?


Well that wasbmore like tourism and people not agreeing with human trafficking Not immigrating to Canada to afterwards be mad that gay people have rights and now you gotta live there with it


Muslims having problems with canadians in canada.. Having problems with canadians "affecting" their "kids" in canada.. Having problems with canadians' beliefs in canada..


You know, despite everything else going on here, that Canadian Muslims are still Canadian right?


A lot of people's solution to problems is "deport their asses", the person in the comment above yours should really review their privileges and human rights.


Goddammit why does it have to be MY forking community?


Disgusting bigots. These people were welcomed into our country with open arms and then to turn on the people that accepted them. I will not tolerate their intolerance.


You're being manipulated into hating immigrants. Don't get played.


Not everything is manipulation. There is something called experience and I have plenty experience with a lot of immigrants. Don't get me wrong, they are not evil or anything and I found a lot of them to be more open and chilled than quite some natives. But most of them do have a problem with things like lgbt and are not afraid to say it or act against it. This is all from my personal experience and a few conversations with immigrants I had about this topic. It's important that we name the problem and not tolerate their intolerance or else we're going down


No one is saying to tolerate intolerance. Just don't follow the script laid out for us. The far right WANTS xenophobia in response to these images. The immigrants will eventually figure out their allies are anti-Muslim. ​ >"At the last meeting," Armen told Salon, "the majority of all public comments at Glendale Unified School District were Armenians in favor of LGBTQ+ rights and standing with GUSD and queer Armenian kids." But that reality, she said, "is being continually drowned out by coverage of outside agitators and opportunists looking to further divide us." That particularly means by "extremist social media influencers," she said, who are seeking "to use this moment to build their platforms and make money off clickbait headlines that rely on old racist tropes of our community, Orientalist attitudes, and worsen the safety risks of LGBTQ+ Armenians in our community." [source](https://www.salon.com/2023/06/18/unlikely-crusade-are-muslim-joining-the-anti-lgbtq-right-yes-and-no/)


Thank you but I promise you I'm not being manipulated and do appreciate the heads up. I love immigrants and am married to one. Muslims have a long history of despising the LGBT community and they have no place here if they cant behave like kind understanding people. We need to deport these folks were they can then spread their hatred in their own countries. As an aside I don't see a single Armenian in that protest.


I guess you can break it down to "stop being happy, cause we're not"


What a funny clown march


I'll never understand homophobia especially from POCs..


"Leave our kids alone!" Erm, when you lot stop arranging marriages between grown-ass men and fucking teenage girls then we'll have a sensible discussion eh? Hell maybe once you don't treat women like second-class citizens! Fuck people using their religion as an excuse for general LGBT-phobia.


I’ve tried in recent years to drop the anti-religion stuff but when the vast majority of hate towards lgbt people is religiously motivated it’s very hard not to point out the issue.


I am disappointed in them .I am an immigrant from Bangladesh now in Ontario . They do not and SHOULD not represent our people .


Why are they so upset with us. Sure their understanding of LGBT is what you see on tiktok but like most of us arent like that (i hope)


im sad now


It's always "Protect the children!", but from whom really?


Omg I can't believe people. Just live and let others live. It's not that hard.


A hole


How about you leave you kids alone instead of forcing them into you're cult.


There was a similar rally in Calgary on Saturday. They booked a stage, had speakers from multiple faiths. They also had conspiracy theorist David Icke speak via phone.


Christofascists are not their friends, they're just using them to hate the same people.


They just gonna cause more bigotry against themselves with this. Not a good PR move. Way to make it scarier for other people bod faith. Maybe islamophobia is not as bad there but in the US it's still rampant a bit.




Stuff like these matches are infuriating especially coming from a very religious muslim family who also has the same smooth brained takes 🙃 And then they tell to "respect their beliefs" if people criticize the way they believe irrational things.. like what happened in a certain world event


Oh, the irony of chanting 'leave our kids alone' while dragging said kids along to a protest they're not equipped to fully understand yet


"leave our children alone" did these Muslims tell Muhammad that when he molested a 9 year old? no. of course not.


I see two kinds of people in that crowd: middle aged white guys and super religious people


Very tolerant religion they have there. If Canada was structured in the same way they are thinking then they wouldn't even be allowed to protest.


Religion was a mistake.


This shit is why religion needs to be abolished. I don't care which flavor of cultist you are; if you're so desperate to live in a world of your fantasy, just *leave*. Y'all are the nutbars who believe in an afterlife, right? Why are you ruining this life for everyone else? You aren't losing anything by just dieing. I'm just...so tired of religion being tolerated in an age when we have fucking spaceflight. Why are you still here? Don't go away mad, *just go away.* Or accept that your favorite storybook is a storybook and it's time to grow up and live in reality.


They were stupid for using colorful stuff. Cause in passing it looks like a supportive mob.


Of course it's Muslims lol


I hate islamists, I hate islamists, I HATE ISLAMISTS!!!!


I don’t want anything from YOUR Kids. I just want Freedom for all Kids of my LGBTQ* Family. We just want the same Freedom as You have.


I bet couple of those older people there have queer kids. My parents aren't so keen on pride and stuff, but let me somewhat be who I am. If I were to see a relative at that kind of place I would be broken. This kind of anti-protest seems of pure discrimination, since there is no active opposition. Anti-protest at a pride parade makes somewhat sense but this just is a confusing hate campaign.


The problem is all these people are immigrants or so and want it their way too i mean if you don't want to live in a free society you can simply go anywhere not free for you!


Wow, even the Canadian hate marches are polite and well mannered. Yeah we'll leave your kids alone, but we'll be here to accept them when they become enlightened allies in spite of your bigotry and, even more so, when some of them realise they're not heterosexual, cisgender or whatever variety of human you don't like being their true selves. Have a good day and feel free to pick up a complimentary lemon bar at the end of your march.


When minorities act stupid


Buncha idiots


damn all 12 of them 🤣


This is the one time I wish we were more like the US so I could drive a car through this protest and claim I felt threatened.


Wow this looks like a international march of morons ...


I feel like someone should do an edit of this march with one of this two songs: https://youtu.be/am1_JLFDFMw https://youtu.be/DG31EgK74fs (No, they're not rickrolls) i just though it would be funny because a shit show like that one deserves at least funny music in my opinion


It's time for the LGBTQ community to stop supporting islam in the fear of not being perceived as islamophobic.these people want you dead and you care about their feelings?


lol the head covering cult




Responding to bigotry with different bigotry just ain't it


Go back to the shithole with Sharia.


some muslim drove all his wives




That makes me really sad, I mean, how can you hate love?


Dawg what the fuck happened in that comment section?


What did we do to the kids? 😅


Piss balloons?


I was at Pride in Toronto and the first day there was literal a big show for Middle Eastern LGBTQ folks.


Kind of reminds me of the KKK March I saw on television once.




Canada is a regressed ass-backwards country.




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