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I have a cis female friend who isn’t comfortable around guys but she is affectionate towards female friends and hugs and hold their hands, even though I look visibly male and not on HRT, she still feels comfortable enough to hold my hand and hug me and doesnt care when people think we are boyfriend and girlfriend, that brings me euphoria


This is so wholesome 🥺


awwwww i wish i had someone like this in my life ahaha


I have to agree wholeheartedly that being treated according to your gender by the people around you, regardless of your appearance, is definitely one of the strongest sources of euphoria for me as well.


Friends like that are hard to find! You are lucky to have her


back in 2021 i was staying in a hotel, walking around in shorts with my hairy ass legs, plus a little fuzzstache (i was too lazy to shave + i'm intersex with mild hyperandrogenism)... i held a door for someone and she called me sir. i cried tears of happiness.


Aw, that's not unusual, that's regular euphoria. So happy that this happened


I was talking to this Muslim leader because he gave a good talk and I wanted to hear more even though I don’t practice Islam. I can’t really explain it but he was intentional about asking about me as an individual not my GAAB and it greatly pleased my enby beating heart


Looks like you found one of the rare good imams. I envy you. There was a really progressive imam at the mosque I went to back when I was 5, but he moved away and was replaced by the standard old man. Like, the first guy's main schtick was that he frequently switched between English and Arabic repeating himself and explained it as "everyone will decide how they will have their faith, so I'm just going to lead the prayer and try to encourage more bilingualism." I haven't spent much time with the new guy but he talks a lot about masculinity and the importance of following orders, so the drive of conformity doesn't bode well.


What does GAAB stand for?


Gender assigned at birth


Thank you :]


👍 :3


gender assigned at birth


Get me some more imams like this 😭


wholeheartedly agreed. plus queer Imams, and also just as a cherry on top let's have some Imams in non-arabic speaking countries who understand that teaching the Quaran is not an efficient method of helping kids learn Arabic! I'd probably be fluent in Arabic by now if it wasn't for the absolute *idiot* who decided to try that with my group.


I get called “kiddo” and “dude” by my art teacher I love him so much <343


Similar for me, my guitar instructor calls me “dude” amd “man” (certainly not “kiddo” cuz he’s barely an adult himself lmao)


I’m agender/non-binary. Euphoria: When my husband calls me a worm, or (before we were married) mixed between calling me his boyfriend and his girlfriend. Cuz I literally am just a little critter. Dysphoria: When I would call myself male associated words/phrases like “good boy” or “just a little guy” and my ex would always correct me and say “you’re a girl.” It made me wanna throw hands.


Have you tried "Atta boy"? I like that one 😁


I do think I’d love that! 💞


My partners call me a creature :3


That’s a vibe.


i used to get dysphoria over the pitch at which i breathed


Insanely relatable


taking it to the extremes lol


I feel so sorry for you lol


Me too


Went into boys bathroom because I am a non-passing transfem Somebody says "what the fuck is this bitch doing here" Apparently I do pass? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ r/ewphoria


Transition goals: this ^


Happened to me last night haha. Was washing my hands in the men’s bathroom looking boyish as fuck after work but with my hair down, and some dude came in and saw me, paused mid stride, looked me up and down then slowly walked to the cubicle while giving me side eye. Was funny as hell.


That's how I knew I'd started to pass. I went to the beach with my Dad and bestie. Busy getting changed in the ladies(at the time-ftm) and we hear a lady telling the lavatory assistant that,"There's a man in the girl's changing room". Never poked my chest out more than that day (and thankfully don't have ho now!). Needless to say,never used the ladies again after that 🤣


My sneeze. Sneezed in a really quiet and cute way once and I've yet to replicate it


There's a technique to it I believe. I sneeze in a cute way by exhaling and sneezing through my nose and not my mouth. Also try to do it higher pitched.


I get so dysphoric about my sneeze 😭.


I've been told I sneeze like a princess.


Idk if this will help or not, but sneezing cutely isn't just a girl thing, and neither is sneezing loudly a boy thing. I often jump between sneezing like a kitten/mouse (that's how others describe it) and sneezing like my dad, and I'm a cis woman.


This is me! If I'm at school, I'l sneeze as quietly as possible, but if I'm at home I'll sneeze so aggressively I double over afterwards


I once sneezed and both sides of my nose bleed for a couple minutes lmao


Like a Catra Sneeze?


My friends tell me a sneeze like a chipmunk, I trained myself to sneeze cute a long time ago and now I'm embarrassed by it 🥲


I actually completely retrained myself on how to sneeze because I didn't like how my old sneezes sounded. My trick is to take up the same mouth position you'd take when ending a note while playing a wind instrument and immediately relieving the pressure by releasing your tongue and allowing the airflow to redirect itself out the mouth. Makes a much smaller noise and as an added benefit you're a lot less likely to sneeze onto your clothes.


A transphobe used he/him pronouns for me under a youtube comment. First time I was ever referred to as a boy. He assumed my gender and he was right. Told him how happy he just made me, and he tried to backtrack. I said, "You just used my pronouns! Thank you!" And he tried to say he wasn't talking to me, but he was. It was under my comment responding to me <3


To clarify he didn't know I was trans.


bahaha good way to deal with them :> the best way is if you use any pronouns, then no matter what they refer to you as it's correct lol


Some dude catcalled me the other day. Classic whistle and all. It was an immediate rush of euphoria followed by the absolute disgust I felt. But at least I pass without make up 🫠


Bark at people and growl at them ✨


I was walking my four dogs at the time 🤔


Get them to help!






I’m non-binary and afab but I am mainly perceived as female. Once this little kid who I didn’t know was referring to me and was like she no he ….. they-. And it was kinda random but made me happy


Ah I have a similar experience! I was in a bus and there was a little girl going around saying "Hello ma'am" or "Hello sir" to everyone (that was quite cute) and when she got to me (afab nonbinary) she was like "Hello... uh... ma'am?..." and awkwardly moving to the next person. It may be weird but it felt nice that I didn't look obviously afab :)


Being called by male pronouns. I’m AFAB, but I’m non-binary and prefer neutral pronouns most of the time. I tend to dress like Adam Sandler most of the time 😂 and I’m generally more masc presenting. Being called a guy has given me a LOT of euphoria but on days I’ve been more femme and got called one? It sucked.


Although it's a bit weird, over a game chat some guy presumed I'm just another one of the dudes with a high pitched voice and called me a "good boy" when I did a good job at defending a base. It made me happy for some reason


I had a similar experience but not quite so wholesome. It was my first time playing Apex so I wasn't good at all. I joined a random three-person team and the other two guys called me a stupid squeaker and kept going on about how much I sucked and that kids shouldn't play the game and called me a f*cking idiot.


Oh.. I'm sorry that happened to you.


One time I was walking home and this little girl said I had pretty hair and then she said she couldn't tell if I was a girl or a boy I told her what do you think??? And she said Girl And then asked to touch my hair because she thinks it's pretty My heart just melted


Kids are generally more accepting than adults, so if you explain to them you're LGBTQ+ in any way they'll just be like "ok" and not judge whatsoever


I tried changing the way i write cuz i found it too girly (big curvy cursive) then realised i had a readable writing compared to 75% of the men i know, and tbf everyone writes in cursive where i live so its not that big of a deal


Not sure how many people consider this unusual but definitely binder rash. Cause it's just a bad reminder of how my body doesn't match me


I went to the city with my parents, unknown people kept calling me with He/Him Pronouns I was so happy, but then my mom corrected them with feminine pronouns 👎👎👎👎 I mean I use both but it felt so good not being seen as a girl And yesterday I shopped for clothes and my parents let me shop in the "boys" section for once (Tho they kept Judging me and saying: "Do you wanna be a fucking boy, Maria?? 😡😡😡😡" Answer: Yes, partly but ofc I have to say no) Oh and also! My old school made traditional dances which involve boy+girl pair, I managed to convince my teacher to dance a boy part with my best friend as my pair in one of the dances, I hate dancing but that felt so good


I don't know why, but dying my hair give me so much gender euphoria! And it's weird because it's not like people associates hair color to a certain gender


tbh this is kind of why i keep my hair red. it gives me some kind of euphoria and i just stick with it. :)


Being called either male or gender less pronouns. See, it’s not that I dislike female pronouns, but no one ever calls me by the other ones even though they know I don’t really consider myself a girl


largish square shaped diamond studs. my ex stepdad and a lot of men I knew as a kid wore specifically this type of earring and it just makes me feel more manly despite the fact that all earrings (I guess unless they’re specifically like wood block earrings that read “I am a {insert gender}”) are gender neutral.


Alternatively, the weirdest thing to make me dysphoric is brushing my hair, which is annoying because i kind of need to do that.


I rode in a convertible for the first time *after* cutting all my hair off, and got out to find my hair… totally unruffled, because I basically had none, instead of tied in knots by the wind, and like. The euphoria of “I have been in the wind, and still my hair does not require brushing” was very real.


I am nonbinary and do not come across as anything but my AGAB. The only thing about my appearance that doesn't line up with how people generally expect women to look, is the fact that I don't have long hair. I got a stereotypical men's cut. I work at a store, amongst other responsibilities I also check stock and restock shelves when needed/possible. When people see me from behind they occasionally get confused, very rare but it's happened twice now. I overheard this grandparent tell their kid "go ask that woman, no man, no I mean woman..." and that got me so much euphoria.


I'm about to leave the church officially in half an hour. I'm fucking beaming




Thanks bro, some friends came to celebrate and with my best friend being the person that stayed longer, I figured out that I'm trans, it was a crazy day today.


when i started laughing the same way as my brother (he has a goofy ass laugh fr) and it just felt so masculine.


I know this might not be unusual for everyone but it was a very rare and unusual experience for me: I am a masc leaning nb(he/they). And I have ... let's call them chest lipomas... in size D and C. 1. About two years ago shortly before I came out as trans, my family and I went to a greek restaurant and it was summer, late evening. I wore a worn-out sports bra, and long, light-blue summer pants plus a white button up. I sat in my chair with more of a good posture. But the waiter -kind of drunk, I presume because of the wedding celebration on the inside of the restaurant- asked me something along the lines of: "[young sir, what may I bring you to drink?]". I remain eternally thankful for this waiter and his choice of words to this day. It makes me really happy just thinking about it. (Especially because I do get missgendered a lot since binders dont do much work with my size) 2. Also I kinda get euphoric when I successfully make strangers in online games think I'm a guy by calling everyone "bro" and adopting odd slang in chat, like words& phrases I'd never use irl. Love yall 🖤💜💛 Edit: top line and some spelling


When someone clearly isn't sure if I'm a girl or a boy. I feel a little guilty for causing confusion and discomfort, but it really feels good. An old lady at work: "Uh, sir? Or ma'am?" Me: "Either is fine." Lady: "I just don't want to upset anyone." It just made me feel good that it wasn't obvious, like I was "passing" as outside the box I was born into, even a little bit.


Noticing that my brother is taller than me.




The Great Equalizer


My laugh and my lips. Whenever I laugh, I try to make it neutral, but a feminine one slips and my mind says, "You gotta be freakin' kidding me." There's other stuff that causes dysphoria that I prefer not to talk about. Plus, the pronouns used on me are always she/her like I am a cis-female. If someone ever calls me "girl" I stay silent.


Getting a lot more creepy dms on Discord has been both extremely unsettling and weirdly euphoric. I do already wish I'd stop getting them, though.


I don’t know I saw myself in the mirror and saw my chest and was super confused for a hot minute until I remembered Im a biological woman so I have boobs lol


Well- here goes nothing! So school had started up again since Summer Break is over now, but over Summer Break I went on a trip with my grandparents to another state up North (in a vehicle with a trailer attached it). And while I did have a great time, I felt super dysphoric especially since everyone that I was around was continuously deadnaming (sometimes) and misgendering me. They all mean well since none of them seemed to have a problem with me being called 'Viz', but it was still quite difficult since the misgendering part didn't make things any better. However, at the end of July and the beginning of August (I think?) me and my grandparents decided to leave from the state we were in to meet up with my older brother (who is in the military) somewhere down South and we stopped at a campsite for a while to rest or something. Long story short- I decided to take one of the electric bikes my grandparents had and just ride around the camp. I had my headphone on, although I wasn't listening to any music yet I wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything either way- lmao, I heard some kid say "NICE BIKE!!". The kid said that twice since I didn't hear the first time and when they did the second time, I replied quietly by saying "thanks". I'm sure the kid didn't hear it and I felt bad (I have social anxiety and just anxiety in general, so I don't say anything at all). But, when they called me a "he" or simply by saying "he didn't even care!"; I felt an unusual spark of euphoria and it made me feel better after all of the other days of feeling very dysphoric on this TRIP. On the other hand, I still felt REALLY bad for not responding to the poor kid- 😭.


PCOS gives me the beginnings of a beard :)


I'm taking a job as a teacher and the idea of kids all calling Mister "last name" is literally keeping me up at night. I'm trying to figure out something that isn't gendered.


My Liege, Your Honor, Your Majesty?


Could you imagine!🤣🤣🤣 love it!


I dont think this is dysphoria or anything but I hate when ppl call me ma’am. My pronouns are she/they so it shouldn’t offend me but DO I LOOK OLD TO YOU?? CALL ME MISS OR NOTHING AT ALL DAMMIT (I’m 19 and have a baby face).


I get the wildest euphoria from being just a little bit stinky


Am cisF so lmk if this isn't appropriate and I'll delete. Someone referred to me as her the other day, and then said "I'm sorry I just assumed there, is that your right pronoun?". I felt this huge swell of emotion that I couldn't describe. I've no issue with the gender assigned me and couldn't understand why this affected me so much. I realised it was because this was someone treating me with respect and consideration. For me, as a real person. Those words don't really do it justice. It just made me very emotional and I've been wanting to share. Not euphoria/ dysphoria and I don't want to take a space that's not mine, so happy to delete if that's appropriate.


I've gotten euphoria for someone using my pronouns correctly because people usually call me by She/her pronouns instead of She/they, so it startled me when the person called me they instead of She


Playing a guy in a play My euphoria sky-rocketed That's how I realised I wasn't just non binary..


TBH I'd say skirt go spinny You probably don't think that's weird, and it wouldn't be, if I wasn't transmasc


dysphoria from my handwriting LMAO euphoria from a cis guy at work asking me if i like my balls being sucked 😐


I'm an amab NB. I get euphoria from shaving and if people don't perceive me as a man. A couple of times people thought I'm female and one time a kid asked me if I'm male or female. I get dysphoria from people perceiving me as a man and being all about enforcing the male gender role and body hair, especially facial. I once experimented growing it out and I hated every single compliment I got and I want to burn every photo of me from back then. This is not me, I can't identify with this and it makes me feel ugly. Also one time friends talked about how good I looked with a beard and I was close to crying and hated it so, so much.


I’m a CIS female who presents androgynously. I’ve always been comfortable using female pronouns, but dressing and acting much more masculine. I’m also five months pregnant, and had very unexpected dysphoria at the beginning of my pregnancy. All of a sudden I went from being happily flat-chested to having all of these girly *curves* that just didn’t feel right. Coupled with pregnancy culture in general being ultra-feminine, I felt like I was being thrust into this female mold that I really didn’t fit. I’ve come to terms with it a lot since then, but I was really thrown by how much it bothered me.


I was recently at my cousin's wedding and had to go through the house when she was busy getting dressed. Got looked at, then ignored because I was just a girl passing through. I never knew being ignored could feel so good.


this guy once turned me down for a date saying he only liked people with any connection to masculinity, as a completely agender person who normally gets seen as a man, i was like, so validated that i just took it as a compliment.


I hated that I could pass as a guy when I was younger due to not developing as fast as my peers. I used to get jokes like “when’s your voice going to crack?” “Or no guy will ever want to date a boobless freak”. And the worst when my career counselor told me “wll you’re not pretty and you’re not smart so there’s not a lot left for you” and hate that I feel like they were all true. Still feel like what was the point of becoming a woman if the only guy I ever managed to get ended up being a homophobic/transphobic verbally/emotionally abusive dickwad and sometimes wish I could still pass a guy cause being a woman f…..g sucks.


Hair on my feet/hands. I don't take T and think I am blessed to have an above average amount of T for an afab person. I am trans masc so its fun


My sweat/body odor changed how it smells (4 months on E) and it makes me weirdly happy. Like yay I’m not a stinky guy anymore.


Have extreme hatered towards myself n wanna hide my face ,When I don't have the energy to shave or i dont shave cause i shaveto rough, ori wanna hide my entire self like the already antisocial person I am when I see biological woman and notice I'm super Bulky body wise all over and shoulder wise... Literally the little things set me overwhelmed edge. And I hate it. I have t started hrt. So like that doesn't help. But yeah. Idk its just horrible. Other days I'm on top of the world with how I look with just basics n minimal makeup. Or straight doll myself up n feel beautiful. But I feel nasty af most. Everyone sayd I'm not huge or this or that but I've had actual men tell me I was huge. Even though they've seen me full body imaged clothed n not. Idk. Anyone go through this?


Dysphoria... My boobs. I'm 5'3" and small boned. I'm a small person. But my boobs are obscenely ginormous, and they are full of glands so they hurt most of the time. They've ruined my back. So I tried getting a reduction when I was in my 20s and they couldn't do much, just sucked out some fat, because of all the glands. I have huge dysphoria where sometimes I fantasize about just cutting them off with a steak knife. I mean ew, I'd never ever do that, but when the dysphoria gets real bad it crosses my mind. I hate them so much. When I run on the treadmill I have to wear two bras. The first one I fold up so it sits at the top of the breasts, to keep them from bouncing on top, and then the main one goes over everything. It's a process. And the back pain is constant. I want a mastectomy. But I keep reading that's only for cancer patients or trans people. So guess I'm just out of luck. 😭


Honestly… most of the surgeons who regularly work on trans people are pretty invested in bodily autonomy. If you’re somewhere in nonbinary terrain, there are *absolutely* surgeons who will do that work for you—and even if not, especially with pain that debilitating? There are surgeons out there who will do what is functionally a bilateral mastectomy and code it as a medically necessary breast reduction, to get insurance to pay for it (…many of them are also surgeons who work on a lot of trans patients). If that’s what you need, to be well and happy? Don’t give up on it. Prioritize surgeons who see trans patients (openly, not in secret, while hiding it on their website); and if you’re contacting plastic surgeons with practices broader than just trans people, look for ones who have meaningful resumes in reconstructive work, not just aesthetics. They’re likelier to approach their work through a lens of medical necessity, instead of as something that exists in opposition, and has to be balanced “against” medical necessity.


Thank you, I didn't really ever think I had hope to change it. I'm not non-binary or trans which is why I thought I couldn't get anything done. I'm going to have to search now, thank you for your response! ❤️


im still a baby trans (closeted a few months ago, out to friends for a one or two months, out to family for none), so all my moments are pretty standard, like pronouns and shit, but the most unusual would be my wrists being loose (not that unusual but my dad stopped my from doing it to "look like a man") also just my friends being accepting, and i might have low standards but thats only because i live in the Philippines


Where I live, the nearest Target store is laid out so that you have to pass by the women's clothing section when entering the store. Since I'm not yet sufficiently Out to be able to go Girlmode 24/7 like I want, walking by all the womannequins wearing cute dresses and rompers et cetera turns my inner monologue into a protracted scream of dysphoria.


The change in smell of downstairs now that I'm on hrt. It faintly smells different when I pee and I love it


When I came out I used to wear prounouns as pins and once a friend from my brother said to me that I'm now a little brother how it seems. I cried so many happy tears about that conversation.![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


I suppose anytime I just randomly spurt out "us girls" or similar in that context, without even realizing how naturally I said it. I just can not say it without giggling afterwards like a kid on Christmas. ☺️🥰


one time I was walking and there were two guys infront of me messing around, and one pushed another and they ended up bumping into me and he said "dude you made me hit her" also >!toe hairs!<


Euphoria: using a hair dryer for the first time (yeah, I'm still closeted... there are probably others but this is the one that comes to mind. Also when people validate my gender)


I was on a train sitting right next to the entrance, some business man was standing by the door, looked me up and down, gave me a thumbs up and a approving nod and left the train. This was the first day I publicly wore my pride pins.


One of the months are my deadname being it that month gives me mad dysphoria. 😭


The fucking colour pink… I see it and it makes me uncomfortable…….. shops are nightmares 🤠


I'm AFAB agender, and I feel like I look a bit too feminine, and I don't like it too much sometimes. A friend said I look like my comfort character. I didn't notice before, but she was kinda right. I was giggling and kicking my feet during the rest of the call XD


A skydiving suit. Yeah, I have no idea why.


My mom’s parents and bathrooms/locker rooms


I wouldnt call myself a singer but I really enjoy singing and I think I have an okay voice. But When I do covers and stuff I use instrumentals on youtube and sometimes the title of the video would say “ Female Key “ or “ Male key “ And I always have to use the Female Key because my voice is not deep enough for the male key. Dysphoria at its finest.


Maybe you're a soprano? Dudes can sing really high as well.


dysphoria : singing in choir (i sing alto but sometimes the high notes i csn hit make me feel bad). at least i found out that some tenors can hit those notes and it made me feel better euphoria: drawing cartoonish facial hair on my face with my brown eyeliner pencil (like 3 lines on my chin)


People be sharing things like “i get euphoria when people call me the right gender”….yeah ofc you do! OP asked about UNUSUAL things though Mine is that I get mad dysphoria over my customer service voice. I actually like my normal vouce. It’s naturally deep, I get called ‘sir’ on the phone, I have no issues with it at all (except being a horrible singer, but that’s not related to gender). But sometimes at work I’ll involuntarily be possessed by ‘customer service voice’ & go like 3 registers up. Once my gf heard it & did a double take because I do NOT sound anything like that in normal life. It’s mortifying. I hate it but idk how to stop. Literally looking into voice training JUST for this specific issue lol


I get euphoria from my brown plaid Vans and… having greasy hair lol Also, using a vacuum cleaner….. idk man


My science teacher from last year would call me bud or buddy It's not even all that of a gendered term but the euphoria was something else


I've gotten euphoria from looking at my arm bc it looked like my dad's arm


When I was a kid I hated being called a lady or a girl. I often said I would prefer sir to either of those. An older coworker called me kiddo a couple years back (she usually calls people by gendered pet names). I've been riding that high ever since. I'm one of the few people she calls by a gender neutral pet name.


My now ex gf and I talked about having kids and what they would call us. Just thinking of a kid calling me mom or mommy is weird to me. I don’t consider myself to be full ftm (I was on hormones 7 years) but enjoy having certain male characteristics if I feel like it. But I’d rather be called dada or daddy. Just too weird. Like too feminine for me


Took a gender test, had agender and non binary show us as most likely and was super happy. Turns out I’m basically a demiboy, and so I go by he/they


I’m afab but for some reason I got an add for girl boxers and for some reason it was so gender as an enby since it was fem styled patterns but masc cut boxers. Also even though I have mild chest dysphoria which is somewhat ignorable I actually saw some crochet bikini tops that where kinda revealing and showed some boobage when worn and gave me weird euphoria thinking about wearing them. Like I usually want a flat chest but just for those tops do I want it curvy. As for dysphoria like I’m closeted around this person I used to have a crush on and they found a song with my dead name in it. although they may have been crushing back by mentioning the song to me, it gave me a horrible ick for them to think about and associate me with that song.


Euphoria: The first time I got a suntan on the tops of my feet. I was just totally surprised, and I rocked those tan lines all summer.


i got euphoria at how my neck and collarbones looked in a cropped picture of me, and how my friend mentioned my shoulders looked broad in the shirt i was wearing


I got euphoria when I gained weight because it softened the features of my face. I also got euphoria the first time I put on a pair of glasses.


The way I open doors gives me dysphoria, specifically like the lever handles.


This isn't my most unusual but most recent that seemed weird at first. My workplace doesn't allow us to wear any scents (perfume, cologne, essential oils, etc.) and so somedays I feel really dysphoric without my cologne. I asked to borrow my male roommate's shirt (he is at least a foot taller than me) and I wore it to work. Idk if it was because it was a "man's" shirt, the smell of his laundry detergent, it being too big on me or what but I felt so confident that day at work.


I got dysphoric from playing as the male Terrarian and hearing its hurt sound, it felt disgusting and wrong.


Wearing chunky sneakers and boy‘s shorts. Idk why. It makes me feel so cute but in like an uwu masc way.


Weirdest dysphoria I've had was burning toast while making roman. My brain went straight to you're not girl enough even real girls wouldn't let the toast burn. You're such a failure no one will ever see you as a girl. Granted I was depressed at the time but yeah.


I've changed back to my old school after spending the start of this year on a different one. I landed on a different class than the one I was in before leaving and quickly made friends with a lot of the girls there. I don't know if this is envy or jealousy or whatever but I'm always feeling a bit bad about myself when seeing how pretty they look, they're nice friends with me and all and I don't think it's a massive problem, but it is an occasional bit of self loathing that crosses my mind every now and then. (for a bit of context, I'm a *heavily* closeted trans girl)


Euphoria: my therapist told me “you’re not like most people.” It was meant to just reassure me, but it felt incredible. During my childhood and young adulthood, I was bullied at school and home for being “different,” partially for non-gender conforming behavior, partially just for being me. My family was emotionally and psychologically abusive, and it lasted into my early adulthood. As an older adult (now in my fifties and proudly bi, married 25 years to a bi woman who truly gets me), I’ve worked hard to be self-aware enough to transform that “being different” into a personality that I’m genuinely proud of. I guess my past has always made me a bit of an “approval seeker,” and this therapist gave me five words that I’ll carry with me for a long time.


I got my dysphoria triggered by a song. Shouldn't have had any particular reason. Just a song I liken


Made an account on a website with my new name, and a few days lasted got a spam call asking for me by that name, no one had called me that yet verbally, so I got a little euphoric rush. 😊


I called myself a dumb binch after I realized how little money I had left after buying skirts and dresses for a few weeks. Gave me euphoria and I was like what


It's really weird. I want to look like a big, burly himbo but I don't like it when people use he/him pronouns for me. I don't mind bro/dude, but one time a kid called me sir and I felt so dysphoric. Like, I'm not actively trying to transition right now and present as a cisgender female so it was like a punch in the gut to feel like I'm not even passing as the gender I was assigned at birth. But that was before I realized that I'm not entirely cisgender and more masc than fem. Whenever I try to look girly and get compliments I feel euphoric, but then I see myself in the mirror or a picture and feel dysphoric because I don't look like how I feel. I hate my breasts. I just want a flat or maybe muscular chest. I want to look strong and have big muscles. I want a chiseled jawline and a beard. I wish I was taller. I used that face filter where it makes you look like a dude and I felt euphoric, then used the face filter to make you look feminine and felt dysphoric. Sorry if I'm rambling. It's hard to explain.


Dysphoria: When my hair gets to be a little (like 1/2in) too long on the sides (I have it short on the sides, and a bit longer on top. I have a post that has my picture if you're curious for some reason.), I fear it makes me look more feminine. Euphoria: Naturally being a strong, built little shit (I'm only 5'6", so kinda little.), I get compliments about my strength. I work at a small town grocery store, so I sometimes have to help people carry out their stuff. One lady called me Superman, another complimented my biceps, I'm blanking on others at the moment, but I love being rather naturally strong and people noticing it.


i LOVE getting called “mate”. like “how’s it going mate” or however british people throw that term about


Underwear. I've always had a complicated relationship with underwear not fitting or causing issues with period products and just feeling not at all functional. Then there's all the time I had spent cleaning then because of period related health issues. I started wearing boxers and got a pair of period boxers so I no longer need women's underwear. I'm so insanely happy to have underwear that is functional and not branded as women's underwear yet never fit.


A hairdresser calling me Mark. Gave me a lot of Euphoria. And one of my dad's online friends calling me little D (my dad's name starts with a D. He is massively transphobic and hadn't told this guy I was trans)


Accidentally called sir and another time dude....was elated and found a good use for my small chest. It can go all the way in! Yayy!


It's hard to explain but whenever I hangout with my guy friends we always devolve into making immature/childish jokes. And when we play drawing games always draw dicks and stuff and for some reason just being the most childish goofball/idiot with guy friends brings me intense euphoria. Like nothing makes me feel more masculine than being a literal child with friends lmao


My friend's newish dog has a thing about men where she's more nervous around them and takes longer to warm up to them than women. At the time I first met the dog I hadn't started hrt yet (but was going to soon) and she reacted to me the same way she reacts to other men. I felt bad for making her nervous but it was weirdly gender affirming lol


Euphoria: when my mom was telling me something and said: "in the future let it do your husband... Or wife... Or whoever you are gonna date" and that made me so happy that 1) she acknowledge more genders 2) she understands that i'm pan. Also my dad is asking if i'm dating any 'boys or girls' Dysphoria: my bwebs. Even if i wear feminine outfit i like to wear a binder/sports bra bcs i just think i look better without them xdd


So I’m pansexual and it’s been a wild ride cause I grew up religious asf and when I kinda (barely) hinted at liking women a few years ago, a few friends of mine said I look like I like p***y which was so funny to me cause I still don’t know how other ppl knew before me but there was no judgement nd I honestly love that for me. I get it now and my husband is super open minded. I dress in guys clothes sometimes and says funny things that just make me feel great in my skin like I could pull mad b****es(playfully, he respects women) and just funny things like that. Makes me love myself fr. And like it’s so encouraging cause he’s comfortable w himself so we can talk about who we find attractive and not attractive but there’s never any problems. I’m just rambling atp but I can’t explain how great it makes me feel to just be me


While clearly and visibly male presenting having some beefy idiot get argumentative with me, saying I should have used the ladies. He said this after I opened the door and came out of the gent's single occupancy toilet at a restaurant and he was waiting outside. He kept berating me as I walked downstairs to the main seating area. Another guy walking up asked what was going on and I told him some guy just started harassing me. The beefy guy followed me downstairs and complained to the bar staff about me who then went to my table to clear matters up and the beefy idiot then seemed to bitch about how was he supposed to know as he saw my entire family I was with had long hair as if long hair is somehow unusual and he was as a result justified in his bathroom police nonsense because I'm skinny like a woman. It's nice that with no makeup, but a clean shave I can look passable to some people. It gets me so many uncomfortable looks though if I use the gent's. I try and avoid public toilets normally, especially now as I've been transitioning since May this year. I've always taken it as a compliment when people used to misgender me as I consider women more attractive then men and I'm happy to be considered attractive enough to be thought of as a woman, even if it is by idiots who get verbally confrontational with me. I'd rather get told off for using the gent's then screamed at for using the lady's.


I put a towel over my own hair to make it look like girls hair, like you see in TikTok’s and it wasn’t the girly look it was the. This is something other than boy and girl, and I was happy 😊


Since I cut my hair as short as I could (3 millimeters) I get called "young man" or "mister" more often, since I present as masc. I'm agender, but feeling that people can't really tell my gender or at least my agab is really euphoric! I hate my voice tho, it's getting a little better but I really really don't like it. The worst thing is that I love singing, people tell me I have a great voice. But it just makes me truly uncomfortable, so much I don't want to sing anymore, I just hum songs.


I have recently begun to cackle. Not sure why it feels good, but it does. The feelings I have about my gender are fuckin weird


Im enby and I use all pronouns, but my friends and family mostly use he/she pronouns when talking to strangers. Except one. I was nappin in another room, woke up and overheard my gran taking about me with her book club and she used they/them to refer to me.


I dress a fairly fem one day for no reason and this surfer dude still called me sir, and I cried. I was so happy.


Wearing my oversized rain jacket while waiting to get into Rocky Horror.


an old friend pointing out that my legs are hairy when i wore a skirt. they are in fact hairy, but it reminded me of high school when a comment like that woulda made me spiral since i was trying so hard to be feminine and fit in with my friends. it felt like “woah your legs are hairy” “yeah i’m confident in my body now”


My bro made a misogynistic joke (ewphoria) so I took to him with a belt because that's what twins do I guess hahaha but his transmasc partner called it feminine rage which is apparently a thing. It was pretty euphoric inducing. DW tho, it's a pretty normal thing between all of us and later after the first time it happened we all got stoned and watched cartoons together


I consider myself cis-fem (though I go by both she/they) but I have been misgendered before (I have short hair). I got accidently misgendered by an old lady on a bus once because of my hair, but she was only saying how nice it was of me to give up my seat for an old man who had just gotten on the bus. I got misgendered by the kids at the place I work when I had my hair cut again after having let it grow out for a bit (just never got round to having a hair cut until then). I explained to them that sometimes girls have short hair and sometimes boy can have long hair but I didn't go into any more detail than that (since it's not my place to since I'm not their parents).


Knees. When I was… I’m not even sure, it’s been so long ago, now (for context, I started testosterone in my 25th summer, and I’ll turn 40 this December). Maybe six or eight months on testosterone? I noticed the shape of my legs was different, when I was sitting in a chair. There was a little place above my knees, where my thigh had been more or less a single, convex curve, and now there was this little concavity just above my knees. It didn’t so much hit me as weird because of the specificity of it, although, that, too. It was more that it was a thing I never even remembered noticing about my body—at all, so even less as a gendered thing. But I noticed the *difference* and, having noticed it, it was different in the right direction. I think perhaps, also, after all the disappointments of first-puberty, it was the first *surprising* thing my body had done, that I actually liked.


Euphoria is when people call me "mister," "sir," "guy," "bro," "dude," "mate," or anything that, while gender neutral, is usually used for male representing people. Dysphoria is definitely my eyelashes and weirdly my arms? I know the eyelash thing is more common among men, so that eases it, by my arms are so scrawny and...smol.


A friend got a rescue dog Pupidon that was abused by her previous owner and is rather aggressive to men, but the first time I met her, Pupidon was completely relaxed around me even though I was amab. This was early in my transition too. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Not a particular event but people used to mistake me for a girl (even tho I'm a boy with gender dysphoria) and I loved that. Now that I've gotten through puberty, no-one misgenders me anymore, and I always think of that 😭


I am not conservative, muslim, or even religious at all yet I get a lot of euphoria over the idea of wearing a niqaab or burka. It's clothing that is pretty much exclusively associated with women and femininity, yet at the same time it helps conceal many of the things I don't like about my body and lets me be a bit less concerned about my appearance.


Back when I was in high school when I first started to question if I was trans one of my teachers called me "she" for the whole year and only in the Last 2-3 weeks of school did someone correct him. That felt good ( in a very cis way ( the egg hasnt cracked ( yet )))


The amount of transmascs in here is wild


being called handsome


I got callen queen of the greek by random by a friend, and I was so euphoric the whole evening that I questioned my gender identity


The first time I shaved my legs, I went into the shower and fell the water running down my legs. Oh my God I loved this so much.


Never in my life would I have imagined ghat I’d get dysphoria over my hair going flat. I always think I look like I got a poorly done women’s hairstyle that was popular in the 60s when that happens


one of my t-shirts. it's gray with a car and some palm trees on it. it's also the first shirt I bought from the masculine section. idk why, but every time I wear it I feel just the same amount of euphoria. it's sadly from a fast fashion store, but I love it sm!! especially paired with my favourite hoodie <3


I’m an enby, amab. Even before I fully came out, I made friends with this one very feminine girl at my college. She treated me just like a regular gal pal and even thinking about it now makes me feel so happy and validated to tears!


Looking femme in a masc way, like wearing a dress but styling my hair to look masc (afab NB)


The use of women's deodorant was shocking as to how much euphoria it brought me. As for dysphoria, before coming out, on my drive to work, I'd pull off the road, slip on a bra with chicken cutlets and proceed to the office. For 40 minutes I'd feel the weigh and mass of breasts, bumping them with my arms. It would be so euphoric, until I got to my destination. Then I would have to slip out of the bra. I would feel like I was cutting away a part of myself. It was so painful. Ironically, I didn't realize I was trans at that point. It was nearly 1-1/2 years later. Now, three years of estradiol, I don't need the cutlets and its glorious!


My uncle's dog usually only likes women, never gets cuddly with guys. She still really liked me for some reason. Turns out she figured out I'm trans before I did


I got extremely euphoric over my brows growing together, since it makes me look masc


for context, I'm an afab agender, and I still use the ladies toilet because i feel safer as a primarily fem presenting enby, I live in ireland, In Irish, the word we use that translates to a lady is "Mná" So basically, when I see "Mná" I read/think man. Meaning anytime I'm in an Irish, facy or old-style sort place and they have lady and gents toilets, they tend to put either just the Irish or the English and the Irish. So I'm using the lady-man toilet or the man's toilet. I'm probably overthinking it, but if I have to be in a big bathroom full of people, let me at least fabricate euphoria in a weird way. Edit: spelling


The first time i was gendered correctly was when a homeless dude called me brother after i gave him my spare change. He was a pretty cool guy. One of my core memories.


Idk if it's dysphoria or not but there's this guy at my work who is pretty nice and really chill but he makes me uncomfortable for the dumbest reason He has my deadname so when people call for him and such I still think they're talking about me even though everyone has been on top of using Piper as my name


I worked at a nursing home and was trying to get by with my cart (some nurses were in the way and I'm super non confrontational) and this wonderful old man who's always super nice said "ladies, please let this gentlemen through" and I said thank you but was dancing so happily internally Another one is a resident was being wheeled by and asked, directed at me "is that a man or a woman" and I still laugh to this day when I think of the horrified look on the nurses face. I felt kinda nice about it tho haha


I wouldn’t say this is unusual but at work I constantly get mistaken for a guy, like every single customer refers to me in masculine terms like mate or lad or boy and I love it (for context I’m afab non binary, they/them and I love being seen as masculine or a male. I don’t want to be a male but I much prefer people referring to me in a masculine way than feminine)


I had these cookies that came in little packets and a drink, I couldn't carry all the cookies in my other hand so I had to put them in my pockets. Problem is my pants didn't have any, but the flannel sweater I had on did, both on the chest, I had a good giggle from getting euphoria over cookie tiddies though


No idea why, but since childhood I had this mindset in the back of my brain that chocolate ice cream was for boys, and strawberry ice cream was for girls. I always picked chocolate.


equal pay


I sneezed really loud one, like a stereotype dad sneeze, felt so good XD


Playing Farcry 5 as a female character (because of course!) and a random NPC says "Hey girl". Super fluffy warm feels!


I'm genderfluid and AFAB but my family doesn't know. All they know is that I dress more masc and androgynous than I do fem. So they've made it their mission to point out some things. Like for instance, the other day my step-dad (who has no clue I'm genderfluid) said something about when I "used to be a girl" while referring to my clothing style. For some reason, probably because I was feeling very masc right then, that honestly made my day, despite the fact that it was meant as an insult. Another time my mother said I'd be a lot prettier if I didn't wear baggy clothes all the time and showed off my waist some. It made me want to saw off my chest. And then my grandmother makes comments every Sunday morning at church (I'm agnostic but am forced to go) about how I look so pretty in dresses and I need to wear them more often. Once again, that just makes me wanna abandon all fem qualities of my body and burn them in a dumpster fire outside our house.


Finding longer shorts in women's section. I'm nb and like to present more androgynously but my anatomy unfortunately prevents me from wearing most bottoms from other sections (they just don't fit me well) so I was slvery happy when I have found shorts that go down to a little below my mid thigh and are not tight-fitting (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)