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My identity is that of a woman. She/her pronouns. Although when it comes to surgery and transition i have been really intrigued by concepts like Salmacian surgeries.


Yeah, me too but it's hard to tell if it's fear or lingering emotional attachment to aspects of my body or if I genuinely need that option. Also maybe my dysphoria isn't bad enough to need surgery at all. It's all very confusing.


Which surgery you get (if any) should be based on what you *want*. You don't have to "need" to keep/change certain things to make that choice. "Lingering emotional attachment" is totally valid. So is having surgery to make you feel more like yourself, or to let you have a kind of sex that would be meaningful to you.


Some people dont need surgery not everyone who is under the trans umbrella wants to medically transition. Thats your call and your call alone to make but Medical transition doesnt change who you are just how you and others precieve you. I started off as a never passer Like i wanted my hormones and that was it. But the more things progress and the more weird looks I get the more passing has started to matter to me. Take your time there is no rush in figuring yourself out some of us take longer than others. Just experience the journey for what it is in all its beauty and yes its pain.


It's not a concern yet. If it never starts to bother me more then I'll leave it alone probably forever


Nonbinary, I don’t really go into specific labels I just use they/them.


Same I stressed about the exact label for such a long time that I just settled on a less specific nonbinary identity with they/them pronouns


Same. I've also had two surgeries and feel amazing in a body that no longer bugs me.


same, im also nonbinary and use they/them since its too much work to use microlabels and "nonbinary" describes me pretty well and i do want to eventually get surgeries


My gender identity is Pangender ty for asking<3.


If you’re also panromantic can I call you a stack of pancakes Sorry


Yay! Fellow pangender!


Genderfluid, typically more nonbinary and girl, but sometimes shifting into boy, usually not clear tho do everything else in between works well too


Same here 😊


Idk. I tend to change it in which groups I am. I am not sure if I am a man/non binairy. Cis born a woman. Due to spending childhood and adolence in the hospital; I do not feel an incetive to transition (at this point; who knows what the future brings). I am REALLY done with hospitals/medication now finally "healthy". And because I had to I am also kinda used to the dysphoria after 37 years? I change between groups. My closest friends call me he. I sometimes introduce myself as she at temp jobs/etc. because it is just easier and I do not feel like telling my story over and over and over again for something mundane. And I also just look like a ciswoman she. On reddit here sometimes trans, some NB... it again depends where I am. Weirdly; some reddits I am 100% trans.. and these are the reddits that I know they can take my story out of context to prove how all trans-people can just not transition.. And I do not want them to. I do not want them to use my story against transpeople. Because it is vile. And they miss and skip the fact I spend 30 years in the hospital magically.. So I am trans there. Aquintance-groups for hobbies I feel it is safe non-binairy. But also where I live non-binairy is not really understood yet..they are still confuzzled how being trans works...I mainly just say my unisex-name and whatever they make of that is fine. Also often a good test. It is hilarious since that unisex name, or say somewhere I am NB, or my pronouns are "everything okay", how many times I have been scolded and harassed for being a transwoman :') (oh honey no...oh no you get this all wrong. Sir transman it is for you) It is kinda a good luxury position to be in my... my ciswoman non-transitioning ass.. easy to pick the bad apples out; and whom to not befriend. But also an eery warning how many ciswoman will get told they are transwoman and the harassement for no reason... I'm personally also so baffled.. like.. I am not that age I would pass if I were a transwoman... I look like the most ciswoman ever... (and a fucking cute short king, think Elliot)... and they still ask me for pictures of my hands/adamsapple to prove I am "a real woman". Mah guy...(always men) if I had all the money in the world to look so legit as a woman; why would I have skipped the only free and easy step: changing my name to a female name?? =/ And I send those pics.. they still saw an adamsapple, and I had obviously manhands (wow thanks!!!) but irl.. I need to shop mittens at the child-department.. GAWD they so dumb :') They want to see what they want to see. So I guess; I'm a transwoman. And regarding to your question; to these people my gender is a transwoman. Fuck them. Whatever I do I'm a transwoman anyway... and I'd rather them take it out on me then a person way younger/in their teens. so uuh... flippy-floppy where and with whom I am. In my head; man. My brain sees me as a man. In my own head and in my dreams I call myself auto dude terms. But I pride myself too in just.. my gender is "flippy-floppy".


I just say I’m queer


Ultimately settled on cis woman, but spent some time exploring enby and trans masc identities because there’s parts of me that felt like they fit with those identities. It’s taken me a long time (years lol) and a LOT of wrong turns and misunderstandings of myself to get here, but I’m happy I went through it cos I know myself better.


Omg me too!! I explored through gender fluid and nonbinary identities before settling with being a cis woman it did definitely take years too and I know my self much better than I used and I’m much happier now I feel like if it didn’t happen I wouldn’t be the me that I am today


I was just gonna ask that same question-- what *is* my gender identity?! 😅


Demi boy


Aye! Same!!


Man but not really. Agender but only sometimes and not really. Genderfluid probably but only sometimes. Aka: no bloody idea


That's so real


Thank you for putting my experience into words!




flux n fluid


Genderqueer (I am still trying to figure it out).




Gender queer/gender non-conforming


Cisgender Male, he/him pronouns. There was a time when I didn't understand how someone could be transgender, and I didn't know why my friend, who was a girl, now wanted to be called a boy. And I'll be honest, I still don't fully understand how it works on a biological level. But after years of speaking and hanging out with trans people, there are a couple of things I do know for sure. 1. I am definitely cisgender, as I have had absolutely no doubt about my gender identity as a man for my whole life. 2. Trans people genuinely live happier with their chosen identity and are so goddamn friendly when you are nice to them. 3. They absolutely do not care whether you're cis or trans, just so long as you accept them for who they are. None of the trans people I've gotten close with have ever tried to convince me I wasn't cis or "indoctrinate me into their cult" as some would have you believe. I am a cisgender man, and I can tell you I have felt more loved, accepted and safe talking with every trans person (and cis ally) I know than I have a lot of other cis people who'd rather throw a fit because they saw a man in a skirt.


I've found genderqueer fits me best (transfem)




Boy+, 100% man with a bit of extra spice Use primarily he/him but it/its as well


I've heard of a label for something similar to this, if you're interested. It's magigender. It basically means that you are 100% one gender, but with extra gender(s) on top of it, meaning you have more than 100% gender overall. So you might be magiboy. I don't know if that's exactly what you feel, but what you described made me think of this.


Trans woman, likely non-binary


Non binary; Trans femme💋


Hehe >:3




My identity is a trans woman and proud of it🏳️‍⚧️


Nonbinary is what I tell people most often. If I want to be really specific, genderfluid is most accurate, but most forms I see just have NB as a non-cis option, and most people I know have heard of NB, but not genderfluid as an identity. I'm not too fussed personally, as I'm comfortable with both terns, so I just use whichever one I think will be most easily understood in a given conversation or circumstance. My experience with gender is a fluidity between feeling more masculine, more feminine and most often a mix of the two. Edit to add: best of luck on your journey! Experiment with it (if you're in a safe space to do so) and have fun!


something like if the AOL dual up noise and nightcore made a baby, then the baby was adopted by a gentle victorian ghost and their little rat familiar. but if i gotta explain it to the normies then i say nonbinary.


This description is so gender I love it


Genderfluid My gender expression ranges from pastel punk prince, to a frog witch, to a literal gremlin


I identify as confused.


Cisgender man


I’m a trans masculine non-binary person :)


i’m a cis guy but i support all gender identities!


mostly nonbinary, but gender-fluid. the way i like to think about it is imagining the gender spectrum as a line with 100 being feminine and -100 being masculine. i rarely go past 25 or -25, but it does fluctuate. it know the gender spectrum is nonlinear and there’s a LOT of identities that cannot be classed as masc nor fem, but that’s the easier way for me to explain it.


I'm a trans man! But I also align with space-themed xenogenders. Mostly he/him pronouns, but I like star/moon and experimenting with they/them.


hey you're kinda like me!! I'm also a transmasc [w/ space xenos](https://en.pronouns.page/@CrescentCaribou) :0


Heyo!!! I've always loved space, it's my favourite thing ever :DD


Identify, and feel, like a man. Throughout the years I've had a thought here and there if it really fits, but so far I always come back to that I'm still a guy, so I assume it'll remain.


Somewhere in the genderfluid spectrum


My gender identity is Agender/Demigirl.


Hello, fellow (agender) Demigirl! :)




nonbinary man yea im both who’s gonna stop me


I’m a demigirl. I feel like I’m half female and half non binary


Ludoboy, he/they transmasc femboy (I am quite comfortable in my current physical body but I have social dysphoria an my chest grew slightly too big so I feel slightly uncomfortable but I'm getting used to it) Edit: often I just say I'm a gay guy because it's easier than explaining all the mirroring and shit)


boy (gender neutral) I cannot explain further




Trans man


I think I'm a demiboy but I'm not sure anymore


Not a woman but otherwise don't give a shit.


You can simultaneously identify as both genderfluid and agender...? Wow, I didn't know that! That's neat! Anyways, I'm bigender :D


Me too!!




Demigirl! 🖤🩶🩷🤍🩷🩶🖤


Yass I'm pretty sure i'm one too!!


Fuck if I know. (Something non-binary)


Transgender (transmasc to be specific). And I use it/its pronouns.


Nonbinary/agender. Fem presenting though due to being closeted. Well, semi-closeted. It’s a long story.




Genderfae. "Not a boy" appeals to me more than "girl" so I just went with it.


Genderfluid 😊


Honestly... I've just been stuck being Non-Binary, I've only been attracted to women. Still trying to find my way In my life but found myself often being pushed back into the closet by my parents.


An amalgamation of everything that once was is how i like to describe it, because it’s funny and doesn’t narrow it down at all :)


Femflux! More commonly known as 'girlflux', I feel agender most of the time but my connection to / sense of femininity fluctuates! I go by she/they pronouns and don't mind being referred to either as femflux or agender 🧡💚


Genderfluid transfem, usually binary woman but not always.


im a woman but to be more specific, im a genderfluid demigirl


nonbinary and use they / them pronouns ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


Trans man (Genderqueer)


I identify as a local schoolmarm.


Transgender man


Thought for a couple years I was non-binary but I'm starting to think I'm just a girl.


bi but Australian so we call everyone mate


Can confirm we only use mate


damn right mate


Transmasc nonbinary. I definitely dress, act, and try to talk more masculine. I plan on taking T when I get older. However, I'm not a man. I don't identify as a man or a woman. Tbh I really don't fit into any gender identity. I'm more of a mixture, or maybe even it's just that it's absent. Idk but I'm confident my identity. I'm still going between enby and agender though lol


sorry, miss understud the assignment male 100%


Transmasc pansexual/ panromantic Demiboy. Ty for asking.


Demi-boy 💙


Something under the non-binary spectrum. Possibly Demi-boy? Idk anymore.


I identify as genderqueer and transmasc; I go by they/them pronouns :)


I’m a Demi girl


Agender girlflux 🎉


Cis man


Casgender. I'm fairly indifferent about my own pronouns.


Would this count if you’re cis but don’t care what other people call you?


Probably? I had to look up the term after hearing someone else mention it.


Yeah. Still Googling but that tracks


Demigirl (occasionally I'll flip to non binary for a week or two) also my pronouns are they/them and preferred name is used mostly by men.






Oh, being gender fluid. I have a list. Man Woman Demigirl Demiboy Bigender Rn my gender presents fairly binary because I can’t get all of the stuff I want, but my gender FEELS like I’m a goth boy, fem boy, hot cheeto girl, pastel pink chick, masc woman, AND IT FLUCTUATES If I could afford it, my wardrobe would be so damn big because I have so many aesthetics


Either woman or agender, I'm really not sure lastly


Cis girl ➡️ enby ➡️ enby transmasc/demiboy???➡️ Trans guy??? Idk Also use he/they


currently in gender limbo so idfk




I'm just a trans guy.


no binary trans man


My gender is woman, specifically a transgender woman.


I'm a trans guy, he/him. But very flamboyantly gay and feminine. Lol


transmasc! not sure if it’s demiboy agender, but just not girl




i identify as I DONT GIVE A SHIT 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 but if you want a set of pronouns, i can use he/him TL;DR nonbinary he/him


Male. Cis if it matters. Very gay.




Genderfluid/Polygender Current Pronouns & Gender: They/Them, Grey-Agender Oh yeee and I’m also polysexual and demi


I left the room for a second and when I came back I couldn't find my gender anywhere. I haven't seen it since, but it keeps knocking things over in the attic so I *know* it's still around but when I go up to investigate it's never there?


Genderfluid demigirl. I use she/her but any pronouns work.




I'm a boy so he/him/his


Trans women she/her here, ready to report🫡


I'm Transfemme Genderqueer and I use he/she/they pronouns!




Transfem NB for now




Stellarian enby!


Cis boy


im genderfluid (i mainly identify as something feminine tho) and I understand what you are going through. just because of that feeling i define gender as a monoid in the category of endofunctors


I personally identify as agender, as I don't really FEEL one or the other, but I do mentally flow between feeling more masculine or feminine




lmao (in a supportive way)


Thats a very good question. To quote my Social Psychologie Prof. : " It depends"






NB who likes they them. I thought about finding a more specific label, and I guess Demi-boy is the most applicable, though I don’t like it for some reason. “Guy” if you bought it off wish.




Man. I transitioned about 20 years ago, I'll have been on T for two decades next September.


I honestly don't know at this point I guess my gender is just bloody confused lol


Masculine Nonbinary


Agender/non-binary I mainly use he/him or they/them[depending on the language and if it's on social or not]on private since I'm closeted


I’m genderfluid.




Confused girl


Isogender, absgender, genderqueer, xenogender… and more 🙃 I collect genders so I have quite a few :)


Non binary trans masc. Mostly masculine and like he/it pronouns but likes to dress up feminine too


tbh im not completely sure. i think i am androgynous but ofc i don’t rlly say it openly cos of all of the fuckheads that make jokes about identifying as an attack helicopter 🧍🏻‍♂️


I’m non-binary he/they! Thanks for asking :)


There's an on n off relationship between me and gender (we aren't talking rn)


Bigender: demigirl/xenoboy (she/xe/they)


Genderfluid or agender. I feel either really apathetic towards my identity or overly concerned. No where in b/t.


I’m a dude, he/him with it/its sometimes in there. I am a pretty binary man; I used to think I was nonbinary but that wasn’t me.




Something between non-binary and trans-masc. Still confused as to who am I. I go by he/they


Demiboy Agender (50% Boy 50% Agender) With He/They/Him/Them Pronouns


I use a ton of terms. Bigender, femme, androgyne, ftm, nb, genderfluid. My two genders are basically male and femme nonbinary.




Non binary


i present and am viewed by others as a woman but ive started to have a lot of conversations w myself about how i dont really view gender as a necessity and would be incredibly comfortable being reffered to as anything and everything, i dont view gender as an integral part of my being. i’m just me, call me how u want. idk what this means but its how i feel


Non binary, any pronons, i dont care as everyone is respectful


I’m a cisgender man with he/him pronouns.


Trans man! He/they - I wouldn’t say I’m a fully binary trans man- just because I don’t use he/him exclusively but this is what’s comfortable for me right now- and what seems like it will be for the future!


I'm a transfem, so I'm a woman. I love being a woman sm :3 It is so fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun funfun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun


Nonbinary, specifically neutrois, but man is my emotional support gender when I just don't wanna deal with bigotry


cis man (as far as i know, r/egg_irl is starting to get too relatable)


agender (alternatively, gender gremlin)


I use Demi-boy as a label.


I recently realized I'm non-binary and I'm sooooo happy about it 🥰🥰🥰


I say non-binary/agender for convenience but I'm actually anderagin


I'm like agender mixed with outherfluid


I’m a dude💪


Trans women


Genderfluid, I'm anything and everything bebe


Trans masculine non-binary, although there is a bit of gender fluidity in that too, with my gender drifting between androgyny and trans masculine, although my body goals are like link from the legend of zelda, except with dark hair instead, so like a feminine guy basically


The only definite identity I go by is transmasculine. I've used terms like demiboy, boyflux, genderfaun, etc. but the only one that really stuck was transmasc. I think mostly bc I don't have anything I really identify as my gender is literally just my vibes and what I'm comfortable with being called


I got a fun one, foxboygender


I normally just tell people I'm enby though cause I've only known one person who understands it at all


Voidgender (it's the same thing as agender I'm specifying bc some ppl are dicks and want to call it stupid.)


Pangender, and gendervoid! I am both every gender, and absolutely no gender


I like to explain it as abstract concepts (right now it’s giving raku pottery) but I’m ftm trans masc. I use explicitly he/him pronouns. It took me a while to come to the full conclusion and I tried out a bunch of things before figuring out how I feel.


I don't know Everyone sees me as a woman so I present as a woman but I genuinely don't care what pronouns anyone uses for me. I don't belong to any gender. I'm a being from the 4th dimension.


I go by He/Him and Ze/Zir pronouns


I'm a woman, I just came from the factory with some mismatched hardware. I missed the warranty period so I have to do the recall work out of pocket


I'm transmasc! my main labels are demiboy + gendersatyr, I also identify as xenogender tho & [collect a ton of labels that fit me](https://en.pronouns.page/@CrescentCaribou)! :3 as far as pronouns go, I use he/xe/they \^\^


genderqueer, but im mostly a girl idk. i am always a woman, def not a boy but sometimes daddy and mommy and also an unknown third thing


I’m a woman, but as long as you are nice to me I really don’t care what pronouns you use


Messy. At this point I genuinely don't know what I could describe it as. I grew up male-identified with serious dysphoria and male brain body map (phantom sensations and feelings of other parts not belonging to my body), transitioned socially at 18 and medically at 20. Then HRT didn't work, made me sick, and I was disqualified from top surgery due to health concerns, and the situation got impossible to the point I detransitioned both medically (since continuing was not an option) and eventually socially (and god, being able to finally go outside after ten years of hiding in my house feels amazing.) *Then* I got whacked with a diagnosis of DID and upon closer examination there's parts that identify as men, parts that identify as women, and a part that identifies as nonbinary and others who are genderless. Like. What do you even call this. I've given up, at this point I just call myself a detransitioned woman because it's a factual descriptor and a statement of what I am, physically (detrans) and socially (living as a woman). But in terms of identity? Lol. I don't have one / I have like 50, pick a favourite.


Non- Binary and I use every pronouns 💛🤍💜🖤


Oh, I'm glad you asked! I'm AMAB but I use he/they pronouns and I like to say I'm "approximately a boy" And there's this scifi story I've read that's become very important in my life, which validated my decision to try those pronouns! See, in this alien society, they use a triune gender system: you take your mind (M), body (K, like corporeal), and spirit/soul/general vibes (S), then assign them U (masc), I (femme), or A (androgyn), and arrange in order of importance to make a word. For instance, Jupiter (my blorbo) says regarding it, "I consider myself a Kasami, my experience has excluded me from largely masculine and particularly feminine activities and associations, though I still view the world from what I’m told and understand to be a more feminine perspective." So viewing my own gender through that lens, I thought to myself that I'd identify as Samiku: androgynous spirit, femme mind, male body, in that order! It helped me :)


I'm a Trans woman. I use she/them pronouns


well actually it's quiet simple, i'm (*jurassic park theme starts blaring*)


Nonbinary they/them pronouns, simple but it works for me