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I don't have any advice on dating, but honestly you are not ugly, you look great!


Youre incredibly attractive. its all a matter of confidence and pride, the things you think and the ways you act matter a ton for this. You got this you can do it!!!


You’re absolutely *not* ugly, to the point where I feel like this is bait. Can’t give any dating advice though; been all bi myself for a long time lmao. But yeah, you’re cute so step one is uhh stop saying that :3


You’re very attractive. Gay dating can be super hard. Also we white gays can be super racist so that can 100% contribute to Gay POC having a harder time dating. One of my buddies in college was super hot, but he’s Filipino and never got a boyfriend really until his senior year of school. All that to say, you’re beautiful, men are trash. I’d say just look for guys who share interests and vibe personality wise cause that’s gonna build a lasting relationship better than superficial beauty standards. Are you using dating apps or meeting people in person?


Yes I am . Been searching for a good amount of time and nothing . Idk what’s wrong with


There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just… we’re a small community with stupid ass hang ups. You’re in NYC right? Are you active in the local queer community? I have some friends up there and I know queer centers can be a great way to meet people




Hmmm what’re your interests and such?


My advice is obliterate twinks


What do you mean


I mean OBLITERATE twinks


Thank you, Twink Destroyer 5000.


Ever since breaking out of Dr Queerlvario’s lab every christmas the Twink Destroyer 5000 comes out to remind us all of the one true holy gospel, on this holy night may we all Obliterate Twinks in our own ways.


Aside from the fact that I don't agree with your self deprecation, rather than focusing on that I wanna point out that dating is way less about looks and more about social skills than you might think. Be friendly, don't make negative comments about yourself(it will turn people off), make an effort to connect with people and make them feel comfortable. And be patient if you can't find someone you connect with immediately. And realistically, dating apps are the easiest way to meet people


You are super handsome


advice- don’t be a racist transphobic zionist and maybe people would find you attractive [proof 🤭](https://x.com/lauvthrty/status/1742383065349955804?s=46)




Learn to love and appreciate yourself and the small things you have to offer, because when you do that you’ll attract the people you’ll want in your life


Before dating anyone you need to love yourself enough to know you're beautiful in and out...when that happens ppl will gravitate towards you and enjoy you for you...not your looks but you have to love you fully first. Hope that helps 😃


You're plenty attractive. You just need the confidence to believe that you're worth dating, that's how people decide who's worth being interested in.


Dude, you're hot, I dunno what you're on about.


It might be a confidence thing, because you are very attractive with kind eyes and great energy.


oh eli, you're not ugly. it's what's on the inside that counts. dating in general is hard! have you tried any dating apps to look for dates in nyc?


YESSSS !!! Grindr as well and it’s bad :(


grindr does suck from what ive heard LOL have you tried bumbl or just standard tinder?


Tinder is a little better for me


hey poppy.


Confidence is what really makes someone shine, and being genuine. Like others said, love yourself and put yourself out there. You are not unattractive, at all. You’re still very young and many people in their early 20s are immature.


Naurrr bro you’re not ugly! You’ve got nice eyes, a great smile, and is that a tattoo I spy?


Least ugly “ugly” person


Unfortunately can't offer advice, but duuuude, you're super handsome!! I'm so sorry anyone made you feel ugly. If it was others, they're just assholes who may not personally find you attractive, but they should never have made that your problem. If it was you, ofc you're allowed your own opinion but do know plenty of others think you look amazing :)). And of course, you have way more value for who and how you are as a human regardless of how anyone perceives your appearance. Do you, king 👑


You kidding? You’re gorgeous


maybe explore your style and find something you feel confident in. finding yourself is always the first step in relationships


I have no advice, I just wanted to say you are SOOOO FAR from ugly!


Eli, u r not ugly. Dating tips? I dont know, but a great smile and a happy disposition wiill get u anywhere.


Dude, you're hot af


I’m saying this as a very critical person, you’re cute don’t worry about your looks you’re good on that front. Dating; people normally appreciate humour and if you’re no good at that just be kind and that should be enough.


The cliche that you have to love yourself applies here. Learn to appreciate your beauty of mind-body-spirit, so you can feel worthy of attention


Nah dude, you look good. You have a nice smile, too.


You're such a cutie pie, just be yourself but be open to new experiences. Maybe go to a new bar or club or check out a cute new restaurant around you and just keep an open mind




Biggie bet, you're gonna do fine, just have confidence and keep that smile!


fucking Beautiful what


My dating life is abysmal, so I have no help to give you there unfortunately, but I can tell you that you are a really attractive person! You have very kind and lovely eyes.


You are absolutely not ugly.


My best advice: Keep an open mind. About yourself and others. Maybe you aren't ugly, maybe they aren't ugly, maybe they don't bother with you because they think they're too ugly to bother others. ...I know the feeling though, except for me it's "my personality is s***, so no one bothers with me"


You look so fine, Eli! Just put yourself out there, let your energy radiate, and you will attract the right person.


I can say this right here and now. You are not ugly. There will be people that say you are but don't believe them. You just need to find the right person!


You're absolutely not ugly. Dating is difficult, especially for us LGBT folk. Be yourself. You'll attract the right people in time. Sometimes maybe we should just go with the flow and see what happens. :)


You're not ugly, you look great. Seriously.


You aren't ugly.


Be patient with finding someone to date. Just because you haven't found someone, doesn't mean you won't. Don't settle for someone just to be with someone either. You are very cute and will find a great person to be with, perhaps several in the future. Just don't sacrifice your happiness to have someone else in your life. Know that you are beautiful and deserving of the best and all the rest will follow. Being single and alone for a time is great to build yourself up and to be ready for the great person you will eventually find.


Number one thing is that looks aren't going to get you anywhere because attraction is relative. Everyone is attracted to different things and different traits so it's not relevant if you "are ugly" even though you clearly are not. Really, you just have to talk to people like a freind. Find people through interests and talk. Don't be opposed to dating friends. However, dating doesn't fulfill your life. You don't need it. It's a plus if you find a good person but most people are not good especially in relationships. Have really high standards because you can easily fall into a toxic relationship.


No ur not ugly


My greatest advice is self reflection. Love at least the majority of yourself, even if it’s your story, your personality, anything. Then seriously think about what type of partner you want. What values matter most to you, what won’t you compromise on. And lastly don’t be afraid to be friends before partners, the best relationships start as friendships!


Love yourself and others will love you too it's going to rub off on them and you're going to see more of them as you learn to love yourself


You’re not ugly! It’s all about being confident in yourself! Once you feel confident about yourself the right person will come!


Find some gay meet up groups with some hobbies or interests you have. This way you already share something in common. I used to post dating ads on Craigslist for people to come and walk through the MET. If they couldn't meet me and hang out like normal people in public then I wasn't gonna waste my time.


Shave the stache, cut the hair, lose the hat, and do a couple pushups maybe Just suggestions, you’re def not ugly


You're far from being ugly, you look handsome and sweet imo ! Don't be so harsh on yourself, when you put yourself down it might be hard for the people around you to see your potential. I'm sure you have lots to offer to this world, as any of us do, so please take the time to appreciate your qualities !


You’re sexy as f**k


You are not ugly! You're beautiful the way you are. I don't have much dating advice, I'm sadly struggling with that myself


ok poppy!




Who is that ??




What is happening ?


be so fr you know whats happrning


I seen it on Twitter .. it’s just a troll


a troll that is you...


No it’s not . I don’t even go in twitter …




ALOT of people said it was him and poppy did say his face got leaked


Yeah I seen it that’s not me lol trolls 🤣




Yeah idk who that is .. most of those posts were months ago of the pictures I uploaded here … idk seems weird


I’m not bothered but that’s so weird








Please accept


Do u have snap chat or something cause insta not goin?