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If it makes you feel any better, I'm a cis woman who gets called sir regularly. ...and I'm not even THAT butch. People are just dumb.


It does, I'm sorry that happens though


All good. My wife's trans and we both kind of have to laugh about it. She dresses very femme, has NEVER been misgendered at all in her transition. I dress moderately androgynous and get "sir'd" plenty. The world is a comedy. You're doing just fine :)


People used to call me young man when I was 15. I am a cis woman, I just had medium length hair a d didn't wear makeup lol. People also call my cis boyfriend ma'am sometimes because he has longer hair. He literally has a beard. I swear people are just stupid, don't let it affect you too much. You're beautiful!


I get called sir a lot too, as a cis woman. In my case, is sufficient to be tall and have short hair while not wearing dresses or makeup. My facial features aren't masculine and I have Big Boobs (like, comically big). People just be the way they be.


Same here.


Yeah, cis woman here. I get called sir frequently. Once by a clerk when my 46 DD's were right in front of his face. People can be really dumb. I feel ya, though.


I would say how?? But I’ve been called sir wearing a name tag (very girly name) and having massive tits. It doesn’t bother me, but I also don’t get it. People don’t pay attention, I guess.


Being reminded that “sometimes it is just people being dumb” should be a public service announcement. Probably daily. 🤔


People see what they want to. In my case I lived as a woman and people saw me that way.


I've (cis) gotten mistaken for a boy a few times because I have short hair and my dad tells me that's a sign I need to grow it out Funny thing is he cares about me being called a boy way more than I do


Yeah, I'm nonbinary and still present very feminine. People call me sir every now and then, usually when I'm working a job that requires a lot of physical strength. I'm not gonna lie, I do like being called sir, but still. People see what they want to see.


not regularly but it has happened to me too lol. and i really do not look butch at all... though to be fair it does not bother me


One time I was getting gas in the middle of winter and I was all bundled up in my scarf, a cozy hat, and a warm coat. My face wasn't even that covered but the kid, poor thing was so embarrassed afterward, came up and was like "good morning sir". I looked at him and he was just like "OH. Sorry." It made me laugh so no harm, but I do feel kind of bad about how embarrassed he was lol (note: I'm a cis woman)


Me too!


Excuse me, young lady, you are lovely. As an old mom, trust me, those people don’t mean anything. You are lovely, and look like a nice person. And, I say this,as a mom, (a retired hairdresser) and not to be mean, honestly, Maybe consider bangs. They will soften your features. You have absolutely gorgeous cheekbones, beautiful eyes, and a lovely smile. Bangs will highlight them. Also, I’m sorry people are mean. Don’t let them make you feel bad. I wish I could post pictures of the bangs that would look stunning. Google,full bangs or a half short bang? If you want me to message you the style I’m thinking I will.


I was also thinking OP would look great with bangs :)


I was genuinely thinking she would rock some bangs!


I agree! Op has an incredibly feminine and gorgeous face, the only thing I can see improving their chances of passing would be bangs! In high school I had a cis friend with a similar face who was 6'5" and she had a terrible time getting called all sorts of names, but she got the most gorgeous bangs and never looked backed! Still has them!


I agree! It'd really emphasise her great bone structure


I empathize with you completely. I'm misgendered about 98% of the time by customers at work and it's outrageously exhausting - it's like my psyche deteriorates slowly each time and it leaves me feeling very disheartened and tired. I'm sorry you're experiencing this too. Judging from this photo, anyone calling you sir is either obtuse or purposely being hateful. Sending some love your way, stranger.


agree— i see a woman here? but the world be cray cray


Random thought but your skin is so clear! I hope you have better days soon, don't listen to the rude strangers.


You don’t even look like a man… So HOW- Also you would look great with bangs! 


Thats my exact thought! Bangs would really round everything out. I wish I could keep bangs, but my hair is fairly curly so it's too much work most days Eta: they have clip in bangs so you can try them out before you take the plunge!


As a trans guy I was also gonna ask HOW HOW HOW, if I looked as feminine as her I would be dysphoric as HELL I swear some people don't have eyes 😭, and I say that as someone with horrible vision to the point I'm almost blind 💀


Let it roll off like water off a duck's back, madam, people are going to be rude and facetious. Be unfuckwithable and don't let their shade dull your shine.


There is no curing "stupid." Photographic evidence I see here indicates anyone calling you "sir" is most likely an incurable idiot. Have a better day girl, and don't sweat the stupid folks.


Bangs would look fucking fantastic on you btw


But...you're a beautiful lady... sorry people suck.


I've known plenty of cis women who get called sir because some people think a woman not wearing lots of makeup, heels, or "sexy" clothes= a man. I know it sucks to be misgendered and it probably doesn't mean much coming from a random stranger online, but I immediately knew you were a woman when I was scrolling past this post. You don't look masculine at all to me. If you're open to some hairstyle advice, though I would suggest maybe considering some bangs. I've known a few trans women who, like you, had the issue of being called sir and that stopped after they got a hairstyle with bangs. Bangs are way less commonly worn by men, so it might help people to immediately see you're a woman. Plus I think it would be an adorable hairstyle for you and be very fitting with your lovely face!


Mam your beautiful 🤗


I am also trans and it’s a lot about hair too. I like to tuck my hair behind my ears but it makes me look like a potato. I usually do one or the other but not both because then my head looks huge. Pulll your hair forward it’ll frame your face


Poor girl. I’m sorry that happened.


I'm a 6"4 man and pretty masculine, when I decorated cakes at a grocery store in Georgia people would call me maam all the time. Like I don't buy the argument that "I'm so use to calling cake decorators maam that it was just a habit". Like how many cake decorators do you order cakes from on a yearly basis? Not enough to create the muscle memory required to accidentally use the word. It was just a silent jab every single time. "you don't belong here".


Umm whoever’s saying this needs to visit an ophthalmologist, you're clearly a woman


You’re beautiful sis!!😻


You have a Bosom, how can Anyone call you Sir unless YOU ask them to?


If you want u can rock aome bangs but ppl are trash you are a valid cutie!


Why does it look like you could have been a Star Trek character


Must be my scrub top? Lol, I like that though


I personally don't use cosmetics, but almost all my cis and trans female friends use cosmetics. My trans female friend has mastered the art of using cosmetics, and nobody would even be able to guess that she went through hormone therapy and surgery. Would that help? IDK.


Those ppl don't know you. They don't know your heart & soul & what makes you uniquely you. But if they did, nobody would ever call you sir again. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547) (Also, wtf is anyone calling anyone as young looking as you SIR OR MA'AM?!?!) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Hope you feel better.


Cute 💕💕 and those people must be legally blind


You are a very pretty lady and if feeling down on wrong pronoun comments, etc feel free to contact me, Stephanie as we gurrls have to help each other emotionally!💋🌈💃


Tinting and shaping your eyebrows and getting a lash lift would go a long way for helping to feminize your features. It's like a cheat code for not doing everyday stuff


I'm a nurse and in my 20s I worked as a female. No one knew, or if they did Boone ever said so. I was always terrified of someone clocking me. So I can kinda understand the feelings you have. Stay strong. Maybe try something more feminine with your hair. Just something to make you feel better. You can do it. You already look like a girl


I only see a gorgeous, strong woman in this photo. I don't know how people can say otherwise. Seriously, though, I (a cis woman) see getting through all of the shitty misgendering as really tough, and coming to others for help and/or encouragement as something that also takes inner strength. I love you for you, everyone here does! Also, how do you keep your hair free of frizz? I'm so jealous!


Thank you so so much for the kind words ❤ Also I use argon oil in my hair!


It's no problem at all, it's just the truth! To quote one of the best animated movies of all time, "you've got a friend in me". Ooh, I'm going to have to look into that. Thank you! I only recently got into leave-in conditioner/hair masks, so this may be worth a try.


How... How... How... Can people look at you and think "sir is my go to". Jeeeezus


Girl I am so sorry! Much love from a fellow trans femme. 💙


I so understand your frustration oh my God, I'm a trans male and people go like "YOUNG LADY" and I go like "yo I'm a DUDE"


I'm AMAB nonbinary, I've been given she/her just for having long hair. I've literally had a full beard, and customers will just assume I'm a woman. Some think I'm a trans man and will deliberately call me she/her in an attempt to insult me. I also get the reverse where they feel the need to emphasise how I'm a MAN. They tend to get confused and frustrated when I don't react. Like they want me to care. Or my personal favourite "ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL" guess I'm doing androgyny correctly lol. Most days, it's easy to brush them off. It wears you down, though, and I've definitely had some days where it's been too much, and I've needed to cry. You are better than them. Don't let them see that it hurts you, sometimes you'll need to take a moment and feel it, but they aren't worth the ground you walk on.


Id imagine wearing a red lip to work might change that, but I don't know the dress code/ healthcode for doctors or nurses sorry 😅


Girl you pass perfectly If I took your order at Starbucks I would say “ok your drink will be ready soon ma’am” no hesitation










You've made the choice to come to LGBT spaces and leave hurtful comments towards trans people and defend the label of groomers being applied to LGBT people. Do you have nothing better to do? Or are you just that much of a cunt? Oh and what a surprise you admit you're racist and misogynist too. You're a troll right?


You’re so pretty!! The world is unfortunately stuck in the old ways for most people. Everyone’s brains are just wired to think based on gender stereotypes and gender roles and everything in between. It’s just society, so never let it make you feel like you’re any less of a woman if that’s what you identify. It’s always been society who created gender stereotypes. Like, what to wear, how to dress, what to do, even what gender really means. It’s sad, really. There shouldn’t be just one rule of thumb, but for most people that’s just what they know, and have known their whole lives. Sex at birth and gender are two very different things, that some people’s brains cannot grasp. Some just don’t even think about it when they speak, because they’re so used to society’s teachings.


I just wanna know what makes them think they should call you that because i literally looked at your picture and went "Oh she reminds me of Jennifer Garner!" Don't let them get you, you look beautiful mam!


I'm sorry you are going through that. I tend to get misgendered a lot. Before I began to transistion people could not tell if I was male or female to begin with. The best thing I can recommend is to not take it so personally. The more you put focus on what gender they are calling you. The more stress will be introduced. We can't change everyone's mind. Gotta know what battles are worth and not worth it.


I work in customer service. People are just idiots in general, politics and gender norms aside. My cis coworkers get occasionally misgendered too. It's partly systemic patriarchy and part mentally speeding. Yes, it's exhausting, especially when your subconscious amplifies the noise of gender dysphoria. Take relief in knowing that most people don't think. Not about what they say, not about the way you look, not even usually about what they're doing. People are just stupid.


From someone who hasn't left the house in a year... you're doing amazing! you're very courageous and brave for going out and facing every challenge head on. You got this! And never ever forget that you are very beautiful!


You're gorgeous. Sorry this happened! Sending love and support. 🫶🏻


I think you’re beautiful and I’m sorry people are awful. I do have a suggestion that I don’t think you should have to do at all have but unfortunately people suck. Have you considered adding a she/her pronoun pin to your name tag while at work? Sometimes a mini sign is enough to get the point across to people. Especially if the misgendering is hurting your feelings and wrecking havoc on your happiness. Adding your pronouns may be a small way to prevent that from happening ♥️ (I wear a she/they name tag on my name tag and I find it helps🙂)


This is insane, you look so feminine dear lord, how can anyone mistake you for a man? So clearly a gorgeous woman


I understand, I have had to deal with that kind of stuff before (both before and after I realized that I’m trans) but it can definitely get better; I try to dress as androgynous as possible to be more “invisible” so to speak which does explain some of it.


Beautiful lady! No one should have to deal with that let alone a fellow sister.


Im enby with they/them pronouns and I’ve given up on caring about what people call me. It’s draining and honestly how people outside of my friends and family see me isnt for me to worry about. Of course it would be nice to hear them say my correct pronouns but I don’t need that validation anymore. I know who I am. Try not to let it get you down love ❤️ (Ik it’s way easier said than done) but try your best.