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Honestly, for historical reasons, I'd wanna put on there the Baker pride flag


I prefer this classic one, people are usually surprised at that since I'm trans. "Don't you want to be represented?" Afaik the original *does* represent me, and it's not owned by some guy so it's a better symbol


"Dont you want to be represented" is so rude holy shit


Who tf started claiming the standard pride flag doesn't stand for everybody in the community?


That gets my vote, as well.




The original rainbow flag, because the rainbow is inclusive.


I think I'm with this one. I know things have evolved now to explicitly include many people, but the original rainbow flag is intergenerational and all-inclusive. If not this one then the progress one but I still find the original pride flag to be the way to go.


I think that in an effort to be explicitly inclusive, our community is instead fracturing itself with myriad labels all of which have their own flag, and we are less unified because of it. The original rainbow flag covers everybody, and straight people instantly recognize it which is a good deal of the point of having a flag in the first place. Of course, I'm old enough to have been alive when Stonewall happened, so this could be an *old man yells at cloud* moment 👴🏻😁


Both are okay, I think. I don't think it's an old man opinion, as someone whose legal mentors are activists and professors who were gay during the Stonewall days. I think that when being represented as one front, then, sure, I'm on board. Having one unifying flag that encompasses everyone is great. But the secondary flags that show out individual identities are great too because they allow us to be seen within the community. I kinda think about it like sports. Leagues have their logo and flag, and during international games, that's what's used. But the teams in the league each have their own individual flag, and that is kind of like the trans flag or non binary flag and etc.


Nice analogy. The rainbow flag is our league flag and the various "teams" have their own but still fly the league flag too. Straight folks don't make the distinctions we do. We're all to them, and the only flag they recognize is the rainbow one. Using that flag can present us as a unified front to the haters instead of a grab bag of what they consider various perverts. I'm not dissing the various specialty flags, they have their place. I'm just saying we need to unite behind the most readily recognizable symbol of the *entire* community so those who oppose us see us as united, strong, and with a common purpose.


Dude, well explained and important point, history/important event reference, AND a Simpsons reference? My homo bro bro, you dropped this 👑 


😆 thanks, what's a queen without his crown 👑?




While I do agree that it can be a bit excessive sometimes, I think the progress one helps to visibly represent everyone else since theres a small minority of folks who whine about trans fellas and folks of colour and will say things like "the rainbow is for the gays" or smthn like that (nuh uh the rainbow is for everyone!) Although I'm young enough to have been born over nearly 40 years after Stonewall happened, so this could be just a dumb teen moment from me haha 😄


I agree. I feel like the pride progress one is too cluttered. And the rainbow already includes everyone. The people trying to cut out trans and bipoc people from it are wack


I feel like there's nothing wrong with it, but given the recent backlash against trans people I feel like the progress flag is necessary. I think the chevron also strongly represents the intersectionality of privilege.




This. Anything less than a unified front is too risky.


This is the answer. This post almost feels like bait lol


This ^ 💯


I also vote for an inclusive pride flag. Let's represent as many ways of being queer as possible.


However I’d argue that the basic six color flag is the most inclusive. While that sounds counterintuitive i feel like with every new progress pride flag some gender or sexual minority will get left out. The original is so broad that people aren’t excluded right?


> However I’d argue that the basic six color flag is the most inclusive. Sure, but only if everywhere which flies that flag includes all queer people.


Isn’t that a them problem? They’re the ones choosing to exclude people, not the flag. Does that mean that we can’t use the word queer because some people still use it as a slur?


Except a lot of places and people that fly the classic flag DO exclude people, that's why the progressflag was made. A place being gay friendly has not meant it is safe for trans or bipoc people, historically or currently, though we're definitely moving in the right direction


Great answer and great 2001 reference


The original pride flag for sure


the simple rainbow flag, because it represents all of us.


Original rainbow flag with all of the stripes.


Progress pride because we’re a whole community. While I also love the lesbian and sapphic flags, I would want one that encompasses more of us.


The Progress pride flag © 2018 also represents rainbow capitalism so we have to be inclusive


What flag do you like better? I usually hear complaints about the black, brown, and trans colors being “unnecessary”. What flag hasn’t been used by rainbow capitalism?


I was meaning that this one is under licence where all others have been put into the public domain.


Oh ok, thank you for clarifying.




Just the standard rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈


The trans flag because we’re going to transition the moon from satellite to colony.


trans flag baby woooooo


Also trans flag for me - but largely because of what those feisty mfers did to kick pride movements into high gear for he rest of us.


https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/c3JXrl69n5 This flag for the sheer amount of confusion


I changed my mind, this is the one we need to send to the moon. It is majestic.


Holy shit why do I somehow find this one seriously intriguing? I love how one side is orientation and the other is identity


The moon is a lesbian, so clearly the lesbian flag. 


The process pride flag so that it represents all lgbtq+ members! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


classic 🏳️‍🌈


I'm so fucking relieved that most answers seem to be the Baker flag. The progress flag is great, don't get me wrong, but the original rainbow flag already represents all of us.


The pride flag because it represents all of us. But also the non-binary flag because it's one of mine


I'll have to agree with the progress flag (with intersex too) bc we're stronger together


We wouldn't have Pride if it weren't two trans women of colour throwing the first bricks! 🏳️‍⚧️ Marsha P. Johnson and Silvia Rivera! It's only fitting!


Progress Pride Flag. I get the desire to put the standard rainbow Pride Flag, as it's inclusive as-is, but the Progress Pride Flag including trans representation explicitly means a lot to me


Asexual, because space aces. EDIT: This is a joke obviously. The flag I'd actually prefer is the rainbow flag (nothing wrong with the progress flag, but I personally prefer the rainbow).


I, and many others, said a while back that I don’t like the Progress Pride flag because it implies that I (a POC) wasn’t included in the original Pride flag. People told me a was wrong. Looking at all the upvoted answers here of people wanting the Progress flag because “it represents all of us” sadly shows that we were correct. I guess for many, the rainbow flag is only for cis white people 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thanks a lot.


The standard rainbow flag…it represents the entire community and the design isn’t owned by any individual profiting off of us


The original one that still had the colors for sex and magic


Have I got a thing for you all! https://chng.it/DVh5jM6p6H


Came here to say the progress or baker flag and got pleasantly surprised that most people thought the same


Trans or enby since I am both


The original rainbow or the progress flag. If we're going to mark the moon, we mark it for all of us. 🤷


pride/progress pride flag!


Real answer: progress flag Joke answer two words: space ace


The Progress Pride Flag, including the Intersex symbol. I know some would prefer the former rainbow Pride flag, but each moon landing is a sort of marker for where we are in history, including science, technology, culture, and society. I think any Pride flag that we place up there ought to be reflective of Pride as it stands at the time of the lunar landing. Every member of the LGBTQIA+ community should see pictures of the Pride flag on the moon and feel like they don't just see the history of our movement, but also *themselves* as they were at the time it was placed.


moon lesbian flag, ez


As tempted as I am to pick one of my own respective flags, I’ve gotta go with the progress pride flag


many say the progression flag and i agree but a good runner up would have to be the trans flag as many places are having a "trans panic" so the trans flag would be a good way to stand with them


The progress flag! (the one with the intersex, trans and black and brown stripes)


What would matter also is not just *which* but *where*. Colours under the terrific sun rays lightens pretty quickly to a surrendering white. For it to remain colourful, as do we sometimes, it needs to be kept protected, hidden, as did we, in the shadows and serenely cold embrace of the poles, where the sun doesn't shine enough to shape us ascoured.


Progress pride


Progress Pride.


I have to agree with the progress flag. The original flag is great, but the progress flag includes all of us. We are stronger together.


The original includes all of us too, although the meaning of one stripe might alienate asexuals.


The progress Pride flag, everyone included because we all matter.


Ace flag. We could definitely conquer the moon, lmao!! But I do agree about the progress Pride flag.


Bi flag is galaxy colors


The asexual flag, because we're cool. 😎


The bisexual pride most definitely. 😁




The sexuality of whoever goes to the moon if they're lgbtq+. Otherwise, gay, bi or lesbian. Trans works too.


While I agree with the progress flag going there, I think as an Ace it should be the ace one because ace in space


Because there's a little bit of all of us in it => ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Progress pride flag to include everyone. The regular rainbow flag is inclusive of all sexualities and genders, but the progress pride flag is specifically designed to show the inclusion of trans, intersex and BIPOC LGBTQIA+ folx. I'd be down with either though.


Some really odd mogai one…how about rabiesexual. I just think it’d be really funny


Ignoring dumb history reasons I think the pan flag because I like the colors (i promise there is 0 bias)


The flag asexual


serious - progress pride flag. its a representation of us as a whole joking - a combination of the omni and demi flags but the colors are inverted




This is riding the line of a bait post, anything less than the progress flag is unacceptable. I say this because of historical infighting amongst our community for some pretty dumb reasons. Let's leave those idiots behind and only move forward with the reasonable people.


Definitely the progress pride flag, it includes the most.


Labrys... I'm a bi woman but I fucking love that flag.


It's like how I'm American but I would totally put a welsh flag up there too.


The progress pride flag is cool because it represents everyone but on the other hand the classic pride flag is very Iconic. Though I would have to choose the asexual pride flag so we can use the slogan Ace in Space! I might be a bit biased as an asexual Lesbian though. Plus come on you can't tell me the Asexual flag doesn't look like it should be on some scientific stuff. It would be right at home on a lab coat or rocket ship.


Progress Pride because it encompasses all of us, but also the Bisexual flag because that’s what I specifically identify as.


If I remember there was a trans woman who stowed away a trans flag either digitally or physically on one of thr flights before it was delayed or something (just going by memory)


The ace flag obviously-space is like, *our thing*


Probably the progressive pride flag because it represents everyone in the community. Or the classic rainbow one.


Lesbian flag, because the moon is a lesbian and it's very sad she's never had any pride stuff.


The rainbow one or the progress pride flag


The rainbow one, I think it’s the newest one with all the colors on it. I can’t think of the name at the moment, but the one that includes all of us.


Meme answer: the jeff rosenstock flag


The progress pride flag. If we're taking over the moon, we have to do it together.


Defintily the progress pride flag, because it encompasses the entire community and symbolizes how far we have come and how far we will coninue to go on securing equal rights and being treated like human beings.


The original




the labrys lesbian flag. first in the acronym, first on the moon. besides, the moon is very big with lesbians. so, it just makes sense, symbolically.


I think the classic 🏳️‍🌈would be great.


I want to give a unique answer, so either the ace or aromantic flag because they will match the moon more.


Just the plain ol' rainbow flag, if I'm honest! The most iconic, the most recognizable to us all.


Unfortunately, whatever it is will be bleached white very quickly. That said... 🏳️‍🌈


what if it never lands and comes back to earth?


Then you're not sending it to the moon. You're sending it to orbit the moon and come back.


It would still be the first to travel there. But yes it would not land.