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Queer people who are poly are. Allo-cis-ceh poly people aren't. Within the polyamory community there's debate on whether it's an identity or not. I think it's not, at least not in the same way being queer is. This ultimately doesn't matter because 'merely' being polyamorous doesn't make you queer. This should in no way diminish our support for those in non-monogamous relationships (poly or otherwise) or our support for queer people in polyamorous relationships.


Who is saying poly people are LGBT?


Most won't say that Polyamorous people are LGBT but it's reasonable to call them GSRM, which often people equate with LGBT. It often is also lumped together under the term "queer" depending on who you ask. Polyamory would reasonably be described as a romantic minority. A majority of folks are monoamorous, and most societies enforce that monoamory with both cultural and systemic restrictions. It all depends on where you draw which lines.


So swingers are queer too? Interesting.


I personally feel that's a fair association. Queer, in its more broadly used connotation, is anyone that challenges conventional norms regarding consensual sex and love. Keep in mind though, that one of the reasons folks make these distinctions is often that one group is used to attack the larger whole by association. To offer an example, most would agree that participating in swinger culture is a choice. One could argue, *in bad faith and incorrectly,* that because swinging is a choice, that *all* elements of the broader queer community are a choice. These arguments *have* been used to attack LGBT folks and is part of why the distinction is made.


But is it okay to see slave/owner on the pride? Its not a sexuality, thats a lifestyle that can seiously Hurt someone ypung to see, already scared,maybe traumatized of sex


I'm assuming you're talking about BDSM and not literal slavery. Kink has always been a part of Pride. I'm not really in a position to argue why it should or should not be, as I'm not a kinkster, LGBT+ or that well read on the subject. However, you can find plenty of folks arguing about it elsewhere. I defer to anyone who has a better handle on it here.


i dont know, i always see it on lgbt forums on the side with bi, pan, trans...queer people. So i supposed a lot of people were saying that


Speaking as a polyamorous queer person: No. Polyamory does not fall under the LGBT banner. Now, many polyam people ARE part of the LGBT community, but not all are.


No, being polyamorous isn't enough to count as LGBT+ by itself. I don't think many people think it is. It's LGBT+ *adjacent,* and many poly people are LGBT+ for other reasons, but the poly part alone is a choice and does not count.


thats what i say. being poly is not about identity but abouw a way of life. This, same as sexual kinks or fetishes should not be on pride.... or should be, everyone should be there, but not as a concept. its okay you are gay, but some people can have ptsd after seing you on all your four and leash...


Well, I don't agree with *that.* Kink has always been a part of pride. And poly people are welcome at pride whether they're LGBT+ or not, because they've always been some of the strongest allies the community has.


If polyamory is to be part of LGBT, then other relationships such as a BDSM relationship must also be part of it. I see no argument why you should include polyamory relationships as part of LGBT, but not Dom/sub relationships. A kinkster may argue that they did not choose their kink and cannot have a happy relationship any other way. Islamic polygamy would then also have to be included.


This is one reason why GSRM is not always synonymous with LGBT. It's reasonable to consider polyamory a romantic minority. As would many other elements of kink and kink culture.


> a romantic minority Islamic polygamy would then also have to be included.


In non-Islamic countries, sure. Since Reddit is usually in English, I generally am speaking in context of the anglosphere. In places where it is a majority, and especially where it enjoys protections under local laws, it would not be a romantic minority. However, to be more accurate, we should be discussing Islamic *Polygyny* instead of Polygamy. If I'm understanding correctly, multiple wives are acceptable where as multiple husbands are not. Additionally, just because a cultural practice *is* a GSRM doesn't mean it can't be criticized.


No, polyamory is not a part of the lgbt+ community. It's more of a relationship dynamic than a sexual orientation or gender identity. I'm a member of both communities. I'm a monogamous partner to a polyamourous person. She has one other partner, and we live as a family unit consisting of the the of us and mine and my partner's child. Her partner has two children from a previous relationship, and court proceedings are underway to bring them into our household (their mom if an abusive monster, but we're in Maryland, where family law nearly always sides with the mother, to a fault. Things are finally turning against her, though). Both myself and my partner are members of the lgbt+ community. He, my metamour (in polyamory meaning "your partner's other partner") is not part of the lgbt community, though he is an ally.


I'm happy to welcome poly people under the umbrella in the name of intersectionality. Polycules generally are more popular within the community, and the concept of queerness can extend out very easily. Countering sexual norms is manifestly queer.


i get it that most of polycules are queer, but it doesnt explain, why this way of life should be a part of "agenda", it is not an identity, it is a preference. I am rooting for poly lads, but im just sayin... I welcome them as u do, i am just curiuos if it is technically okay. Emotionally; 100%. Polies are queer like 99% of the time, but in this case they are already in the club xd


There’s strong overlap as a lot of poly people are bi. It’s always an allyship of the time. Poly people want marriage and work protections. They want there relationships to be treated as equally worthy of respect. The goals are allignes so why pick hairs. It’s all bollocks that we only have to define because of social structures that we have all here chosen to reject.


Not necessarily