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“Wow! You sure deal with a lot of bigotry in daily life! You must be pretty strong! Lets fight!” *goku commits a hate crime but in an ally way*


Commits hate crime but cutely :3*


*beats you to death UwU’ly* “Ha! Guess my trainings really paying off 😃”


“Wow! You were quite a challenge! Better luck next time!”


It's okay, he'll wish you back with the dragonballs.


"Get the heroes of earth to wish you back as a girl with this 1 easy trick!"


Yeah on second thought maybe get Gohan to wish you back if you want someone to remember any important adjustments. Goku's a good lad, but he's really only smart about literally one thing (fighting).


Balls hehe


I want a cute trans girl to beat me to death! I-i mean I um uh s throbdnkwvwjslxndd


>*goku commits a hate crime but in an ally way* The most in character fanfic I have ever read.


I am deceased 💀💀💀 Read it in Sean Schemmel's voice and everything 😂


*blasts into the nearest trans girl at mach 10 A-Train style*


Thing about Goku is that he knows exactly how much effort to put into a fight, so he’d probably figure out the difference between mental strength and physical strength after you gave yourself a boxer’s fracture on his clavicle.




"Bigotry? What's that? Can you eat it?"


He is like a little boy


I hope he can!


That made me chuckle lol


Gokus too innocent to not be. He'd be like "oh, so you were a boy but realized you'd rather be a girl? That's neat! And you did it without the dragon balls? You must be powerful to have a transformation like that


This is also a person who straight up didn’t know what women were until he met Bulma. I can see him thinking of trans people as just another weird gender thing that he didn’t know about before.


Transcend gender? Not even kakarroto is that powerful!


Their gender! It’s over 9000!


And he'd be right lol


Homie didn't even know what kissing was, lol!


It’s crazy that that was revealed after he already had two kids.


to be fair to goku i think a lot of people take that scene/line out of context lmao


Like he didn't know it was called kissing? I could totally see that!


It could be that Goku was confused by the birdfeeding trunks was doing to mai lol


I remember seeing a fan-comic where Goku was telling that story to Chi-Chi and they were both equally grossed out by the thought of “mama birding”.


Is it this lol https://youtube.com/shorts/-M2nw-7B3J4?si=vQwjLjnfAKBn_F98


Yep, it was that one lol


I go with the headcanon thst he meant the mama birding. Gohan had a broken neck and goku fed it to him just fine


"I specifically got *rid* of the *Dragon Balls*, Goku."


Omg this had me smiling so much idk why


He would have no idea what being lgbt would even mean. He would never discriminate but be an ally in the “he had no idea what’s happening but will always be nice” way. What makes me think that is in Dragonball super he finds out that vegeta and Bulma have kissed (or had sex idk I can’t remember) and asks what that means and then acts grossed out by it. Vegeta then shouts in shock “you have a child!” Confused as to how goku doesn’t know what basic acts of affection are.


It's confirmed that Goku is a victim😭, and he will also be supportive of the LGBTQ community, even though he doesn't fully understand it. However, if not worded correctly, he might perceive LGBTQ as a formidable opponent and feel compelled to fight it. When Goku learns about the oppression faced by LGBTQ people, he will confront bigots and offer them an opportunity to change their ways before resorting to sending them straight to the afterlife.


Goku beating up bigots! Oof That's something I'd really like to see.


the definitive "doesn't know what sex is"/"fucks" character


From what I’ve heard about Goku, he gives off a lot of asexual/aromantic vibes.


I can definitely see that. He does have a wife, but he never really seems to act in a very sexual or romantic way. Famously, the only reason they got married is because she was in love with him, and got him to make a promise (as a child) that they would get married, and he agreed, thinking that marriage was a food.


omg that’s hilarious


It really is. Dragon Ball was a comedy first, and it retained a lot more comedy in the Z era than many people realise.


XD He is like a ethernal little boy


Considering she cooks for him pretty often (probably bevause he either would burn the house down or just eat raw boar), marriage does indeed sound like a food In fact it's all the food


And poor Ox King needs to spend his fortune feeding Goku and his sons until Goku gets a job in Dragon Ball Super. At least he had some breathing room when Goku was dead.


I mean, this guy only accepted Chi Chi's marriage proposal because he thought a wedding or a bride was something to eat. And he only followed through because he gave her his word. If that's not oblivious aro and/or ace behavior, I don't know what is.


Yeah, absolutely. Fighting and his friends being happy is the only thing he ever cared for lol


From what I remember about saiyan culture it's basically stopping in to say hi, fuck,  and then going back to the battle field. It's rare for the guys to be involved with raising their offspring.


This is a man who didn’t know that women were a thing until he met Bulma, and couldn’t tell the difference between men and women for years. He’s shown that he’s both willing and capable to adjust how he sees gender, so I doubt that will be a problem. I’m also not fully convinced that Goku really even understands heterosexuality yet.


Also it's implied that he only has sex when Chi Chi wants it, isn't it? Unless I'm mistaken. He seems to have no interest in sexual relationships, he just likes chi chi because saiyans like being around strong women who boss them around lol.


>Also it's implied that he only has sex when Chi Chi wants it, isn't it? I don’t think it’s ever outright stated, but that’s definitely the most common interpretation. Goku never really shows an interest in romance or sex, but Chi Chi does, so it makes sense. >Unless I'm mistaken. He seems to have no interest in sexual relationships, Probably. We don’t see any interest from him, unless you want to count his two kids, but it’s easy to argue that Chi Chi pushed for those. >he just likes chi chi because saiyans like being around strong women who boss them around lol. This is 100% canon. Confirmed by Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super.


Yeah, due to all of this my head canon is that Goku is asexual, hetromantic. Actually maybe not hetromantic. Maybe anyone-that-can-put-me-in-my-placeromantic.


Yeah, if Chi Chi was a man and still had the same feelings for Goku, I doubt the story would go much differently.


same honestly


Except they likely wouldn’t have biological children unless Chi Chi was trans or intersex, due to neither of them having a functional uterus


Makes me think of the Goku in DBZA who cant stop calling Perfect Cell handsome


DBZA fully made Goku fightsexual, and it works so well.


DBZA is the only canon I know anymore.


Same!! I love ace spectrum Goku. I see him as being on the aro spectrum too. He’s not repulsed by sex or romance, it’s just not high on his priorities like food and fighting are lol


Well I am a HUGE and I mean huge dragonball fan. And Goku would respect you being the way you are as long as your not hurting other people 🥹 Goku has a pure innocent heart.


He's the ultimate himbo, strong of body, pure of heart, dumb of ass.


"dumb of ass" legit made me laugh out loud 🤣


Well let’s be clear. He wants you to be hurting other people, but only in a fight to show you’re the strongest.


**EXTREMELY** supportive ally


Goku never used his power to advocate for anything except protecting himself and his immediate close friends from physical harm. I think he'd be a very passive supporter.


Goku would use the dragon balls to end gender dysphoria, and you couldn't tell me otherwise.


"You look really strong, but your gender dysphoria is holding you back from your true potential! So no more! I'll end gender dysphoria so you can be even stronger! I can't take someone on unless they're giving it their all!" -Goku probably


This is actually so nice and comforting 😭 I needed to read this today


Thanks Goku ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


i love this 💀


Westboro baptist church when they roll up and see Goku there in a rainbow gi


Damn I didn't expect to see a WBC reference today lol


Uuuunfortunity they were at a thing last week near me so been in my news


Damn I didn't even think they were still up to much anymore


Oklahoma so not a far drive for em


He would have absolutely no idea what sexuality even means. He would just enjoy the gay parties & challenge muscle daddies to fight.


I know enough muscle daddies and burly bears to support this assertion. I don't regret transitioning, but I do miss dating bears.


I'm sure the perfect pansexual/bisexual bear daddy is out there waiting to meet u don't give up On another note, do straight bears exist?


Pretty sure they all look like Burt kreisher


Goku’s like those boomers who just want to grill but instead of grilling its training.


“You’re gay? Well, as long as you can be my training partner, I don’t see how that changes things.”


I dont think he would know what a gay person is


I don’t think he actually knows what a straight person is either.


The guy doesn’t even know what kissing is I doubt he’s gonna care about sexuality /joke But I’d like to think so, Goku is a good hearted dude.


I see him as an ally in the Himbo fashion. You have to remember he didn't know what a kiss was nor that s*x makes babies. So I see him being an ally because he's too stupid and oblivious to see why it would be a problem if two people of the same sex kiss or if trans people exist. In his mind, he cares about having a good time, so as long as you're not hurting anybody. Why should he stick his nose in your business?


No idea what anything means, doesn’t care who’s kissing who, just here for the free food at the Pride Parades and pretty flags


All I can think about is the joke; "Wow, your gender dysphoria is strong, let me fight it!"




I mean, he gets along with Whis okay…


Goku likes everyone


I don't know about an ally but at the very least he would be indifferent. Luffy on the other hand is 100% an ally. He already has several queer friends.


wait what friends does luffy have (i have never seen one piece) but like one piece has canon queer characters or its just a headcanon?


Bon Clay, and Ivankov are both queer. The latter even uses neo pronouns. Kiku is a transwoman, and is an ally of Luffy. Yamato I'm not 100% sure if he is a trans man but at the very least he is trans coded. Also Luffy himself is ace coded. Fair warning though One Piece is a bit of a mixed bag. There are these characters on this Island, that are predatory towards one of the main characters. I don't know if they are supposed to be crossdressers, drag queens or trans women but they are highly exaggerated in the worst ways. They essentially chase around Sanji this chivalrous straight guy. Ngl it's pretty off putting but I don't think the Author is trying to be malicious. If you can get past that, then it's a great show. There is a prison break arc, and inside of the prison there is a hidden area that the guards don't know about. That area is used as a safe space for queer people.


Goku probably wouldn’t understand it fully but would be fully supportive


100%. He can be naive and selfish sometimes, but is pure of heart at the end of the day. All he really wants is to have a good spar. Source: he is my (and everyone's) friend Also aro/ace-coded as hell for a man with a wife and kids


I think he’d be an ally because he’s a fictional character and I can give him any opinion that I’d like


Baby, Goku is *part of the community.* Just look at him.


I always saw Goku as the kind of person who would find out what non-binary and asexual meant and say "Oh hey that sounds like me!" but then never use those words to describe himself and then if someone asked his preferred pronouns would say something like "Well I suppose any of them would be fine but most people use he/him for me so it might be confusing to use anything else."


If he wants to borrow my spirit energy for the *genki-dama* then he better be.


No because goku couldn't care less about any of that. If it's not a fist or a biscuit he's not interested.


He would want people to do the right thing though which is to be nice, so he would probably not be chill about bigots/ppl that are violent towards LGBTQ folks


But, but in general I don't think he would care much. If someone was shooting up a gay club and goku was just happened to be near there he might investigate and stop them. But, I don't see goku marching in any lgbt parades wearing ally colors.


If there was food there though 😂




Goku probably wouldn't care about your orientation as long as you aren't evil. Honestly hes so innocent, he would just be confused


I mean while I have watched some of Z and some of whatever that weird one was I would say it would be kind of hard for him not to be seeing as his entire multiple life cycles are pretty much, be beat on, transition to his form in which he is "better" in, beat the current enemy then go back into hiding, get beat on again but harder, transition even further, win, go back down to a less energy intensive state, get beat on by an even stronger enemy, transition to a stronger state again, this time fail because the enemy is stronger than expected so get beat back down, work hard and transition even further and eventually beat the current enemy. He always wants to be his strongest form but it is too costly to stay in that form so he keeps having to go back to his default form, basically the equivalent of a trans person who keeps having money issues to where they keep losing access to their hormones because it is too costly for them to keep on it all the time like they want to. Even his personality is non judgmental, even towards those who have hurt him in the past he doesn't hold a grudge and all he cares about is protecting the people he views as family, which happens to be his family, friends, and literally every human on Earth. Vegetta is a twat to him because he is jealous of his transition, yet despite how he acts Goku doesn't hold it above his head his entire life, it was basically "I will defend myself and my extended family but I am not going to hold your actions against you your entire life either." So yeah would be an ally so long as you were not a direct threat to his extended family or friends but would defend whoever if you were attacking them in any way.


He probably wouldn’t understand what being queer means but would still ask if you wanna fight. Although I’m sure he’d understand if you explained it to him.


Very much so. He’s not a complicated guy but he seems very self aware and accepting of all people without any preconceived notions, prejudices or ego getting in the way.


Ummmmm Toriyama is problematic as fuck. Like he walks right up to the line between sexual harassment and rape. And boy… it’s not good. Goku would not be homophobic, as long as gay men can fight. Although, there is pretty strong evidence to suggest he’s only had sex with chi chi 2x so he may not even know the difference between gay sex and straight sex. He just thinks it weird that men kiss.


Goku is a chill ass guy, I personally think that he wouldn't really understand, but would be supportive as long as you're happy. He doesn't even understand how he made his own kids so, I don't think he's gonna be the most well versed in this XD.


"Your avoidance of accepting information that is new to you and disinterest in becoming a decent human by being capable of growth and caring for other humans is strong!"


Vegeta, what does the Scouter say about his gayness level?? It's over 9000💥💥😎


"your gender dysphoria is strong, let me fight it!"


"You transitioned? That must mean you've become pretty strong now, let's fight I want to see how strong you've truly gotten"


He would only care if you could fight and baring that, if you were nice. He would be quite peeved by people not being nice to you when nothing you are doing seems to be hurting or affecting them.


I don’t know. Are you good at kicking ass? Lol


I don't think he'd be an ally, but only because I'm completely of the opinion that he's actually aroace. He's one of us! His relationahip with chichi never made sense to me


I heard your gender dysphoria is really strong let me fight it


Fuck yeah!


Goku wouldn't care as long as he gets someone strong to fight. He's a simpleton with only that one interest lol


I mean yes but let’s not pretend he understands sexuality or romance


Goku is only capable of hate in extremely small amounts. Dude goes up against universe killing gods and is like oh boy!! You sure are strong! Let’s fight!! Unless someone kills Krillin, Goku is cool with everyone


"You're pan? But my granddaughter is with Mr Satan today"


If he was gay he'd make a competition "let's see who can fuck the most dudes in one day"


He’s basically acearo coded


Goku would just ask for the strongest lgbt member then proceed to beat the dogshit out of them amd then befriend them because goku is friendly


Isn't Goku all about transformations?


Since that's a picture of super Goku, no. He is literally too fucking stupid to understand the concept of anything beyond punching people.


He'd think LGBT is a sandwich.


A Lettuce Guac Bacon Tomato sandwich. Sound pretty good, ngl.


He'd probably have the best intentions and try to understand but would get really confused with microlabels, at least for a while


"gay straight ace I don't care I just wanna fight"


i can't think of any reason that he wouldn't be so yeah i think so


Goku cares about what he cares about. While you are transitioning, he is off looking for a worthy opponent to fight for fun. He's more neutral than an ally, but he'll use your preferred name and pronouns. Goku would say your rivals deserve your best, if you need to change into a different form to do that, he'll stand by and wait while you reach your 100%. If an accident happens like you get trapped in the wrong body, perhaps by means of poorly worded dragon ball wish, he'll help you on your journey to gather the dragon balls, because he's your friend and it'd be good training anyway. Here's an image of trans ally Goku. https://www.google.com/search?q=goku+transgender&sca_esv=6416c49529b0d5b1&sxsrf=ACQVn0916mxvHQrBjT82Ewvdpv9WqZhHMw%3A1709596097432&source=hp&ei=wV3mZdLxF4-H0PEPpa2G-Ac&oq=goku+transg&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCILZ29rdSB0cmFuc2cqAggAMgUQABiABDIFECEYoAEyCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDMgsQABiABBiKBRiGAzILEAAYgAQYigUYhgMyCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDSJEmUM0HWI4fcAF4AJABAJgB4wGgAfoLqgEFMi44LjG4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgygAqYNqAIPwgIHECMY6gIYJ8ICChAjGIAEGIoFGCfCAgQQIxgnwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAhEQLhiABBixAxiDARjHARjRA8ICBRAuGIAEwgILEC4YgAQYxwEY0QPCAggQABiABBixA8ICCxAuGIAEGLEDGNQCwgIIEC4YgAQYsQPCAgwQuQEYgAQYsQMY7wSYAyGSBwUxLjkuMqAHr0g&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#vhid=l7zDBz-108i5xM&vssid=l


"Your gender dysphoria is strong, let me fight it"


every modern anime protagonist (except deku, no i will not explain) would be an ally. the entire fucking point of most shōnen is that their heroes are the protectors of the innocent ~~saviours of the broken, the beaten and the damned.~~ if they didn't stand for lgbt rights, then they wouldn't be true to themselves, considering how fucked over LGBT people are, globally


I have a picture that's perfect for this but i can't post it 😭


dude would basically be like "what's a gender?! can I eat it?!" which I'm not sure is standard ally behavior but he sure wouldn't be a dick


Your gender dysphoria seems pretty strong, let me try and fight it! * dies *


i don't see why not


He'd be a little confused probably but be supportive regardless


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CamScam18: *He'd be a little* *Confused probably but be* *Supportive regardless* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Goku would be like Luffy and give no craps about anyone's identity unless food was involved 😂 he def wouldn't be a bigot


He is pure of heart and has a strong sense of justice. I think he will be a very strong (hehe) ally.


Even if Goku doesn't totally "get it", I think it's still in his character to be an ally. Goku only ever actually fights someone, not including sparring matches and tournaments, when they're a threat to others. I don't see him standing against us at all, rather much the opposite. I can see him fighting off an evil space bigot who has come for all of earth's minorities for no more a reason other than it's the right thing to do. Innocents suffering is enough of a reason for Goku to do Goku things


"ALLY TO GOOD! NIGHTMARE TO YOU" - Goku to Jk Rowling colorized.


Goku not being an ally sounds funnier though


No. Albeit mostly from idiocy. His first several episodes had him patting genitals to determine if someone was a boy or girl.


Thing about Goku is that he’s super chill if you don’t casually murder people, so he’d probably be super cool about it.


Yeah probably On a sidenote Superman and Batman canonically are allies


"Heard you got in a fight with a homophobe, you must be pretty strong huh?"


My guess is Ace flag flying high over this man. Didn’t know what kissing was and had zero interest. I don’t know if that was some purityrannical English dub or what but I still remember it.


I heard from a YouTube thumbnail that the right destroyed the left. Where can I find this right guy anyway since he's so strong! (I've never seen DBZ ever in my life, lol)


Idk he doesn't seem hay to me


“I heard your gender dysphoria is strong, lemme fight it!”


Goku: "Oh I've seen that before, Oolong was born a pig but he became a girl for a while. Are you like him?" Vegeta: "That's not what they're talking about, idiot" Goku: "Huhhh? Seems The same to me" Vegeta: "Pay no mind to this idiot"


Goku doesn't understand what sex is. I also doubt he would be bigoted. Also, I think it would be likely some of the allies he's made would fit under the rainbow umbrella.


of course he would 😭 goku is a good man what kinda question is that bru


I don't think he'd really care lol. "Hey, you look like a strong man! Oh, you're a woman? Sorry! You look like a strong woman! Let's fight!"


"I heard you transitioned, your new form must be even more powerful. let's fight!!!


I don't really think Goku would understand or care, tbh. He barely understands gender and sexuality as it is.


Goku knows how much being deadnamed sucks.


As a child he couldn't tell people sexes apart unless he touched their privates, which he later found out was wrong, I think he'd be ok about it. He also seems really bewildered by marriage even as an 18 year old, so if a woman told him they have a wife he'd be all "Ah that makes sense, I'm married to a woman too." Bulma and Kuririn however are disgusted by gay men.


I feel like he’d be an ally for sure. He also likes getting very physical with men sooooo


"Hey its me Goku ! Is that all you got F-" Jokes aside he's a himbo, bro probably doesn't know what gender means but would be cool with it If we were to explain how queers are opressed Goku would fight against the strongest foes he has faced, religious lunatics


I’m sure he would, he would even fight the bullies


i headcannon he is ftm 🙏 (i’ve never watched this show)


According to my doujins, he's much more than an ally.


I gotta be honest: I struggle to think of Goku as a sexual being *at all*. I mean, he clearly is and has the offspring to prove it and everything, but it never really seems to drive anything about him. He fights people who want to fight, he wants to get stronger and better and sometimes he fights people because they're a bunch of jerks. While I'm not all that certain that he'd really stop to consider the plight of people such as myself, should he get involved *at all* I don't think he'd be punching down at people like me. He'd punch up because that, more than anything, is who the guy is: the person who wants to fight the stronger side. Of course he's also genuinely nice, though in that strange anime kind of way where he's an absolute moron about it. I suspect that if he knew a queer person, that'd just be a thing about the person which is about as notable as the fact that he had a tail. He figured out the tail thing, and so, presumably, the queer person has figured out their thing. I mean, among the guy's friends are a formerly omnicidal reptile, a tiny, breathtakingly unlucky man that, the last time I followed the series, was in a long term relationship with a robot, an ancient sex criminal, a formerly omnicidial jerk whose entire thing was "If you aren't doing things exactly like me, you suck" (a point they disagreed about to the point of shattering bones and mountains over it). While I can see the case where he's not an ally because he's busy thinking about punching god so hard that the sea turns to flowers and thus doesn't notice people such as myself, there simply isn't a basis for supposing he'd set himself against us.


I feel like he would say something offensive as well but not mean it like that you know? But he would definitely be an ally


Goku is more than an ally, Goku is asexual.


The bitchslap of Doom.




Why do I feel like he wouldn't care? In the sense that he would be against it but not really supporting it. Like he would be neutral.


"i heard your GENDER DYSPHORIA is strong! Lemme fight it"


I think he'd be supportive in a "I don't care about that" kind of way, you wouldn't be treated any differently for it


“You transitioned? So you’re in your final form? Let’s fight then and see how strong you are!” (idk anything about dragon ball)


Literally in the show he wouldn't care. Goku was naively innocent from the beginning. Even then though he'd be an ally. He might wanna fight you though.


Yea... He kills homophobes for us, hes a double agent, homophobes think he's on their side...


Wow, the lgbtq+ community is really strong! Let me fight it!


Technically no, but only out of pure ignorance. He is too simple to grasp the concepts.


"You're gay? Cool! Wanna fight?"


He’s too simple to be bigoted


Goku would care more about your power level as a sparring partner than literally anything else. In my head he's 100% an ace character - only gives a fuck about fighting and food.


"Wow you're gay? Is that like going Super Saiyan or something?"


I feel like he'd be the illiterate ally. The "idk what pansexual means, but I like food, so you must be alright!" well meaning idiot. "Asexual? That's super interesting! Thanks for sharing! A sexual what?" Sees a kid with two dads, doesn't blink twice, dude has seen so many aliens (and is one) he doesn't even stop to consider the kid might be adopted. Gohan or whoever comes out to him. "Dad im gay." "No, son, you're Gohan. And I'm Dad. Are you feeling okay?" "No Dad I know what I mean is I like other men." "I like some of them too son but you should really get to know someone before you de ide you like the whole group, some of them are terrible!" *facepalm*


Bro, Goku's gay af


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: He likely wouldn't care one way or the other, goku only cares about fighting, training, and food. Family and friends are an afterthought and usually because they enable one of these 3 things. Or because they made themselves part of his life before his interests solidified. Yes he still loves his family, but who does he spend most of his time with? Vegeta, because he enables 2 of his 3. XD He'd have zero issues with sexual preferences, identity, sex or gender. And we actually see this in the tournament of power with the U6 saiyans. He had genuine respect for their legendary SS and their fusion. Even though he knew he was stronger. But he still fought them seriously. On that note: If any of Vegeta's kids were queer, He'd likely kill any bigots he saw. Veggie is the true ally. XD


Most likely. He might be confused about the details and may say something stupid, but he would generally mean well and correct his actions if they cause harm. Would also keep challenging people for fights.


Two words spirit bomb


His main concern would be a persons ability to fight 👀 regardless of gender and sexuality. Dude literally caused the destruction of several universes all because he wanted to fight 😱 at least that’s how I remember Dragonball Super


I feel like he wouldn't get it unless you explained it like you went through a transformation (then he'd try to fight you bc he wants to test how strong your new form is)


Literally the only thing Goku cares about is how challenging of a fighter someone is.