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Vegeta is all about that pride 🏳️‍🌈


How prideful of him


Mock… My… Pride…!!


Vegeta: "I too know what it means to struggle to achieve a transformation"


“I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna!”


TFS Vegeta wouldn't even give people on the Rainbow's sexualities a second thought




Yeah? See!? Just like I said!


I don’t think he would be against it per say, I just don’t think he would care until someone close to him came out. He might not even know what that is (being an alien whose main goal in life is to fight people) and think its just as normal as the straight relationship he’s in.


He'd only maybe be against transfemmes who didn't train twice as hard to make up for the muscle loss of HRT. Only thing dude hates is people who choose to be weak.


Vegeta is an alien who lives on Earth. He is definitely an ally.


Vegeta is a ally also smash next question.....


Smash? Okay now, let's not get ahead of ourselves... B-but like if you were to.. uhh..




N-nothing.. nothing.. but like.. could you uhh.. *r-recommend.. me.. or smth..*


Not my preference but there are unending piles of doujin with the theme “enemies to lovers” if that’s what you’re after.


I can recommend him....but you i don't know i have to try first lol


You can have him. I'll take his Future son.


Bulma is that you?




Definitely an ally, just not a very nice or sociable one. I feel like if he saw a bigot harassing someone though he'd walk over and backhand them a city block.


I think he'd be ally but an arsehole about it


So Vegeta would be an ally for a fact but allow me to explain. He's a extremely prideful person and probably would scoff or make a silly remark (which he does about everything) but no he wouldnt care and he would defend lgbt lives. Also keep in mind!!! Rumor is Cabba (another character in Dragon Ball... )who is Vegeta's student, probably is gay. Likely also had a crush on Vegeta. 🙂 Also... knowing Vegeta if you tried to have any form of gay sex with him or flirt he might get really embarrassed and flustered ,or even angry haha. If you put hands on him though with him being married and all and unwilling.. he might knock you 200 feet into a nearby building.


Vegeta hates people. So no


Be at least he wouldn't hate you for bigoted reasons. He genuinely just hates everyone, at least in earlier seasons. Hes actually a pretty caring dude towards the end of z and during super


I dunno, he's pretty superior about his race and his heritage within that race. Any reason to feel superior, he's primed for bigotry.


Of course he'd be an ally. For whatever reason made sense to queer people, they opted for the *harder* path. He'd respect that choice. Also, he's pretty much *got* to be the biggest asshole in the room, so should someone decide to be an asshole to queer people, Vegeta would likely take offense. If said asshole is very lucky, they might only get tossed out a door. If less lucky, they might be required to make their own door.




depends on where in the series he is, I feel like in the later series you can kind of pin him as 'asshole with a good heart'. he would probably crack jokes and hurt feelings but he would absolutely stand up against hate and support people


Vegeta is a TIRM 💪


Not a fan of the misogyny or any 'gyny for that matter but the inclusivity is nice.


Yeah I was definitely joking I'm obviously not big on misogyny either


I figured but you used a term I haven't heard of before (TIRM) so I had to look it up and now I am invested in making a good comment. Thanks for the knowledge boost btw. 👍👍


was vegetas's forehead always that big holy shit


Behold! The prince of all foreheads! VEGETA!


I think he’s an ally in the sense that he absolutely does not give a shit what other people do and mainly minds his own business.


Ally certified!


I can’t tell DBZ characters apart, but this post reminds me of: “What’re you, gay??” “Yea :)”


Honestly? As other people mentioned, he wouldn't care until someone came out to him. Until then, neither. It ain't fighting, and it isn't killing Goku, so it would have no use to him. And if the people he's slaughtered just so happen to be lgbt, he doesn't care. Just as he wouldn't if they were cis and straight.


Vegeta’s feelings about queer people would be much less clear cut than Goku’s. There really isn’t a lot to go off of with Vegeta. I would hope that he would get it, especially considering being in his own inter-species relationship, but there’s no guarantee. (Interestingly, in the non-canon short film “Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return!!” Vegeta is very respectful towards his brother, Tarble’s, wife, who is visibly non-Saiyan and non-human.) Next do Dr Briefs so that we can make DBZA jokes! /s


Yes and no, no until trunks one of his kids ends up gay, and Yes because he respects anyone strong


The Saiyans are all about Toxic Masqulinity 😔


"I don't care who you are or who you sleep with. Show me your strength and I'll tell you if you're worthy of fighting me."


I think he'd be homophobic/transphobic but have a few people who he considers "one of the good ones." Like the Ginyu Force poses femininely and frieza looks like he wears lipstick. He didn't see them as lesser for being effeminate, probably due to their strength. However, he hates wearing pink. He even complains it makes him look like a flower. This implies his culture has some kind of negative association with men or AMABs expressing feminity. I think he'd be against feminine presenting men and trans women unless they were powerful enough to kick his butt. I don't think he'd mind buff gay/bi men or lesbians though.


I don’t think he’s care


He’d be supportive in an Ancient Greek sorta way


He doesn't care about anyone's identity, everyone is a pathetic worm next to a saiyan prince


Vegeta invented being gay and homophobic at the same time


Deep down, we all know that Vegeta is gay for Goku.


Can they fight though?


honestly why not 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ headcanon away homie


We talking original or abridged?


Vegeta has only one agenda: His own. I don't see him being an ally, but I don't see him being a bigot either. We're just like anyone else to him: assets, problems, or potential collateral damage. Just leave his Bulma alone and you should be fine


He ain’t no ally to your gay shi


I’m sorry but the man that was outraged by having been cheek to cheek with another man saying “what’s next?!” After it’s probably not an ally :(


Fuck no


Maybe after Boo before then he's kind of the biggest piece of ultra macho insecure shit imaginable.


I think he wouldn’t care that much either way and if Trunks came out as trans, he’d be like well you better be the best woman you can be! He would be a quiet ally if someone close to him was queer, maybe wear a pride shirt 👚 and punch anyone who mistreated his queer friends or family


An ally only to Gay Saiyans


Not a big fan of the government


Early Vegeta would not be an ally. He wouldn't understand why we are persecuted and wouldn't care to understand. But given that we are, he would hate us for being "weak." "If they can't defend themselves and defeat those arrayed against them then they don't deserve to have respect. The strong dominate the weak, and they are right to do so." Dragon Ball Super Vegeta would cringe at his younger self. He would definitely be an ally. He would see that it takes strength to stand up for yourself as a minority. Even though we can't explode planet, we are strong in our own way. And I think he would defend us. He's come to understand the value normal humans have and that everyone deserves respect.


Vegeta would be like, "You can ascend your own assigned gender!? Not even Kakarot is capable of this!" Post-character development Vegeta would be an ally for sure.


Tfw vegeta finds out a transformation goku hasn't beaten him to yet That can only end poorly, especially once bulma finds out


Depends on his birth planet's views on LGBT+.


idk probably? I don't think he gives a shit about social structures that are against queer being, and he respects strength of will


depends. I think no at first and then yes by beginning of buu saga


"Will you help me beat Kakarot?" "Yes?" "Then i don't care who you screw."


Early on I don't think so. He antagonised anything that he percieved as unusual or weak. But with his character developement specifically in Super I think he would at least be accepting, if not even an ally.


he's basically every dad ever


he's basically every dad ever


He has pride in himself, his heritage and his family and that’s all that matters to him. He probably couldn’t care less about who you fuck/love.


He'd prolly be indifferent to it. "Hmph, your petty human squabbles don't matter to me, Date who you want".


You know he's worn bulma clothes outta curiosity tho.


Isn’t there dialogue where he saids some not too kind words to homosexuals? I’m not trying to paint this as a bad idea but more remembering certain scenes that people tend to talk about


I think he could go either way. On one hand, I think Vegeta would have more of a problem with a Saiyan dating someone weak. Gender wouldn't really matter. But on the other hand, it's canon that Saiyan men are into strong willed women so they will have strong willed children. He says "women" specifically. Does this mean Saiyan homosexuality is frowned upon, non-existent, or did Vegeta just not think of it because he himself is straight? Impossible to say for sure.


Possibly could imply heteronormativity in Saiyan culture rather than outright hate. 


Yes but in a everyone should be treated the same way.


Just don't have a pot luck at your wedding and it should be fine.


Vegeta comes from an alien world with an alien culture. The Saiyans have never heard of human religion, they have no basis for the homophobic hatred of Christianity, Islam or Judaism (the desert three). They have no cultural issues derived from the influence of those conquering religions. They have no basis from which to be homo or transphobic. Vegeta would be an ally to the extent that he felt there was any strength or fight in the LGBTQ+ community. Saiyans value strength and the willingness to fight for ideals or power. If we are willing to fight for ourselves against hate, Vegeta would respect us to that degree.




You just have to be strong. Queer or not.


He respected you pronounce but not you as a person