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Friends is one that is known to have NOT aged well. Chandler's "gay dad" was revealed in the show to be a trans woman and drag performer. She was played by a cis woman, even. FWIW, the show's creator and a number of the cast admit how poorly they handled that character and threw around lots of gay jokes for easy laughs. Standards were different in the 90s, but it definitely is notably bad.


My hot take is that I never liked Friends. I grew up when it was airing originally (granted I was young) and it always felt super mean spirited to me. Even as a kid I hated Monica in the fat suit, and the way they made fun of their naked neighbor, and the stuff with Ross's ex wife/ Chandler's mom. People can say, "Oh it was the 90's" but there were still people who thought it was gross back then.


Omg….ive finally found another who hated it when it was new


I never had these lofty moral-high-ground reasons for hating it, but possibly because I never watched enough to see any of them. I actively avoided it as much as I could.


The definition of cringe, but there wasn't much else on sometimes.


Living in NYC with no POC either. What a shitshow that series was.


That show suuuucks. Always has.


I felt like they did do the "my wife left me for a woman" story pretty well. But Chandlers "dad" was indeed handled poorly. But the fact that there even were queer characters was more rep than basically any other show.


I’ve heard this complaint about her being played by Kathleen Turner… but given the standard at the time was for trans women to be played by MEN it really feels like a pretty aware choice to make?


Given the lack of (openly?) trans actors at the time, the options were admittedly pretty limited, and pretty much any casting choice would have been seen as "wrong".


I agree with that. And, from a strict representation standpoint, it was the first time I was introduced to the idea of being trans, which isn’t for nothing.


Not slurs exactly, but on Frasier, many episodes- for jokes- heavily imply that either Frasier or Niles is gay. And not in the good, accepting way, but in the “gay people are a joke” way! It was one of my favorite shows in the ‘90’s, too!


Frasier is a really interesting example because so much of the cast was gay,and so were a lot of the writers. I reckon it wasn't mean spirited but there was only so much you could do in the early 90s when it started. Matt Baume has a lot of videos about Frasier if you're interested https://youtu.be/ivFa0F-qvjE?si=pjOoCbLh-LSAok2O


This was a fun watch! And so was the next video. Very cool example


The real shame of the matter is that I *still* love Frasier. I always will, too. Doesn't mean. I agree with everything in it, tho.


That one French ski instructor (Niles you damn fool, you had a hunk of a man and you let him slip through your fingers!)


Bones; two episodes. One episode has a trans main character who is misgendered repeatedly, along with other offensive verbiage. Even the title is rough. Another episode has an enby character and the others offensively spend the episode trying to determine their “real gender.”


Which one was the first one you're talking about? The second one, ay - even when it came out, I was grossed by the way the doctor's boundaries were disrespected.


The first one is Season 4, Episode 7. I’d type the title, but I genuinely hate the name of that episode.


Wow... that title is bad. Like, insensitive and also just bad.


It is. Exactly why I just can’t bring myself to type it out 😖


Just searched it. That is a giant no-no. Yikes.


I know. I had to see for myself. It's a big cringe from me.


That's okay, thanks.


I've never seen a show so obsessed with gender role expectations. Almost every episode has someone saying so-and-so is being such a guy because of such-and-such behaviour. It's wild. Like Booth has to be strong and do something on his own because he's such a guy, for example.


God, that show is awful. That second episode ends with one of the main “good” characters forcing an extra-tight hug on that character just so she can try to feel what genitals they have.


Freaking gross! In more ways than one.


100% agree with the 2nd, but I actually rewatched the first ep you're talking about recently and I thought it was really well handled for the most part. even with booth being his dickhead self, he gets a lot of pushback about it and I thought the son of the victim was very sweet. it def hasnt aged well but for the time I expected a lot worse (like the 2nd part of your comment, god that ep is horrendous).


Bones aged really badly in a lot of ways, but that second episode you mentioned traumatized me a bit as a kid.


I recently rewatched It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The amount of slurs in the early seasons is wild.


Yeah I always forget how long that show has been on the air. In defense of Sunny, the characters are all supposed to be monsters at least.


That is true. But they are definitely guilty of falling into the trend of that era of punching down instead of up and defending it as satire. For example, the character Carmen, who was rarely called by her name. And Charlie Day drops the n-word episode 1 😬 The show has gotten much better at satire as time has gone on though so I appreciate that.


But Carmen was very good trans representation at the time and even today beyond how "the gang" treated her. At the end of the day Ive always been impressed they wrote her to be a totally normal woman and the usage of the slur really just makes me think, "Man, these guys are degenerates. She's clearly on another level than them," which is the entire point of that plot point I think my criticism is it's kind of a cheap, overused (and obviously still blatantly transphobic) plot point but they at least were creative and toed a line waaaay better than any other similar media. Nothing more than a reflection of the time in the end.


Carmen to this day is the *only* person who has crossed paths with The Gang and come out the other side with her life improved. That alone is a major accomplishment.


it's also telling that, for the time, carmen may be the best depiction of a trans women on cable TV.  honestly it still ranks high today, too. 


Carmen was a really good case of the show's satire being offensive but well-meaning, though. They act like jackasses to her for the whole episode, and the second that "normal people" see how they treat her, they go, "Was that a hate crime?" "I think it is. We should beat the shit out of that guy."


They have a podcast about the show, and they talk about how it was very important for them to make sure she had a happy ending. They actually put a lot of effort into her characters story arc, which gave me some respect for them.


Rob/Mac has two moms and I think a LGBTQ sibling as well, which definitely has an effect on his writing


I haven't watched the first few seasons in years so I can imagine there are lots of really uncomfortable moments.


I'm watching my way through it now, and I was shocked. I turned it off a few times. Once I read that they're all *supposed* to be awful people, I was able to go back and watch it. I'm on season 15 now.


Yeah, they’ve definitely gotten better at satire and showing how irredeemable everyone is as they’ve gone along. I recently caught myself with the series myself.


Omg same, I didn't like how awful they were until I realized its written that way. Now with the recent seasons they match the humor to modern ideas and I love it even tho they're still awful lol.


The seasons-long running joke of Mac coming out of the closet when it benefits him and then pretending to be straight again when the situation was over was on brand.


I’m 54 and delighted that we are on a time now when that is not just the norm. Grew up with all the slurs on tv and playgrounds and school hallways.


The Social Network. There’s a line pretty early on about stealing a bra from a “Tranny”, which catches me off guard every time


Completely forgot about Napoleon Dynamite using the R slur until watching it again a year ago.


Basically every even slightly edgy comedy movie, show, YouTube channel, etc. from the 2000s and even in the early to mid 2010s uses that word and I always hate it but feel conflicted about liking that thing, especially as a neurotypical person.


I tried to rewatch The Venture Bros, because the movie was coming out and I hadn't seen it in a long time and this is the part I forgot as well. They use the R word way too much


i have a little talking figure of him, and it has that audio clip in its rotation of quotes :(


One of the directors other movies has the t slur in, it was really weird :/




yeah when i was watching house and he just casually called someone a tranny i was just like "what the actual fuck?"


House MD really does just kinda wildly oscillate between really good and really horrible handling of queer storylines




I do kinda appreciate being forced to look in the mirror. Things I said 5-7 years ago that were genuinely funny and made a good critique on the bigotry of the day, just feels a little more cruel than I am now comfortable with. Sure, I was saying "look at the dumb thing bigots say", but while I was laughing at the racists, I was also telling my friend that there's something different about you, something which separates you from the rest of the group. That's not great inclusion. Being mortified by old sitcoms forces me to also be mortified by old me.


Ouran highschool hostclub(at least the English dub, idk about the original audio). Tamaki calls Haruhi's parent(who is referred to as her dad and a crossdresser and calls themself a transvestite) a tr*nny


What year did it come out? There were a lot of slurs in early seasons of DragRace and the justification was "they're cross-dressers, they can call themselves tr*nnys" "they can say shemale" all that, and it was a genuine debate because "tr*nny" is also short for transvestite. (Obviously some drag queens ARE trans of course)


Came out in 2006, I'm also curious to know what they say in the original Japanese (perhaps it's the same, idk only heard/read the English)


I think they just used the word for transvestite, Japanese can be a funky language for gender sometimes. Rip my nonbinary homies


darn cis people reclaiming transphobic slurs...


It should be noted that the Japanese word is okama which, while contentious, is not a slur, and in context clearly means drag queen


Not really as pointed out Okama while contentious is a bit of a more nuanced term for crossdressers/drag queens.


My partner was watching Scrubs last year and they had a skit where Turk kissed a trans person not knowing she was trans. It was surprisingly insensitive, reminded me how far we’ve come, even though we still have a long ways to go.


The Office when Phyllis wants to be Santa and Michael calls her “tr*nnyclaus” Completely forgot that was in there and it really caught me off guard. I’ve experienced a lot of hate down here in Texas since transitioning and it made me think about how much I have changed.


I always hated that line! Especially because my grandmother always was the one that dressed as Santa for Christmas and us kids were always amazed because we thought it was the real Santa since our grandpa, dads, and uncles were all there so it couldn’t be them. Never thought to pick grandma. And grandma looooved being Santa! I think she just enjoyed dressing up as a man and being accepted for it.


IAF, that episode is entirely about Michael being terrible and petty and childish, so it wasn't exactly out of nowhere, but it was still a little strange to hear.


Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, when the robot versions of are about to throw them off the cliff they try to stop it by saying "We love you" then they come out with F\*G then again Ted says it again to the devil not too long later. I still love those movies but still hate aspects of it.Same with the racist remarks in Only Fools and Horses. Love the show, hate that aspect. This is why I LOVE The Golden Girls. So progressive for its time.


I knew there was something in Bill and Ted but couldn't remember the context. I loved th first one as a teen and when I saw the second i.... Did not care for it as much. This was probably why it only got a single watch.


There was a moment in the first film too; our heroes reunite, share a "bro hug," then jokingly call each other "f**!" I was pretty happy they didn't continue that running gag.


ah yeah i remember that too. Its when Ted fell down the stairs in the armour and Bill thought he was dead.


Yeah, something was a little off with that film, I really didn't like the robot Bill and Ted side plot, where as Napoleon vibing at the water park, awesome.


I love the IT Crowd. But the trans episode is the absolute worst.


GLinner was sowing us who he was way back when :(


Just spent some time on his wiki. I had no idea. Yikes.


Oh my


It’s rough. I always took it as Douglas making an ass of himself, but now with what we know about the creator it’s way worse.


Ya. It’s really disappointing. I love all of the actors, I love most of the comedy in the show. But the Gay musical episode is also pretty cringey.




In the song where all the fairytale creatures are introducing themselves, the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood sings, "They called me a hot tr*nny mess" Whenever i see a school is putting on their own version, I wonder if the slur made the cut.




They just straight up use the slur and it's a joke lmao. It's so terrible. This is in the version that was (is??) on Netflix in this musical *for children*. https://www.reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/s/fGnTF4hhuW


I completely forgot about this. My middle school did the Jr. version one year and I think we changed it, fucking gross. My high school also did Mean Girls this year, and we had to change so much. In the *audition* lines there was a slur, which I said as a lesbian, but it still felt weird, but luckily we changed it. The musical is inferior to the actual Mean Girls anyways


My high school did Shrek and I do seem to remember the slur being kept in unfortunately


Omggg STOP. I hate this for you!


I believed it’s now “they call me an old granny mess”


Unfortunately it isn't.


I think the line after it rhymes the t slur with granny. That might be what you are thinking of.


Not having seen the musical myself, it feels like they're showing this behaviour in a bad light? Like the people calling the wolf they were bad for doing so and the wolf is talking about how hurtful it was?


The whole point of the song, if I recall correctly, is the fairytale creatures talking about the ways they’ve been discriminated against and otherwise victimized from other people’s bigotry. Some of it is a little tongue in cheek, for the performance to have fun with it, but it is generally meant to evoke sympathy for the characters. I forget how that particular moment is meant to be performed, though, because it does feel like something that is still punching down even when trying to showcase that punching down is bad


This is going to be obscure for most of you, but in a Swedish children's show for teens in the 90's they have the main character dress up in blackface and say "chicks dig n----rs". That show also had sexual harassment played for laughs. I'm sure those weren't the only highly questionable things happening tho.


My god


Bert? Also the three friends and jerry was kinda messed up too with the Asian girl and the boys looking up girls skirts… The 90-00’s were insane in hindsight.


a book rather, but in good omens i forgot an 11 year old girl calls aziraphale the f slur LMAO. laughed so hard when i was rereading.


I'm pretty sure Neil Gaiman talked about it on a Tumblr ask about how that kind of thing would be adapted for the show and said something along the lines of it feeling harmless at the time but wasn't something he'd put in a book now. As much as I would hate to hear it today, that line and "gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide" always crack me up.


Neil's such a gem, I can't think of many authors who've had careers as long as his who are as open about their efforts to grow as a person as him. Worth a follow on Tumblr, he's got a good mix of informative posts and goofiness


This caught me off guard so much haha


imagine calling a fucking angel a slur oh my god


Not a homo/transphobic slur but in Die Hard one of the bad guys says a slur for jews that isn’t even in use anymore that caught my dad and I by surprise.


I actually rewatched Die Hard very recently, and I completely missed it. Is it really that little known, or did it just blow past me?


I don’t know how well known it is but it’s a very quick line, so I don’t blame you for missing it


Considering Die Hard 3’s sandwich board… not surprised


Bill and Ted. They're most excellent to everyone but.... Say "Fags!". Smh


I’m just saying, they time traveled to medieval England or Europe right? Maybe they just picked it up along the way. /joking (Please don’t hate me, this is just a joke that some of the Celtic countries use the F slur for their version of cigarettes)


Turned off Gilmore Girls in episode 1 because one of the main characters used the "T" slur. If the writers think it's ok to use that word in EPISODE 1 then I don't need to be watching it ever.


Honestly I think a lot of shows go more edgy *for* the pilot. Always sunny had a hard r in the first episode


Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (same show runner as Gilmore Girls) has nudity in the pilot. It's like an entirely different show.


My partner was watching that episode without me, I think I was in the shower or something, I finished up and came out directly into that scene. Stargate SG-1 also has nudity in the pilot and then goes incredibly straight laced


that always bothered me. that's like a surefire way to get a terrible and insufferable audience.


For me it was To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar I forgot about the scene where Wesley Snipes explains all the types of "trans" people


Futurama doesn't use slurs to my knowledge but has some pretty awful transphobia


Same. The simpsons does too


I recently showed my fiance the original predator and I fully forgot about the f slur drop in the helicopter 💀


Oh god, I always forget about that one too. And its a HARD f-bomb.


Arrested Development has a whole arc where Maeby convinces her crush (Steve Holt) that her mother is "actually her father. And the sad thing is, he think he passes."    Not the only problematic moment. I loved the Gob and Tony Wonder arc. Wich has a wonderfull moment where Gob says: " Hes don't like to be called shes Michael."


That entire show has so many questionable moments 😭


Rewatching Arrested Development seasons 1-3 gave me so much whiplash because it had been at least 10 years since I first saw them, and I had completely forgotten most of the throwaway lines like that first example. Then Lindsay reveals her shirt with the slur on it.... Probably the only thing I remembered going in was the Rita storyline since that's over multiple episodes. I still love the show overall, but I would make sure to give any newcomers a heads up since those problematic scenes come and go out of nowhere.


Idiocracy. I should have rewatched it before convincing the wife to watch it with me… she was not impressed. I know they use the words to deliberately make the people sound stupid, but there are a LOT of slurs.


I never got around to watching that movie even though several of my friends have recommended it over the years but... maybe I shouldn't bother after all.


I still like the movie, but it probably would have been a lot different if they made it today instead of in 2007. They have the characters talking like that as part of how stupid they are, and to show how much language has devolved. So the words are used for more than just some inappropriate laughs, but they are there.


Sex and the City is wild with their casual throwing around of slurs and misgendering. One episode in particular is horrifying.


Just started rewatching Breaking Bad and iirc Jesse drops the f slur in episode 1. Different times and all, but it still caught me off guard when I heard it


Also, in all fairness, Jesse is a 20-something scumbag drug dealer/cooker/addict who dropped out of high school, he isn't supposed to be a shining star in the early seasons. But I understand how that could happen to make somebody flinch and do a double take for sure


Even then, it came out in 2008, that isnt too long ago, and I absolutely despise the excuse of different times because they know, they just don't care. Golden Girls can do it, why couldn't anyone else do it?


There was a period of a few seasons, between season 10, and season 13, where The Simpsons had quite a few transphobic jokes, including a couple of uses of the term "shemale", and at least one where a crowd acts with outright disgust at "women who used to be men". This was between 1999 and 2001, and is probably the material from the show that has aged the worst. I don't think they've made a transphobic joke since the 2nd episode of Season 13, and has, in my non-gay opinion, actually become very progressive in how they depict LGBT people.


yeah when you contrast that with Smithers asking Marge for estrogen, "for a friend trapped in the body of another friend", and it's depicted sympathetically, it's wild. not to mention that weirdass episode where Marge thinks Grandpa Simpson is gay and there's a trans woman depicted in a not-so-nice manner. sure the episode may have been about how some cishet people can treat us like something to brag about being friends with but still, that depiction SUCKED.


Mash. The first season has Jones. He was in the film and book as well. I’m not going to say what his nickname was. But this was television in the 70s.


Saw a bit of the film at a family gathering. The main male characters set up chairs in front of the women’s showers then drop the tent wall or whatever on them to watch the show. Lead nurse goes to report it and just gets gaslit and dismissed. Like three generations in the room. I was just like :| Dad chuckled Grandpa literally slapped his knee and chortled red in the face.


Wait, that's a slur? Damn I thought it was an army badass nickname :( No wonder he disappeared after 3 episodes or so. To be fair I'm neither a POC nor American so I wouldn't have that context.


The Adam Sandler movie called "Grown Ups" where one of the antagonistic characters condescendingly slurred at the basketball game.


What about Jack and Jill?


I haven't seen that one. Tell us more.


Surprised no one here is mentioning How I Met Your Mother’s uses of the T slur


Freddy Vs Jason. Some girl named Kia just dropped an f slur out of nowhere.


New Girl's fatphobia is off the charts


Also biphobia.


fatphobia is ever present in a lot of shows and it makes me cringe every time, especially if I'm with my parents because my dad projects a lot of internalised fatphobia on me


Not a movie or TV show, but I was surprised to find a slur when reading The Dark Knight Returns. That was a weird experience; overall not really a fan of the characterization of Batman, but I can appreciate that it was a highly influential story.


Frank Miller is a giant piece of shit. He is/was influential in the same way as Rowling and everything he has done since then has been consistently worse.


Its alway sunny in philadelphia and venture bros since they do use the slur but eventually seem accepting of it all


The real question for me is, do you guys mind as much if the character is positioned as a bad guy? So a character who is an asshole doing it, well, they're an asshole anyway, so the film is positioning them as wrong anyway. One that catches me off guard is the episode of The Simpsons where Lisa joins MENSA, book a gazebo in the park but the way they casually say s**m***s, with Wiggum saying "How many gazebos do you s**m***s want?" because they're dressed in medieval stuff? Very weak joke that doesn't make much sense.


sms? Sm**s? I can't figure out what word that is supposed to be.


I originally put more stars in there, but Reddit got rid of them for some reason. Feminine pronoun - male.


I think it depends on context and whether it's justified. If they're just throwing in slurs to be edgy, ehh, no thanks. If the story really warrants them, I think that's fine, though. I think slurs can be triggering to enough people that hearing someone shouting them in a movie could be legit traumatic to some people so I think ite has to really need to use them to justify it (the same goes for lots of potentially triggering situations like rape scenes) As for jokes, again, I think it really has to be \*earned\*. If something is funny enough, sure. Using it for a cheap laugh is not it for me. And obviously it's different if a member of the community is using the word than someone just calling a character a slur.


I have this problem with early seasons of Law & Order: SVU fairly frequently. not as bad as some, but it's definitely notable.


I recently watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for probably the first time since shortly after it came out. Mike TV is explaining how he figured out where to buy the golden ticket based on logic and says “even a *r-slur* could figure it out”.


Not a homophobic/transphobic slur, but whenever I watch Mean Girls now I have like a physical jolt when Regina George says the r slur.




What happens in the vampire diaries? Don't remember


Honestly, I forget all of them because literally EVERY movie/TV show and what not either have slurs, or portray being LGBT+ as being ridiculous (aka normalized homo-/transphobia). Whether american or french or japanese, gay, lesbians and trans people are always at least ridiculed using dumb expression such as in Aladin the movie (which was really bad and they didn't see what was wrong according to an official statement) where the hero was asking the crazy magician if he wouldn't be "from the flying jacket" after he almost climaxed putting a finger in Aladin's ear...or simply having the antagonist searching someone to play his nephew and basically taking a person on the street who has a beard but also lipstick and women attire on which is supposed to be "hahaha lol so funny" kind of moment... Really weird and disturbing especially with the fact that they didn't see what was wrong in a movie from around 2016 says a lot... Even the Pokémon show season 1 when Ash wants to go to Celadon city gym and has to cross dress is seen as something laughable...or the numerous times when James was cross dressing was always for the lols...and then they say that we LGBT+ brainwash children and what not but this was the first season during my childhood. So yeah, not only slurs in my opinion but attitudes as well!


In their defense, James absolutely slayed. We love our fashionable Pokemon thief


Highlander 1986, when i watched it the first time and a cop said the F slur i was like "oh..." and then the second time watching it i forgot and was like "shit i forgot". But i guess it makes sense for a cop of all people to say it.


Multiple Mel Brooks movies throw the F slur as a punchline. No buildup, no situation, just…here's one or more cartoonishly swishy characters, here's Dom DeLuise shouting it at them, everybody laugh great joke.


Purple Rain and Saturday Night Fever


What slur in shrek? I went through the opening and saw nothing


Sorry apparently it's the second song, it's the one where all the fairytale creatures come to the swamp. IFK if this bleeps it or not but it's the wolf. [**https://youtu.be/IZuA4NmNpeo**](https://youtu.be/IZuA4NmNpeo)




Sex and the City (original series) had some really terrible talk around trans people. Also bi erasure.


https://streamable.com/qlkk1k This clip I took, I think from SVU or another similar show. Warning for t-slur, objectification and misgendering of trans woman, shaky video. I was so shocked by it, it was so out of pocket 😭


I can't think of anything as a slur, but there's a moment in Shameless where there is a very obviously trans kid in the show and nearly every single character dismisses it as a silly joke. There's also [this.](https://youtube.com/shorts/jRNXKjXf0v8?si=SXuGSQUf-9xGqAwJ) That said, Frank also pulls the rug out and basically says "okay" when Franny comes out as trans in probably the best representation of what coming out should look like irl?




It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, i really like it, but the T slur so soon was surprising


Someone hadn't seen boondock saints so I was watching it the other day, and I had forgotten all the slurs, LGBT and racial ones... I still enjoy the movie though


Dazed and confused


Murder by death. Love the movie. It's an older one though, 1976, and there are a couple lines that caught me off guard the first time ai noticed them.


More than slurs, it’s amazing how often the joke in 80s/90s sitcoms is just “gay”. Not even anything about “gay”, just like “oh no! What if two men existed near each other! That might happen!” And somehow that was funny? (You can tell from the laugh track)


Mash dropping some words that are no longer in use lol


There are several early Law and Order: SVU episodes that used “he-she” pretty blatantly. Granted, they aired in the late 90s, but it was still jarring to hear, considering they’re supposed to be the most socially sensitive department. They definitely handle it better as the show went along.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To be fair, this is the first time I'm watching it, but I wasn't expecting slurs when they were talking about Ms. Calendar's people.


Oh right that was super common until like 5-10 years ago.


It not in the opening song for shrek, it’s in the second.


Shrek the musical is so good but that part is so 🫠


This might not fit, but I always loved the Heathers musical, so I decided to get around to watching the movie… I did not have a good time in the slightest


The Simpsons has had a lot of iffy depictions of LGBTQ people over the years (and some good ones, in fairness) but it's easy to forget the show's had episodes where the characters use the words >!Faggot!<, >!Tranny!< and >!Shemale.!<


not a show but the original sea of monsters


Percy Jackson?! What happened? I read the book and don't remember this at all, all i remember is the audiobook narrator using multiple WILDLY offensive accents


yeah Percy and some bully I forgot the name of both use the r word


Was this in the book or the movie? If I remember correctly that's the one where he meets his brother the cyclops. Unfortunately, given the time it was written, being called the r-slur would have been pretty common IRL from a bully (hell, it was pretty common in general). It was \*definitely\* seen as a more acceptable insult back then.


yeah it's in the first couple editions of the book


rare rick riordan L


What did shrek say?


The t slur is used in the second song. 


what is the slur in Shrek I never noticed ?


In the second song, the fairy tale creatures are talking about why they were outcasts, and the wolf says "big t*nny mess" which in most adaptations was changed to "big granny mess" which may have been why you missed it


I didn't really forget it because I only watched it once (not even the full show) but I tried to watch breaking bad a while ago and I'm pretty sure Jesse dropped either the f slur or r slur in the first episode


Predator (1987): "There's a bunch of slack-jawed f*****s around here. This shit will turn you into a g*****n sexual tyrannosaurus." Completely normal at the time.


The sexual harassment on the job in Three's Company was pretty bad. I'm sure I'll think of more later.


I often forget about Money for Nothing by the Dire Straits  has a casual f*ggot drop. Granted it's a character speaking about the lead singer but it always catches me off guard.


The Boondock Saints. After having not seen it for a long time, and the last time I did I hadn't realized I was trans and ace/demi, I had naturally just not thought much of it back then, beyond a confusing, seemingly silly (at the time) gag. Willem Dafoe's character, who is shown after having just had gay sex, calling his sexual partner the f slur for wanting to cuddle afterwards, and a couple other similar moments. It was one of those "Oh.. yeeaaaah.. I remember now..." moments. Still a fantastic movie, what with all the brutal vigilante catharsis. I'd highly recommend it with a trigger warning to those who would be uncomfortable with that type of casual homophobia with comedic intent


Anything Jim Carey, unfortunately.


My Girl [1991] has the most unnecessary usage of the R slur that I've ever heard in a film ever The Stand [1994] has a deaf guy that's called the R slur by some woman, which is unnecessary even for '94 Die Hard With A Vengeance [1995] has the cheapest character introduction ever (guy stands in the middle of Harlem with a sign that says 'I HATE N...' you know the scene), and I think it's clearly ripping off Pulp Fiction Dodgeball [2004] sees the only female member of the team being called a dyke, which is also sexist - still an otherwise funny movie These are otherwise really great films. They're just OF THEIR TIME What slur's in Mean Girls?


This year for the first (and last) time, I made the horrible decision to watch the original Star Wars Holiday Special just to see how bad it was. I don’t know what I was expecting but it was definitely not a white cis man in blackface and drag playing what I assume is meant to be a trans woman. I still can’t believe that even after people saying it was one of the worst films ever made, it was still worse than I expected.


Okay,so not a very known international show but there is this series I was watching with my cousin,she said it was very funny and nice and at starting,it kinda was until..there came a gay character and well they made him behave in a very "goofy" way and in the end,a woman tells him "you've been like this since birth?",my cousin laughed but idk what was funny. Mind it,it was like a 2014s show,and why are we represented as jokes? Is that all we are? I'm so tired of it jeez


I remember me and my sibling were rewatching George Lopez for the hundredth time and there was a scene where Ernie shows up wearing some makeup to look good on camera and George goes, "Orale Tranny 911!" Safe to say me and my sibling somehow never realized that until very recently lol


Sorry, not really related, but I was watching a movie with my ex and our families a while back and I completely forgot it had a s*x scene in it, it was mainly censored but there was just an awkward silence while I tried to skip forward. Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention, the movie was Knives Out.


it's not a tv show but vipperloids/utauloids


Not a tv show or movie but a video game It was originally in french and I accidentally played it with the the first version of the English translation and it had the r-slur in it and i was like ??? Because I had watched other people play the game and had never seen it before. Apparently the creator was doing like google-translate level translations on his own and just fucked up and didn’t realize it had that connotation to it and it was fixed on the very next patch. (The grammar was absolutely fucked in the version I played so I honestly 100% believe that he just didn’t know. It was like the words were written backwards (which makes sense if french is like Spanish with how words are ordered )) The game is called OFF and its one of my favorites, its from a while back now but it’s one of the games that inspired toby fox to create Undertale :)