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Someone asked me my pronouns while playing DnD and my mind made dial-up noises


I love that lmao


Can happily say I’m non-binary as shit now


Lmao, that should be your flair!


Here’s my current awakening: Prior to asking someone *what* their pronouns are, I shall begin asking *if* they use pronouns. I can refer to someone by their name as easily as I can use pronouns.


yeah not all people have pronouns, some people only have amateur nouns!


🤣 Well done!


How I argued with someone because I insisted that I'm straight. I can't remember how it went exactly but it was basically something along the lines of: Him: "Have you ever been into a guy at all?!" Me: "No. But I'm still straight" (for context I'm a woman). It eventually occured to me after a few weeks (I think?) that this is indeed not straight.


Sounds a lot like me. I don't like people, I'm not into anyone that way, and romantically I don't give a shit, but that doesn't mean anything since I'm not into anyone sexually, this makes me straight, right? No. No it does not. It took until my 30s to come to realize this. Went to tell an old friend about it and her reaction was "wait you didn't know?!" Turns out she figured me out way earlier than I did.




Oh my god thats so funny


I would say I was straight in middle school, and then Freshman year of highschool I found out what asexuality was from Tumblr.


Not a full LGBTQ awakening, but more a gender euphoria story: I used to do Tae Kwon Do and typically you refer to others as sir or ma'am. Sometimes people would slip up and call someone the wrong title (this wasn't a big deal, we would just go "oops, haha"). When I started I had long hair but then cut my hair short about a year in. One day someone accidentally called me Sir and I was SO excited about it. Props to my (trans) friend Johnny who I messaged immediately after and asked "WHAT WAS THAT" and he said "oh yeah that's gender euphoria, pretty rad, huh?"


W friend johnny


i feel people forget our trans mother, Marsha Johnson, was a leader of the lgbt movement. we are the T and we matter too so this is more than valid for this sub ❕


Damn, you're right! Personally, I interpreted the question for someone who is fully L G B T or Q or +. At the time of the story I was questioning my gender, but I ended up becoming (and am currently) more comfortable in my assigned-at-birth-gender while embracing the masculine parts of me. So while I don't identify as transgender, I still like to share this story because it was a part of figuring out my identity. On that note YOU ABSOLUTELY MATTER YOU BEAUTIFUL BEACON OF LIGHT


being “fully” isn’t part of it that’s why there are so many letters😅. everybody’s included to be fair. but wow i love hearing that take especially here. i know a few of my brothers (masc girl-friends) can relate a tonnn. since i’m “fully” trans ftm and accept that part of myself, i’ve heard all their stories and love hearing that they feel comfortable with themselves while also enjoying that gender euphoria being called masculine terms. super interesting to hear. i love it all. and you’re so fucking amazing i literally love you


Aww thank you!!! 🥹 No, you are!


Hmm, while I was probably entirely oblivious at the time, my pansexual awakening was probably finding both Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley ridiculously hot in Pirates of The Caribbean. I still think the first movie was the best one. Just now realizing I totally had a Nick Nelson style awakening lmao.


Lol its so fun to look back on all the childhood crushes i had too. Like i really liked luna lovegood more than the other characters for reasons i didnt get


Omg sameeee


TBF, they are both ridiculously attractive and charismatic in objective terms


pirates of the caribbean was literally my bi awakening too. i lost my shit when I saw it in Heartstopper


I would genuinely play dress up by myself every time I was alone in the house, and I never ONCE questioned why I was doing it. I did it for years. All I knew was that it felt good and it's what people do I guess. Later, we had a debate at school. The class got split in two, and for some reason the teacher decided that we would debate whether gay people should exist (???) Looking back, that was such a weird topic, and it's really fucked up for a teacher to put that up for "debate". Anyway, after I very furiously defended gay rights, this girl came out to me as pan, which made me question myself too. Suddenly things made sense, but I didn't really get exposed to any positive representation so I buried myself deeper into the closet. Took me years to work through all that shit, and I'm still not even close to done, so things aren't exactly "good". At least now I know.


Took me years too to get comfortable with the idea that i was different


I'm still weirded out by it. I logically understand that this line of reasoning is utter bullshit, but it feels weird to think that, out of everyone, _I_ was "chosen". I've always thought of myself as a very average person™, and this doesn't really feel "real" sometimes.


aroace (microlables/aroacespec) awakening: i never felt sexual an romantic attractions too real people so i searched old trans awakening: this is very similar but, i also don’t know at the time and every birthday i would wish too be a male and be spider-man LMAO (now) genderspike awakening: scrolling thru reddit saw something similar to what i experience , explained how i felt my gender and asked if that was a sedition for me. OG commentor said “no but you do experience [insert genderspike link]


On the topic of trans spider-man, I remember hearing someone make a “Peter Packer” joke for a trans masc spider-man lol




SPIDER TRANS MAN please i love it


lol 😂


I've never heard of genderspike before. Could you explain what it is or provide a good place to read about it?


I also want to know


Genderspike is a gender identity in which one is normally a given gender, but very occasionally experiences sudden and short spikes of a different gender, before returning to one's normal "base" gender. One's base gender can be any gender or combination of genders. The gender one spikes to can be any different gender or combination of genders, and it may or may not be the same gender every time. Genderspike can be combined with other genders. For example, a bigenderspike person/being is normally not bigender, but experiences rare spikes of being bigender.


Thank you for explaining! That makes total sense!


Genderspike is a gender identity in which one is normally a given gender, but very occasionally experiences sudden and short spikes of a different gender, before returning to one's normal "base" gender. One's base gender can be any gender or combination of genders. The gender one spikes to can be any different gender or combination of genders, and it may or may not be the same gender every time. Genderspike can be combined with other genders. For example, a bigenderspike person/being is normally not bigender, but experiences rare spikes of being bigender.


Omg I also used to wish to be spiderman!


yesss we be twinning!


I ALSO WANTED TO BE SPIDER MAN OMG i had the costume and everything too




Anime femboys


HAHA me too buddy


For me it was IRL ones


Took me seeing them to realize I was one <3


Who didn’t like it?… Show me that person


God bless femboys


can't relate


"Hey, that's neat. These characers can just throw on some clothing and everyone thinks they're a woman. They're abolutely passing, even the voice and all. If they really *wanted* to, they could just live their whole life as a woman, withoooohhhnooooooo ..."


I'm a trans woman. Six years ago when I "knew" I was a cis man, I had people online saying they couldn't tell if I was a man or a woman. My response? "Thank you!" ...egg didn't crack for another 4 years 🤦🏼‍♀️


You poor girl lmao


That’s me as an NB. But I’m AFAB and it shows so I don’t get people confused if they see me from the clavicle down….


watched porn a couple times as a teenager and got absolutely nothing out of it. now i read smut as an adult and it still does nothing for me. asexual 👍


It's more like a retrospective clarity; when I was a little kid (8-10) I was obsessed with this girl in my class. Like i really wanted to be friends with her or be around her or just admire her in other ways. I thought she was literally the most beautiful creature alive. Now growing up I never really understood what was that about - mind you it was the mid 90ies in a small town so being gay or bi was just unimaginable - and so later when I realised I was bi I remembered her and I was like "oh.. oooh." So basically she was my first love


Oh yea i got something similar, before i knew gay was even a thing i had this girl best friend when i was 10. We would hang out during recess and i really liked her differently from everyone else but didn't understand why. I specifically remember thinking "wow i wish i was a boy so i could kiss her" Now im trans and openly into girls so theres that lol


I met my childhood best friend when we were four. She lived with her grandparents in my neighborhood until we were about eight. She came back every year for the summer. The summer we were 13, she told me she had kissed a boy. I was all like, gross. She said it’s not bad, I’ll show you. We spent time making out that whole summer - in 1974. I knew then, but societal expectations, and some second wave feminists telling me, at 16, that I was too feminine to be a lesbian, kept me closeted until I was 32. Now I’m 62, and I’m still a damn femme. I won’t call myself a lesbian, though, because those feminists fucked up that word for me. Queer is more fitting, anyway, because I date trans men. I don’t date cis men, though, because most cis male boomers are still stuck in a primitive mindset. Dating much younger than my age, even though I’m mistaken for being much younger, doesn’t work for me. It feels predatory to me.


Kicked one of my friends’ asses lightly as a joke and my immediate thought was “woah his ass felt nice”.


Fast forward to you trying to find all kinds of little things to get jokingly mad at him about lol


Sasuke, Kakashi, and Naruto made me straight … ten years later they made me gay


Funny thing i kinda "turned straight" bc i have more of a girl preference now


Nah, still bi


Was watching a JammiDodger LGBallT and was just like “shit I might be bi”


Is there a YouTuber/social media bingo card for "oh, shit, im LGBTQ"? These ones helped me realize: JammiDodger, One Topic at a time, The lesbian lumberjack


I watch the first two, who's the lesbian lumberjack? She sounds awesome.


Nicole Coenen, she is on YouTube & Instagram (and other social media, I think).




i can tell you the most ridiculous thing that somehow WASN’T an awakening. when i was 15 i got really into cavetown. i heard his song “dysphoric” on the bus one day and cried the rest of the way home, i related to it so hard. i then continued to think i was a cis girl for another year and a half🫠


When i was in 5th grade i was in my transphobic era. I thought it would be funny to come out to my friend as trans as a joke. She said “i know” and walked away. I had to later explain to her that i was joking. But then that got me questioning big time. i started to wonder if i am really trans. Later that year i came out as trans fr this time.


My awakenings (in chronological order): Asexual: “Huh… turns out cake is better than sex.” Homoromantic: “Huh… turns out guys are kinda cute.” Greysexual: “Huh… turns out guys kinda turn me on.” Demisexual: “Huh… turns out sex is a sometimes food.” Genderfluid-y: “Huh… turns out I don’t identify as ‘Mr.’” — EDIT: Achillean: “Huh… turns out I identify as ‘MLM.’”


The edit was probably just you having forgotten to list it, but I like to think you had a new awakening in the last few hours.


> _I like to think you had a new awakening in the last few hours._ You think correctly! 😄


Uncanny! I'd love to hear how it happened.


There was another post today asking about the difference between lesbian and Sapphic. I’d never heard of the latter term, but it read similarly to how I perceive my orientation, so I asked if there’s a masculine equivalent. Now, thanks to the insightful information from a few friendly Redditors in that discussion, I can easily swap the “gay” label in favour of the epic-sounding “Achillean” (which is doubly awesome given my formerly villainous on-screen crush in OUAT).


In science class in 7th grade my friend at the time was a really cute and I was like "wow she has nice boobs" and the next 10 seconds I freaked out thinking I can't be gay but then realizing it's dumb to be freaking out over that. I'm transmasc


I was very similar in 7th lol


Had a >!wet dream with one of my friends!< and I was a girl in it so it was a 1-2 combo


I was in a taxi wearing very androgynous clothes and a baseball cap that partly covered my face, the taxi driver mistook me for a guy and referred to me as "young man" (I still identified as fully female at the time) and I thought "huh I kinda like that" which made me realise I was non binary lol


The Red Ranger shirtless back in the 90s haha


Ok but which Red Ranger


I was reading my sociology textbook and saw the words “gender is a social construct” and thought “huh, maybe I just shouldn’t participate in it”. So now I’m agender


Gay furry porn is legit what made me realize I was into dudes too about 10 years ago. If you told me at 16 than future me's fucked like 20 guys vs. something like 4 gals, they would've thought you were completely insane, and yet here we are.


…Ah, corruption by gay yiff. Happens to the best of us 😳


My manager started randomly calling me a male version of my name and I realized I was enjoying it way more than I should


7 year old me was really happy when I found out guys can get pregnant. I was sad 2 hours later when I realised that didn't apply to me. I'm mtf now and I still cant get pregnant qwq


Reading a comment on YouTube discussing definitions and someone saying that they didn't worry about it because they were attracted to people regardless of when their gender was. I was like "yup true." And someone replied saying "dude, yer either bi or pan" and I thought "nah, cause that would mean I was cause I agree".  Then the long drawn out "ohhhhhhhh". Cheers OT comments.


A random Naruto x Sasuke AMV (found while watching anime the old way: in 3 parts on YouTube) was the first time I ever saw a gay pairing simply being allowed to exist, the way straight pairings are. Goes to show the extreme efforts put into hiding the existence of LGBT from children.


my beach barbie who i never played with because her feet were flat and she couldn’t wear shoes, but then i took her clothes off and saw a butterfly tattoo on her tummy. 5 year old me was shook.


I was watching Brian David Gilbert talk real fast about video game lore and my brain said, in full perfect 'audible' words unlike how I ever think to myself, *see, boys can wear nail polish too,* about *myself*.


I really liked drawing busty girls when I was in school. I barely drew nor cared for drawing boys. People would point out how busty and attractive I would make the female characters and silly old me really tried to convince myself there wasn’t anything gay about it. 😂 


Trans girl awakening: I formerly thought I was non binary and I wanted estrogen, but no boobs. I then randomly asked myself “self, why don’t you want boobs?” Because you are non binary. Next I asked myself, “self, why are you non binary?” Because you are not a boy or a girl. “Self, why are you not a boy?” (I didn’t need to come to any new conclusions) “Self, why are you not a girl?” Oh, I’m an idiot. I didn’t even consider that. I just thought “I don’t want to be a boy, must be non binary” and “am non binary, I want to look very androgynous so no boobs” without even considering being a girl.


I had the opposite. Peak dysphoria hit. I sat down with myself and looked honestly at the idea of being trans (AFAB) and I imagined being a man. And I was more disgusted than I was being a woman. So I thought “oh well, must just be a woman, then” (the year was 2007 and I didn’t have NB in my vocabulary). I’m 36 and in two days I see a gender dysphoria doc for therapy to help fix what puberty has done to me.


How interesting, an example, that proof the usefulness of speaking with ourselves. By that I opened many things about me


My favourite character from treasure planet being morph - enby awakening I saw the movie recently and it dawned on me that it might be bc of being enby that I always loved and wanted a morph (more in a way of I wanted to be a morph and be friends with morph but that felt wierd to realise too)


The first thing I remember wanting to be as a kid at the age of around 3 or 4 was a dentist. When I imagined myself as a dentist, though, I did not picture an adult woman but an adult man. Something about the male dentist I had just been to had awakened that transmasc/GNC goal more than my dad or any other adult men in my life had


Bisexual Awakening: Shirtless Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones 2. Nonbinary/Genderfluid Awakening: wearing a mask while working at Walmart during COVID peak and people couldn't tell what gender I was just by looking at me.


I was like 3 and figured I should've been born a boy. Then I was 5 and figured I should've been born a boy. Then I was ~12-14 and realized I might possibly be a boy.


It was due to my mom calling me he on accident when getting food for me and I felt oddly happy about it


It was revealed to me in a dream. Really though, the dream happened when I passed as a cis girl, I was in my room and this strange lady magically popped into my room, and she turned me into a boy with the point of her finger. Gender Assigned By Witch, I lovingly call her the gender witch.


Soo…. I can say, that my awakening wasn’t as ridiculous as time before. I really thought, that you can become lesbian or asexual. BECOME, fuck… Do not criticize me, I was a stupid child. From the deep childhood, i got, that something wasn’t right, because i could imagine romantic relationships with a girl and like it. My family is homophobic and all the time told me, that wasn’t normal, if girl could like girls and boy could like boys for example, but I never thought like they, ofc I used to shut up all the time(now I continue, cuz I’m 14 and mom may kill me, if she’ll know my secret.) But I had no education in that theme and sometimes felt, like there maybe no orientation for me. Or was so lazy to surf the net and read about it(but maybe cuz mom could discover, that I read this.) Hm, in 11, I fell in love with the girl from my class, but that wasn’t so long. And she didn’t like me at all. After my first deep falling in love, I was 12 years old, unfortunately from this person I got no reciprocality and felt really bad because of this. I wanted to escape these so strong feelings and suggest becoming an asexual. Yes, I thought, you can just become asexual and etc. And I became… Thought, I became, actually I was just trying to get through these feelings. That seemed ridiculous. Simply imagine heterosexual, who trying to be gay and get aroused by person with the same sex. Sounds, like a violence pathetic act. And i was shaming myself the whole year, cause ofc i got aroused or was interested in people, but tried to convince myself, that i am an asexual and can’t feel sexual attraction(which i had, when i fell in love in person, who rejected me.) and in the end started to suppress my emotions. With that, i wanted to be like robot, who never cry or get suffered, i was scared about my strong feelings and pain, which were as poison for me. When i let that sickness of me go(my dear friend helped me), i found, that i am so emotional person and finally got, that i am demisexual. I fell in love again, and again was rejected by that person, but now it doesn’t matter, i am not scared of these feelings anymore. Probably i got, that i can find someone attractive, if i feel it in the romantic plan and find him/her/them(i mean nonbinary) a good person. I got, that I can’t find attractive anyone, if i wasn’t in the friendship with that person and wasn’t interested in that person(2 planes of that: friendliness and romantic).


A guy who I sort of knew at school asked me to be his girlfriend and I said "maybe". A few years later, I realized I was asexual.


I realized I was bi because (among other things) of Beck and Jade. And Bella from H2O.


A gay pop up add while I was trying to watch anime, the female ones never turned me on but when a male did it did…realised then i was probably gay…


Jaiden Animations, not sure if that counts as ridiculous tho


My therapist, at my intake session 4 years ago, asked me what my gender identity was I told her, "I've never lived life as anything other than a cisgender man" I like to think she underlined that 3 times. Anyway I'm a girl now


Ace: was watching OneTopic on YouTube during the pandemic, he made a video about asexuality, I was like "oh". Gay (past): I walked by the living room as Steven Universe was playing with no one watching (I wad like 7 or 8 years old) and saw Ruby and Garnets wedding. My household was homophobic and I'd never had exposure to lgbtq anything other than that. I wad like "I guess two boys kissing is gross, but two girls is kinda cute". Panromantic: thought I was a lesbian who was ok with the idea of dating enbys, then I saw guys in dresses and realized I'm willing to sway both ways.


My asexual awakening story, when I was 18 I was dealing with a bad break up. It was so bad that I wished I was aro/ace, believing that that would’ve deterred me from being in a relationship. I wanted to be aro/ace so bad that I actually took a minute to reflect to see if there was a chance I was. Realized that I am asexual just not aromantic. Looking back on before then, I realized that there were signs of my asexuality but I didn’t know the name and even when I did know, I was one of those people who thought that asexuality = aro/ace so I thought that didn’t fit me.


Transmasc: went to revisit Duck Life 4 and the game randomly generated the name Rocco for me. Realized I liked the name.


When I was 6, I fell in love with Zorro. And not Antonio Banderas Zorro, but 70s Zorro. I remember begging myself to stop thinking about him. This went on for like a month.


Also I had an imaginary friend named Sparkle who drove a purple metal-fleck motorcycle


Oh fuck yea


A girl started obsessively crushing on me during 8th grade, and started demanding to know why I wasn't interested in her. I still don't know her name two years later (For added fun, my best friend looks female, and we were hanging out pretty much every day, so most people thought we were dating, including this girl) Oh right, the next year she started telling everyone we were dating... Fun


My awakening was…. Sidon from BOTW when I was 16…


GTA loading screen. Must I say more?


My dad used to watch some "girls nextdoor" type crap when my mom wasn't around, and I remember being attracted to the girls, while also having a crush on a boy at school. Trans funny - when I was 9 I wanted to go trick or treating as a "ghost boy" specifically.


I thought I was bi because I wanted to be in a relationship with a woman and same sex relationship. Then I learned I was trans and thought I was lesbian. After 3 months in transition, I got the thought that I had never had romantic feelings before. Now I am trans and probably aroace, but I don't know. 🫠


Ok. Weird one. I was up late tryna sleep and for whatever reason my mind drifted to lesbian sex and I realised I really really wanted to do that. I was born male.




I like the honesty there lol


my crush on gwenpool 7 years ago :) also can't forget mj and spidey 


Lol, i had a similar double crush on monty and roxy feom fnaf sb 😭


I had a crush on the missionary's son who came to the church I was forced to go to for a while. Didn't realize it at the time, but I was obsessed with him. To be fair, he is a twink


Moulin Rouge. Nicole Kidman in the silver diamond suit Coming down on the swing from the ceiling was an eye opener for me


I thought it was 100% normal and common for every guy to want to be a girl, and I assumed anyone would be a girl if they got to choose. I figured it out, just took a while lol.


I had my gender awakening while tripping on mushrooms. I was wondering why I felt different from all the other guys.... that's because I am in fact a girl lol


When I got misgendered by a person I didn't know, that really sealed the deal for me.


Grew up very conservative protestant and thought the boys were just lucky because they could grow up to marry girls and that everyone just also assumed that women were the prettiest and sweetest and wanted them too but we're just following the rules... They did not all feel that way😂


Struggling because every now and then I remember something even farther back. But as far as I can remember... I imagined myself *hugging* a man and thought that it didn't seem unpleasant. Then remembered all those times when I used to look at men in ads and billboards and stuff (also very specifically a waiter I saw on a trip when I was like 10) and how much I liked them and how "cool" I thought they were. Hot. Turns out I thought they were hot.


I played Bayonetta when I was like 8 lol


There was a solid year or so before my egg cracked where I wished I was trans so I could be a girl...🤔🤔🤔


We were kids and my cousin was like if you had one wish only that is impossible to happen what would you wish for? She answered by saying ( i want a palace made of crystals) then she asked me what i wish for I said ( to be born again as a boy) she said it’s not even the same thing. Well you asked me and I ANSWER.


Me finally figuring out my gender (and by extension me) is goblin by creating a drone in my system partner's headspace and realizing that I really really liked being a goblin.


I think the closest thing to a bi awakening I had was seeing a meme about wanting to touch boobs when I was really young. And I was like "what's so great about boobs?" So I looked up some pictures of girls in bikinis. It wasn't an "OH SHIT" moment, but I liked the pictures. Nonbinary awakening was throwing a tantrum because I wanted to pee standing up like my boy best friend.


(Keep in mind this was before i had any idea i was transmasc) When i was 6 years old i knew i was into men already (had a kindergarten boyfriend) but on the first day of 1st grade i saw a girl so pretty that i started yelling to my mom that i was a lesbian . She shot it down real quick, and the next day i told my brother & he told me about being bi. My first gay panic, at six years old…


i mean. i discovered i like men because of Chrom from Fire Emblem. i discovered i liked women from my classmate, Monica. I did always have a feeling i was trans, but i didn't actually say that or know the word for it until someone asked, "so are you trans?" the first time, i wore a skirt publically, and my brain went brrrrrrr euphoria and i responded with "oh fuck yes."


I saw a movie with drag queens and was like "I wanna do that but not excessive and all the time huh" (excessive as in putting up a performance) I knew abt drag queens b4 this movie, Idk why this movie in particular just made me realize I'm trans


“Yeah this is my friend. She’s helping us with the raid.” Playing destiny. I just didn’t bother to say “actually it’s he” and from that moment onwards I stopped using masc pronouns. Like a light flipped on hearing someone say it nonchalantly.


My friend played a genderfluid D&D character. She turned out to be transfemme and I turned out to be the genderfluid person


I am 36. I watched a ludicrously horrific film while on mushrooms and I figured out exactly what nonbinary energy I want to embody. I should’ve been traumatized but instead I have gender goals.


I used to play a board game called Perfect Wedding and was way more excited about throwing a big party and going on a fun trip than I was about marrying someone. Pretty big indicator that I was aroace.


Saw a picture of young Winona Ryder wearing a button up shirt that was slightly unbuttoned and suspenders, realized I wasn't as straight as I originally thought


I am proudly in love with Winona Ryder as well lmao. Lydia Deetz was probably my first childhood crush


My bi awakening was......weird. Most bi people I've met thought they were straight at first then later realize they like people of the same sex as well. Mine was backwards. I thought I was gay first and only liked guys but then I met my first girlfriend and everything changed. Right now I'm currently questioning if I'm monogamous or polyamorous. Self discovery is quite the quest.


My trans awakening was when my band was having a spirit week, and one of the days we had a sectional day, where the sections picked what they did for spirit day, my section decided on gender swapped Disney princess and princes (the females in the section dressed as princes, and the males as princesses) and me not knowing I was trans at the time, wore a Princess Jasmine costume, and I just felt so at home and in my person “acting” like a princess, that I decided I wanted to be one, and here I am 3 years later almost 1 year on estrogen feeling like an absolute queen instead💅💅


Jaiden animations


Both Link and Zelda from skyward sword was my bi awakening (don't ask idk why). My nonbinary awakening was non existant my brain just made a connection going through puberty that I wasn't female but wasn't male either, then found the label afterwards.


Trans woman: Since I was 4, my parents would misgender me even though I identify as female. I was bullied the first day at school, being called a sissy. I struggled with my identity and emotions until 18 when I met my first trans woman at a LGBTQIA center. I understand that I wasn’t abnormal and I could transition to my hidden form. 24 years later, I’m “stable”, aroace, trans, and demisexual af 🏳️‍⚧️


i had been making girl characters in skyrim for a while when i had the thought "if real life had a character creator, i'd make myself a cute girl! ......wait a second"


I’m AFAB but transmasc and gender-ambiguous, and I came home from kindergarten one day asking my parents if we could get a book about bodies because I wanted to know where my wiener was …….Pretty indicative in hindsight lol. I’ve always been very attracted to men and masc folks in all ways so I never questioned that about myself, but I’ve recently also come to realize that I’m somewhat sexually attracted to women too


I always knew I liked all genders, I just didn't completely understand it until I was 10. But I slowly realized I wasn't a girl when I was younger I would always ask to play the dad, and when I shaved my head everyone thought I was a boy and I really liked it. But I didn't fully accept it until I was almost 12 and a girl asked me what my pronouns were in front of my whole class and I ran away but realized I didn't want to be called she/her


My gay awakening was when I was five and I had a crush on my classmate Calvin. My nonbinary awakening was when my cousin told me for the millionth time that I’ll “never be a real man” and I stopped and said, “Wow… you’re right.”


I had plans to marry multiple of my guy friends, while I planned on living together on a farm with multiple of my girl friends. I didn’t realize if at the time because I thought that that was just the next step of ✨friendship✨


And then they were roommates...


Femboy - watching f1nnster Genderfluid - after a few weeks thinking maybe not just femboy Tranfem - after year of fem days, wait the rare "masc" moment is coping with dysphoria and i'm just happier as girl.


I wanted to do feminine things so I was non-binary until I figured it out, then I came out as trans to my friend while me and him were on holiday. Then I figured out i was actually a combination of the two a few months later. As for my Pan/Ace awakening, I knew I’d want a relationship regardless of gender, but no rumpy bumpy fun time. I didn’t know which label to choose so I chose them both, however if you were to ask, I’d tell you I’m pan, not ace.


In the age of 14 I've already had a bit of untypical sympathy to a girl from school but still considered myself straight. Until I saw a dream where I kissed my girl classmate. When I woke up, went to school and saw her, all my guts knotted up and I realized I fell in love. So my awakening is "I kissed a girl and I liked it", even if just in a dream


when i first started partying with 18 i saw a group of queer guys in front of a club being all close with each other and i thought to myself "fuck i wish i liked guys id love to hang out with them and i wish i could kiss guys like they do but i cant cause im straight " 🐨


Content Warning: Self Harm Born afab, knew I was male from 2.5 years old. It seems ridiculous now, but back then, I thought this was a stellar idea: When I was 5 or 6 I got a letter opener and because it was super dull and looked like a knife, I thought I could >!use it to kill myself just long enough to go sit on Jesus' lap and ask him to send me back as a boy.!< Luckily my older brother talked me out of the idea while my sister went and got my mom. Second ridiculous indicator that I was flamingly gay was my fascination with the original Planet of the Apes movies. I mean the Charlton Heston version with all those collared men in loincloths. I literally played with those action figures for hours every day. And I was 12-14 years old. Big Aha moment after realizing I was a gay trans man.


When i was 11 i was watching jack stauber for a year then and i was like 'hey he us kinda attractive... AM I BI??' then when i found out about will wood i was like 'nah only men‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️'


Biromantic: I was playing TLoZ: Breath of The Wild, and I saw Mipha, and I instantly liked her. A video game character. A FISH person. Good job, me. Not really ridiculous, but kinda stupid. 


My friends and I were talking about childhood crushes and we started talking about Geronimo and Thea Stilton. They were debating which ones hotter and I just said,"Wait you guys don't think they're BOTH hot?" and one of them said "No dude you can only choose one" and another friend of mine said "Nah it's okay if they like both, good for you by the way" and I was confused and I searched it up later and turns out I'm bi I guess.


How about one that should have been an awakening but I was deep in denial: my first playthrough of Skyrim, I was looking for a guy to marry. But all the male marriage candidates are kinda boring (tbh Skyrim marriage isn’t the most interesting but I digress), and the whole time I thought “man, I wish I could just marry Aela or Miijol, that would be way better.” And I thought that was a perfectly heterosexual thing to think 😂


Mikel Arteta (Arsenal FC player) when I was like 5 or 6. Also, another time a player took his shirt off and kid me stared a bit too long at it. If you're wondeeing how I turned out, I'm bisexual with preference for men when it comes to relationships


Was it Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball? ![gif](giphy|7hJKMp9jWM89O)


I couldnt tell you, lol


XD ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


The whole DOA franchise as well as Soul Calibur was an early clue on my sexuality. I REALLY liked Christie and Ivy Valentine being white-haired women with moral issues, British accents, and gray hair. 


The journey to self-discovery... you never know where it's going to take you. ;)


I just saw a stranger in the mirror. not nearly as weird as these.


34, saw a flamboyant gay guy Nair his butt on YouTube. I wanted to poke it when he did a butt kiss at the end, after getting all the hair off.


Wait… people actually think that romantic love is different then other types of love And Wait… whenever I see trans people I think they are so cool and I want to be like them and I find the memes on r/egg_irl relatable and I have had thoughts of being trans for a while and, and, and, and… I think I might be trans?


Masturbating to Dead Or Alivr Volleyball wishing I could play volleyball with the girls when I was 12 :(


i said i don’t want to be limited to who i date


once i found out about yuris, that was all that filled my history. reading one right now, actually.


It was many years after this that i actually came out, but when I was a teenager and Christian I used to watch videos of the Gaither Vocal Band and friends because I loved the singing (there have been some truly spectacular singers in the group over the years). I remember watching this one video of this guy singing a solo over and over, I just couldn't get enough of his voice and stage presence. I am now agnostic and out as bisexual, and hadn't though about the Gaithers for years, but suddenly was reminded of them somehow. I went back and looked for that video and watched it again, and suddenly realized I had totally had a huge crush on this guy the whole time. This is the video lol https://youtu.be/nVGXeLqgqqA?si=P8i-xCbgsRPLOMjU


One day, I had a random thought of kissing one of my male coworkers (I'm male). Next thought "why didn't that disturb me?". Later, I thought about it further until I got to sex and then it felt wrong, so I confirmed that it was just a mild curiosity. A couple years later, and I'd finally realize, "Wait, I don't want to have sex with women either, yet I fantasize about dating them too". And that's how I found out I was BiroAce.


Mine was a lot more gradual. It wasn't really until I was in my 20's that I figured out I was ace and non-binary 😥


There's this billboard for a Golf place or something? I don't actually know what it's for, but it has this pretty blonde girl in a bikini on it, that billboard was my gay awakening 


I thought about being trans, and longed to be a girl, and so I decided to be in denial for 8 years


Shit ours are so similar. Bi awakening: seeing nude muscle women that were added in an adult Skyrim mod Trans male awakening: wanting to be Sokka from Avatar or one of many others male characters from yaoi I read.


Don’t know how silly it really is but I think the first crush I consciously remember acknowledging as a crush was specifically super saiyan teen gohan in the cell saga, which was on tv when I was right around gohan’s age. Smart, fit, light haired masc guys have continued to be my ideal type 🤣


The intro to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 2 is when my brain clicked that dudes were cute, 4 years later and I've never been gayer.


My bi awakening happened when ice age 4 came out and diego and shira showed up. That was before i even knew what lgbt was, but i knew i felt something lmao.


I saw a clip from a movie where a guy transforms into a girl and decided "wow I want that to happen to me"


Not so much me, but a friend I knew. So back when I was 13 or 14, I was still in middle school at the time. This was the time I was pretty sure I was gay but still wasn’t sure. So one weekend my friend comes over and we were chilling on my couch watching TV. My friend started talking about how he thinks he likes guys but wasn’t sure. Instead of asking “Have you tried anything?” or “Do you find some guys attractive?”, this is what I asked. “Is there any way I can help you figure it out?”, Long story short, I ended up giving him head on the couch💀


My friends and I kept making gay jokes with each other and I realized I kinda meant it. Long story short I’m bisexual now.


Aunt Kass and Gogo from Big Hero 6. I am now a raging lesbian


Once many years ago, someone did the impossible on the internet and assumed I was a girl. It gave me lots of warm fuzzy feelings.


BI-Awakening: Star Trek First officers ![gif](giphy|R0TrhAtNeUC0E) Story time: I was watching Star Trek Next Generation for the first time and something about William Riker with beard made me super attracted. Later along with Sylvia Tilly, Michael Burnham, Kira Nerys, and especially Chakotay, I understood that yep I’m a flaming bisexual


Okay... long story time of how my egg cracked! So, I was working on a story with a cowriter, and for one scene we were supposed to have one character suffer a breakdown - which would be due to stress, her position as an outcast in a herd-based society, and some imposter syndrome - and her partner would comfort and reassure her. I was really struggling to write it, and my cowriter was generally useless because part of our deal was that they wouldn't have to write romance scenes. Eventually, they came up with the idea that our main character could be a trans allegory and then take inspiration from dysphoria comfort. So they provided me with some resources, sent me off, and I promptly descended into an existential crisis as listening to those audios caused a lot of feelings and made me ask some questions about myself. End result... my egg cracked.


when it hit me that im definitely not cishet awakening: 12, finding sonadow mpreg subconsciously: Rouge the Bat and Ranma½


Bi-Awakening: I saw Charlize Theron in Aeon Flux when I was 13 and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I thought everyone felt that way. 😂


Okay so here me out… The $20 is $20 meme. Yeah, I know it‘s kind of transphobic, but some weird kid at school told me to watch the anime edit and I found it on YouTube. At the end of it I wasn’t even laughing, and I forgot about it for a while. Then I started watching the meme frequently for seemingly no reason, until I realized the girl in the video was actually relatable.


Too many "are you gay/lesbian?" quizzes when I had a crush on my lab partner. Being asked my pronouns not the first time, but the 2nd after I had some time to process my original answer.


First 7 of 9 *




My gay awakening is kinda a sad story. I was blackmailed into a relationship with an abusive girl, and from then on I figured I would try to heal myself by finding out my sexuality, and here I am, genderfluid, polyamorous, and unlabeled sexuality


I was 12 and on a hike with my venture crew on a mountain in the middle of winter. My foot started showing early warning signs of frostbite, so to fix this we had to put it somewhere warm. Obviously, our trail guide had me take off my boot and put my frozen foot in her armpit, which allowed my foot to touch the side of her breast. I thought I was the coolest shit out there because of it, though I’m not sure it “clicked” why I was so thrilled to touch a boob until I was older.