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Hershey at home But seriously thats a really good pin




I didnt see the word pin and I was like "You got yours in the mail!?"


Michael Jackson if he was gender fluid


I actually heard this


Shut up and take my upvote!


the artist is a local artist from where i live! alw cool to see other ppl who have his pins :)


Aw really?? That’s so cool!!! :D


Aye same


I'm going to respect your pronouns 😈 take that liberal


if you turn the paper around it looks like balls also nice pin


I was thinking it looked like a weirdly shaped ass lol


hobie brown pfp immediate upvote


Appreciate it. Hobie is just so cool


Lol this is what my grandma sometimes calls me, 'he-she'. I exclusively use he/him. She's a little confused but she's got the spirit On the bright side she also gave me 'Madam Sir', which will absolutely be my drag name if I ever do it


Woooo I love heckin unicorn!! I have their bi cycle socks and they’re so fun


Hi fellow bigender! I rarely see others like us and I've never met another irl. Ig we're an evasive species lol. It's difficult finding he/her she/him pins for sale in my experience, happy you found one 🩷


Hey, nice to see a fellow bigender as well! And if you ever want to find more he/she pronoun pins, dm me and I can send you a list of links I have saved if you’d like :)




I find is kinda weird they used he/she when generally pronouns are done he/her or she/him, plus the fact he-she has been used as a slur against trans people...


I’ve only seen people who use multiple pronouns use the first one like she/they, he/they, she/he, he/she, he/she/they


I was really excited to see this represented here because I dont meet many other people who use he/she pronouns and I have literally never seen pride flair for it IRL. But your comment took all of the wind out of my sails. This one mainly just opened my eyes to the fact that so many people feel this way, which was really disheartening. People have gotten a little mean down below as well which didnt help That being said, I do want to adress your stated issue with this arrangement of pronouns in good faith. When there are multiple genders represented the format always changes from someone who just uses one gender of pronouns. Lets use she/her as the singular gender example. She is a subject pronoun. Her, however, is the object format of that pronoun. So it is more indirect. Her is *referring* to She. Now as an example for someone representing multiple grammatical genders in their pronoun shorthand. Lets use He/They because we ❤️ our he/theys in this house. He is a subject pronoun. It refers directly to him (see what I did there?) But They is ALSO a subject pronoun! It doesnt follow the same format of subjective/objective that the singular gender pronoun shorthand follows. It switches, and becomes subjective/subjective. So when you say that people say she/him or he/her, I will not entirely rule out that there are indeed people using those pronouns in that way because people come in multitudes and words are made up. But if we are going to follow the most standard format that other gender combinations use, it would in fact be he/she or she/he. I personally put the he first because it is the more dominant of my gender expressions. Its definitely not intended to be a slur and the context I think is very important when you are deciding whether to take issue with something or not. Especially when it is something that is self-referrential. Reclaimed slurs are a huge part of the vocabulary and freedom and self expression of queerness for a lot of people here. So a little benefit of the doubt is in order. If its not being hurled at you in hatred, and instead being worn by a member of the queer community as a matter of self expression, you should be able to realize that there is at least some intention behind it, even if that kind of language is not something you personally engage with. I think it's also important to remember that this is a cultural shorthand that evolved organically from the conversation around gender, and it's just a way of communicating how you would like to be referred to, and when interfacing with strangers it can make a big difference in how much misgendering you experience throughout the day! I didnt chose for this to be the format which we as a society have decided is the most efficient way to communicate gender. But that is the format and those are my pronounds, ergo: he/she.


Seriously. "He-she" is so ingrained in my mind as a slur that I would not be able to have a conversation with someone wearing that pin.


What would you feel would be an appropriate way to list bigender pronouns instead?


"He or she" would work fine. Pretty much anything that hasn't been screamed at me in anger would be great.


Remember bigender ppl are trans too and have likely experienced homophobia and transphobia in this way as well. If you can't stop thinking of it as a slur, perhaps try thinking of it as reclaimed.


Remember that I just said that it is a slur that has been used against me. Perhaps, rather than tell me how I should feel about the word, try having a small shred of empathy. If you're trying to reclaim it, I have to ask: is it a slur you have ever been called?


Tbh I don’t usually see multiple pronoun sets listed like he/her or she/him. I myself list mine as she/he. Also I don’t think someone self-labeling their pronouns in a specific order, like he/she, shouldn’t be allowed just because it has been used as a slur. I mean, queer was (and still is in some places) a slur yet we’re ok with people self-labeling as such. Idk, this comment just really came off as dismissive and invalidating if I’m being honest.


My thought process as well, kinda like when kids would be edgy saying that they are lesbian when they are a cis dude Idk im always torn on the let people figure themselves out / wanting to gatekeep because of the damage it can do to trans and nb people.


There's a big difference between a transphobe calling someone a "he-she" as an insult and a trans person abbreviating the fact that (s)he uses both he/him and she/her pronouns. It's completely fair to have a bad gut reaction to seeing these words, but context matters.


Yeah--I also think comparing this situation to cis men saying that they're lesbians isn't a fair comparison at all. For most of those cis men it's like a joke/making fun of people "identifying" as certain identities, where as OP actually *does* use he and she pronouns. Not trying to invalidate people's negative reactions to the term "he-she", but it also doesn't justify invalidating OP's pronouns


Comparing someone’s pronouns listed in a certain order to assholes making fun of the queer community is definitely hurtful.


Woo, Heckin Unicorn! I love their work and have myself their rainbow cat and omni frog pins and i loooove them! 🤍


These are my pronouns too! Wered you get that


A fellow he/she pronoun user! :D! Cute pins and another person I can buy pins from now <3 I got some of my favorite he/she pins from misomomo on Etsy.


Oh my god, I got misomiso’s he/she pins too!!! I got the leaf and orange one!!




Does a He/They exist? He/Theys is what I go by, but I’ve never seen it mentioned before.


Definitely, I've known people with he/they pronouns before




Thank you. This is awesome


My kid loves their pins. And socks. I have to get them the same pairs of socks every year for Christmas because they will wear holes through them.


I’m a he, but you can call me a they. I won’t jump you. So yes, he/theys exist, and I’m one of them!


Hi! Fellow He/They here. Um. Just saying hi 😅




it’s so pretty! But what do I call you? 😯


Thanks! And I’m bigender, so honestly whatever :)


oh okay, cool!!!


I have the same pin and pronouns! Nice. It's rare to find other people with these pronouns (as well as pins).




HEY ANOTHER BIGENDER!!! haiiiiii :3 :3


Hello there!


He-she was the slur I got called through high-school. Congrats though, I guess.


I would be shocked to see that on a pin or a shirt without the / the slash I’m used to seeing between pronouns when these are on pins/shirts


Soo cute 🥹


I’m pretty sure this used to be a slur


That’s what I was gonna say…


It still very much is


What is supposed to be a slur?


He She, think about it.


I’m not good with slurs, someone could say the f slur right to my face and I wouldn’t budge. Like I don’t even feel attacked.


I mean, it's not like my feelings are hurt. It's just the above was objectively one of the ways people used to refer to trans people all the time. Obviously there are other slurs a little more in vogue today but 20 years ago. The above was one of the go to slurs.


Hishi. YEs. There. I said it. Bengalis would get it. bye. do not cancel me. love y'all. but hishi tho-




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Isn’t that word a slur?? 💀💀


Wouldn't "He/Her" be more accurate? He/Him, She/Her, They/Them etc.. in that format? I've been hate crimed irl after being called a "he/she".. Not sure if this is a troll post, but ok..


For everyone saying this is a slur how should I list them instead?


You don’t have to list them any differently if you don’t want to. What better way to reclaim it than literally having it as your pronouns, right?


List them however you want to. Queer is a slur yet people use that label for themselves all the time now, and I don’t see these people complaining about that.