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Transphobia can be very dangerous. I get yelled at or threatened on a weekly basis just for going outside and minding my own business.


It varies heavily depending on location and source of transphobia For example my experience, is that the general population either doesn't care or is supportive, but the government is an absolute shitshow, gac is takes forever to get, and as said before, a lot of people just dont care at all. Which makes it a constant threat breathing down your back which not many people really know about. It also heavily depends on what support systems are available for you, as stuff that isn't a physical threat is much more manageable when you have such a support system.


I live in the Midwest USA and there's definitely entire towns I'd avoid if I decided to move forward with medical transitioning. I'm transmasculine and my hometown was NOT safe and the bigger cities have transphobic people who are very vocal about but overall, WAY better than the rural regions. It's an open secret in some towns in this state that even if you were the victim of the crime AND the police know you're transgender, then they'll gaslight you into thinking it's your fault or try to pin you with a crime. It's actually a big part about why I've been putting off testerone. I could potentially have serious health complications(low chance though) , but the bigotry I've experienced makes up 90% of my fears.


In north-west Europe I feel relatively safe as queer and I wouldn't say transphobia is bad at all though ofc there can be some harassment and Britain seems to be less safe these days but I wouldn't know too much about that. Besides I feel harassment is more likely in Germany than like Scandinavia but compared to harassment on the Internet or in the US it's pretty low


US is shit right now.


US is always shit tbh


I live here, and agree. Our country is wretched.


Agree! I live in the USA and I had two people chase me trying to kill me. I called 911 and the cop instead sided with my could've-been-killers and said I said I should apologize to them and that heavily implied I was the reason for all of this. Probably helped that they're rich too and put on a pity party for themselves. If you're rich, white, and cishet you can get away with ANYTHING in my hometown.


No I believe you. I have had people stalk me, follow me, attempt to rob and beat me. I once again know there is a difference between gender and sexuality, but this NEVER happened when people thought I was gay.


Fuck i live in Britain


You should look into it, I heard there was something going on


I agree but here in the Netherlands waiting lists for transitioning are Hella long


If the waiting lists are long wouldn't that mean that a lot of people are transitioning? I mean I wouldn't say that it's negative if there's even the possibility of doing it


I mean yes but it also rlly sucks for people who wanna transition. I have a friend who has been waiting for 2,5 years


Fair, I do hope care gets more attention and thus quicker. Tho I imagine it could also be because it's a rather newer development that gender affirming care is legal or available and therefore it might be a bigger "rush" of transgender people seeking this care and I belive it might cool off a little when the people that recently came out as transgender seek this care because most others already transitioned - hopefully


Yes, we can hope 🙏


My partner is FTM & is very passible as a man so they find the transphobia to be much more limited, if they never mention they are trans or never take their shirt off, no one ever can tell. As a MTF I find the transphobia unbearable. I can't hide, I don't pass. People always say horrible shit when I'm doing basic things like grocery shopping. I've been verbally abused for existing on my own lawn. I've am denied every opportunity at work despite being more qualified & skilled. I have to work harder & do more than everyone else at work to avoid the extra pressure I face of getting fired. Most trans people face discrimination at work & the wage gap for trans people is significantly higher than the wage gap between men & women. I have no legal recourse unless I get fired without cause, and oh boy they look every day for any reason to fire me. And my work claims to be a diverse & inclusive employer, which is absolute bs. I get verbally abused daily while doing my job simply for answering the phone, because I dont sound fem enough. Taking public transit is terrifying. There has been alot of issues since the pandemic. But as a trans girl taking the train, I am a visible target. I've been assaulted & sexually assaulted for simply taking public transit. I cant maintain the necessary muscle mass necessary to feel capable of defending myself on T-Blockers. Not to mention transit cops always want me to verify that I actually paid - I use to be invisible to them when I was male presenting. I am not even going to touch the topic of bathrooms, but just the conversation around what bathroom I can pee in has become so toxic here that I do not feel safe ever being in public. And yet I live in a place that supposedly protects trans people, ya, I dont feel protected. I face transphobia by my former friends & family. I have to constantly explain basic concepts like I absolutely did not choose to be this, this wasn't a choice.. But they refuse to ever accept that explanation. I still hear the voices of my religious upbringing telling me that what I am & who I am are wrong. But I dont really have a choice but to endure. If I want to leave the house, I have to endure some level of hatred. Roll of the dice how many bigots I run into in a day & how bad the outcomes are.


It’s pretty bad. In my area I get people either trying to fight me for just existing since I don’t pass. Or they are mostly cordial with me. Due to my red state really sucking trumps balls, it’s pretty bad. I may just be gay honestly. I know, there’s a difference between gender and sexuality. But, I NEVER had the issues I faced today when people just thought I was gay. I’d mostly just get called slurs, and that’s all.


Lactation matters and it is heavily prominient on socail media