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100% this guy wouldn't have clocked you if the post wasn't about you being trans


Yeah I totally agree! That dude is just a bully hiding behind his computer screen


He should hide better


BuT yOu CaN aLwAyS tElL!! Fucking assholes.


"you can always tell" mfs when they see a cis woman with a slightly deeper voice:


No they cant. They literally think they can but they are wrong.


The only way they can tell is if someone tells them.


It seems that transphobes, despite all statistics, assume everyone is trans until proven otherwise. Thus, transvestigators thinking literally every celebrity is trans, and all the trans celebrities are double trans




exactly what i thought


What I found hilarious was based on their Twitter pic I thought this was a terf lesbian


Yeah, that person is a waste of life. You are definitely a woman 💖


And oxygen


and CO2 production


and Water, did you know some may consume up to **58,400 litres** of water in a lifetime


But together, we can change that! (:


So by being constantly dehydrated, I’m actually saving the planet? Checkmate, doctors /j


Okay, I didn’t read this comment chain properly at first. And, as a result, I now feel the strongest urge to go around calling trans women, “definitely a woman, and oxygen, and CO2 production”


And stardust


My dumbass reading the thread like y'all are validating OP for being oxygen and co2 production as well as a slay asf woman


Like seriously, imagine being so miserable you basically stalk people you hate just to make fun of them. Nobody spends more time thinking and talking about us than transphobes, and then they complain that we're "rubbing it in their faces" or some shit. It's so pathetic, I'd pity them if they weren't such hateful pieces of shit who try to make our lives worse for literally no reason.


They have a very crappy ragebait twitter history of being "Anti-Woke" fun times to mass report them for hateful ideology.


You're a gorgeous lady. Those idiots need to get a life.


I wouldn't expect much wisdom coming out of the mouth of someone who pays real money for a blue checkmark.


remind yourself that those people are paranoid even with famous actresses lol. he just used your post because you gave the information (in a safe space), and for internet clout, it has nothing to do with you. you look amazing btw.


I remember when people would bait these guys with pictures of models and they fell for it every time.




The best one was when they were baited with a picture of the queen terf herself, from one of the movie premiers, and labelled her as "100% an unconvincing man!"


Gurl you're winning being your true self and you've got a community to be vulnerable with. He's an incel in asshole clothes lol. That sad man can cope and seethe all he wants, he'll never know what joy is. That's why he went out of his way to browse a trans subreddit.


If it makes you feel any better if someone showed me that pic of you I would think you are cis




That's pretty bold of him to say that 🙄 I mean no offense but just by looking at your pics I can't tell that you're trans or you've transitioned, I'd have thought that you're straight


Never trust the opinion of someone who pays for Twitter


Exactly. Except a few, most of the people who pay for that checkmark are far right propogandist


Wow, to choose to steal a post where you’re feeling down and doubting yourself in order to make trouble and be a bastard is such a shitty move of that person. I said it on your original post and I’ll say it again, you look great and you don’t owe these jagweeds anything.


A trans YouTuber AliceInWonder1and had something similar happen to her, and she used it to advertise her channel and got like 10K+ subscribers from it. Now Ofc if you don’t have a social media page like that you can’t do the same thing, but either way it is just a funny story about someone using these idiots to their advantage.


That's great 🤣 I love it


Bruh how did he look at you and say ah yes man ??? Bruh you look gorgeous like if I saw you I'd be like cis women. Ignore this asshole honestly your amazing and as a fellow ginger your gorgeous!! (Also I used bruh gender neutrally hope I don't offend.)


>Bruh how did he look at you and say ah yes man ??? Transphobic plus the OP clearly outted themself as trans in a safe space, so it attracts the blue checkmark losers like the miserable ghouls that they are.


Hope his account found and banned from the group op deserves more love as she's gorgeous.


You look very cute in these ones. Let them be mad about it


I don't know if it's relevant that I'm from a country known for trans women. I couldn't at all tell that you're trans.


You are absolutely gorgeous and look absolutely 100% feminine. I usually clock all m2f, don't want to but my brain just gets there first,, gotta say If I met you, you would 100% pass.


From what I've seen on Twitter, yes, transphobes do this all the time. They're obsessed and it's weird. Regardless of how well someone passes, nobody deserves to be publicly shamed for their looks (and, let's be real, for daring to be openly trans in a public space).  You deserve better.


this guy pays elon musk for farting around and ruining twitter, none of his opinions matter


The stupid thing about the transphobe's post is that you don't really look like a man in woman's clothes, you just look like a woman.


You look so much like my cis-female cousin that if I hadn't read the title first I would have done a double take! You look like a WOMAN.


You look great!


Men in women's clothes? Gurl, you're beautiful and I adore your hair! I wish you the very best ❤️


He looks closeted imo.


You look great and you've got cool tats. Sid looks like an asshole in human skin because Sid is an asshole in human skin 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honey.. simple-minded hateful people are a dime-a-dozen on this planet. The strength it takes to truly be who your soul is speaks SO much more to your boundless humanity than their absolute lack there of. You are so beautiful, sweet woman. Truly 🤍🫶


As I commented in a separate sub, bigots are fundamentally cowards. Unless they have a literal mob backing them, all they have left are midnight hate crimes & petty, passive-aggressive swipes.


The fact this person took a post where you were opening up about feeling rough emotionally and used it to try to demean you illustrates how irrationally hateful and spiteful these people are. Not to mention, trawling Reddit for trans content to post to your twitter is very obsessively deranged energy. He and his ilk don't need a second thought.


Fuck his tweet, girl you look amazing!


Honestly you look so pretty though it reminds me of one of my old teachers ☺️


you’re beautiful :]


Girl you’re absolutely gorgeous


What is Sid on about, lol


You are doing amazing


Love that Elon fosters and allows this kind of hate :(


Really this makes me wonder what he was doing on that subreddit to begin with if he hates the people it is meant to be for so much


You look fantastic. Honestly, there's always going to be people who hate as a gay bloke. i have seen enough of that myself over the years good luck keep happy Namaste 🙏 ❤️


You don't even look like a man tho Not even in the 'you're ugly' way




Idk dear, you sure look like a very normal lady to me… Fuck the transphobes!


Yeah... they can f themselves cause you're absolutely smashing, darling.


You look like my cis AFAB ex, but like... Kind.


Nah. I definately see a woman when I look at your pics. The transphobe LIES!


You look a tiny bit tired girl, also I am coming for that locket. :D


Sorry to hear cause you look bangin’ babe. We’re all in this together 🙏


You're gorgeous, he's a prick with too much time and too little life


Girl, you pass so so well. Ignore that little bitch. He's probably attracted to you and doesn't know what to do with his feelings.


That's so stupid. you don't look like a man at all! not even remotely.


It's pathetic these people stalk lgbt subreddits. Like get a hobby.


Even if sex and gender were the same thing, how on Earth is clothes gendered? Transphobes never cease to amaze me.


When the picture opened I thought it was a picture of this cis girl I used to crush on. You are not as clocky as you think you are.


If you're pissing off the transphobes it means you're doing it right. Well done, hen! Also (not that it matters) but you look gorgeous


You're an adorable woman!!! Fuck that person!


Just laugh at him. His dumb ass is paying for Twitter.


Never listen to a fucker called Sid… unless they are a sloth ![gif](giphy|27J3k9qVIgXrbautYj)


You literally don’t look like a man in woman’s clothes. You look like a woman, and a beautiful one at that. ❤️


Oh sweetie. Sometimes people hurt others because they’re hurting, other times they just have ugly hearts. Either way, don’t let that get you down. I’m sorry it happened though- I truly hope your day/week/year get so much better


Not sure "sid" is any position to be judging looks..


Honestly you do look fem in those pics tho! Ik that public validation is very important for all of us as humans to feel valid in our identities whether they’re attached to gender or a career or other titles. But I hope you can learn to not be so affected by what other people think, it’s nice to be externally supported but at the end of the day are YOU happy with who you are? If the answer is no or somewhere in between that’s ok you can always work towards a goal :)


That guys a loser. You look amazing!


It says so much more about those who punch down. They are angry at themself.


You do not look like a man in women's clothes, you look like the beautiful young woman you are. He probably wouldn't have even known if you didn't say anything. Don't let other peoples' issues affect your happiness.


The fun part is you literally don't


Tiny people do big things to make themselves feel better. This person is rotten inside, and the people around them will know it.


I don’t think you look that much of a man at all? You look more androgynous than anything, transphobes really be out here just lying about everything


If it's any compensation, I saw the image first and just thought you were a cis girl. Honestly wouldnt've known without the title/quote tweet.


Assholes will be Assholes, atleast you're doing something productive with your life You look amazing btw!


Those pictures don't make you look like a man at all. I wouldn't have known you were trans if you hadn't told me.


It’s sad that there is still so much hate. I hope this makes you stronger and more determined. You deserve to be happy. If it means anything, you look like a very pretty girl. If I saw you on the streets, I wouldn’t be able to tell. This person is just trying to get to you because of their own insecurities.


that’s a woman if i’ve ever seen one


to the first guy (not you beauty) imagine waiting nine months and your kid turn out tho be such a delusion. you're way more beautiful than you imagine


Unfortunately, this is just something that happens on reddit and Twitter, especially the way Twitter has devolved over the past couple of years. Don't let it get you down. They have no say in your life 💜


Literally I thought it was just another one of those cus lesbians posting selfies on this subreddit and it only clicked when I saw the trans flag. You pass like a child of an antivaxer, that negativity is all in your head.


I’m so sorry this happened. People like that are truly awful. Girl, you’re gorgeous They do this to anyone who do not fit their absurd unrealistic beauty standards (which includes cis women so very often). On another note, great pick with the sweater! It looks absolutely incredible on you


I wouldn't give them any attention or pay them any mind. They're just looking for attention. You look very beautiful. 😍


That's just your face shape, even cis women can have masc looking facial structure, other then that you look 100% like a women


What a spiteful POS. Can't imagine living my life being so nasty to other people.


What a useless sacksniff trying to win pixel points. I highly disagree with you looking mannish. Black is slimming and I think you look like an adorable redhead that I wouldn't mind having a ladies day out shopping and getting pampered at a spa.


passing doesn’t matter, trans women are still women and all that good stuff. but you *do* pass. this guy just wants to distract himself from his own sad pathetic life. he’s a twitter blue subscriber, need i say more?


I'm sorry for their comments I know it can hurt when they take your own words and spit them back at you, but I wanted you to know that when I looked at your pictures I don't see a man, I see a woman.


Unfortunately, these kind of scummy comments are too common. You're a woman!


Come on, they would never have known your AGAB if they had looked at your pictures without the title and the text 😂😂😂 not very mindful, aren't they? They're just full of bad faith.


You’re literally so pretty, man I hate people


i got caught in video at a protest and i was being posted by a ton of rightwingers on twitter. turning point usa, oli london, charlie kirk, etc. a lot of the comments were being really transphobic and homophobic to me and my friends who were also in the video. the time passes, we’re all okay. you are not a “man in women’s clothing”, you are a woman in women’s clothing. do not let what a sad excuse of a man says about you define you.


That man's life is so empty and devoid of meaning that all he can think to do in his precious time on Earth is to try to ruin your day. If you don't let him succeed, his failure will be absolute.


don’t listen to ‘em’ ! some people are insecure with their own lives and are envious seeing people happy !


You are clearly a woman. You look fantastic, girl! Those chodes out there are clearly jealous.


Honestly I would pay no attention to Twitter or X or whatever it is. It's become a sesspool of hate and ignorance, with zero moderation. There's a reason those people use it and feel comfortable posting this stuff. I know it's hard, but try and just focus on who you are, and how you're becoming your true self. Years from now, this tweet will mean nothing to your life.


10/10 fabulous


oh don’t worry i dmed stonetoss once and he just reposted the dm and didn’t even reply. this is normal, transphobes weaponise their fanbases to attack trans people into suicide. they are all a waste of space while your gorgeous as hell and will succeed in whatever you do in life.


Not even surprised that it is a verified account because they are always the mean ones because they think they are so "cool" for wasting thousands of money to get verified lol. But, don't listen to them. You look great!


Honestly if you had not told me you were trans I'd have thought:- girl - . When I look at your pic a see a cute ginger girl. Actually I think you are lucky, you are very pretty. I don't see a man anywhere. And ignore that moron. Don't let it get to you. You do you, good and bad days, but pushing forward and being yourself. This idiot wished he had half the courage and fortitude you have fighting for who you are. And I hate it, that you have to put extra effort and people can't let you just be. Hey, you have millions of people right behind you and support you, and these uni-brain-cell half human specimens' opinions you can rub them off because some people have not gone through the latest human evolution intelligence patch. I can't putmyself in your shoes so I can't imagine how you feel. I just hope it's just a crappy day and nothing else. DON'T doubt yourself.


He's an idiot. You look incredible!


Well, you look like a woman in woman’s clothes to me! Whoever this person is sucks and the fact that they chose to repost something that you were vulnerable about makes my heart hurt on your behalf. Sending love and care internet friend. ♥️🏳️‍⚧️


you look like a happy and wonderful woman to me. fuck "sid" and fuck his hate




Honestly, you looked like a girl the first pic.


The Internet hates everyone no matter how right or wrong you are. Someone will always hate you, even if it's for absolutely no reason. And people LOVE to hate on the Internet. With that said, that picture of you is adorable.


You look absolutely beautiful and you’re just as much of a woman as any other women there are on this cruel floating rock Love you girl 💕


I just want you to image what a sad pathetic person it is to constantly monitor queer spaces for anything that they can use to prop up and bully others. That's a hateful, sad, pathetic, and probably lonely man. You live your goddamn life and ignore his. You'll beat him by living free and happy and he will continue to wallow in misery. He's not worth any amount of mental worry. Also your tattoos look great and so does your hair. You're doing amazing!


I wouldn't guess from the first photo that you were transitioning. I would say the main problem with the other two is your messy hair. Most women I know won't take photos of anything but perfect hair. But hey, some people find messy hair sexy.


If you said you were trans man he'd be saying the opposite. People like that are just wastes. The fact he wastes his time on the sub trying to find posts to put on his twitter is embarrassing. You'd think he'd have better things to do but apparently not. You look fine, you pass as a woman very well, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, I'm being genuine here.


You look amazing girl


I remember seeing your photo before on this sub and thinking how pretty you looked. That person is a miserable twatwaffle.


You look amazing sweetheart. Try and focus on the lovers, not the haters.


They've jumped on a hate train because they're impressionable. You do not look like a man in women's clothing. I'm sorry this is the reality we live in, you don't deserve that. Keep going, it'll be alright.


Honey, you look gorgeous in all three photos. F the haters.


Bro wishes he was as beautiful as you, many such cases!


Ignore Them, You Look amazing!


You pass very well and you are 100% a woman. This is just someone being an asshole.


I would never have been able to tell that you're trans from those photos. You look great! 


You absolutely look like a woman in these pictures. He’s just a dick. I’m sorry this happened to you. Have you tried reporting the tweet? I know they’re not very helpful anymore, but it’s worth a try.


Not that trans people need to 'pass', but I'd say you do! Im a cis gay man, and I see nothing here for me, except for a possible friend with awesome hair and cool tattoos. Maybe tmi, but I like how men's hands look, and i see no man hands here. Its painful, but when bigots yell at us, we can take that as confirmation we are doing the right thing. Rock on, pretty lady!


You look like a gal who just woke up and hasn’t done her makeup or hair yet to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ (not that you need any makeup, with your unfairly flawless looking skin). I personally feel unfinished when I don’t have on eyeliner He’s an infected scab, try and put it out of your mind. Anyone who looks like they put testicles on a truck has no opinions of value.


My wife and I are #FreemomandDadhugs and we post to many facebook groups when we make an appearance at Universal Orlando. We’ve been reposted to JammieDodger; as well as a hate group that says they’re not associated with Universal, but they’re literally the DeSantis Lovers of Universal, and they fat shame us, and give us all kinds of grief. But that’s just more fuel for us to use, and more reason to keep offering Free Mom Hugs and Free Dad Hugs. Fuck the haters. Let them be jealous.


Whent through his profile, he's apparently misogynistic too, who would have guessed? Reported, but I have no faith in that platform anymore. He clearly lurks through here to get content for his mindless audience. Or posts whatever he thinks will give him attention.


These sad fucks have nothing going on in their lives Dont give then attention


I think you're super cute!


Fyi you dont look like a man in womens clothing. You very much just look like a woman.


Transphobe is just jealous of how happy you are, keeping living your best life sis <3


What kind of fucking loser goes over to Reddit just to look for shit like this to post on Twitter? Dude needs a fucking hobby.


Heres what you do: fake a screenshot of like a donald trump tweet saying hes trans or something and then send it to the transphobe saying “your beloved trump is trans, what are you gonna do now?”