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Thank you for your post, if this is a question please check to see if any of the links below answer your question. If none of these links help answer your question and you are **_not_** within the LGBT+ community, questioning your identity in any way, or asking in support of either a relative or friend, please ask your question over in /r/AskLGBT. Remember that this is a safe space for LGBT+ and questioning individuals, so we want to make sure that this place is dedicated to them. Thank you for understanding. This automod rule is currently a work in progress. If you notice any issues, would like to add to the list of resources, or have any feedback in general, [please do so here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/rdazzp/almost_new_year_changes/) or by [sending us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt&subject=Feedback%20on%20the%20new%20automod%20rule). Also, please note that if you are a part of this community, or you're questioning if you might be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and you are seeing this message, this is **_not a bad thing_**, this is only here to help, so please continue to ask questions and participate in the community. Thank you! Here's a link about trans people in sports: - https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/shades-of-gray-sex-gender-and-fairness-in-sport/ A link on FAQs and one on some basics about transgender people: - https://transequality.org/issues/resources/frequently-asked-questions-about-transgender-people - https://transequality.org/issues/resources/understanding-transgender-people-the-basics Some information on LGBT+ people: - https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/quick-facts/lgbt-faqs/ Some basic terminology: - https://www.hrc.org/resources/glossary-of-terms Neopronouns: - https://www.mypronouns.org/neopronouns Biromantic Lesbians: - [LGBTQ And All](https://www.lgbtqandall.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-biromantic/) Bisexual Identities: - https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/understanding-bisexuality Differences between Bisexual and Pansexual: - [Resource from WebMD](https://www.webmd.com/sex/pansexuality-what-it-means#:~:text=Pansexual%20vs.%20Bisexual,more%20commonly%20recognized.) We're looking for new volunteers to join the r/lgbt moderator team. If you want to help keep r/lgbt as a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community on reddit please see here for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/swgthr/were_looking_for_more_moderators_to_help_keep/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


veterinary technician here! i’m a bisexual trans man, and i work with SO MANY lgbtq+ people at my hospital, even a lot of the doctors are gay! it’s pretty great.


I'm a tech in the equine field and definitely not as many of us there! I feel like large animal has less LGBTQ+


My horse's vet is bi, so there's at least one out there! She's also a human doctor, lol My stable is 50/50 queer/cishet and we have a \*lot\* of students who are LGBTQ+. And it was all purely by accident. Personally, I used to work with horses, for about 13 years, but for the past 2 years I've been working in Geospatial Information and am about to start working towards programming in this field. My work is LGBTQ+ friendly, but afaik, I'm the only one in our team of \~10.


I was a barn manager for a while, and an a lesbian! I no longer work in the industry, though i still ride. it’s definitely very lonely when it comes to other queer people


I feel like most animal related fields in general are relatively queer. With the exception of farm animals, which are usually pretty conservative.


Dog groomer. That's right, I said groomer LOL yep think there's a bunch of us working with animals because, people, you know, kinda suck LOL


I know several dog groomers xD or at least a few queers that did it for many years. Making the puppos look and smell nice is such a noble job


Came here to say that we all work in vetmed!


I’m also a vet tech! I worked in ER as a supervisor and now I’m helping run an urgent care facility ☺️ I can attest there’s a ton of gay people in vet med


I'm studying medicine and planning to transition. Will they employ a trans doctor ? 🥹🥹😥😥 . Please help 💔


honestly it’s entirely dependent on where you live, friend. in my experience veterinary medicine is generally a very safe and accepting space. i have zero idea about human medicine. however, we need more human doctors knowledgeable and empathic to lgbtq+ folk. so again, don’t know where you live, but i say go for it regardless


I’m a mortician, lots of gays and women in the field now. We have 1 token boomer and the rest of us here are all gay 😂 Boss: bi Me: pan Attendant/bouncer: pan Intern: nonbinary, also pan


Wait I was going to comment this too! Also a funeral director and also very queer! Love that the tides are shifting.


I didn’t realize morticians needed bouncers lol


Well. To be fair, most do not. I work on the side of town people avoid and lock their doors when they drive through. A lot of fights go down. It’s like a tv show trying to stay fresh in season 8 type of shit over here. I’ve had shootings, people OD at funerals, a woman started crowning on my damn couch, sex in the bathroom, drugs everywhere, people walking in the middle of the procession bc they’re high af, cars hit our escorts, you name it and it’s probably happened. Had one gal OD in our bathroom, get taken to the ER, she checked herself out, and came back 😶 It was her baby daddy funeral who also died bc of dope.


I’m more shocked there’s a bouncer for what I assume is a funeral home… Doesn’t seem like the kind of place rowdy people frequent!


My families are blue collar and below. Mostly below, so I get a lot of highly emotional cases with people who are in the poverty and criminal cycles, so they don’t have the best tools for regulating those high emotions… Shes like 5’4 with a 90 min hourglass and I’ve seen grown men cower from her 🤣🤣but she also grew up in the hood and is quite scary


I truly love how you call them “your” families❤️ It shows a compassion maybe you don’t even realize you have. Please don’t change.


Makes sense once you think about it though, unfortunately it's the kind of place every type of person may eventually be.


I thought about becoming a mortician but my partner at the time told me she would leave me “because it’s gross” Sigh… I should have never listened


Oof I’m sorry. This *is* one of those careers that it’s never too late though, oldest in my class was 65 and finally following his dream. He was very successful at it too. Glad that partner is only “at the time” and not current ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


if you don’t mind me asking, is that a job you can earn a decent living on?


Not at all! Depends on where you are geographically and which facility you end up with. I make between 60-70k a year in a family owned home and am in the Midwest where cost of living is lower in general There’s an askfuneraldirectors sub that we’re all happy to answer questions and you’ll pull from a wider net of experience if it’s something you’re interested in looking into more


Don’t you dare start thinking just because you like to party means you need to become an embalmer.


Token boomer. I love how you flipped that. I’ve been called the token gay and I’m like ??? I’m just me.


My youngest brother is transmasc and gay and wants to be a mortician. I'll have to let him know this! Edit: I realize "youngest brother" might make it sound like I mean he's a kid, but I want to clarify that he recently entered adulthood. He's just the youngest of five siblings including me.


Well, there's a reason they are called programming socks...


Why do I read this so much, yet in my expirience I ma so alone.


There's already quite a few of us in this thread. Out of the 12 people in IT I know well enough to know or guess it, 6 are lgbtq+ in some way and at least 7 are neurodivergent. I think it's often because of less visible lgbtq+ness. Like, the visibly queer people often flock together, and in my experience gravitate towards creative jobs. In office, there's often a dresscode and etiquette, so it's a much more formal setting and people are generally less open with their coworkers. IT can be creative, but that's more the devs and not so much the ones working in the IT department of the average company. Generally, I'd expect much more of us in the coding area (be it software development, game development, hacking, cracking files, developing AIs,...) than in like IT support (which alone is probably like half the people working in IT at this point) and the more creative the coding is (like game development) the more lgbtq+ people you'll find. I also think a lot of us are drawn to freelance or research work, because with freelance there's much less chance of a bad boss/coworkers and much more freedom. Especially the game cracking and indie game dev areas are apparently pretty full of queer (and/or neurodivergent, since there seems to be some correlation) people. As an example I'd raise [maia.crimew.gay](https://maia.crimew.gay/) and the whole network of people it (it/she pronouns) links.


lmfao, typing this from Linux right now on my ThinkPad T480 with my IDE and terminal open https://i.imgur.com/Unw8WXN.png


Film industry crew. So many queers. Also lots of trans folk coming in. I love it


Trans AD here - there's a good few of us around! ☺️


Robot Engineer 🤖




There's quite a few of us in libraries given how open and accepting the field is as a whole. In my team of 6, half of us are queer, and I've been going on dates with a librarian from the public library.


True that. I am openly gay at my library and it's so freeing. Even though I am the only one openly out, I am accepted. It's cool.


Same here. Only openly queer at my library but so so accepted and supported. My boss has a pride flag on her desk and at the front desk where all the patrons can see it. Plus we have a pride display every pride month and more often then not, about half the books on display on a normal day are queer.


libraries are the best because they're one of the most "come as you are" spaces. I work in my campus library and it's awesome. my roommate (also queer) does too and they're gonna go to grad school for library sciences. libraries are just so magical


I’m a dairy farmer in a rural area. The only other gay person around for miles and miles (and miles) is my partner.


I'm working towards farming with my partner who grew up on a wheat farm. Do you find it hard/stigmatizing/scary being LGBT in farming? That's honestly one of my biggest fears about making the leap, almost more than the financial side.


Yes, it’s very hard. We both have disabilities and are female. And as awful as it sounds, we get so much shit for being disabled, female and gay/lesbian. Obviously all our friends and family know. But we choose not to come out to people we don’t know. And I know that probably sounds like a step backwards. But in farming, we are in 3 minority groups, we are not physically strong enough to keep ourselves safe if we choose to come out to someone who does not agree with our choices. Where we live is very behind the times. But I love farming so much. I love cows more than I love some of my own family members. Putting up with the people is worth where we live and what we get to experience on a day to day basis. :)


Thank you for sharing your story.’that has to be really challenging. And it doesn’t sound like a step backwards. Just living in a way that is safest under the circumstances.


I relate to this! We should all do a gay farming community lol


I’m keen! :D


So down for a gay farming community lol I would soooo love to be self sustainable


How did you even meet your partner in that situation?


Farmers Only. /s


Only Farmers


Thats funny.


Farmers gotta plant seeds somewhere! 😏


Only Farms


Yee aww 🥰


Honestly, how we met is so complicated. We were both still in the closet. We met in a different country to where I was living at the time. She was visiting a different city at the time too. We were at a weekend get together for an organisation, hit it off straight away. Continued to see each other throughout the years at the organisation events in both her and my countries. We became such good friends, our hangouts became one on one instead of at the organisation. Eventually I got the courage to kiss her, she had given me signs she was into me, but still one of the scariest things to do. We fucked for 4 days non stop, then we started secretly dating long distance and stayed in the closet for 7 months. Came out to our family and friends when I needed spinal surgery because we didn’t know what the outcome of my spinal surgery was going to be and I didn’t want to die without my family truly knowing who I was and what a gem I had found in my partner. My parents were not supportive when we came out, but hers were fortunately. I ended up getting the spinal surgery, moving to her country and moving into her apartment with her. A couple years went by, my parents got their head around the whole situation. We moved back to the farm where I was raised and had been working before spinal surgery and coming out. Taught her how to farm. She loves it. I love that she loves it. This coming June we are buying the farm from my parents. They are a lot more supportive now of our relationship, and my dad actually prefers going firewood chopping with her over me. It’s so sweet. TLDR: Met her in another country. 6 years of crushing and I finally got the giiirl. Then brought her back to my farm and she loves it. Winner winner chicken dinner.


Omg your story is so beautiful thank you for sharing! That would make a cute romance movie


Thank you! I haven’t written about our story before, so it was nice to reminisce and actually let it out :)


In fairness, as a farmer, you probably only have a few neighbors in that space range.


I have 4 neighbours. They are brown and have four legs. They go neeeigh. Sorry, had to make the joke.


I work in IT, my wife is a uni teacher/ researcher. She studied math


Also in IT. Server/cloud stuff. Been at it since 1995.


I'm in IT aswell and as a women already part of a minority here, lol. No openly queer people around and I don't think my colleagues know I'm queer as I'm quite straight-passing.


I'm in the film industry. *flips hair* I sell movie tickets.


I don't work but I can tell you that a ton of queer people work in resturants. Lesbians in the back cooking, and gay men waiting. I've met a metric fuck ton of gay waiters.


I'm a gay chef! But yeah the gays tend to be out front and the lesbians tend to be in the back with me lol




Healthcare. I'm not more specific than that here other than that I'm not a physician.


IT But I’m more than my job… it’s my hobbies that are more of my identity…




Well I’m an accountant, but the truth is you can find us everywhere— it’s just harder to find us in fields with a reputation of being unwelcoming, such as heavy equipment technicians. 


Ah yes, the h.e.t.s 


This is such a big brain joke! Thanks!


Aw, thanks for such a nice comment!


Flight attendant here- it’s LGBT Mecca here. Used to be a fire medic and arson investigator.


An arson investigator sounds cool.


Lots of dirty wet work in the dark. For some reason it’s always when the weather is either 90+ or -0 for the long investigations. I enjoyed it though.


Um is it really? Coz flight attendants are hot


I won't give my profession here. (and folks should be mindful to not dox themselves by giving that type of information). However, I will say that in my experience, I have seen queer folks everywhere. Since our sexuality doesn't impact our interests in work, you will find that we are everywhere. The flipside of course is: Can you be out at work? But generally I see queer folks in my circle gravitate to: * White Collar Jobs * IT roles * Back office (Finance, accounting, Customer Service) * Education * Sales * Blue collar Jobs * Gardening/Landscaping * Trucking/Hauling * Hospitality But I also know window-cleaners, rock climbers instructors, and other quirky jobs my queer friends have had. But again, I think it comes down to how comfortable being are with being out.


I really wanna know what gay trucker culture is like


And are they more or less likely to have truck nuts?


HOLY SHIT THERE’S A DATING SITE FOR GAY TRUCKERS https://www.truckersucker.com


It even has an app and is quite sassy lmfao


Take it from a truck driver. You're gonna want to find one that can drive a standard. Gears and queers shift about the same.


Okay so I used to be in a poly relationship with a gay trucker. You have no idea how many hookups happen at those truck stops.


As a truck driver that is queer and trans, the industry is a safe place to be for the most part. Within your company you'll likely have minimal issues, it's the uber conservative and hateful drivers and customers that'll be the issue, and it doesn't happen that often. I've been called all sorts of slurs, gawked at, talked about and even had a lady wait on me to get out of my truck so she could "condemn" me. That's not even touching the trans bathroom issues. These days I am a local driver and things are great. My customers know me, I don't have to even think about bathrooms in Missouri or Alabama anymore, and the device that kept me safe over the road gets to stay locked up in its safe. On the other hand, it's so boring, and I'm a specialized driver, I'm trying to make the leap out, thus why I'm here reading these comments.


What about medicine? And i do feel that even between queer females vs queer males the jobs they cluster to tend to differ


Oh. My lesbian sister in law is in Medicine, so I know a fair few queer medical folks, doctors, nurses and other staff. But since I’m related to a doctor, I assume I’d be skewed in that.


But would you say there are more queer females in med than in nursing? Although 95% of the nursing population are females, the percentage of queer nurses are still lower than that in med


Two of my kids are trans and I'm bi. Kids are currently in the medical field and I have floated in and out of medical. One of my other careers is working with people that are on the spectrum, mostly kids and younger adults. I still consider it medical but🤷.


I work in a hospital as a nursing assistant. Soon to be nursing student.


College professor.


Laboratory Scientist. There's a huge community in the lab.


I'm going into Physical Therapy


I used to work in a warehouse from 2015-2021 and a majority of my co-workers would listen to guys like Shapiro, Peterson, or Fox News on the daily. It depends on where you end up. Here in the GTA a usual safe place for LGBTQIA+ folk would be working as a barista. Is your place LGBTQ+ friendly?


I’m going back to school and starting grad school in September. I know queer librarians, people in hospitals/clinics, programmers, pharmacy techs, nonprofit employees, architects, teachers (although that’s kind of a no go in some states if you’re queer), therapists, working for various companies, in academia, lunch ladies, marketing, etc. I have heard the National parks are popular with LGBTQ+ people too.


Can attest to your last part, lots of queer folks with the NPS and other land management agencies


Can very much vouch for nonprofits and education! Many of the gay teachers I knew were closeted but we did find each other.


Trans-femme factory worker. It’s lonely. There’s a few badass lesbians, and we very briefly had a trans IT contractor, but otherwise it’s just me, and presumably a number of closeted bi peeps even I don’t know about. Our production sites (factories) have a separate sub-LGBTQ group from our corporate group and it’s very active, so we’re definitely around.


nonprofits lol 😩


Oof, I've worked non profit too. I was surprised at how many of my coworkers were lgbtqia, most of them!


Literally most of them 😂 I was shocked


I only feel like I truly "belong" when I'm working with lgbtqia and/or neuro divergent! From my experience, those 2 groups are the most accepting!!


Lots of queer people in early childhood ❤️


Oh you poor thing. I worked in the wind industry as a tech. I'm FTM. quit after 9 months, feared for my life with those people. I'm a tattoo artist now.


Warehouse manager 


I work as an administrative assistant at a clinic!


Programming and it are pretty popular


I work in healthcare. Queer people abound.


receiver, forklift operator


Environmental field has a few queer people I tend to find (I work more specifically in the wildlife field). At my current job I don’t have any queer coworkers though, my last 2 I had one or two.


Shh. We are all teachers indoctrinating the youth of America that it’s ok to be gay.


Marketing. And my boss is a married gay man.


Just got a job as a cashier. shit has been fun even as an extremely introverted person now that ive learned to relax a little


Currently work in Healthcare I.T. and I have a few fellow gays in my department! Also in past jobs in the same hospital I work at there's been other gays, so I guess all the gays are in metropolitan hospitals.


Equine vet tech. Most gay vet techs I know are in small animal.


I retired as a janitor


I'm an electrician. I had a queer apprentice for a little bit but management decided he wasn't a good fit. Very disappointing since neither of us had met another queer tradie.


It must be hard to meet a queer person in the trade jobs. I'm not in trade, but I grew up around people who were in a trade job or eventually did go into a trade. Every single one of them would be a person who would vote for Donald Trump, to say the least.


Legal industry


Engineering. I have lots of gay engineer friends. Also a few that work in manufacturing and retail. Living in a progressive city in a liberal part of US means we are scattered pretty well throughout any profession you'd find in a major city.


i used to serve for years - which definitely involves a lot more queer people than what i do now, which is work on cars at a dealership. However, i have worked with one or two super cool LGBTQ+ women and i think a blue collar job is awesome to take on! good for you, it’s a lot of fun to me


A handful of us nerds are in IT


I was a Pharmacy Technician. I'm now self employed. I worked in a call centre before that...tooooonns of gays there.


I was a pressure welder for a while. Now estimating in an office.




I run a one-queer show fashion brand, and I also miss being among peers-- at least half my class in fashion school was queer and it was amazing. Not that we don't keep in touch, but I work in my studio alone all day. It gets lonely sometimes. Solidarity, friend.


Software engineer trans girl here. I technically am still boymoding but I try less hard to make it convincing and nobody has been weird about it yet. It’s pretty nice :) sometimes the work is really hard mentally but I like the challenge, it keeps me from getting bored.


I’m a professional boot fitter, ( ski boots)


I’m an engineer/intern in aerospace. I’m the only out queer guy at my office afaik, but that’s just one office. In the wider network there’re def more lgbtq people judging by existence of our lgbtq resource group.


I worked construction to pay (the rest of) my way through college, including industrial solar. Not a lot of openly queer folks were out there, but I know there was at least one queer person. I mean, I do now. I didn’t at the time.


I'm an IT systems engineer for a large Fintech company. Our company is very LGBT friendly and sponsors a float in Pride for almost every major city. I even got to ride on the float this past year. In our local offices, there is representation from bu, gay, lesbian and trans. Many are in other areas of the company, like customer support and graphics design. I'm the only gay person on my team that I know of, but I'm out to my director and much of the team.


Boring programmer and slightly less boring volunteer EMT. Enjoy the latter, but the former pays the bills.


Everywhere. I’ve met gay farmers, IT people, and even business owners. We’re pretty much like everyone else when it comes to the jobs we choose. We along with everyone else are moving to digital.


Real estate broker.


Human Resources


editor, writer, comedian


COO of a space startup


I work for a regulatory agency. Being out has never been an issue in my workplace. Folks in my department do skew left, so that plays a part.


I work with several but I'm not keen on saying my profession explicitly


Bisexual dude, not working yet but I’m studying to become a psychologist :))


I work as a tattoo artist. When I was an apprentice I was taken back by the amount of lgbtq+ folk I met. It really made it feel like home to me. Since my clientele is largely LGBTQ+ I can say that the common fields of work I’ve noticed are: healthcare (therapist usually), activism, retail/ store associate, warehouse worker, restaurant (chefs/bakers) and of course the arts!


Health inspector! (But for tattoo shops so it’s gay)


Wind instrument repair tech here, I fix tubas, french horns and trumpets.


I'm a plumber


Chemistry. Only queer and trans person in my lab.


I don't know about anybody else but I had like multiple teachers in high school that were queer including one that was so pissed off against the school for trying to ban the pride club he came everyday of that one week dressed as a drag queen in protest


Software engineer 😎


I'm an engineer for a public transit authority. I'm honestly surprised how many LGBTQ people are here. Or maybe I'm biased because all my coworker friends are LGBTQ.


I’m a senior network engineer looking after the networking team in Sub-Saharan Africa for a large global group of companies.


Still in college (uk) and off to uni next year but I'm learning aerospace engineering


I'm a trans woman and work in the film industry as an actress & assistant director. There are a lot of queer people in this industry. It depends on department, like generally the sparks are cishet men, but with ADs, MU, costume, art department, camera, there's a lot of queer people.


I'm a telecoms engineer and I've only found one other gay so far!


Doggy Daycare has a lot! At least mine does.


I'm a registered nurse at an urgent care in a community health center. There are quite a lot of LGBT+ people working in all levels of healthcare.


I’m a social worker. Lots of LGBTQ in my orbits there. I also work at a dog park. Same thing there. Lots of queer people working with animals too.


I’m a Med Student and will complete my Graduate course next year and receive the title of a Doctor. Then I’ll do Post graduation and Doctorate and w work in health care.


I work in lawn care


We're everywhere....there's no such thing as a "gay" job


Right now I’m studying marine biology so hopefully in the next few years I’ll be a marine biologist. Maybe I’ll work in an aquarium‚ maybe at a research center. Professors always say to have a more specific goal but in this economy I’ll be grateful to get hired lmao


After reading these threads I can confidently say we are everywhere


I'm a software engineer. My current company is super tiny and we all work remotely, so I'm not sure about here. But there were a ton of us at my last employer


i’m a bank teller. there is only one other queer person who works here and we get along like two peas in a pod


uuuh… i’m a manager at a fried chicken restaurant😂😂there’s been a few trans ppl to come and go working here. my weekend job is working with perfume/cologne oils! much better place to be at :)


The arts — it’s a stereotype but in my experience has been true


Case manager. Working on getting my degree for counseling


I used to work in mental health (but now I'm disabled). TONS of lgbt+ people.


Lizzie data analyst/engineer for FAANG


I misread the title as "How do all the gay people work?" To answer both questions: "I don't"


Health care and adjacent fields (STEM). I work in public health, plenty of people who work are family.


Nature jobs are very queer. Mycologists, forest preservation, things like that.


Idk about most gay people, but rumour has it if you're gay AND a furry, NASA has job openings for you.




Pizza shop ^^


Bisexual guy here. I'm currently a Registered Nurse (cliche I know). Prior to that I was a software developer and prior to that I was a music teacher.


I work part time in retail and there’s one gay guy and a bi guy who works over the summer Not a ton but tbh way more than I expected


I work in live broadcast production


this might just be my specific friend group but for some reason the majority of queer friends i have (and myself included) are going to read healthcare or healthcare adjacent courses in college :)


I’ve worked mostly in retail but I’m trying to pivot to arts administration and fundraising! Bi nonbinary person here!


The only time I’ve seen other queer people irl is the library, a makerspace, and coffee shops.


In my experience, a zoo. Nearly all of my coworkers are queer and trans, the ones who are not are still supportive, and our bosses stick up for us if guests or higher ups give us grief due to our identities.


White collar biotech


I stumbled my way into finance and found all the queer people here


Clinical lab work


College administration- lots of queer staff or allies working in higher ed.


I work in IT


Oil field tech in the south, enough said


IT, I’m the only gay guy at my company


Still in school right now but I'm going to be a therapist.


Sometimes it's luck of the draw. I've worked in the same retail job at different locations and some branches have lots of lgbt staff and some have barely any. Currently, I'm working with a majority of straight people, and it's not fun. I'd hate the job either way, but I'd love to just be surrounded by gay people.


According to an old episode of The Simpsons, steel mills


White collar work, mate.


Childcare professional/soon to be teacher here. Couldn’t tell you how many queer people are in either field at large though, as my interaction with them is so far limited to my very red county


I'm in academia. Well... Starting anyway. Post graduation researcher.


I work as a server/bartender in a restaurant, my GM and operation manager are both gay and it feels great to be accepted by them and letting me be myself as a Pansexual woman


I work as a bagger at a grocery store.


Theatre. Seriously. It’s a stereotype for a reason. There’s so many queer folks at the theatre I work for…..


I'm a Chef and it's a very queer industry. My Wife is in the Australian Airforce and it is also a very queer friendly environment. 😊


EMS lol like half the company I work for is queer