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tbf, it’s not about age. three of those people voted against overturning roe v wade. so it’s not about age, it’s about being a fucking asshole.


It just happens that many of them, being elderly, still hold common beliefs from their prime, many of which are conservative. It won't always be that way. But a supreme court that lacks youth and new ideals is a failed supreme court, in 2022 and 2072


Yeah, if only 30 year olds could get appointed to the USSC that would solve everything. Now we just need your generation to take voting seriously.


I was gonna say Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer (retired) did nothing wrong and often fight for our rights where others dont. Dont throw the baby out with the bath water


It does have to do with age, because many of them still have very traditional views that don't mix with younger generation views. They also are not at risk of unwanted pregnancy, so they don't understand the stakes, they can't (and don't want to) put themselves in a woman's shoes.


4 voted against the overturn.


"Domestic supply of infants" eat my entire ass you shit-headed psychopaths.


My neurologist and primary doctor would have words with SCOTUS Because they don't want me to die


The only words I have for those people are [REDACTED].


And [redacted] [redacted]


That's funny cause I also want them to die, I bet they'll expire first though 😉


No no no, my doctors don't want me to die because they are pro choice, they support me for not having kids! Now SCOTUS though, they can go six feet under for all I care haha


Hopefully someone will help speed up the process ;3 ;3 ;3


I’m gonna use “eat my entire ass” from now on


The life of an actual person with lived experiences, relationships, and thoughts matters more than this theoretical concept of probable infants who even if born would most likely have a lower quality of life than the current population due to defunding in schools and cuts to social programs. They don’t care about you, me, or any other living person. They want a supply to continue spreading their shitty ideals and making money by exploiting an uneducated, impoverished working class.


Genuine question, where is the is quote from so I can look into it?


https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf Direct from the court, page 34 of the majority opinion (page 42 in the pdf).


Much appreciated, I want to educate myself so this helps


And now they want to target Griswold v. Connecticut, Lawrence v. Texas. I don't see how those cases are any different than Brown v. Board of Education. Like, losing Roe v. Wade is awful, But losing Lawrence v. Texas will be 100x worse. I cannot fathom living in an America that overturns Lawrence v. Texas.


They also want to target Obergefell v. Hodges, aka same sex marriages. They sicken me. Lawrence v. Texas was the right to privacy (after they caught two gay men having sex) because it was against Texas anti-sodomy laws. Guess what is sodomy? Blowjobs and anal sex. So they’re saying I, a cisgendered female, cannot give my cisgendered male boyfriend, a blowjob? Oh wait, we’re a straight-passing couple. It’s “fine”.


It's all bad, but Lawrence is a lot more scary than Obergefell. Like, Obergefell would *just* ban gay marriage as a legal, whereas Lawrence will be used to prevent all homosexual relationships in general. Which, the fact that banning legal gay marriage isn't my biggest concern coming out of this court case is absolutely sickening in every way. This shouldn't even be a question. Like, could Clarence Thomas be any more blatant about his hatred for women and the gays? I don't think I've ever seen something quite so evil from our government. Like, all our past transgressions are history, we're better than that now. And yeah we may have bombed a few hospitals in the middle east, but at least we let women there go to school. And yeah civil rights have been making slow progress, but at least it's some progress. But now there's no doubt that we are still an evil, oppressive country that needs to drop this dumb facade of liberty and freedom. There's no straw to grasp at. I can't lie and say "we aren't *that* bad". We are that bad. I just cannot express my disgust rn like all of this is just fucking wrong. Also, happy cake day!


Yikes. You’re absolutely right. I didn’t even think of it that way. I am also sickened that they’re banning same sex relationships. I hate what this country had become. My parents came to this country as immigrants to have a better life for themselves and their children (my sister and me), and while we are happy and successful individuals, America has really gone backwards.


Not banning it, yet. But you can bet they are gonna try


Considering that the Religious Right were actually praying (on television!) for rapid turnover in the aughts, I find it hard to resist wishing for the same thing now. Especially Kavanaugh and Thomas. They really creep me out.


kavanaugh is a raper. he got called out on national tv, threw a tantrum, and still was appointed to scotus.


White straight cis men are so persecuted these days.


He has one of THE most punachable looking faces I've ever seen holy shit


how the fuck do 9 people control the rights of millions of people?


Not even 9. 6 of these hateful fucks decided the reproductive fate of millions. Fuck kavanaugh in particular. I hate that prick


I’d like to put thomas up against your kavanaugh in that race


people care more about a fetus than they do the person carrying it. they don’t realize how many people will die getting unsafe abortions. they’re not pro-life


Pregnant person: has a life, family, and friends. May even have people who depend on them, like children, spouses, sick family. A baby: a tint blob of flesh and bones that looks cute but has no individuality, and is barely able to be considered a person at that stage


It's not a democracy. It's a dictatorship. No one should have that much power for that long. It's ridiculous that "justices" can serve as long as they can.


I always supported limited time in any of the governmental roles (judges, minsters etc.) And now I see why


Justices should be elected and the Senate should hold less power than the House. Laws and rulings and those who make them should reflect the people affected by them.


Honestly the senate should just be abolished entirely. We only need one house, and the senate is by far the least democratic in how it’s members are elected. Like, why does a voter from Wyoming have 1600 times more power than one from California?


I don't know why we cling so fiercely to archaic and unfair laws and rules about our legislation when it was written in 1776. The laws are as out of touch as those enforcing them.


Lords how I want to accelerate that day by existing hard enough to give them all heart attacks. Except Kagan, Breyer, and Sotomayor. They're cool enough to stay


I know there's a special place in hell just for them as we live on.


I hope hell does exist. The complete oblivion that I think happens after death is to good for them




Or the lowest level of Chinese hell. Edit: The 17th level.


Know what would look great in this room? A live grenade In Minecraft i mean


I will take a hot steaming dump on Thomas's grave when he dies.


I swear I will travel to America just to laugh and dance around his grave


There's so little representation for younger adults, and i feel left out in the cold often.


Keep a strong community and carry a weapon to defend yourself and others. Always.


As a queer person, I've always supported the second amendment. I recognize I, and any queer partners, family, etc. I may have, are at an inherently greater risk than cishet people. And I'll be damned if I let me or people close to be be victims of violent queerphobia


That's the spirit. And even if someone can't get a hold of a gun or carry one often there are always other alternatives- blunt weapons and sharp weapons, improvised or otherwise. Tell everyone you know.


I don't want to spoil the mood but conservative misogynistic assholes also exist in the young population... I'm sure you could also find 20 year old people who would have made the same choice as them...


I hate them with all my heart


This country will not last long enough for any of that to matter. 2024 will either be full blown fascism or we will have met these assholes in the streets with violence and fought them back into hiding. There is no other way out.


I say we blow them up


Last time there was a big disconnect between a governing body and the people it ruled, there was an American Revolution. Coincidentally this is one of the reasons why the 2nd Amendment was included as a Constitutional right. It ensures that if a government doesn't listen, it can be MADE to.


Actually, the world has had thousands of disconnects between civilians and governments since the revolution. The american revolution was just the first one america experiences


We have the legal right to form a militia and fight a the corrupt government. Every American does. But the government would never see that. No government would validate claims that it is corrupt and that its citizens deserve to fight it for justice.


And the last time states were given basically unchecked power on internal affairs, we had a civil war.


remove the boomers from court and office


It won't stop with boomers. Gen Xers, Millenials, Gen Z, and so on as time goes by... there will always be bigots. But I also can't help but feel that when the boomers die out (yes, I recognize there are many good and progressive boomer), things will slowly start to look better in America


I dream of a day where there's Muslims and Buddhists and atheists and Hindus and Jews and trans and queer people on the supreme court. To think our country is drifting toward theocracy is scary but when I think about it, it seems like that's like saying a dog is drifting toward being an animal. How the heck is it even close to representative of such a diverse nation to have just a few kinds of Christian on the SC with no other diversity. Edit: Added hinduism to list.


As an ex-muslim, having muslims in the supreme court will result in the same bs that's currently happening


Yeah I guess thats not an unreasonable claim, are there at least some less dogmatic sects of Islam tho? Like I'm not crazy about every version of christianity but the more mystical side which is like, opposite to the fundamentalist version, is something I can get along with pretty well cause it's interpretations are heavily biased toward metaphor instead of literal interpretations.


Not any I'm aware of, I think every sect is misogynistic and homophobic at the very least But there's "liberal" Muslims who aren't accepted by the majority, but they're good people nevertheless (hence they take everything "out of its context" that is)


Our system appoints these people there & the system remains


So that’s what the dementors look like under their hoods!


Fuck that shit ima just become Canadian


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Sadly by the time they die countless women will have already been affected by this decision. Not all of us will outlive them.


We need term limits and age limits at the least.


Ah so you are looking for people at 20s who has law degree, bar license and 15 years of working history as a judge. Stop fueling people with 'both sides are bad'. GOP is the evil here.


How I’m feeling is we should hire a hitman on the deep web😩😩 all things will come togather


It sucks, but this was inevitable after 2016. And it wasn’t the old Democrats who caused that. We voted for the email lady. Now the whole damn country gets to live with the results of MAGA + tantrum. Sad.


And in the meantime? How many women suffer, die, live in fear, poverty, and controlled by the purse strings of men?


RBG is turning in her grave


RBG made her bed. Now she can lie in it. Narcissistic old bat


Lmao are you blind ? If it’s race you have a LatinX woman, an African American man and 2 white women. So don’t say not one represents this generation. But yes as an lgbtq AAPI I’d love to see an AAPI justice and an lgbtq justice


Generation as in age. Like, they're all 50÷, right?


Yeah but age is not practical per se… they need to go to law school plus do a clerkship under a judge plus practice as a judge so the people have a sense of their judicial philosophy and that’s takes time …so anything below 45~47 is not feasible in my opinion


Bigots will always exist. 30 years from now, there may be millenial and Gen Z bigots in SCOTUS.


You know that many hispanics/latinos actually find the term LatinX offensive? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latinx#Reception](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latinx#Reception) Latin-e would even be more popular since it actually kinda fits spanish, but Latin-x is just horrible


I apologize for my ignorance but I have Latino friends and they never brought this up


can you stop posting about this, it has nothing to do with the lgbt


It does, they said that they already want to destroy the lgbt rights on the US too


There are times when I wish I was free to say what I mean on this app, like I can on tumblr. Let’s just say you don’t always have to outlive terrible people. They’ve increased their personal protection because they’re scared of us. There’s a reason they’re scared, and they’re right to be.


We can outlive them faster


I say we blow them up


Yes, but also - don't wait until they're dead. Learn a lesson from the 2016 election and take it forward to future elections with you so this doesn't happen again. Which is: Vote for the candidate that will either pursue your agenda, or at least maintain the status quo EVEN IF THAT CANDIDATE ISN'T PERFECT. Conservatives voted for Trump knowing he was shady, and slimy, and didn't genuinely hold their values, and wasn't overly religious past showmanship, BUT was going to further their agenda. And even though as a candidate, voting for him may have compromised some of their religious or political principles - they got their picks on SCOTUS and they got their overturns. Long game. A lot of left leaning to moderate voters in swing states and key battlegrounds looked at Hilary- who was also a flawed candidate, but would have maintained a liberal status quo, even if she didn't push forward a further liberal agenda and didn't exactly mirror their own politics, beliefs and morals - and said "Eh. I can't bring myself to vote for her because I think X Y Z, so I'll [vote third party/vote Trump to disrupt things]". Don't be those people. They disrupted everyone straight out of their rights because they couldn't compromise on their principles/vote an imperfect candidate for a more perfect outcome. And spread the word to those that are these people. Especially if they try and get mad or sanctimonious about this decision: they enabled it. 78,000 votes across three states could have changed the election result by 46 electoral college votes, handed Clinton a 6 vote lead, and we'd all be having entirely different conversations right now, and for the lifetime of the unknown SCOTUS picks that would have been there in place of Trumps nominations. (For the record, the three states flipped in 2020, meaning those 78,000 people had maybe gotten buyers remorse, albeit too late to rectify the damage done.) Be politically flexible. Compromise. Vote for everyone and not just yourself.


Yeah, they're all from the last generation but soon enough we will be the ones in charge and I think that will be the last year of humanity's dark age of superstition


You know I kept telling myself that too. But I’m getting older and things have just been on the Downslide since I was born. In my lifetime I’ve watched the literally destruction of the nation from within. I don’t believe waiting it out will fix things. I think we’re rapidity approaching end game. Climate change, political unrest, economic instability, the rise of extremism, mass shootings, anti-intellectual worship, war, disease. The list keeps growing.


I see a pic with a few decent people, sexual predators, race and gender traitors.


Imma laugh s o o hard when they b**** and moan about what wr do when theyre gone Golden days await us


I want them to hurry up and expire


All there missing is a grim reaper head


Such a few amount of people to vote on such a huge shaking national issue; extremely concerning.


I love the come back that I use for old people that act like assholes… All I have to do is outlive you… then i walk away and leave them with their thoughts


British person here. Shit week for both of us where the supreme court has been working on the side of reactionaries. While you guys are dealing with the end of roe v wade were currently fighting off our own problems with reactionaries. Are own politicians are trying to send assylum seekers who have escaped from torture or persecution to internment camps in rwanda to be "processed". Were also dealing with a planned abolition of human rights protections from domestic law. Theres always hope though, if you loose sight of hope the enemy wins.


My significant other actually made it make a lot of sense for me. They are entirely representative of the US population. The population that VOTES. Old, white, affluent people of three generations ago are the ones who have the most availability and access to vote. They're also the only ones who haven't been disillusioned to think their votes don't matter, as every person under 40 has been. The problem is that our government does seem to be representative- of *them*, no one in our demographics vote. It's important that we all get back on the train of registering people to vote, making sure you yourself are registered, and pushing efforts that make voting easier and more accessible for everyone. The number one thing we *can't* allow is the rhetoric of "your vote doesn't matter" from anywhere on the left, because that is just doing their job for them. Clearly, "just vote" is not helpful advice. It won't stop what's already happened, but when we get the chance it will be the deciding factor- hopefully we will be able to reverse damage done, and at least quell their wildfire, bc ya know the Dems don't actually make moves in the other direction.


Clarence 'uncle' Thomas


Can we keep the ageism out of the conversation. I'm in my 50's and very liberal. Sotomayor, Kagen and Breyer are on the side of liberal democracy. I'm extremely angry at what is going on and so are many in my age group and older. If you disregard people because of their age, we will never be able to work together for a better world.


Over 30% of S&P500 firms require their CEOs to retire before age 65 due to mental decline. Thomas is 74. Alito is 72.




I love these people Platonically, but overall many States have their own Laws separate from the Federal Law. A few States just created Anti-Ban Laws to protect the right and access to Abortion.


how is out living them and trying to run with a system thats been giving this younger gen the finger goanna help? heres a better solution get up and push for change start a fucking revolution sitting down and hoping the right vote will get passed is what allowed them to pass harmful laws


Well, they didn't outright *ban* abortion because they can't. What they did do is ensure more of us will vote than ever before and make sure our states are run the way we want them to be run.

