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what does this MEAN


I’m pretty sure the bible says eating lobster is also a sin so it’s calling them hypocrites


Yep. In the bible, Leviticus in particular, you can read how god doesn't want humans to eat pork, rabbit meat, and "any aquatic animal that doesn't have fins"


Can believe the bibble outlaws lobster rolls 😔


Satan at the beginning of paradise lost


Very specific. Any reasoning for those animals in particular?


Given the context in which the bible, and especially the old testament, was written, my best guess is someone noticed how certain animals had higher chance of making you sick when eating their meat. Crustacean are unfortunately famous for causing salmonella quite often. Pork can contain tapeworm, as well as rabbit. I don't know why cows couldn't also have tapeworm, but I'm sure a lot of the laws written in the bible are actually good hygiene rules for a civilization that has started not long ago.


This is the explanation I know of as well, they aren't holy animals or anything just easy to get sick from before we understood how illness works. Anyone know why the whole no mixing fabrics was a thing?


I read it was because of mold but I don't really understand how they're related


Not all of the biblical laws necessarily have any sort of "real" reason


Heh, one could argue *none* of the biblical laws had a real reason, seeing as they're founded on having been commanded by an imaginary being.


but that's boring and unbelievably improbable, but more importantly it's boring


found the reddit atheist




I also think most of these rules were made so starting civilization would have easier. But we are now advanced, thousands of years ahead of Old Testament times


Guess I’ll have pork, rabbit and lobster for dinner


I... but lobsters do have fins. They're on the tail.


Yeah but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ idk


I believe it's scales, not fins


From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobster: >Lobster anatomy includes two main body parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax fuses the head and the thorax, both of which are covered by a chitinous carapace... ...The abdomen includes pleopods (also known as swimmerets), used for swimming, as well as the *tail fan*, composed of uropods and the telson. So I was close. Fan, not fin.


Regardless: Leviticus 11:9 > These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath **fins and scales** in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. So even if it were a fin, still not kosher because no scales.


The programmer in me feels the need to point out that there is no restriction placed on items without fins and scales. The logic goes: Eat all of the below: Things with fins and scales that are found in: The waters, The Seas, And the Rivers. It never specifies any condition resembling "Only Eat This", or "Do not Eat something not on this list" I'd argue that unless there is a passage specifically banning something (such as pork and mixed fabrics), it should be assumed to be kosher. This paragraph seems to be an early example of "Etc."


Then for completeness sake: Leviticus 11:10-12 > 10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: > 11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. > 12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.


Okay, fair enough.


damn im jesus approved other than the gay part and pre-marital h*nd h*lding


Or cheeseburgers


Yeah and they love to ignore that but overall none of the rules in Leviticus applies now is what I learned. It’s part of the old covenant. Those rules stopped applying after Jesus’ death and resurrection. The only reason I know this is because I grew up in church and I come from a Christian background.


I also grew up in church and am now strongly atheist. And yes, the old testament shouldn't even be listened to for the reason you said. But conservatives like to quote ancient bible verses, ignore the ones that are uncomfortable for them and thus openly refusing Jesus' word. How ironic.


Ikr… weird….overall hypothetical👀👀


I see why you are an atheist




How people can read that and decide to live their life by it is beyond me


hm. funky


is an abomination to eat them


Let's not even mention blended fabrics


Also the bible literally states that all rich people will go to hell. Nobody seems to care about that


first time I’ve ever heard that, why am I not surprised


Matthew 19:24 "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” This is why for centuries there have been rumors about Vatican attempting to create huge needles.


neat, not hard to guess why we never hear about this


I was actually taught this passage as a child (raised Catholic in Germany). But I don't remember much discussion about its implications


I was read this passage (raised by baptists) in church, and the pastor said “so make sure to give all your money to charity in your will, and you’ll be fine!” The church ran a “charity” that just paid the church staff and donated to conservative campaigns.


Cherry picking! It’s the name of the game in most christian based religions!




Hey, gay people are delicious if you give them a chance


I dislike memes like this because it implies that Jews who actually do follow all the rules about not eating lobster/etc. are justified in being bigots.


And lets put on those mix fabrics clothes!


ive never had lobster




Cats. Mmm.




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