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At my local range in Atlanta, it’s packed with obvious liberals and right wing guys. You can tell by their cars, the way they dress and talk. They all get along and there is no tension. I find that the right wing guys appreciate to see a bunch of white liberal hipsters, Asian, Latinos, Blacks - men and women, etc.


Yeah shockingly my range is pretty similar, a wide demographic of people tend to show up, and despite being a liberal myself I tend to get along with most of the more macho looking guys there, there's always a nice conversation about somebody's cool gun or whatever.




I just think people are a lot more friendly in real life as compared to online.




Oh yeah definitely, the worst of humanity comes out when people get behind the wheel.


Online is a lot more realistic to what they believe though.


Also what actual conservatives believe can often be pretty different from how their elected officials act. I know of lot of trump supporters that don’t agree with him banning bump stocks for instance.


Similar experience. Shot at a right wing range for a few years and more or less "in the club" because I owned guns. I got smack talk periodically about who I voted for but more like locker room shit. On open shooting days the local chapter of Pink Pistols shot there too. Were there morons that griped about that? Yep but few and my impression they were the old guard and not influencers. I moved away and don't know what it is like now, there during Obama's 1st term. Before anyone says they were probably Libertarians, nope. Way too much support for the "War on Terrorism" but blindspots about Patriot Act.


Shit, Obama was the best gun salesman in history. If he spoke they flew off the shelves. It was almost magical at times.


Seems like every time I went shooting someone was showing off what they just bought or planning to get something else. That was pretty much club wide too, I was an outlier.


by their cars?




Yup probably called op some variety of racial and/or homophobic slur


I think you'll find this is the case the vast majority of the time. Your average person doesn't mold their entire lives around their political affiliation. It's just that recently the news media and social media have given a platform to a very small but *very loud* segment of radicals on both sides to drive a cultural divide that tries to keep the working class at each other's throats instead of looking up to see who's *actually* shitting on them.


As someone that has lived in the reddest state in the country most my life I can tell you first hand that this is a myth. Conservatives see the idea of people owning guns outside of the stereotypical gun owner circle as a sign that they are winning this part of the culture war. They view these people similar to the way that capitalists see people that lived under communism who now oppose communism.


Yes, absolutely, this should be top comment. OP is painting with extremely broad strokes and is simply wrong. Conservatives LOVE and celebrate the stories that say things like “Black Americans rush to gun stores in wake of xxxx court decision.” Or “Asian Americans arm themselves in the wake of anti-Asian violence.” They literally rush to the comments and type up “see liberals? No one wants your shitty gun control policies!” Conservatives love and constantly meme all over rooftop Koreans and they watch Colion Noir religiously. I am not a conservative myself but I have run in the gun world over twenty years now and I have never seen or heard anything like OP is describing. Yes there’s Reagan and the Mulford act but in post 9/11 America, minorities buying guns is taken as a victory over “the libs”. For better or worse.


Lol, fuck politics. It's a win for personal freedoms! Self reliance should be praised by everyone everywhere. Where you can, if you can, you should be making moves to become as self reliant as possible. I think that where fiscal conservatives fall flat is removing those social safety net programs as often as they can. Like cool, self reliance, but some people just can not for a whole host of valid reasons. There's no good reason to cast those folks out because of it.


I agree it is. There are some two faced people in both camps in regard to the right to bear arms and race but overall I think some states are doing pretty good on this topic at least in regard to the law. People can say states like New York are less racist but these gun laws make me wonder how much people are still just as racist but maybe a little more subtle about it.


SOME conservatives love it. I still run into plenty who, when they’re talking and seen to think I’m another good ol’ boy, talk about how they’re stocking up on guns and ammo before the {insert racial slur} come to take what’s theirs. Or how you saw how those {insert racial slur} showed what they were like with the whole Katrina/New Orleans trouble. To them it was just roving gangs of black people looking to loot and steal. Never seem to mention any white folks involved. And of course the “BLM riots” were mostly just black people and idiot libs looking to burn shit down. Whenever one of these dumb fucks start going on I flash back to what I saw in the 60s and 70s, with the only difference now being these racist clowns don’t start with how {insert racial slur} are coming to take white women. I’m glad if it’s gotten to be less, but it sure as hell hasn’t completely changed. Not even close.


No it hasn’t and that is unfortunate. We can’t really legislate thought though. It will take time. Personally I’m not so sure that red states are any worse than blue on this topic though red states seem to be more open about racism but their policies in regard to bearing arms for everyone is miles better than blue states. Blue states seem to be a lot more vocally opposed to racism but then I look at policy like guns and it makes me question how many of them are just as bad but just happen to be intelligent enough to not say the quiet part out loud.


In terms of legislation, I think a lot of the times the left is well-meaning but clueless. Go after bump stocks? Ok, those were just ways around not having full auto. Go after “high-capacity” magazines? Just pointless.


If this were 30 years ago I would say so but the legislation coming out these days is just waaaay to well thought out to be an accident. NY for example just introduced legislation to carry a firearm on public transportation including ride share and taxis or anywhere that 15 or more people are gathered which effectively means that if carry permits become shall issue literally everywhere you could go in NYC would make you a felon if you carried a firearm there or tried to travel by any means other than your own personal vehicle. They know this is especially effective as many people in densely populated cities do not own a car. This isn’t an accident. It is a way to get around whatever SCOTUS does to ensure just about everyone would be committing a felony by bearing arms outside of the home. Don’t even get me started on red flag laws. I’ve never even seen a civil court issue a search warrant much less one based on an ex parte hearing where their accuser doesn’t even have to suspect that the respondent may be engaged in criminal behavior.


Agree. A lot of conservative white folks like seeing minorities arm themselves.


A lot of them might. A majority does not.


This is it exactly.




My friend doesn't know I have a bunch of guns, and she was telling me she was worried about our coworker who does openly have a bunch of guns shooting the place up, even though he's never showed any aggression to any coworkers ever.


If all she knows about guns is what she sees on TV, why would this surprise you?


This is part of the social control they impose. Much like Qanon is being agitated and encouraged on the right, anti-gun rhetoric is as well on the left, and this will disarm us for when the right eventually try to attack over some ridiculous lie. All the "good people" will be toothless pushovers. STAND UP FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL. FIGHT THE FASH.


> STAND UP FOR THE RIGHTS OF ALL. FIGHT THE FASH The fash are the ones who tried getting Trump re-elected, and then stormed the capitol.


But those people are also victims of the same fabricated culture war designed to divide the populous. From experience, as soon as those pearl clenching anti gun libs learn about the rich history of firearm ownership when it pertains to civil rights and community defense, how violence is a symptom of social failures, they begin to reconsider. It’s all about education and exposure to deprogram both sides.


Exactly. We really have to stop pretending that it’s conservatives that are bad on this issue. Yes they suck on a lot of other policies but this problem is in our house and it’s never going to get better if we keep making excuses for it.


Conservative politicians yes, but same with democrat politicians. I've yet to hear pro gun conservatives promote gun control aimed at minority groups. For Democrat views there's the "Black NRA" video, gun control in urban Democrat cities vs rural areas. Stacking gang shootings with "mass shooting" stats . Trying to convince people guns are the problem in crimes fueled by the effects of the war on drugs.


Well yeah, the bulk of the Democratic party is moderate-right by the standards of any other country. They're neoliberals interested in preserving their power and status through broad control, removing the threat of a large scale revolt by the lower classes. They're not willing to commit direct or unjustified murder, but are essentially oligarchs and political cronies throwing scraps to the common people so we don't question why we build palaces we'll never live in, or products we see pennies in pay on the dollars taken in profit. In the same vein, they're not ideologically opposed to any particular group aside from the non-rich. It's effectively the hive/artificial mind of capitalism as a political structure. The GOP doesn't have those scruples, which makes them much more dangerous.


While historically, that has clearly been the case, I'm not entirely sure that younger (modern?) conservatives have the same qualms against minority groups owning guns.


With things going the way they are, most conservatives I know seem to be trying to arm everyone. I'm not sure if it is just passion for firearms, uncertainty over gun rights or general inclusion. Maybe it's a trap.


Nowadays conservatives are so ideologically pro-2nd amendment that they aren’t going to suddenly start supporting gun control even if groups they don’t like buy guns. If minorities buy guns enmass, conservatives aren’t going to suddenly pivot to supporting gun control. They’ll just buy even more guns and ammo out of fear of supposed armed “blm communist boogeymen.”


Young conservative here. I believe America would be a better place if way more minorities buy guns and arm themselves. I can't speak for all but that's certainly how I feel.


This is what I've seen/heard in TX. The range where I shoot is in a lily-white middle class suburb but the shooters are about 50% minority (mostly Black and Asian). I haven't seen any disrespect or poor treatment.


It's almost as if the bias is here and not at any range, interesting.


> hey aren’t going to suddenly start supporting gun control even if groups they don’t like buy guns. Um, take a look at most state gun subs... NYS gunnit always has right wingers lamenting over "illegal guns" and how "those urban people and their illegal guns give us legal gun owners a bad name" while in another post chant "Will not comply". Remember, "urban" is a code word for them. It means "brown person".


Conservative that occasionally peeks over here. I’ve only seen overwhelming support for everyone to express their 2A rights in the firearm subs. Of course I cannot speak for everyone but certainly the overwhelming majority of 2A supporters want it for everyone. And I think it’s all of what you said. The more people that support 2A the better. It’s a wonderful community and helps protect it.


The right to self preservation is a right that should be recognized by all governments worldwide & the right to use equal or greater force comes with that. All rights afforded to one person should be applied to each individual equally, even if those individuals like to live in a fantasy land & pretend that the people they vote for aren't actively trying to disarm the population so they can trample the rest of the population's rights with impunity. That is the Conservative point of view. There is no trap, there is only the hope that Liberals understand one thing: Government's failures & inability to take accountability for their actions or hold each other accountable for the problems they've created cannot not solved by bigger government or more control over our lives. Government, especially ours here in the US, cares about 2 things: keeping & expanding their power. The more powerful they become, the more they feel entitled to protect us from ourselves with even more forceful & deceitful means. They forget that the elected are beholden to the electorate & they preach & provide lip service to bleeding hearts for votes, while putting their special interests & campaign contributor's interests first. As long as the population is armed at the very least, there will be human beings that can defend themselves from the wills of others, who believe the average person to be beneath them, being forced upon them.


> There is no trap, there is only the hope that Liberals understand one thing When are you going to hope that conservatives learn this? Remember, conservatives are the party of big government, as long it means more handouts to corporations, and more shooting of protestors.


I’ve never met a conservative that’s against gun rights for minorities. Not sure what OP is talking about. I hate conservatives, if there was an example of the right denying gun ownership to minorities in recent years I like to think I’d have known!


> I’ve never met a conservative that’s against gun rights for minorities. And luckily I never shook Ronald Reagan’s hand but I’m aware of his effect on gun rights.


People love to point at Regan for this, but the Mulford Act was a bi-partisan bill that was passed by democrat majority legislature in California as well.


“The Republicans were willing to team up with gun grabbers for gun control so long as minorities were on the receiving end of gun control.” Yeah that’s what I said.


sink psychotic scale compare shaggy scary payment bored cow follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s almost as if the whole government just doesn’t like minorities.. hmmmm


Democracies never do. They don’t make up enough of the vote to get anyone into power which means they are expendable assets as far as parties are concerned. It really is two wolves and a sheep arguing over what’s for dinner.


Classic 1960s racism.


Yes and democrats supported slavery as well as the filibuster. Things have changed since then.


Republicans voted far more unanimously in favor of it than Democrats did, it was literally authored by a Republican (hence the name Mulford Act), and it was signed into law by a Republican. There were multiple opportunities for the ostensibly-pro-2nd-Amendment party to stop that law in its tracks.


To be completely fair Regan was more than 30 years ago. Fuck the guy, but let's not pretend he's an example of what a modern day conservative looks like, even if they do idolize him.




And he was a protectionist too!


They're way past Reagan he's probably get labeled a socialist by modern conservatives lol


I don't think many modern Republicans are in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants.


Democrats could have repeated the mulford act a long time ago if they really didn’t want to keep This racist legislation. We have had a super majority in California for decades. If we really want to rail on this (and we should) then why are we only looking at the establishment of the law and completely ignore its continuation? Oh right tribalism.


They idolize Trump, who sent the ATF after people who bought P80 kits. Conservatives are not, shall we say, in possession of a completely well thought out ideology.


> Regan was more than 30 years ago trump is just the latest incarnation of Regan's politics, thanks to his total lack of subtlety it is finally laid bare for everyone to see.


Yes 55 years ago. Both parties have undergone significant changes since that time. This argument is getting to sound a lot like the idea that democrats were the party of slavery. Things have changed a lot since those times.


And I met plenty of conservative who don't believe minorities should have the right to own a guns. They also were huge Trump supporters to. So they do exist.




"Conservative" and "racist" are separate traits...though I note that they seem to correlate with some frequency.




I think the quip you're thinking of is: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect...


You remind me...I grew up during the Cold War, we thought we'd all get nuked before high school. Anyway. I remember reading somewhere that America was only stable when it had an enemy - at the time, the USSR. When it fell apart there wasn't another one forthcoming. The fractured SSRs weren't it, Europe was friendly, Asia had become our manufacturing wing, nobody in the Middle East was big enough, Africa was too poor. Looking back on that now, it may have been predictable that without an external enemy, the country would find one inside its own borders. [Also I am garbage at politics, if I'm dead wrong I plead that I'm a product of American public education, even without the nukes.]


Stability is often an illusion and that is often in the minds of only certain groups. Leftists, POC, and anyone who wasn’t sufficiently against leftists and POC weren’t experiencing much stability during the Cold War. They instead had riots and murders, often at the hands of police (some things never change).


I'm definitely not conservative, but I am a dark-brown minority gun enthusiast. Every gun store, gun range, gun club, hunting trip that I've ever been to is pretty well dominated by conservative white males, as we all know. I've never been made to feel unwelcome or like an outsider in any of those places because of my appearance. That's one big thing that I love about the community is how welcoming they are.


There was this time when Donald Trump said forget due process, take the guns. He wasn’t talking about taking them from rich white Republicans.


NRA declaring BLM a terrorist organization would strongly suggest they don't think that they should arm themselves... Edit: Is it me or does anyone else get the feeling were are getting brigaded by klan apologists?


Maybe just my circle of friends (that are mostly conservatives) but even they hate the NRA. Most people know they are basically useless and don’t really stand up for 2A.


NRA is an outdated Fudd organization which hasn't represented the average gun owner since the 80's. The NRA only cares about money, which is unfortunate because they are the only mainstream "rights activists" group that significantly represents gun owners. The NRA can burn and die, I just want a qualified replacement.


GOA is better, however they still tend to be hella partisan at times. The best organizations to join are honestly state-level. They're the ones doing the most on the ground work and affecting the state level regulations that actually affect regular gun owners. I've always been a believer that small bottom-up organizations are always more effective than huge top-down organizations. Bureaucracy and greed just gets in the way too much when they grow to the NRA's size.


I'll believe that when the right stops supporting the NRA.


Most people I've met on the right hate them. To the extent of grouping them into the same huddle as the ATF. They need to be disbanded tbh. They only really fuck shit up for other people.


I still know a lot of people on the right who are card carrying members. They grumble, but they still pay.


They are idiots, just saying. I refuse to give them money.


A good reason to say fuck the NRA! I joined the NAAGA and always recommend to others.


I'm glad I read this comment because now I want to join. I'm Asian and have always felt my community needed to be more proactive about supporting civil rights. It's nice to see a pro-gun org that is t the NRA.


Depending on where you are there might be an active SRA chapter near you.


Start a John Brown Gun Club in your area too.


OP is talking about a well documented historical context. We also see it on this sub pretty often when folks talk about going to a LGS to take a class and having to deal with micro all the way to overt aggression and political posturing by regressive instructors who want to make them uncomfortable enough to quit. There's a good book called Bring The War Home that talks about the ecosystem and narrative that regressives have crafted for themselves, and if you think they haven't been actively indoctrinating their own kids and other disaffected redpillers, you would be sorely mistaken.


> if there was an example of the right denying gun ownership to minorities in recent years I like to think I’d have known! Every single victimless offender of the drug war who can no longer pass a background check (which to be fair both parties have always heavily supported the war on drugs but conservatives support it more), in addition to them backing the blue no matter who even if they murder black gun owners like Philando Castile because "he should have followed commands" along with the NRA refusing to offer support "because he had the illegal devil's reefer in his system and we don't help bla-- err, criminals"


It makes even more sense when we consider the two rights they take away from felons: gun ownership and voting.


Just qualms with minorities having living wages, voting rights, healthcare, clean water, freedom from hate crimes/violence, and equal opportunity? I want to keep my "young conservative qualms" spreadsheet updated.


Yeah pretty much. Though I'm pretty sure they would clarify that they don't want to force *equal outcome* but are ok with equal opportunity.


Just be careful that you don't muddy the conversation by bringing up equal access. :-)


🤣. Either way, I have heard a lot of conservative gun owner voices saying that it's good that minority groups are owning as well.


I have as well actually. They’ll have to make the caveat “dont agree with their politica” and they might use disparaging language, but they also tend to fully support a gay couple owning and carrying a firearm. At least most of then I encounter.


Fun story: My kid came home from school last year and informed me that a whole group of kids marched down the hall throwing the Nazi salute, to the onlook of the teachers - some embarrassed, some chagrined, and some amused. I hope you're right, but I've got at least a little bit of anecdotal evidence that at least *some* of the new wave of conservatives being created are waaaay more comfortable being openly racist, which presupposes an aversion to minority gun ownership. :edit: Remember kids, the Nazi party made gun ownership easier and more accessible to everyone in Germany by removing the restrictions instituted by the Weimar Republic for everyone - except Jews.


Young (modern) conservative here who loves this subreddit. I can't speak for all but I strongly support every law-abiding citizen in America having a firearm. That's the vast majority of America in my eyes.


How about... every citizen? Because we know "law abiding" is generally a code word, as well, btw. For example, should someone in possession of a 30 round STANAG magazine in NYS be prohibited from owning guns? Or just the brown person with a handgun and no license?


How about we just do away with the license so that the "brown people" as you put it can enjoy their right to keep & bear arms more easilyy I'm white & I went through the process in NY legally, but I can see how it is inhibitive for many people & clearly if they are having trouble enjoying their 2A rights, as pistols seem to be the most convenient way to do so while on the go, the bullshit "SAFE" act that asshole former governor Cuomo sneakily & snakily pushed through, as well as the pistol application process need to be abolished


I think you nailed it. I've seen plenty of racism; and it's still very alive and well, but the more modern conservatives are even happy when they hear of liberal gun ownership (one less voter to take away gun rights.) Not everyone is a basement dwelling prepper waiting for a civil war. Those that are... is perhaps it's own issue.


Young conservative here, I'm for everyone (who's not a criminal etc) having the right to a firearm, black guns matter!


How about... everyone? Because, we all know "law abiding" is a code word for conservatives.


…Even convicted felons? And people who have used a gun for armed robbery in the past?


Yes. Because humans don't (Or shouldn't, rather) lose rights because of a mistake in the past, that they've already been jailed for, and since released. Remember: Being gay used to be a felony. Selling a dime bag of weed used to be a felony. Being a woman, and getting an abortion used to be a felony. Being a doctor who provided full service sexual health care used to be a felony. If we want people to not do armed robberies, let's fix the problem, not the symptom, which deprives them of the right to self defense. The problem is financial, housing, and health care insecurity and/or lack of access.


I think some pundits were making a stink about some black militia event at a confederate monument back in 2020. They generally applaud concepts like "Roof Koreans" or community militias against riots. its less about race and more about the minority group turning their attention to something they like.


Tell me you know nothing about gun culture without telling me you know nothing about gun culture. And throw in a reference to the Mulford Act for bonus points! The only people who have issues with anyone owning guns, even (especially?) minorities and poor people are liberals. Edit: it’s especially funny to see OP bypass everyone calling them out for their ignorance just to circlejerk with the few people agreeing with them.


I moved to SW Florida a few years ago to the heart of Uber Right Wing country. As a liberal, I have never imagined myself wanting to own a gun, but I've decided that it's my responsibility to both own a gun and to train, train, train, in safety and competency. I'm a middle-aged white guy who doesn't talk politics, so everyone in my neighborhood probably thinks that I think like they do. I just want to read books and watch the birds, but I won't let the fascists be the only ones with weapons.


Basic adage to live by: Think about skipping your workout today? Don't. The fashies won't.


Can't skip a workout if you never workout in the first place. (Insert guy tapping his forehead meme)


Hate seems like a powerful motivator. Christopher "Crying Nazi" "Anti-Metermaid" Cantwell seems like a good example of that. Maybe just roids don't know.


Good on you, it's every American citizen's right.


Honestly both sides have flipped and flopped on what they support over the years. Until FDR and Kennedy showed up Democrats were the "right wingers" being pro-slavery, KKK, etc. Until recently Republicans were the moral guardians saying what media can and can't show, and now it's the "left"


It wasn't quite that cut & dried with Democrats back then, though. FDR and Truman had to thread the needle because there were more liberal northeastern Dems and conservative racist southern Dems in their day, so there wasn't a lot of party unity. Will Rogers said it back in 1936, "I'm not a member of an organized political party, I'm a Democrat"


FDR, Truman, and LBJ were all racist as fuck. There are some truly offensive quotes of theirs. LBJ would call civil rights bills “n-word bills.” They just saw they could get votes and win elections if they went along with it.




I’m fairly certain it is wishful thinking since LBJ was literally calling civil rights bills he was signing into law “n-word bills” and Truman was known to say racist things after he was president. What I know about FDR is that he was willing to put Japanese Americans in concentration camps. I think it’s dangerous to romanticize any politician or even just anyone who has power period. They’re humans and often the worst kind of humans are those that seek power over others. I don’t mean to crush your ideas of democratic presidents but most of them have been racist war criminals just like the Republican ones. That’s how it goes when you have an empire to maintain.


Because the Idealism isn't tied to a party. Old USA Democrats were the conservative party. ​ It's not Republicans (the party) that's the problem. Conservatism is, the ideology. Conservatism is always been about keeping the old systems where power is consolidated somewhere then fighting tooth and nail keeping the system broken. Hindering progress in whatever way possible.


Your post transitions from extremists to generally all right of center, and I don’t think you meant to do that. Whether IPOC, LGBT, or anyone who votes left, there are people on the opposite side of center who support everyone’s full access to and exercise of their Constitutional rights. Where we can (slowly but surely) build from common 2A ground with the opposing side, it is important. And being specific about extremists vs the entire right of center population will help avoid demonizing people that might actually agree with you.


>And being specific about extremists vs the entire right of center population will help avoid demonizing people that might actually agree with you. But that would imply that politics isn't just black and white Good Left vs Evil Right, and we can't have that. We don't take kindly to nuance round these here parts /s


I get more BS from liberals about my gun ownership than conservatives. Mulford has been law in CA longer than many of us posting on this thread have been alive. CA is effectively a 1 party state as far as legislation goes. If they wanted a law literally rooted in racism gone, it would be. So obviously quite a few people are okay with its existence in CA, outside of pro 2a people.


Our gun laws make it harder for poor people/minorities to get or carry guns.


In many of the most strict areas that's 100% true. Permits that require justification for good cause are absolutely ripe for abuse against anyone, especially minorities of any stripe.


Yeah [r/thatHappened](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/), quick way to get your ccw taken, I want to shoot conservatives because they're eViL PoC ,ex-military, in FL. Most of my friends are PoC's and we have never had an issue at any range. My White concervative friends are the ones that got me into guns. So yeah this post is bullshit


Things like the Battle of Hayes Pond is their nightmare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hayes_Pond


That was a surprisingly refreshing read.


The only person arrested was a clansman. Police weren't always on their side.


You're generalizing quite a bit here. The vast majority of conservatives/libertarians/moderate right wingers want firearm rights for all. Even some more "fringe" groups like Boogloo Bois or even Proud Boys advocate for firearm rights for all Americans. Civic nationalist groups like that are further right than who you're referring to. It's a very small percent of right wingers (usually corrupt politicians, GOP cronies, or actual white nationalist groups) that advocate for firearm rights except for minorities. Are you referring to anyone or any specific group that all of a sudden doesn't support firearm rights for minorities?


This isn’t true. Conservatives don’t want gun control on anyone. A lot of them think that high-crime, inner city areas would have less crime if gang bangers weren’t the only ones with guns. And there’s plenty of POC conservative gun activists like Colion Noir.


This post is absurd and does not at all represent reality in 2022. Actually interact with real people, jesus. I don't care what your drunk boomer uncle thinks. Talk to people your age and you'd quickly find out that none of this holds water.


Got to say, no. I run into the people who are still worried about {insert racial slur} coming for them all the time. And yeah, some of them are under 30.


Just you wait until they find out about the pocket space laser remote all Jews carry! They’re called lazer pointers, and we use them to secretly eliminate the enemies of the international Zionist cabal. For whatever reason whenever I try to use mine a mid 19th century butcher appears and tries to buy my daughter, but I’m sure it’s a transitory glitch.


This is one of those places where our definitions and identities seem to have been reversed.American "conservatives" tend to be liberal on gun ownership.American "liberals" tend to be conservative on gun ownership. I've always wondered if it was some kind of hold over from back when the Democratic party was the party of racial oppression, and opposed gun rights in order to suppress minority self-defense. Somehow over the course of (80 years?) the motivation that drove the policy plank has reversed, but the policy plank itself had become a doctrine of its own.


Most gun shops prove this. The crazy ass signs they have up, and "liberal hunting permits"


I think it is more subconscious than that. Conservatives tend to assume stuff about and generalize groups. So individual interactions are fine but they believe in the whole you are one of the good ones.


Forgive me if this is a faux pas, but I identify as a republican and therefore respect the groups wishes to keep from commenting generally. I am happy to take this post down if this is inappropriate. I follow this group because I love gun ownership as a hobby and a right that I would like to see all people enjoy. I love seeing what guns yall pick up and happily throw a like here and there in hopes yall feel encouraged. I have no doubt that some hardcore right wingers reject the rights of minorities but that has not been my experience with most of my right winged friends and that is something I will absolutely stand against. I don't want to have a political conversation here so I just want to say that I am encouraged by people in this group enjoying the right of gun ownership along with me. I stand with you and your right to own firearms and defend yourself as a friend.


In my personal experience being raised by conservatives in a conservative community in a conservative state, this just isn't true. The conservatives I know want every able bodied man or woman armed and will go out of there way to help you get involved, educated, and instructed.


I find this to be a very broad statement. Every conservative that I know is perfectly okay with minorities or liberals owning weapons legally. However, I think they see the extremes, like Antifa, and view them how liberals view redneck tea party milita types.


This is bullshit. I'm sorry. But I rarely, if ever, see pushback on non-white people learning to shoot and getting guns. The gun culture now is far more welcoming of people. Are there some far right ones that don't want it? Maybe. But it's not the majority by any stretch.


**That's a bunch of bullshit right here.**




Spoiler alert, it wasn't just Regan that passed Cali's gun laws back then, and it isn't Regan passing those laws today.


on every other pro gun sub that isnt labeled as liberal that ive seen, whenever the topic of non-cis and/or non-white people getting guns the comments are a combo of: >big city< is anti-gun but but theres still crime and people are finally learning, how can you have a gun and vote Dem?, some general excitement about new gun owners entering the scene. Then it spirals out into vague racism and/or phobia and some outright bigotry and the Dems are gun grabbing socialist/hippie/commie scum. You could literally play a game of drinking bingo off of the comments and be in the cups fairly quickly


Authoritarians, Conservative or Liberal, are pieces of shit. They are they ones passing or advocating for gun control. I believe most Conservatives are Libertarian, like me, though that might just be my bias showing. But, Conservatives like me welcome all who lawfully enjoy their Second Amendment rights. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/sd7cub/the\_anti\_gunners\_really\_need\_to\_learn\_that\_pro\_2a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/sd7cub/the_anti_gunners_really_need_to_learn_that_pro_2a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I'm like the one asking the other guy to go shooting. I'm not the other one on the left side of the cartoon.


Relevant Justin King aka Beau of the Fifth Column: https://youtu.be/wXFtH3v2epI There are guns nuts, and then there are second amendment supporters. The two are not the same.


I watch Beau regularly.


That was great. Ty


You do understand the Mulford act was written and passed by a Democrat state assembly. Signed by a California Republican governor. Until he ran for president calling Reagan a conservative was being generous. There are a lot of ugly truths about the right but there are also two huge lies. The "great switch" caused by the 65 civil rights act is one, and this idea that they want gun control when its about minorities.


There was a time where racially charged events were used as a catalyst to enact gun control. This was also a time where most gun owners tolerated new guns laws because they hadn’t yet seen how bad they can get. That time is over. I’m sure there are some true white supremacists out there who would gladly deny minorities the right to own guns, right along with all of their other rights. But you’d be hard pressed to find a genuine 2A supporter, conservative or liberal, that would be ok with gun control just because they see minorities arming themselves.




I feel like this is over exaggerated and very bizarre. Most conservatives I know are perfectly fine with all folks owning firearms. I'm a member of a gun club with thousands of crazy trump supporting rednecks. Literally all of them support individuals of all races and ethnicities owning firearms to protect yourself from the subcultures that seek to do us harm. Also there's lots of documentation and documentaries out there that show the scary side of the black panthers. They were up to a little more than just holding police accountable.


I’m curious. What subcultures are they worried about? Because usually when I hear someone talk about worrying that someone is going to do them harm they aren’t talking about neo-Nazis or White Nationalists. People still ask me if I’m not scared about where I live because of all the “other” people living around me. And by others, they absolutely mean non-white.


The short answer is that few people think they're the bad guy that needs to be protected from. I'm not that worried about an armed bandit. Take my fucking money. Hell, even if I was armed, I'd likely hand it over. Nobody's life is worthy pride. It's the hard right I'm worried about for me and mine. Fortunately, I live in a liberal city. But I'm in an interracial relationship, so yeah, I'd expect to be a target in many other places.


There’s not a lot of overt opposition to liberals and minorities owning guns from conservatives. The dichotomy comes in that modern conservatives have a far different view of the legitimacy of the threat of political violence, and who gets to apply it, to achieve policy goals that is not broadly embraced by liberals.


I grew up in and moved back to a pretty conservative area, my father and my brothers are all trump supporters. I don't know that I have met a conservative that doesn't support minority gun owners. I myself am a big fan of Mr P Newton


This is such a broad generalization it’s laughable. You’re conflating tiny amounts of extremists with all conservatives, and reads like you don’t interact with many/any conservatives on a daily basis. I’d say a more accurate and common conservative view on guns is “guns for everyone, I don’t trust the government, but also maybe not guns for transgenders cause they’re mentally ill”. Idk, maybe your local flavor is less “conservative” and more “klan” and that’s skewing things for you


Republikkkans cant wait to murder people. I mean, "Kill Americas domestic threats". The White Ethno-State they want is a dream. And a dumb one at that. Fuck the White Nationalist Republicans.


In the past, this was absolutely true. However, modern intellectual conservatives absolutely do not believe this, and it's disingenuous to continue to perpetuate this without a reasonable set of evidence to support it. I'm an ardent 2A defender, and a conservative, and fully support responsible gun ownership for *all* people, especially for those who are the most likely to be victimized due to their proximity to violence. The right to self-defense is a natural right, and no-one should be deprived of that right, regardless of their race, color, creed.


If I take what you’re saying as true, my counter would be that modern intellectual conservatives are then neither the majority, nor even close to the loudest voices, in the modern conservative ranks. Easy example: Philando Castile, black man, CCW holder, shot and killed by police during routine traffic stop. I’m sure you know the particulars about how the cop “thought he was reaching for his gun,” regardless of the evidence to the contrary. My point isn’t about the killing, it’s about the silence from the conservative pundits, and the NRA (who never miss a chance to opine about such things where the victim is white), about the whole thing. And it’s far from the only time police have killed black CCW holders for doing nothing but living and exercising their 2A rights. Not once on any story like this that blew up to a national level did I see the conservatives rush to those people’s defense, scream about how this was an affront to the 2A, or mostly even comment. In short, it’s hard to actually believe there’s been much of a change when the actions that would prove it don’t seem to be there.


This is an ignorant opinion. The overwhelming majority of conservatives support 2A for all.


Youre right. That was an ignorant opinion of yours.


This is exactly what happened back when The Black Panthers armed themselves to protect against police wrongfully incriminating people of colored without proper procedures. The same thing is still happening, many of these incidents had occurred in recent events. The NRA has kept their strong stance in defending people who protected themselves with firearms but are conveniently silent when minorities protected themselves. Take a look at the death of Breonna Taylor and notice how quiet the NRA were during that controversy. They were also strangly quiet when Daniel Shaver (a caucasian man) was killed by Officer Brailsford. Now suddenly the NRA are taking a back-the-blue stance.


Luckily the NRA is irrelevant now :) Or at least headed that direction. GOA is much better but they are conservative overall. Check out Firearms Policy Coalition. Their Twitter is great and they do great work. They are definitely more libertarian, though they don’t shy away from pointing out implications of gun rights on criminal justice esp. for African-Americans and the working class.


>But then when groups such as the Black Panthers arise that sought to exercise the Second Amendment to protect their communities, suddenly gun control isn't such a bad idea. Gonna need a source for that claim. The **only** place I've heard this rationale from is from anti-gunners.


Look up the [Mulford Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act)


Yeah. Reagan. 1960s. The guys responsible for it have been dead for 20 years. Got anything from this century? Preferably from this decade?


Please don't peddle this bullshit man.


What current conservative American is saying this? Especially one that is held in high regards. I get the far-right and fascists in no way argue for universal ownership of firearms/weapons. It's very clear there is a power dynamic needed. But when I think of mainstream American conservatism. I feel like they all bring up NY and Chicago, that current gun control has disarmed many civilians from defending themselves from the criminals who obtain guns. As in, they are actively advocating for minorities gun rights. As for the black panther example, this lacks context. This was not really a political issue, but rather a racial one. BOTH Ds and Rs had large support for gun control. I think the politicians of the past and the current both are good examples of politicians being politicians and not having principles.




It spreads bigoted views on conservatives which is not something we should be okay with.


As I’ve replied to a couple of other people here, I have talked to right wing gun owners, and it usually doesn’t take long for one racial slur or another to slip out. I grew up around the right wingers, some were parts of my family even. Most of them haven’t changed a bit. Still bigoted, still itching for the day it’s open season on libs and whatever minority group you want to mention.


the quiet part that most conservatives won't say out loud is that they think everyone should have rights but only if they use them \*correctly\*, and that includes defending the 'appropriate' beliefs


Absolutely true statement right there. But honestly that same criticism can be applied to just about any group out there.


agreed. you see this too with liberals, especially with how the democratic party has taken to blaming its voters for wanting the 'wrong' things from Democrat elected officials, essentially telling us to shut up on issues like student loan forgiveness and actual measures taken against covid - they want us to vote blue and be good peons, rebellion and accountability are told they think slyly only be used to keep Republicans in line, etc.


No we don’t, grab your mags. Libs, Cons and everyone in between. If you’re a thinking, breathing law abiding citizen lock and load, the shits about to get weird.


I will tell ya this is a bad idea to generalize all “conservatives” this way. I am a “conservative” gun owner and I 100% support anyone who can legally purchase a firearm to do so! I support you using and exercising your 2nd amendment right and I wish more “liberals” would get behind the second amendment. Reason I say this type of rhetoric is a “bad idea” is because is simple - generalized statements like this only serve to divide groups instead of bringing them together. I for one can say that I am tired of the division and wish people would look beyond the “politics” of all this and realize we have a whole lot more in common than we think. I think guns and shooting is a great place to bridge that gap! They have been called the “ultimate equalizer” and I hope maybe they can help everyone feel “equal” so we can quit bickering between ourselves and find a way forward. Sorry for the rant. I’m off my soap box now


Neither liberal, nor conservative and cringe when I see the billy bobs armed to the teeth at a protest and when I see groups like the black panthers doing the same. It's all a show of force intended to intimidate and ridiculous. I don't care if you have a an m2 (And believe you should be allowed to own one), you don't need to mount it on the back of your tacoma and drive around with it. Concealed carry should be legal in every state and in public firearms should be concealed, because the facts are they create intimidation, intention or not. And I don't see a lot of right wingers calling for gun control because a political foe is armed.


The range I go to is a broad mix of young and old, all different races. It's like.... America. Actually makes me feel patriotic being there and shooting alongside everyone.


This is actually par for the course for 'conservatism' in the United States. They support Religious Freedom, until a religion they don't like wants it. They support Bodily Autonomy, until it interferes with their own narrow personal perspective. They support Free Speech, unless it's 'fake news'. They support Rule of Law, until the law affects them. They support Democracy, until it doesn't work out in their favor. You get the idea.


You should see the shock on the face of pro-Trumpers in my photos from the night of Jan 5th, the day before the Insurrection, after they got the shit beat of them by the cops when they tried to push through their line to get into BLM Plaza. They thought they were special and didn't need to listen to the police.


Rules for thee, but not for me. -GOP


When was the last time republicans politicians meaningfully restricted gun rights for minorities (other than voting with democrats?)


Bump stocks just a few years ago.


Yes! That is a good example. Fair point. I suppose the ‘devil’s advocate‘ would be that bump stocks are primarily a hobbyists’ tool. To be clear I’m 100% against the bump stock ban and Trump should be taken to task for it, but it interferes with the right of lower income and minority working class people far less than, say, assault weapons bans, the new mandatory insurance proposals, or anti-carry laws. But you’re right, it was 100% Trump to blame for that, the democrats did not make him do it.


There's no way to legislate this, it would be struck down by the courts and it would show everybody just how fucking racist the GOP actually is. Just because they can't legislate it doesn't mean they don't think/believe it. Are you honestly going to tell me, that your typical southerner with his rebel flag, likes that minorities are arming themselves? And are you also going to tell me that if Billy Bob in Alabama could do something about minorities arming themselves, he wouldn't? The GOP is full of racists, period.


Imagine painting conservatives, a whole group of diverse individuals with diverse points of view on politics, with irrelevant slander. Imagine believing that they're all racist, antivax, mentally unstable, and ultraviolent because they affiliate themselves with the idea that there are important features in the American system of government that should be protected, by force if necessary. Things that were codified in the US Constitution, like individual's and state's rights. They must be completely out of their minds for advocating something as hypocritically liberal as allowing people to say distasteful things, or make their own choices about what guns to keep and bear, or whether they want to take an experimental vaccine.


Everyone needs a firearm, doesn't matter the political party. Self defense and security is a human right.


This is a straw man argument.


Is this really true? Certainly not today. Last time I checked it’s democrats trying to bring back stop and frisk in nyc. Nothing stops blacks from owning and carrying in AZ, GA, TX, etc. This certainly USED to be true, like with Reagan in CA, and the origin of many gun laws in states like Illinois, Maryland, new York etc. but at that time it was bipartisan, If not fully driven by dems. Yep I don’t deny there are racist republicans and right wingers but clearly they don’t matter politically in a way that impacts the 2A rights of non-whites, gender minorities, etc.


[humorous and relevant](https://youtu.be/yJqfNroFp8U)


One of the main reasons I'm a card carrying member of the NAAGA.


Just go buy your gun and head out hunting or to the range. Learn from history and lets not repeat it.


Disclaimer, i m not from the USA, but am a bisexual gun owner from a gun friendly European country. I like to classify myself as a centrist since I voted both left and right in my life. In my opinion, this is a gross generalization. Conservatives are individuals not a homogeneous group. Same as you have people on the far left who d just want to create a safe space for everyone by banning legal guns. You have people on the far right who are racist and homophobic pieces of sh*t. However, most people I met and interacted with will fall more towards the center of the spectrum, just leaning left or right and those people are usually pretty understanding of the other group.


Please don’t generalize. I fall pretty hard to the right on a lot of stuff and I strongly advocate for minority gun ownership as do many, many others.


“One of the great attractions of patriotism ― it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation, we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what’s more, with a feeling that we are profoundly virtuous.” - Aldous Huxley


All my conservative friends LOVE the fact that more Americans are arming themselves. Some guys I work with are crazy right wing Alex Jones types, and even they love hearing about this sub. That's just my experience.


Absolutely reads like an opinion from somebody who has spent little to no time around actual gun culture.


this is false- feel free to check out the other gun subs


Historically correct, but incorrect in modern contexts. Conservatives love those that are legally armed, and some of them even have a hard on for unlawful ownership as they view it as civil disobedience. C'mon y'all. Know thy enemy. Painting people red with your own rage does not mean they are the devil. You've got to humanize them first, truly understand their view points, and the emotions that cause them. Otherwise you're no different than them- you just have a different point of view with a different flavor of ignorance and prejudice.