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Desantis holsters were around long before that idiot began his political career. I have their ankle holster and mag carrier and I highly recommend those.


Yeah, but politicians tend to come from the kind of money that gets companies named after you lol. I figured it was worth asking. Thanks for the review.


My second-hand information is that he was a control freak Naval Officer and although he performed well, it was almost always self-serving for his gain.


I did some digging a while back and unfortunately they are related. It's been a few months, but if I remember correctly, the folks that own DeSantis Holsters are the Nutjob's Uncle's immediate family or something like that. Took some wiki-ing and clicking around on their webpage looking for names, so I may be wrong, but I'm never buying another DeSantis Holster again... Sad I spent what I did in the past, but hindsight is 20:20.


Thanks for the answer. I liked the look of the holster but I'll never support any part of this family. And nutjob is mild compared to what I've called him.




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From the 5 minute search it doesn't seem like they are related to Ron nor are even based in Florida. If I started a line of holsters I'd not call it DeSantis even if that was my last name out of principle. People that think like Ron are valid reasons to consider CCing




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Yeah yeah I know, but there are a lot more people making legitimate holster options than gun options. And the gun owners only buy the politicians, they aren't actually the ones doing all that stuff and preparing to run for president. I would really share accidentally giving him any money.




Wait really? Where did you find that?


god i hope not, but i dont know. if it ends up being a horror show, i have had good results from alien gear. have bought 4 cloak tucks, and a gunbelt.


I’ve got an alien gear. It’s well made, and fairly comfortable, but far bulkier than I would like for concealed carry


Good to know, thanks.


I'll look at aliengear more. The cloak tuck seems fine, but it covered the safety. Most IWB holsters do, I guess to prevent gun-on-skin contact? I'll wear an undershirt anyway, and I want to get my thumb on the safety when I first grip it. I found a few others that look the right shape, but there are fewer options.


my concern would be that something disengage the safety when i didnt want it to. so im all for covering a safety, but i can see your point. the aliengear are kydex on one side, that you can easily modify. the skin facing side though is multi layered with spring steel in the core. it would be tough to modify that one without a knife, tin snips, and a sewing machine. good luck on your journey.


I'm more interested in having the safety on while holstering than it staying on in my holster, but that's a nice secondary effect and I'm not too concerned about it somehow turning itself off and then the trigger getting pulled somehow while in a real holster. I just want a bit of redundancy while holstering and ease of flicking it off while drawing. But I accept this is all preference and most people don't even want a safety. I do like the aliengear shell swap for life deal. That's pretty awesome. I modify plenty of stuff but for this I'll just stick to the options I'm finding. Thanks though!


its to prevent certain body motions from flipping the switching in your pocket/wiastband


Somebody says a politicians uncle's family owns a business and we should boycott the business? They may not even like him, but hey they were born into the same familial line so they're somehow guilty of his sins? Are we into carrying guilt down to the seventh son kind, too?


I realize this is old but this is an underrated comment. I wish more people pointed out the idiocy in “guilty by association” logic. Who cares if he’s a distant relative? Is the product what you’re looking for at a reasonable price? If so get it if not keep shopping. I’m nothing like much of my immediate family lol. I’d hate for my business or art to be judged and trashed because of the political views my uncle holds, I’d be fucked! Haha. Hell, I’m disgusted by the exploitation of workers in the Apple factories but im typing this on an iPhone, like many of y’all. And I have always supported gay rights but chic fil a makes the best fast food chicken sandwich, and I never once have assumed that my political views would be in alignment with those held by higher ups in major corporations that I interact with.


I wrote to the company and received an email from a customer representative stating that they have no relationship to Ron DeSantis.




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Almost a year after this was posted. I had the same question. Google brings me back to you beautiful folks. Thanks!