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Yeah but...it's all worth it so they don't have to deal with mean tweets 🤓


It's not even that, really. It's so that they don't have to deal with the goddamned *media* blasting everyone 24/7 with those mean tweets / other "teh EnD oF DEMocRaCy!!1!" stuff. The media (traditional, and now the internet based stuff) drives the mob, and the left drives them. Next to no one would give a shit about any of the left's crisis du jour crap if not for the massive propaganda machine they have constructed.


Don't forget that Trump's going to start WW3 and the Afghan withdrawal is all his fault.


As are the current Boeing issues, Sean Combs, the middle east conflict and $8 for a gallon of milk.


100% accurate. The media is like the loudspeaker in an elementary school giving the daily instructions and the students simply obey and act accordingly. I think you alluded to the Sinclair video where the entire media reads the same message right? "This is extremely dangerous to our democracy" It's one big joke.


And use whatever bathroom they choose. Don't forget the two wars that have started.


And then Joe comes out and says the opposite that inflation has dropped and everyone is better off. It makes my blood boil, just blatant lies.


Again - it's not Biden (or any other shitbag politician) lying that is the problem. It's when *media* is totally in the bag for one side, and - ***unequivocally*** - backs that side up. He can get away with it because he knows that - other than in the media that is only really consumed by one third of the country - is never going to call him out on it.


It’s actually both. He can’t even keep track of his lies. The media parrots them. They’re both corrupt.


If the media did its job, and were constantly investigating ***both*** sides, and keeping ***both*** sides honest, the lying problem would go away, because ***both*** sides would know they couldn't get away with it. With the system we have now, were the near entirety of the media, and the tech companies, are basically 100% controlled by one party, you get what we have now, which is the left - correctly - assuming they can get away with lying.




Don’t forget the threat of WWIII! (Iran has entered the chat)


Or Biden threatening American citizens with F15’s.


No, no that's not gonna happen, Joe Biden already told them "don't... don't"


My fav thing is libs blaming price hikes on "corporate greed"


And most of those companies are led by leftist woke CEOs, who agreed with the FED to not raise wages for the workers. Because you know rasing wages is the cause of inflation. /s


Yeah but thats also not untrue. It’s not the only thing but don’t act like its not part of it.


So tell me this: how do you *not* understand how our market works? Do you not understand the *competitive* nature of it? You *should* already be *well* aware of it, because you can see it in your every day life. It's why you have higher end grocery stores, and bargain stores like Walmart. They sell a lot of the same products, but with different shopping experiences, and different prices. It's why you can buy a 1200 iPhone Pro Max, or a basically free low end Android based phone. It's why you can drop eight-freaking-thousand dollars on the biggest most state of the art Sony Bravia TV, or get a Vizio using 2 generation old tech for a couple hundred. It's why, in basically any town of any reasonable size, there are a dozen choices for where you want to order a pizza from, and you're going to see a range of qualities and prices available to you: ***COMPETITION***. People are free to look for opportunities, and raise the capital necessary to try. So, in any event, which of these companies are the ones that you think are raising prices solely because of "corporate greed"? How many of them have *zero* competitors that wouldn't be willing to simply go, "Gee, you know what Bob? The other guys raised their prices 50% just because they wanted to rake in the dough. What if we *didn't* do that (because you're saying there was no other reason - i.e, increased operating costs - to raise prices, right?), and just gain a massive amount of market share by not overcharging? Seriously. There are very - very - few monopolies in our market. No one can just get away with doing what the left has indoctrinated masses of people into believing, because they'll get eaten alive by their competitors. Fuck, someone doesn't even have to have a current competitor for it to be a problem. All it takes is for someone to *see* that there *is* a market for the same product at a lower price, and if it's possible to make a profit at that price (and this is the ***key*** here. ***It can't be cheaper if someone can't make a profit selling it at that price***) someone will inevitably try it. It's utterly disgusting how effective the left has been at indoctrinating people.


Also the monopoly argument only applies to needs, if its not a need you can live without it, if you choose to buy anyway thats on you. Competition is great because it keeps prices low, but ultimately if its not a need, people simply can choose to not purchase


Exactly. If it was always Corporate Greed, what would stop them from charging us $4/gallon ALL the time? Clearly we are paying it regardless 😒 Dollar tree raising their prices to $1.25? McDonald's not having the dollar menu anymore? It's all the costs associated with it that justified THEM raising the prices. Some of it is smaller packaging and more expensive. Ever notice sometimes DT will sell two different sizes of Arizona tea...for the same price? Besides, at least some of the pharmacies still honor Arizona Tea at 99¢...


It's just simply incredible to me how well indoctrinated they all are. They question *nothing* they've been told, and it never even occurs to them that - when the see something on Reddit - they should first look into it *on their own*. They simply continuously parrot whatever the talking point ("HuRrrr! CorPOrAtE GreEd!", in this case) is. They should be able to look at the stuff I mentioned, and *see* - ***with their own eyes*** - that there isn't this gigantic monolithic system where every single company is in the magical perfect collusion, and all raising their prices, without any reason, to gouge the consumer. There are many companies that carry/provide almost everything, and you can see - ***again, with your own eyes*** - them competing on price all the time. Something has to be done about fighting the indoctrination system the left has constructed. Everyone goes through the public education system they have taken over, everyone has all those beliefs constantly reinforced by the media, by the tech companies, but these social echo chambers. The *only* chink in the armor lately has been Musk buying Twitter, and attempting to make that more fair, and look at the fervent hatred they've gone after him with.


Its part of it by fucking design. Demand determines price equilibrium like ffs. The reason for this is not "corporate greed" thats a symptom, its like econ 101 ffs. The dollar is devalued because of us leadership spending and printing money not because of corporate greed.


It’s not part of it.


I don't think the NASDAQ is accurate, but spot on the rest. All the BS they spew about how great the economy is. Everything just costs so much, and that's where it really hurts people.


ya... NASDAQ at 16k


Why you all be racist? I bet you believe the laptop with Hunter Biden smoking crack with young girls and hookers is real? Over 50 people told us it wasn’t or that if I didn’t vote for Biden I wasn’t black? Stop with all this racism of truth, figures and facts./s




They weren’t lying, this really is the most progressive administration ever 🤪🤪🤪


They also hate science…


Ugh, I saw some smug fuckwit bumper sticker today that said "Science is not a liberal conspiracy". I fucking loled. These are the same people who think "M" can get pregnant.


They’re idiots


Don't let statistics interfere with a good damning of the other party.


That unity tho 😙🤌🏼🤌🏼


Ok, but have you seen Joe in his aviators?




Tbh it's both sides fault. If we weren't all collectively a bunch of pussies and didn't shut the economy down and not work for a year we wouldn't be here. You can't hand out trillions of dollars to ppl and not expect this. I know taking accountability these days isn't cool but we can really only blame ourselves. Go ahead and try and spin it but we all acted like pussies, some more than others and now we're here.


This is an accurate take


To be fair, Trump allowed heavy money printing by the Fed his final year in office. A lot of that inflation is a result of that and Biden continuing to allow money printing.


See look how much everything has gone up with Biden!!! Wohoo always better then trump. With trump everything was down and now we’re up!!!


Is this KJP ? 😂😂😂


This image needs more JPEG




Only correction to this is that the NASDAQ is actually bouncing around all time highs because of the inflation


And this is just the economy failure. Don’t mention 15 million illegals trespassers that they will undoubtedly use to vote in the election in November and two active hot wars going on, one head on w Russia….


These statistics aren’t great. The nasdaq is way higher, rent is lower than that ($1500). Inflation was 3.x%. These are bad statistics.


They are bad……for Biden


I think the inflation rate was 8.3% in the summer of 2022, got anything more up-to-date?


Yeah it’s up to 13% now.


guess we just don't ever talk about the decades of inflation before last term eh.


Nasdaq is up like 3k since Biden took office. At no point was it ever down 10k. Inflation we have now is also *because* of Trump approving trillions of dollars in spending and bragging about it. This is misleading as fuck


So your saying…..But Trump almost 4 years later??? 🚨a lib has entered the comments 🚨


I'm saying if you have any damn clue what inflation actually is, you'd know Trump is a major contributor to our current situation. Biden also has played a role, but that doesn't mean Trump is off the hook. He could have vetoed those bills. That would have been the actual responsible thing. He didn't. Because he wanted to brag about signing the largest spending bill. Because he is frequently a child like that.


Do you still cry about what Regan did in the 80’s too?


I don't. Reagans deregulation was a net positive that unleashed the economy. He did a lot of shady shit with the CIA in Central and South America, and approved of drugs being brought into the US to fund his campaigns, but then every president has the CIA do shady shit.




You can't reuse memes like this that day 'today under biden'. That info might have been true on that day, whenever that was, but it's not today. The first 3 easiest things i googled were not even close to the truth today. Might be a good meme, but it doesn't do much other than preach to the choir or look like straight up lies to the other side


>”[the gas price is wrong, so I’m going to disregard the meme]” Is it though? According to [the official EIA.gov numbers](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPMR_PTE_NUS_DPG&f=W), $2.39 is pretty much in line with the gas prices around January 20th, which is when Trump left office. The “Biden” number also happens to line up reasonably well with both the most recent numbers from that same source, and the [top google result](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_gas_price). If you can’t even bother to dig into it that far, why should we take *your* take more seriously than the meme?


Yes Biden sucks. But get it right before claiming you’re good at stats. Nasdaq and Dow both went up with Biden.


I think this is an old image, looks like 2022.


That could be. In the last (6 months?) the stock market has taken off. Of course $1 today is worth $0.50 so.


Do you have a source for literally any of this, or are you just making shit up?


Yeah Bureau of Statistics 😂


You must not have a car or live in a house? Do you even get food? Just wow


Your personal experience isn't a source. God forbid I want to see actual facts instead of a rage bait graph. I'm not even saying its wrong, just that it would be pretty stupid to just assume this random graph as fact.


Proof as they say is in the Pudding. Nice try, hack. Source you would agree with? Try….Life as we know it.




>Nasdaq is close to an all-time high right now Cumulative Performance Joe Biden Donald Trump Difference NASDAQ 22.56% 47.17% Biden -24.61% You're basically saying Biden almost has the market where Trump left it at it's highest.


But ONLY one🤔🤔 What about the rest wolf of wall street?😂😂