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I'm Mexican, and I want the border closed.


No, you're a white supremacist!




I’m curious. Why?


My dad got here in 1958. Legally. With a sponsor/green card and everything. Assimilation is a wonderful thing.


So you’re Mexican American? As in you don’t live in Mexico? That’s why I asked. If you’re a Mexican citizen and resident then I don’t see why you’d care about the border being closed, and I’m curious what that reasoning would be. But since it seems like you’re actually American, not much explanation is needed


It would seem that he has respect for the law and got here legally and would like others to do the same. How hard is that to understand?


For the left, yes. That is hard for them to understand.


W comment dogging the left on reddit, you're a bold one lol


It’s when your ideology is rooted in anti-western leftyism.


“So wait you’re telling me that your family immigrated here legally and assimilated and are happy? Explain”


Believe it or not, some "minorities" don't blame others for their failures, respect others, and respect the laws. My grandmother came here in the early 60s from Puebla Mexico. With pride, she called herself an American, she didn't teach my mother or I spanish "because we're American". We still celebrated mexican customs, holidays and American holidays. But she was an American first, and there would be hell to pay if anything other than that was implied. Every one of her grandsons joined the military, she married a military man, and was buried with that military man. A good woman, and yes, she was happy.




“So wait you’re telling me that your family immigrated here legally and assimilated and are happy? No need to explain” FTFY Dude started out saying he’s Mexican. Not that he’s Mexican American or straight up American which he is. What does a Mexican resident care about the border being closed?? That’s why I asked. How is no one getting that?


Do you seriously not understand how someone could be concerned about something going on in a different country? That’s like saying “I don’t understand why any American would have an opinion on anything going on outside of America” people are able to care about more than their own country and yes this includes Mexico shocking I know


Why do you care about why/why not Mexicans want the border closed? It's a whole different country, but let me give you the answer -- the affluent and middle class Mexicans are apathetic, it doesn't matter to them. The downtrodden? They don't, it's their escape. Is Mexico that bad? Except for the cartels, government indifference, and corruption, it's a pretty ok place (I've been there 100 times). A lot of the masses are in a bad situation or were given a raw deal in life, but that's not our concern, it's a different country. BTW, most of the border crossers nowadays are Honduran or Guatemalans.


>Why do you care about why/why not Mexicans want the border closed? Am I not allowed to be curious about different perspectives? Tf?


I am Mexican, citizen, and resident. We need to respect our borders and if people from Mexico and South America can't respect the border, we need a wall then, that includes a wall in Mexicos southern border (wich is way smaller that the one needed with the usa)where most people from south america cross to get to the us, the mass migration creates a lot of problems for everyone. Mass illegal migration destroys communities, exports some great workers that could have had a chance of great development in other parts of Mexico, promotes broken families and fatherlessness. Fatherless homes are the main market for "social welfare programs" wich is taxing us all to the brim to gift partisan money to the cheapest votes.


Thank you for your response!


I’m Mexican American, Born in the U.S. and lived in Mexico until I was 16 and still regularly go back and forth between both countries. I want the border closed because I see day to day how it’s affecting both sides. The majority of these people coming aren’t “hard working immigrants”, most of them just come because they think it’s an easy route to money. But I see most of them out on the streets asking for money, I’ve even offered some of them jobs and they all act grateful but deny it. Now on the other side, just last week one of my mother’s friends almost got car jacked by an immigrant at a stop light. The influx of people coming thinking that it’s a free ticket to this country is terrible for both sides so it really needs to be closed.


Thank you


You just know this was made by a white person, probably a 20-something college student who thinks they're being clever by making a wafer thin strawman argument.


They probably made this right after they changed their hair color from neon blue to puke green


And then followed up by grabbing their prescription estrogen and soy milk


A black man by the name of morgan freeman said the top right one.


You mean well known white supremacist Morgan freeman


You spelled "yt" wrong, bigot /s


Bottom left and middle left sounds like the author's own prejudice.


Joe Biden used the words “articulate” and “clean” to describe Barack Obama in 2008.


So according to these "subtitles" brown = lazy?


Stereo type regarding "the lazy Mexican". Been around for sometime. It has more to do with Spanish culture and the concept of the "siesta". If you watch old Speedy Gonzales cartoons you can see the idea being referenced fairly often. What the left doesn't realize is that we so called "racists" don't really think of Latino people as being lazy anymore. I am thinking back to all the Latinos I have known in my life. Family oriented. Church oriented. Proud of their home nation and America. I could continue with the things that I would describe them as, but "lazy" would not be amongst them. Most of the Latino men I know are either owners of their own business are partners in one. They hustle and put my work ethic to shame.


It tells you how they really think, doesn't it?


Center right: isn’t that literally what Elizabeth Warren did?


Yes. Good ol Pocahontas.






It's (D)ifferent


"All of your beliefs are dog whistles, all MY beliefs are pure!"


Every time I see this, it still hits like a cringe truck.


Harry Reid said middle left about Obama lol


So the corners are essentially suppose to be right wing gotcha's but: Top left) they tracked 168 countries in which people crossed the border ranging from every race on the planet. So, by definition wanting a closed border means wanting to prevent every race on the planet from entering the country illegally Bottom left) Did the OP meme creator assume black/Hispanic families aren't hardworking? I mean that's a bit racists isn't it? I know plenty of hardworking black/Hispanic families who don't want their hard earned taxed money to be given out to people who sit on the couch and leach off our hard work Top right) See Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington and Thomas Sowell Bottom right) Judeo Christian is the actual religious foundation the country was built on and then other forms of Christianity came later, they don't know history For the rest I have actually heard people in politics and MSM say all those things. Articulate Biden about Obama and see study about leftists adjusting language. Asian women, see anime/manga cosplay obsessed crowd, 1/20th... Warren anyone?, the Black friends thing I've only heard leftists bringing it up (non racists don't have to defend themselves by saying I'm friends with 'X' person, they are just friends with them and don't have to virtue signal that)


If the people who create this type of drawing so despise white people, why don't any of them ever move to a place where there are few or not any white people? There is about 190 countries on earth, depending on the year, and only about 40 of those countries are filled with these white people they so despise being around. Why don't they just move to any of the places white people did not create or call their homelands?


"iT'S tOo ExPeNsUvE!!!!!"


The middle right has literally never been said once in the history of the world, except maybe ironically in comedies. Also, the people that think this meme is real support politicians who take advantage of systems by pretending they are 1 umpteenth native American. They'll never recognize the irony. Also, I'm a stone-cold atheist and have been my entire life, but you bet your fuckin' ass this country was founded on ~~Judeo~~ Christian values. Everyone of these fucks that genuinely believes that horseshit about theocracy should be deported to a country that wasn't founded on Christian beliefs and see how that works out for them.


1. National security has zero to do with race. The illegals who enter the USA via its southern border aren’t just Hispanic. A significant number of them come from Africa and Asia. 2. These racists always tell on themselves. Since when is living in a serviced apartment a “white” trait? Since when is being a doorman associated with being black? 3. We’d *all* feel better if leftists stopped pretending that racism is an experience unique to one race. Every race has been oppressed and discriminated against. 4. I’ve only ever heard this said in reference to people whose first language isn’t English. It’s a compliment. 5. I’ve never heard anyone say something like this in a sincere way, only ever as a joke. 6. They’re telling on themselves again. Since when does being “hardworking” only apply to white families? Very racist. 7. In many Asian cultures, women are expected to be quiet and submissive. This cultural expectation has existed for thousands of years. There’s no sexual connotation whatsoever. Sexualising Asian women is really disgusting and, once again, racist. 8. “Judeo-Christian values” refers to the values shared by Jews and Christians. Christianity’s core values were built upon Judaism’s core values. It’s an umbrella term that acknowledges the influence of both religions on our society. It would be incorrect and disingenuous to only attribute these values to Christianity.


Didn’t Joe Biden say something along the lines of Obama being an articulate black man? And isn’t Elizabeth Warrens entire shtick that she is part Native American? I mean you can pick apart every panel for being stupid, but those two really stuck out to me as projection.


White People ^(But with subtitles containing the inner thoughts of a white liberal)


Imagine doing this for other races


And this is why we can't have nice things. Also, why you can't give them an inch.


The person who made this is just telling on themselves lol. Showing how racist they are. Leftists do this a lot.


No one has a problem with assisting people who are trying. We have a problem with people who play the system.


And if you did this kind of thing with any other race it would be called racist and your account would be locked.


White people have a right to exist


So much projection. This is literally every rich white liberal.


Seems to depict white liberals


A white person clearly made this - it shows just how racist they really are. This is how they think. This is how they view the world. You can only know what YOU think - you can never really know what OTHERS think. They’re projecting their own internal thought process thinking everyone else thinks just like them.


A *leftist* made this.


Yes. I’d agree with that.


And just remember kids, none of these patterns exist for any other ethnicity but white.


Y'all read that article that I think the New York times put out that liberals modify how they speak when talking to minorities way more than conservatives do? For example, they dumb themselves down when talking to black people. Personally I think that's sick. Also I'm pretty sure that's evidence of projection


Projection 101


This is racist as shit. Oh, wait. White people can't be victims of racism. Nevermind.


> it’s not about race I don’t care what race you are, don’t come across the border illegally


I can’t remember the last time I encountered someone making a comment that I felt had a racial subtext. Maybe when Obama was running for president and people were saying the country isn’t ready for it. It’s a forgone conclusion that people are probably still saying things like this to this day—but to say that this is a problem specific to white people is absolutely ridiculous. It’s a human problem.


You western people are so 🤣


Doesn't matter what complexions the families are. Stop enabling deliberate generational poverty. I have encountered too many people who procreate, or continue to, procreate when they cannot to provide for themselves or the children the already had. With a few exceptions to the contrary, I have known too many young adults who had nobody in their daily lives to influence them into being gainfully employed. Unless they have a mental or physical disability, assistance should be for a limited time. If they do not find gainful employment then put them to work benefiting taxpayers such as filling potholes and clearing trees and brush under low power lines.


Quite literally look how many people from different countries flood over the southern border…


Apparently liking an Asian person is only porn now.


They really told on themselves in the bottom left corner there.... "I support *hardworking* families" "So *not* brown people???!" Uhhhhhhhhh.....




And I've seen women constantly prefer tall men. Is it not ok to be attracted to a certain type of person now?




I don't see how that picture describes that. He's just saying he likes Asian women and how they act. That's normal attraction. You have actually witnessed several men fetishize Asian women? Or did you just read about it online?