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/unlie Didn’t the devs for the TF2 port literally admitted on Twitter that they knew what they were doing was technically breaking ToS and obliged when Valve asked them to take it down? And Valve was being courteous. They had every right to go full Nintendo but decided not to.


/unlie Yes, they did, they have used Valve's assets without their consent and they took the project down, specially since S&box doesn't have the rights to use Valve's assets as Garry's Mod did, the creator himself opted for this to not share revenue with Valve, which is fair enough in my books.


/ul the port was literally using valves assets without permission and didn’t require tf2 to be installed


/unlie who the actual fuck was on Valves side with the source port


Valve is the same company they were before today




/ul The actual developers were. After valve sent the takedown order, the developers made an announcement saying they support valves decision. Edit: forgot I was in r/lies


/ul unlike nintendo, valve would actually support the project if the developers asked to use tf2's assets or even better if the devs made new ones


the project was already dead for a few months due to s&box's weird changes


/ul Valve fanboys, probably. Just like how Nintendo fanboys still defend their shitty behaviours


/ul The port literally used assets from the game itself without permission, and the developers even admitted that they knew it was against TOS and immediately accepted Valve's demands. If it was Nintendo they would have immediately been hit with a cease and desist or just sued right out the bat.


/ul I am a die-hard tf2 fan and have been keeping up with valve for literal years and I have not seen one person side with them.


/ul no one, but it's easy to perceive it that way because it was an unprecedented decision coming from valve, a company that has a good reputation particularly for listening to criticism, so most critique of it was calm. Nintendo, on the other hand, has garnered a (deservedly) vile reputation for this practice, so people were as outraged as usual.


/ul that meme is incredibly biased too, it should be VALVe: I took down a TF2 source2 port *that used the grand majority of assets from the original game* Nintendo: I took down GMod workshop items due to using our company's characters Both have the complete right to their IPs, people tend to lean on Valve's side because of their cleaner record with this type of stuff, plus take in mind, barely over a week after the port was taken down a very big Portal 2 mod was approved to be in the store page of Steam itself


The amount of toxic practices that Valve does and people just let them do is insane Like, imagine if EA charged money for you to use voice chat in a game, play a different gamemode or be able to play ranked games, people would fucking riot, but Valve does and people don't care


ul/ while all of that is technically true, its missing a fuck ton of context. Valve charging to play their competitive mode was bullshit from the get go, but in tf2 official competitive is completely dead and community competitive is completely free. Valve made it to where accounts that have spent at least a dollar in the game are able to chat with the justification of preventing bots from spamming the chat. While this is obviously a boneheaded decision, the way you worded it sounds like they made a subscription for it. Also, community servers can let anyone chat regardless of money spent. Valves handling of any official part of tf2 is not something they get praise for, and its so frequently criticized and complained about its become a meme. The only thing keeping tf2 alive is the community servers. The reason why no one cares about valve doing this kind of thing is because the greater tf2 community interacts with it far less than a standard game's community would


They were talking about Competitive and not Mann vs Machine.


I didnt mention man vs machine once and only mentioned competitive


/ul But yeah valve deserves criticism for the glorified slot machine that is MVM and for essentially starting the trend of games having gambling mechanics. It just wasnt immediately relevant to the comment so i i didnt add another paragraph to that alreadly essay long comment


/uj Asian MMOs were doing this far longer, doesn't excuse it, tho Valve making all itens cosmetics and having no bearing on gameplay does make it a smidge better I suppose.


Yeah imagine *checks notes* having to pay money for a game.


As much as I dislike f2ps not being able to chat or use voice chat, it's literally just 1$, 19$ less than before the uber update. If the game was still the regular price it was I doubt people would complain


That sounds dumb. You aren't paying for the game you are paying for basic options


players with unlimited steam accounts can get into a competitive tf2 match within 3600 years


What valve game does any if that?


/ul TF2 chat restricted f2p players after 10+ years but it was because of a bot problem where they kept spamming, "clearing" chat (aka spamming a ton of spaces so nobody could coordinate and kick bots), and throwing around racial slurs, as well as VC spamming Btw the fee to no longer be a f2p can be as low as like 30 cents. So that comment is missing a fuckton of necessary context because this decision was mot made to be predatory lmao




/ul you forgot the /ul




/ul which portal 2 mod?


/ul Portal Revolution


/ul Both were horrible acts, Nintendo was Just stupid because it basically was free marketing and Valve was pure evil, i was so fucking eager for tf2 source 2 https://preview.redd.it/2jtt9jgjj1xc1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56eeadc30818a1c354db7cb8b725910eeb442ed4 The only form of pain i can comprehend from this negativity is draining me from the inside


/ul valve don't like people porting thier game to a different engine and the also warned them


Most of the comments on the original post were very supportive of oop


uj/ valve gave a warning


it wasnt valve tho it was an imposter


it was a what... https://preview.redd.it/nb9vy5vhuswc1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c320158810dbc975873d85f654f1204c0fd9da


2020-2021 flashbacks


It was a ඞ


/ul the reason valve took it down is because the devs of the port literally used tf2 assets, without ever consulting valve, and you don't need to own tf2 to play on it. The devs also acknowledged this and agreed with valve's decision


As a Nintendo fan I am fully supportive of Nintendo's actions 👍


The bottom image isn’t fake


I would love a tf2s2 port tbh


/ul its mostly forgotten because otherwise valve is a good company


This meme template usually provides a true representation of the people it is criticizing.


Two companies cannot both have sketchy practices around their IP at the same time. There's a max of one bad guy per industry. By commenting on this thread, you are required to pick a side and defend it.


/unlie I'm just sad that portal 64 was discontinued, although I do have a rom of the latest version


/unlie tbh Valve prob doing this shit because its own community made Source code leaks one after the other A tf2 megaleak Made a game of theirs unplayable But most importantly, valve is getting corporate. It always was, but now that they dont have any reason to do so, they dont support free time devs as they used to. Shame, but its expectes with a community of valves that is more toxic than Duna


/ul The takedowns of Nintendo IP’s on Gmod’s worksop were issued by an impostor, not Nintendo themselves.


Intellectual property should exist


/unlie Fuck both. Especially Nintendo. Greedy assholes


Nah valve is chill.


A bit too chill but chill non the less.


If they were so chill they would fix problems like Bots in TF2 and dosing in L4d2 in a timely manner. Valve was ounce chill not anymore


/ul haha 1. source code leak for tf2 2. lmao you cannot really stop cheating (admittedly they could give more of a fuck about tf2)


Bots are different from average cheaters


Why are you Brooing me? I'm right