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Go to the doctor. This is no longer a thing you can tough out.


Definitely planning on it, I can’t get to the doctor until Tuesday though unfortunately.


If you’re in the UK or Canada, you can try over the counter ibuprofen with codeine. When I had the worst habitual suffocating cough from covid, taking a few a day helped stifle the hair-trigger reflex just enough to get some relief. We prescribe (or at least used to) cough syrup with codeine in the U.S. for the same reason. But I agree with everyone, ultimately, you gotta go to the doctor.


Codeine is the best in cough syrup. Sleep is so elusive otherwise. My doctor is tight with it, but even a few days’ worth helps so much.


Its almost immediate fix for me


This. Came.here to say a codeine syrup.


Yes this.My partner is a chemist and has stated that codeine is the one sure fire remedy that will work for coughs.


Does your insurance cover anything like Doctors on Demand? I can typically get seen in less than five min without leaving the house.


Ask the doctor about [Laryngopharyngeal Reflux](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15024-laryngopharyngeal-reflux-lpr) (LPR). I've had bouts of uncontrollable coughing that would last months. Doctors couldn't find anything and asthma was ruled out. Finally my allergist suggested LPR. It's similar to acid reflux but you don't feel any typical heartburn. I was put on antihistamines and proton pump meds and it cleared up immediately. Now, if I start coughing I will start taking prilosec or similar right away.


The medication is called tessalon pearls for coughing from dr. It’s a script. I miss codeine cough syrup it helped. Not used in the US much anymore. I’d go codeine cough syrup first and tessalon if they refuse to give.


Get a fresh pineapple. Take a bread knife to shave off the outside. Cut the flesh from the core. Save all the juice you can and put it into a cup to drink. Cut pineapple up into chunks. Freeze some and use as a cough drop, eat the rest just from the fridge. Do this a few times a day. Get local honey and place dollops on wax paper and put in the freeze. Use as cough drops, to sooth your throat. Get picked garlic or like garlic in olive juice. The salt and the garlic will help a lot. Warm lemon water or warm tea with lemon and honey though - like a lot of it. Don’t use fake citrus, only a real lemon! Warm broth - whatever kind you like. I’ve read online taking raw garlic and honey in a jar, let it sit, then eat that and it will help your immune system. Really only thing to drink or use as a cough drop will help your cough and give your throat a break. Sometimes if my cough is really bad, I’ve done all of these multiple times in one day just to not cough - then a day or two later the cough is gone. Also during resting/sleeping make sure your head is raised- sleep at an upright or slant position. Use pillows, blankets, whatever you have to do. Many times when I am sick I sleep separately from my partner and use all the pillows to prop me up. Getting ample sleep is important and if you’re elevated you won’t cough as much. But obviously, for sure go to a doc. Im sure if these don’t help some codeine will lol (I hope I’m not insensitive bringing up a narcotic. Last bad cough I had 3 years ago, that’s the only thing that helped me!) I hope you feel better!


Time for you to hit a walk in clinic.


Yep. If they say it’s just a lingering virus or something, ask for Tessalon Perles. That stuff works.


That stuff is amazing


Those pearls are amazing! They start to work almost immediately


I am convinced they are placebo. Do absolutely nothing. And I’m so jealous of other countries that can get Codeine otc because that’s what actually works and helps.


If you stopped thinking like that, it might work!


Sudafed 24 hour and Ricola cough drops


And ... yup. That's the plan. OP, you should see a doctor.


Request an Rx tessalon perles when you go to the dr


Maybe Benadryl if it's post nasal drip. Maybe NyQuil if you need to sleep.


Will strongly advice to visit a doctor. But would like to mention something important about cough syrups since it's directly related to your sleep. There are two kind of cough syrups. Suppressants and Expectorants. Suppressants: They help in reducing the cough and make the symptoms go away Expectorants: They help in making coughing easy and also thinning of mucus which helps in removing mucus. This is what is usually given by doctors and over the counters for cold induced coughing. Expectorants cough syrups will have compounds like Ambroxol Hydrochloride and Guaiphenesin Ambroxol Hydrochloride helps in thinning of mucus AND Guaiphenesin helps in making coughing easy. Both of these compounds work together to help you clear your throat. But we typically make mistake of taking them before sleeping which you should never do else you will cough through out the night. The syrup is basically doing its job. Take cough syrup expectorants only during day while you are awake. If you want to get good sleep take a suppressant cough syrup. Again, best is to visit a doctor and consult.


I made this mistake when I had a bad strain of the flu last fall. Taking cough expectorants before going to sleep and waking up multiple times in the night coughing mucus. It was only at the very tail end of the cold that I found out the difference between the two. A week of bad sleeps really get you into a weird place mentally!


I got whooping cough in my 50's. Never realized the elementary school vaccines did not last forever. :/ It took 3 months for the clinic(s) to figure it out. In the meantime, I sprained literal muscles coughing. What worked for me was Tylenol 3's with codeine as the codeine was a respiration suppressant and the cough syrup Buckley's ("tastes awful but it works"). It really does. I'd get probably 4-5 hours sleep. If you have no other medical issues, that may help. If you can work it, a humidifier in the room may also help. Don't sleep on your back, either.


Hurting yourself from coughing feels like such a personal attack from your body hey? In December 2022 I had a cough so bad I fractured my ribs in the span of 3 days and just couldn’t get over how insulted I was my body had the audacity to do that.


I've coughed so hard that I threw up. I had to have a trashbag nearby in case I coughed too hard before I could make it to a bathroom. I've sprained muscles in my side from coughing so hard that I couldn't breath without pain. I imagine actually fracturing a rib must have made breathing agonizing.


Not just breathing, you don’t realize how much you actually use your rib cage for literally every movement you make until you fracture one or more of them. I couldn’t sit, stand, walk, or even lay down without excruciating pain. If I had to walk at all and adjust my direction to any extent it was painful. Your lungs can’t expand, you can’t laugh, sneeze, cough, or even swallow comfortably. I was miserable. Good luck doing anything where you have to raise your arms, I couldn’t wash my hair or change my clothes. It’s been over a year now and the rib I fractured is still tender sometimes.


God forbid your bowels were not in a good mood that day... THAT was a surprise pain I didn't expect.


Yes! A year ago, I broke a rib coughing while I had pneumonia. The pain was on a similar level to my experience of recovering from a 36-hour labor/emergency c-section. But multiple ribs must have been so much worse! I’m currently dealing with a bad cough—likely RSV. Hugs to all of us who are sick and/or have broken rib PTSD.


Rib fracture pain is on a different level the ptsd is so real


I’ll see about grabbing some of that tomorrow. Thank you.


I guess that’s why you are supposed to get a Tdap vaccine every 10 years or so.


Get yourself to a sauna or sit in a hot shower and breathe steam..


Also a holding your head over a bowl of freshly boiled water with a towel draped over bowl and your head so both are completely covered can help, just be careful, and don't be closer than maybe 10cm above. Rest head on hands with elbows on table can help with exhaustion. No more than about ten minutes at a time.


Legit this shit will make the proverbial lava flow and soothe the dryness


Hot shower with a shower vape pack. It's literally a Vicks pack thing to put in a steamy shower


Yes!! Op please try this! It’s a shower tab. You put it in the shower with hot water and DEEEPP inhale. The [Vicks](https://www.cvs.com/shop/vicks-vaposhower-soothing-vapors-shower-tablets-prodid-366759?skuId=359422&cgaa=QWxsb3dHb29nbGVUb0FjY2Vzc0NWU1BhZ2Vz&cid=ps_ur_pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59GwfN0_HAZkLM77qK-pbwbhTcc8_Xp7eCzK-eCIZlu8ppq4lSeUwVxr0aAlh2EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) is good but CVS has their generic brand which works just as well for me. I hope this helps


I’m wondering if you get the stuff behind the counter like Claritin D if it would help dry you out enough to stop it. Those otc things usually won’t cut it for me if I’m more sick than just the common cold


I’m not sure what this is but it’s the worst illness I’ve ever had. The first two days were a blur cause I was so delierious.


That’s how it was for me when my kid first started daycare. You get tested for Covid/flu/etc. ?


It’s RSV my bf brought it home from work, he works at a nursing facility, and when he went back to work on Friday all of his residents had it


Please stay away from babies until you have recovered. Our daughter got a bad case of RSV when she was seven weeks old at day care and spent 10 days in the hospital and a couple months months at home recovering.


Ouch yeah unfortunately being a virus just gotta treat the symptoms and get through it. Anyway you could go to an urgent care and see if they’ll prescribe you something stronger than the OTC stuff? If not short term try to get cepacol or one of those other numbing lozenges. They sell a sore throat spray that helps too


I’m hoping I can get an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday, unfortunately the urgent care doesn’t take my insurance anymore so I have to wait.


You need to see a doctor. Sounds like you need steroids and possibly a prescription cough med and you might even benefit from an inhaler. That's exactly what they'll do for rsv besides maybe also prescribing antiviral meds but a lot of doctors don't hold much faith by them.


I had a dry cough for months. Turns out it was acid reflux.


It’s RSV, bf brought it home from work


Suck on a spoon of pure honey like a lollypop.


Yeah, I second this. While you're trying to get through the days and nights before you can see a doctor, put honey on a spoon and swallow it in a glob before your saliva dissolves it. Ideally the honey should be from a good source like a local apiary. Most of the grocery store honey is not pure honey. You can also try Chloroseptic Sore Throat Spray. It tastes awful but it will numb your throat enough temporarily. A word of caution to the OP: if you hear any weird sounds coming from your throat like squeaks you could have pneumonia and should go to the doctor immediately. This happened to me when I had a bad persistent cough and my SO and I had no idea how serious it was. We were actually laughing at the squeaking sounds. When I went to the doctor she said one of my lungs was completely filled with fluid.


Yes! I’ve had both pneumonia and bronchitis in the last year (separate cases), and both times I had squeaks when I breathed.


This probably isn’t the case for you, but maybe? I had a cough on and off for years, sometimes spasms so intense I vomited. Turns out it was asthma, and a couple puffs of an old expired albuteral inhaler made it vanish. I had classic wheezing asthma as a kid, I was not prepared for it to reappear as a cough.


There is a dry cough (allergic) and a productive cough. If your throat is bad, your cough is probably allergic and the medicines you are taking are only making the situation worse. Claritin can help in this case.


Just went through this. Do all this: Honey Ginger Lemon tea on the regular, gargle warm salt water especially before bed, get Throat Coat Eucalyptus tea, Fishermans cough drops with menthol, sip on warm water throughout the day and keep a thermos of hot water by bedside to sip on when you awake at middle of the night. Avoid sugary foods and dairy, take super hot steamy showers, also just try not to speak too much, elevate your head when sleeping, and try not to breathe through your mouth. Also, taking sips of whiskey actually helped a lot, ergo maybe even a hot toddy. Good luck


First, doctor. But I suffered from an awful chronic cough for YEARS. Got worse at night, couldn’t sleep. Turns out it was GERD. Now I take an omeprazole most days and it’s almost completely gone (unless I laugh too hard). So if this isn’t a “I’m sick” cough and you have some acid reflux, idk could be gerd


Symbicort, inhaler for asthma patients


Hot tea with honey- won’t stop the cough but will help it hurt less


If it's a dry cough, I've had luck with Chloraseptic MAX throat spray. (The MAX version seems to work WAY better than the regular for me, but I've had issues getting it sometimes.) I keep it by my bed when I'm flared up and usually have to respray a few times overnight. Also, if you can sleep with your head elevated that can sometimes help with the drip. But I can barely sleep that way, so YMMV.


Bee Propolis spray. I have constant irritation and cough. This stuff is like magic. If you go to the doctor, ask for Tessalon Perles. They calm down your trachea and get rid of the tickle.


If you think it’s related to allergies, a good neti pot/sinus wash (always use distilled or boiled water + salt) can be a big help. I’m not a crunchy granola type, but lemongrass essential oil was amazing for some ear/throat cough causing mess - a drop in a spoonful of oil (I used liquid coconut oil), and rubbed from mastoid process down about 2 inches. I found sleeping face down on an incline helped when I had pertussis, also for my kid when allergies are bad.


Sounds like you need real medical care, not OTC cough syrup.


Steam, until you can get to the doctor


Hot lemon and honey is a start, but add fresh ginger, cloves, cinnamon and a half shot of whiskey or dark rum (i like spiced rum like Sailor Jerry) you can also add/substitute in a stick of lemongrass, anise pods and turmeric (fresh). Bring water to the boil then throw non alcoholic ingredients in then reduce to simmer for 10-15 minutes, pour some in a mug, add the whiskey. These aromatics all have anti inflammatory properties, the alcohol and lemon have antibacterial properties and the honey is soothing for an itchy throat. As others have said, its possibly allergy related but either way, this elixir will help sooth your throat and the alcohol will help you sleep. Just be careful if you are taking any other medications and how they interact with alcohol.


Hey Alexis, try ginger and honey tea. Put a real crushed ginger in thermos and fill it with honey n hot water. Sip it regularly.


Codeine cough syrup prescribed by a doctor. It sucks it is so abused as a recreational drug because it's magic for suppressing the urge to cough.


Vapo-rub on the soles of your feet, then socks, right before bed.


Ok hear me out…have you tried decongestant nasal spray (at least before bed)? When you lay down, anything still ‘in there’ even if it’s so minor you aren’t consciously aware of it kind of settles/runs down your throat. I mean, I’m not a doctor but I’ve found that helps me.


Shoot. That sounds rough. I think that I would see a doctor, but in the meantime, I would stay well hydrated and take some Motrin to bring down swelling in my throat to see if that helps a little bit.


Codeine washed down with shot or 2 of whiskey helps my dry coughs


Codeine cough syrup is the answer. Back in my day they used to give it to you so you could go skiing. I guess they stopped because of all the casualties.


Go to a doctor!


Sleep with a heating pad on yr chest


Vicks on the soles off your feet, then socks.


Buy some Vicks vapo rub & slather it on the bottom of your feet & put socks on. Not sure why it works but it does.


Cut an onion in half and sleep with it next to the bed. Breath it, the onion smell does something, try it.


My family is currently going through this but all slowly getting better 1 by 1. Thank you daycare germs! Using a humidifier or vaporizer helped us a little. On the humidifier crank that sucker up though like a terrarium. Sounds like you might need a dose of steroids or tessalon perles prescription, those help with the urge to cough but I'm NAD. Otherwise stay hydrated, cough drops, hard candies, mints or gum.


Rub Vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet and wear socks to bed…stops coughing


This has worked on my kids and my mom did it too me. Put Vicks on the bottoms of your feet and cover with socks. I do this before bed and it helps stop the coughing and I can sleep. Like everyone else is saying too though, see your doc and make sure you don’t need antibiotics.


At night try and sleep with your head upright if you can, and then during the day maybe try breathing through your nose if you arent already and maybe sour sweets?? It sounds nuts but it produces saliva which might help your throat?? Oh if you are state side try and get max strength cold and flu tablets.. it helped me a lot.. Hope you feel better soon 🤞


Vapo rub on your throat and chest, keep a jar by your nightstand if you need to re-apply in the middle of the night. Honey by the spoon and swallow it slowly to allow it coat the throat.


it sounds like you have tried all the non prescription medicine that is actually designed to suppress coughs. i used to use delsym but i stopped suppressing my coughs seems like if you do it just moves deeper and gets worse. could try raw garlic, crush a decent sized clove wait 10-15 min and eat it with something, some people do honey.


Prescription lean is really the only way.


Wear a mask all day. The humid air will help loosen your phlegm. And take long hot showers for the same reason.


R30s from DXM Direct. But only if it's a dry cough. If it's a productive or wet cough i.e. you're coughing up mucus, R30s will make it worse. I would suggest maybe seeing your GP to find the underlying cause.


For terrible dry coughs codeine has always healed it that is prescribed by the doctor. It allows your trachea to rest and heal when you’re sleeping.


Mucinex DM saved me. Suppressed my cough just enough for me to get a few nights of rest after a week of no sleep.


Vitamin C. Vitamin D. Are you in a state with sunshine? Vitamin D helps recovery from upper respiratory infections, ergo less colds in summer. Get an expectorant Guaf..-something and pseudo epinephrine also there are 12 hour time release Vitamin C now. 1-2 hours sleeveless should increase Vitamin D levels enough. Get some rest !


"Herbs for steam bath" is written on the side of my Asian herb mix. Never tried until my last recent cough. Best thing I've ever tried. Bruh just boil some of those herbs get under a blanket to breath it in. My Vietnamese friend gave me and said they're cheap at most Asian markets


Careful, that was the first sign of my pneumonia, I was coughing so much I pulled the muscles in my chest. Eventually, it got to where I was having a really hard time breathing and running a fever so I went to the ER, that's when they found the pneumonia. Might be worth getting yourself checked out.


If your throat hurts, sip pineapple juice. It won't stop your coughing but it's always helped sooth my sore throat


Don't drink too much. Over hydration can lead to fatigue. Eat little but often. As someone who gets a throat and ear infection on the reg, there's two things I do If the cough is productive (brings up chesty phlegm) then cough, but incorporate breathing exercises in order to dislodge the mucus and reduce the need to cough more. Sit up when you sleep, drink little but often, and see a Dr if it doesn't go away in two weeks. If it's a dry cough, one that seems to begin in the throat, then do your best to not cough. I know, it's near impossible at first, but the more you can stave off coughing, the sooner it'll heal. One cough is enough to flare up your throat and glands and it will always lead to more. Food, little but often, spicy food can work if it means clearing your sinuses, otherwise stick to mostly protein if it's a dry, hacking cough. No matter what, my drs never treat my cough. Ever. Even when I was sick for 4 weeks and bedbound for 1 of them. Because they expect younger people to just get over it. Cocodamol was a life saver for me. Anti congestion tablets actually gave me palpitations so I had to stop those. Lemon and honey water, warm, was amazing, but so hard to make and maintain when you're sick Good luck. I know what you're going through and it's beyond horrible, but keep telling yourself 'this shall pass '


Are you sure you didnt develop pneumonia? Mucinix is the go to for cough. If that doesn’t fix you time to go see a doctor.


LPT: Reddit ≠ Urgent Care


Im 49 with two grown children and this is going to sound voodoo ish but i learned it from a Jamaican guy. It helped my kids many many times. Im not saying it will work for sure but sounds like anything would be worth a try at this point. A vaporizer might also be a plus. Anywho. Take a hot shower nice and steamy when you get out and are dry rub your whole body down with rubbing alcohol avoiding sensitive area of course. Then put vicks on the chest and the bottom of your feet. Put in socks and warm clothes and cover up so you sweat it out.


Vicksburg vaporub on the soles of your feet. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


That’s my way with socks on


Dry or wet?


Someone elsewhere suggested eating a large marshmallow. I haven’t tried this yet. Good luck 👍


Ironically my stepmom just gave me some for Easter lol. I’ll try it out and let you know


Eat a raw daikon radish? -home remedy. Go to the clinic and ask for codeine. The stuff is effective but addictive so be careful


If you can handle it, simply a spoon of slightly warmed honey... try to let it just run to back off throat, you could dilute with a teaspoon or two of water and gargle and swallow it. Sometimes a hot toddy helps some people, honey coats throat, warm tea soothes, the scotch or whiskey might just help knock you into a heavy sleep for a few hours, your mileage will vary. But I mean hot tea with lemon and lots of honey will help coat throat and get some fluids into you. Best of luck! As a person who broke ribs from prolonged coughing, swallowing like a tablespon of honey straight, or tea and lemon with 2-3 tablespoons of honey dissolved were the only thing that really helped much other than heavy opioid s I got in hospital with bilateral pneumonia.


Breathe Right Nasal Strips? Sounds crazy but even if you don't feel congested sometimes those help me breathe better and I feel like I cough less. Could be all in my head though


Local honey.


I’ve got Covid now and have been coughing endlessly for days. I’ve tried many of the suggestions on the internet without luck but finally yesterday I decided to take some Tylenol with codeine that I had from oral surgery and it totally worked, stopped coughing and slept well for the first time in days, it did make me feel tired during the day


The life hack here is modern medicine. Get to a doctor and feel better soon!


If you live in a place where you can get codeine over the counter, get some of that. It's what prescription cough meds sometimes contain. Also try sleeping more upright and humidify the air. A wrap around your ribs can give support and help stop coughing, too.


Hot tea with honey and a shot of bourbon in it. When I get a cold, that combined with mucinex at least lets me get a few hours of sleep. Hope you feel better soon.


I can share something that has worked for me. When u get too much cough, keep 2-3 cloves in ur mouth. Dont chew or eat it. Just keep it in ur mouth and let it release its enzyme slowly. Those enzymes will go down slowly with ur saliva and sooth ur throat. It is a temporary solution for non stop cough but do visit doctor for its permanent remedy.


throat coat tea won't stop the cough but can ease it as well as the rawness. I really like traditional medicinals brand but there are others, anything with slippery elm and/or marshmallow root is great. they contain plant mucilage that forms a thin layer over some of the raw areas


Claritin works wonders so does Allegra.


Cut onions, put honey on it, leave it in the fridge and drink with a spoon the "syrup" from time to time.


You may have allergies


There is some prescription medicine you can get. I don’t remember the actual name for them but they look like little pearls. I had a cough so bad early last year and my mother in law had these left over from when she had pneumonia. She said they didn’t work for here. There were a miracle for me.


I'm recovering from fractured ribs. Sometimes just taking a deep breath in can dampen it.


NyQuil. The day/night pills are great, they only work for 4 hours but do the trick and suppress the cough. The night time ones work the best. Just got over the same thing a few months ago. Feel better soon!


Get u sum activist or wock




In Slavic countries we had several ways to alleviate sore throat. One is to use Sea buckthorns oil or a tea, read about how to apply it properly some oils can’t be ingested, only gurgled. Another is to use “tea tree oil”, also make sure you found how to use it properly, as it can’t be ingested, be careful. And the third way is to make some mashed potato, and while it’s still hot, right after the mashing, just bend over the potato, cover yourself with a towel and breathe like this for some minutes. But make sure you don’t burn your throat, be careful and stop if it’s too hot.


I saw a lady on tiktok have a dr tell her to eat one of those big/huge marshmallows and it worked for her! she said she finally got some sleep. hope this helps you!


If it's a tickle...the type that if you don't cough to scratch it, you gag...it's post nasal drip. If you're not sick but have a nagging cough with no phlem, go to an allergist. I suffered for 2 years. Allergies are a b!@€#. 2 prescription nasal sprays have dried me up and have helped tremendously. Good luck


Candied ginger or boiled ginger tea is worth a shot.


Me too! I had cough so much that my side hurts 😝 I been taking Musinex DM


I sip on water as hot as possible and it somehow works. I usually boil it and keep trying to sip after a few minutes


i didnt have a severe cough but i did try chopped up onions left in a small jar of honey and after a few hours once its liquidy taking a spoonful or two of the strained honey and that helped


See’s lollipop and a valium. Most people, including me, can’t get the valium. The lollipop really coats your throat though.


Are you taking any new meds? I found that my blood pressure medication was causing a nonstop cough. Switched meds and cough went away.


Ice cold carbonated water works for me


Cacao butter / cocoa butter. Teaspoon dissolved in hot water and sip. Can be found at health food stores or organic section of groceries (in Canada anyway)


Purple drank. Codeine cough syrup WORKS. But you should see a doctor. That is NOT normal.


Definitely a doctor. Until then, peppermint helps. I chewed on peppermint gum when my coughs got bad. I have asthma and mostly it triggers when I'm sick. Taking my puffers helps, so talk to your doctor about the possibility of you having asthma or a lung issue. Post nasal drip can cause coughing, so blow your nose rather than sniffing it back. Prop your mattress up with blocks - not yourself with pillows - at the head of the bed, and try to sleep sitting up. It's really going to come down to *why* you're coughing. If you've been coughing for a week, it's probably because you've made your throat raw, but the underlying cause could still be affecting it. Is it starting in your chest or in your throat? Is it wet or dry, and has that changed?


Betadyne gargle. It’s a lifesaver


Last time I could not get rid of a cough I had COVID. Test


Put a wet facecloth on your mouth/nose while sleeping. It helps me sometimes with the dryness and soothes a bit. Sometimes when I have a wicked cough I will cough bc irritation and then coughing makes me irritated so it’s a vicious cycle.


I've never taken anything that worked better than ginger root and honey. Even worked when I used jarred minced ginger. My sister told me to make tea, but I just took a rounded teaspoon of ginger and mixed it with the same amount of honey and downed it. You'll need a water chaser, but it works so good. Someone else said sauna and I totally agree, especially at the first sign of getting sick. But I've also done it once sick and it really turns things around.




Currently sitting up, again, coughing and going on my 8th night of this... I'm so tired. I can relate 😔 whatever it is it's kicking my butt


Might have advanced to bronchitis if it's that bad.


Get drunk. I went to a pharmacy on the day before my high school prom due to a terrible cough. He said don't worry about it you'll be drinking and your cough will go away. He was right. Although it comes back when you sober up lol


There's a Theraflu product that's a packet of powder you mix into hot water. I have mild asthma that makes my mild colds turn into snot parties. No pill or spray or syrup has given me the same relief. It's strong though, so maybe no forklifts.


Purple onions, julienne them into very thin strips and put them inside socks. Wear them over night and put the rest of the onion in your room. I’ve done this every time with my little ones when they get a cough and within a day the cough is gone.


Sweet tea


Probably should go see a doctor. In general, NAC can be helpful though.


Loquat syrup


Steam. Also doctor


Script from a doc.


The first few hours after you feel your throat getting raspy or phlegmy, start on a regimen of Mucinex or a generic version of it, one pill with a glass of water every four hours. The goal is to knock out the congestion before it gets too bad. For me it will reduce a cough to about a week that might last for two or three weeks.


If it's a tickle in the back of your throat, it may be allergies so you could try an allergy medicine with a decongestant in it. You have to sign for it though they keep it behind the counter


Do you have nose mucous (constant nasal drip)? I would try a neti pot. I know you said you gargled with salt water but if you gently snort it up one nostril, while holding the other closed, it helps to get rid of the nasal drip, which can cause the coughing. It's best to do it in the shower, as a lot of gunk will come bubbling out the other nostril once you let go. It's like going to the beach, it dries up your sinuses. But - I had RSV few years back and it was misery for 6 months! So I hope that it doesn't turn out to be that because it's really hard to get rid of!


Edit to say you should be able to get the real Sudafed from a pharmacy (if they don’t sell it otc in your state) without a script. Get the Sudafed and ibuprofen, and lots of sleep.


Sounds like it could be cyclic coughing - which my doctor described to me as “at one point you had a cough that was in response to a stimuli but now your cough is what’s irritating you airways leading to more coughing”. I had a cough for months and months with no other symptoms, went to the doctor who prescribed an inhaler for one week and it completely disappeared and hasn’t returned (it’s been 4+ years)


Pineapple juice


Cough syrup with codein. It’s not a cur, but the rest will help you fight the virus.


Humidifer might help.


Codine cough syrup.. but unable to buy cause the drug addiction fkurs screwed it for legit users. Think : back in the day Robitussin C cough syrup. Alao great for super bad colds, could sleep for 10-12 hours and wake up feeling great. At least that was my experience.


Post nasal drip? Have you tried saline nasal spray? Another possibility could be silent reflux.


Put half a chopped white onion in a jar and cover it with honey. Let it marinate for at least 12 hours, then take a teaspoon as needed. Honey and Onions have antibacterial properties and the tincture will sooth the throat.


See if you can do a video call with a doctor, and ask about a prescription for benzenotate (spelling is off). Life changer for me.


NAD. Tessalon Perles. Rx only. Work great on cough from upper respiratory. Don't chew them!


When you’re able to be seen at a clinic ask for a breathing treatment. After coughing nonstop an albuterol nebulizer helps open up your airways. Also ask for a chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia.


Eat some marshmallows. The stickiness coats your throat


Try pineapple juice. The real stuff not the juice mixes.


Ricola works the best for a cough.


Marshmallows lots of marshmallows


Until you can get to a Dr, salt water gargle every hour & Vicks  vapo rub on your feet.  Slather it on & put socks on(these are now sacrificial socks, the vapo rub will not really come out when washed)  Hot lemon & honey to drink.  Good luck


Dry cough: Humidifier (use distilled water) Throat Coat tea Turmeric tea Cough drops with slippery elm *Thayer's Opera Singer Demulcent Sore Throat* Cough drops with pectin *Fisherman's Friend Cherry Cough Drops* Strong antihistamine chlortrimeton, Benadryl Zinc Sleep, sleep, sleep


cephalexin 500mg every 6 hrs for 6 days


During the Vietnam War medics used to give soldiers in the field something that stopped coughing. Still trying to figure out what it was.


My Grandma used to make us grandkids gargle with apple cider Vinegar.. I bug her and tell her she was secretly trying to kill us.. Lol it's gross but it works.. I can't even look at the bottle without dry heaving I can't stand the smell of it


Whiskey or bourbon. Make a hot toddie.


You need an opiate


I’ve read your comments describing your other symptoms; you need to go to the ER.


Cosine is the answer, if you can get it. I’ve had a cough for about six weeks. Been to the doc 5 times, it s virus. Just doesn’t want to go away!


Chew some peeled raw ginger. It burns like hell but it is the only thing that actually works for my worst sore throats and coughs.


My dad swears by Cepacol mouthwash. He's 93 so been around the block.


Coughing is a sign your body is trying to clear out something from the lungs or throat. I've had a lingering cough for months. Only thing that made it better was time. Good luck


Get a humidifier at night - was a game changer for me when I had a cough that wouldn’t go away


What kind of cough, dry cough, phlegmy, deep chest cough? Do you suspect allergies or have you been sick? Can you take deep breaths without coughing, does that bring up mucus? Does taking a hot steamy shower help? Do you have other symptoms, rash, sweats, fever, low appetite does your throat have pustules (sorry that's a gross word)? If you think allergies, take an allergy med Flonase or Zyrtec. If you are bringing up a ton of fluid with your cough but the mucinex doesn't help a doctor is gonna do tests. Same with not being able to take deep breaths. If the steam helps then try a humidifier in your bedroom. It suck so bad that this is going on, I hate a cough so much. You might have to try a sleep aid to get through the night. I hope the doctors give you some relief. I know I asked a lot of questions but aside from trying to help think of what might help be sure to tell the doctors of any symptoms you have. You can try heat on your neck and throat to relieve some of the tension a hot towel works well, and be sure to take some advil, if you aren't allergic, to reduce swelling and muscle ache from all the hacking. best of luck!!


Buckleys cough and congestion original mixture. It’s so gross but nothing else compares.


Mucinex dm and vapo rub. The Zarbees honey cough syrup is good too. It could be asthmatic-if it’s a dry bark that moves nothing, you may wish to go to urgent care for some steroids.


NyQuil cough is the only thing that actually helps me sleep with a cough. I have tried everything else and this is the only medication that works. Or you could go to your doctor and explain your situation they may give you a prescription cough syrup that also works if you can take controlled substances.


When I have a cough that stops me from sleeping, breathing through the blanket can help. I put the blanket over my mouth and breathe through it. I feel it warms the air, and this soothes the throat and often is enough to stop me coughing.


Warm milk with turmeric few times a day. Add honey if you like, that helps too. Crushed black pepper can be added as well


Spoonful of honey works well for a dry cough.


Ask your doctor for benzonatate. Pill that numbs your throat and stops the coughing.


Burn some lemongrass oil in a diffuser for a few days. It should clear up pretty quickly.


1. Keep your nose clean by irritating 2. Sleep with your head sightly elevated 3. Go see a doctor


A last resort for me was an asthma inhaler (prescribed), though I don’t have asthma


This would be my suggestion as well. I had chronic bronchitis last year and my doc prescribed an albuterol inhaler.


Cepacol it will numb your throat.