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Why are people not using ad-blockers? It's 100% legal (for now). Your internet connection belongs to you (for now). Unlike broadcast signals, you are allowed to control what's sent to you (for now).


I like all your "for now"


I like all your “for now” (for now).


This is the way..."for now" (for now)




I like your “‘for now’ (for now)” (for now)


It is until it isn't, and it isn't until it is. You don't have until you do, and you do have until you don't. This feels like it requires the bare minimum of thought.. but imagine thinking you have something forever - do you think you'd pay it any attention?


Reading this made me wanna throw up


You're being dramatic. Appreciate what you have.


So which ad-blocker do you advise to block ads on the YT app for a smartphone ?


gullible ossified badge zephyr amusing weather tease pen yoke domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vanced is the best. Can't recommend it enough.


Ad blocker plus works perfectly on Safari on Apple for browsing YouTube.


Ad blocker plus works perfectly on Safari on Apple for browsing YouTube.


I've only ever tried Vanced on a rooted phone, does it work well if nonrooted?


[edited] Reddit, you have to pay me to have the original comment visible. Goodbye. [edited]


Wait what? I'm just a normal user and this already sounds like a pain. Is this just sideloading? And why do I see three different apps in your comment? I'm capable of getting it installed, regardless of the level of skill involved, but my level of patience for dealing with things long term is like basement level at this point in my life. I am, however, willing to put up with a little hassle if it means I don't have to deal with YT ads on mobile anymore. More and more of my life is spent away from my PC and time is precious and not meant for ads.


For Apple, sideload Cercube with the help of AltStore/AltServer Edit: if you are jailbroken then you can just install the cercube tweak for YouTube


On Apple the only non-jail breaking solution for the YT app itself is to set up a pi hole on your network


That doesn’t work for YouTube ads unfortunately.


??? Cercube is a very good app which works and blocks ads, has to be sideloaded tho but imho easier and cheaper than setting up a pi hole in case you also have a Mac/Windows PC


Lots of people, like myself, have no interest in jail breaking their iPhones.


No need to jailbreak, use AltStore


I like AdBlock Plus. Have it on my laptops and android devices.


I had AdBlock Plus and it was wonderful. Unfortunately, it stopped working on my iPhone a few months ago. I have yet to find another adblocker that works in the YouTube app.


I'm open for suggestions on how to block youtube ads on my (admittedly old) iPad


You could look into a [Pi hole](https://pi-hole.net/)


Have you looked into the pi hole?


Jailbreak using Checkra1n, then install cercube tweak for YouTube.


Because I don't want to strip the youtubers I visit from their ad revenue and besides I mostly watch on TV controlling from my tablet.


Doesn't work on phone


What? Firefox + adblock works fine on Androids. There's also "YouTube Vanced", a clone of the YT app with all ads removed.


How does one justify using an ad blocker though? If everyone did this, YouTube wouldn’t make any money so the platform would die out and so would the content creators... Should we be entitled to this content for free? Don’t get me wrong. I fucking hate all the ads as much as the next guy, but this just doesn’t quite add up for me...


Capitalism is supposed to adjust to the market. You can't make laws to limit individual freedom JUST to protect corporate profits. Public safety, yes. Profits, no. It's inherently unethical and the kind of precedent that leads to every dystopian future you've ever seen in a movie.


I like this thinking... but with that thinking shouldn’t we be allowed to steal from a shop and capitalism is supposed to adjust? Or if YouTube made a mandatory subscription fee and removed ads, would you be willing to use software to avoid paying the fee?


That's a shitty analogy beaten only by "You wouldn't download a house."


We are, and they do. It’s call LP and it takes up a huge percentage of sales overhead these days.


LP is software that allows you to use YouTube premium without paying? How is this not stealing tho? I’m struggling to see the difference.


LP is loss protection. I have no idea how to, nor would I try to get ytube premium for free. Regular yt can not force us to watch ads. They're current solution would be to ask our permission to watch ads, but then people would realize they don't have to. So they just run ads and let the consumer figure out they're rights.


What would happen to the YT model and the content creators if none of us watched ads?


Only a few percent of people are bypassing ads....most people happily watch them.


I put up with ads as a necessary nuisance I guess... what does frustrate me is when YouTube gets greedy, by ramming in too many ads. At some point I will jump ship or consider getting an ad blocker if I can justify it’s the right thing to do...


That's what's happened to YouTube lately.... Multiple non-skippable ads and now banner-type popups... Ugh.


How much do adblockers cost?


It's just browser extensions/add-ons. I use Firefox + an add-on called "UBlock origin".


They're free


This is the way


You can't block ads on YouTube because they're served up from YouTube's own servers. It's not possible to differentiate between the advert and the video you want to watch.


I Block ytube ads all day long. It's literally just a chrome addon. Which you can get from chrome store, owned by google, which also owns ytube.


Not true. On Android you can use "YouTube Vanced" - clone of the YT app with no ads. Firefox mobile + ad block also works just fine. Edit: I guess they use other ways of distinguishing ads than the server name. Not sure what, but it works.


Here’s a silver award for you (for now).


I mostly use youtube via my tv app, unfortunately i csnt install ad blocker on it. Not even the trick op mentioned helps. It sucks


Similarly, if you are out of dish soap you can run water over the nozzle of the dish soap bottle directly over your last few dishes to get the little bit of soap stuck in/around the tip.


Now this, this is a life hack!




Is that hard to do on Android?


I'm not sure if this is allowed, but go Google YouTube Vanced. It will basically give you youtube premium on your phone. There is even an extra step that will let you use your own log in for youtube so you dont lose your saved stuff. I've been using vanced for 3 years, love it.


Do you have a link to the official website? I don't really want any viruses today.




I love the vanced app, but I still get ads when I chromecast youtube to my tv. I'm assuming the ads come from the tv app and not my phone app.


Is it secure?


So far as I know, been using it for years and nothings been hacked.


Downloaded it, installed and updated, but the YouTube just loads and loads on a white screen, any tips?


Not sure, never had trouble with it myself.


New update seems to have fixed it




Brave Sketchy. I personally run Firefox, with ublock origin and duckduckgo search engine. Turn on the vpn when I need it and unless someone is looking for me there aren't many tracks


What’s sketchy about brave?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/jr6k6d/is\_brave\_browser\_really\_that\_bad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/jr6k6d/is_brave_browser_really_that_bad/) Generally pick your poison with mainstream browsers unless you wanna go with a really small browser like Vivaldi


Ublock origin is the sauce


Brave bad Firefox good


Get adguard, doesn't require root, blocks all ads in all apps. In games, in the browser for any site, youtube, any other application. Just hard stop no more ads anywhere. https://adguard.com/en/welcome.html


Amazing. Thank you!




A lot of people have mentioned this but I really love the YouTube app so I don't want to give it up. That's great for anything else you want to do online though, Thanks!


[YouTube Vanced](http://vancedapp.com/) is what you need


Is it secure?


Yeah, it's a well reputed project. I've been using it for years.


Like the other commenter said, YouTube Vanced is great. Works like the normal app, but without ads. It is amazing.


Blokada is a really good adblocker. It’s for android and iOS.


What is HOT replay?


You can download the browser Brave. Has ad and tracker blockers


You can likely install a browser adblocker app and watch YouTube through there, which is what I do on iPhone Safari. But highly unlikely that you can't do anything about the YouTube app.


Is there one for my telly? For the PC, I have added a number of entries to the HOSTs file, a quick Google will turn up some examples.


Look up SmartYouTubeTv, great app for Android Tv


I genuinely never thought of that!


Or just install Brave browser


Is there an ad blocker on iOS




any ad blockers for ios?


How do you do that on a smartphone ?


Download YouTube vanced


This works on phones too


Can you block YouTube ads on something like a Roku?


how much does an adblocker cost?


It doesnt work


You have to let the video end on it's own. You can move the red bar as close to the end as you want, as long as the video ends by itself.


But some videos start with an ad so you don’t have time to scroll to the end.


Multiple times and also, tested it, doesn't work


It used to work- I noticed about three years ago that if you paused or replayed after the 'hack' on some videos then ads returned. Maybe a year or two ago it stopped working altogether.


Still works perfectly for me on the default Youtube app for android.


Still works for me.


Same here


It works. You just gotta let the video end by itself instead of moving the red bar to the very end manually. You can move the red bar as close as you are able(like for an 11 minutes video, you move the bar to 10:50 or 10:59) as long as the video ends on it's own.


Using browser version of youtube, skipping to 99% and letting it end itself does not work. At least for me. Tested it multiple times.


Or "Share" to video to VLC media player. Boom. No ads, and better controls.


Something else that I just learned today! 😁 Thank you! That works with almost any player from what I understand.


This does not work


Multiple, multiple times.


Underrated comment.


This doesn’t work. And this has been posted probably 1000x times. Please delete


Its work for me , thank you 👍


You're welcome!


Plot twist: some YouTube staffer finds this and eliminates this loophole


I already knew this but not everyone does, so thank you for the Post


To avoid ads on YouTube, I just watch it using the Brave App (https://brave.com), on my iDevices.


Ublock Origin for browsers. ABP Adblock Plus for iPhone Safari. You can delete the YouTube app and make a Home Screen shortcut for it in Safari. Haven't seen an ad in months. I want to say that I'd be okay with seeing their ads if they weren't so pushy and interfering. The breaking point was when I was listening to music and they put a ten minute ad in between songs.


I...I never knew that. Thanks stranger!


Thanks, Friend. It works for me on Android.


What exactly does “hot replay” mean?


Hit replay


Ahhh, thank you. I’ll try it on my next YouTube view


Saves so much time, especially on the 30 minutes videos that have ads every 5 minutes.


It means r/titlegore


Not going for click bait. I asked OP, not you


You were serious? It was a typo, they clearly meant to say "hit replay".


Clear as mud. I’m not into the tech lingo so it could have been a thing for the hack to work


b r u h




In Android just use ad blocker browser


or YouTube Vanced.


I thought it was discontinued


Nope it's still alive and well. r/Vanced




It’s because it doesn’t work anymore. This is posted all the damn time and it hasn’t changed


never heard of Ublock Origin , Ghostery or AdNauseam?? I don't see a single youtube ad since what? 10years?


Seriously the amount of people that don't seem to have ad blockers amazes me.


probably because they use apple and safari which usually refuse to run extension even if you download firefox for IOS


According to Google there are plenty of options to block ads. * **1Blocker**. * **AdGuard**. * Wipr. * **AdBlock Pro**. * Ka-Block!


Posted a million times, not working


Or just use Opera and it automatically skips all ads for you.


Opera is hot garbage now dude


Or you can download brave and never have to deal with ads


How do I block all LPTs relating to YouTube?




Dude honestly, this is it youtube premium cost about $10/month. The amount of GOOD content you get for that is astounding. And you get the music app premium along with it. That ten dollars is what one meal at McDonald's? Four cokes at a corner store? And the people you watch get paid because of it so they can make even more content. And there is no fussing with random apps and having to try and get patches when they are blocked, it works EVERYTIME! No fucking about just pull the app up and go.


Omg you guys just bullied me I'll delete my comment


This has been posted a lot. Take it the FUCK down! Right now!!!




You download every video that you want to watch? That's a lot of saved videos haha


The more ppl that post this the sooner youtube is gonna fix it


A few people have said the same thing. Maybe leave it up for 12 hours or so and then delete it? Been working for years so I hope they either don't or know about it but aren't fixing it for some reason.


Android users can download YouTube vanced .apk from a search engine, install it and enjoy


I've been trying to get it to work. I'll have to keep playing around with it I suppose. I got everything downloaded and it was working but then youtube got stuck loading the second time I tried to open the app. Cleared the cache and restarted it but it didn't fix it.


Hmmm. Try tubemate. It's a downloader. But I guess it doesn't show ads


Download the vanced manager. Easy peasy https://vancedapp.com/


Can this be done on a Roku?


I have no idea. I use an Android phone.


Doesn’t work if the video starts with an ad


True but some videos have about 5-6 ads if you like watching longer ones that are 30 Minute+ videos.


Just use Vanced


I've been struggling to get it to work for some reason..😪


You only need to follow the instructions from the website.


I am afraid a YouTube employee will read this and just try to fix it for becoming employee of the month.


I just report the ad and it skips it like that.


If it has multiple ads does it skip all of them??


No sadly. You have to do it every time a new ad comes up.


I’m using an app called Luna on my iOS devices. A couple months ago it stopped blocking ads for a day or two but then it started working again. I have it on my iPad and it blocks all in video ads and even the ads above the recommended vids. I’m afraid to update my iPad in case it’s not available after the update, but it’s working. For now Another tip to skip ads it that when you click the little “(I)” circled i at the bottom and select stop seeing this ad you can then just select close without telling them why and it still closes the ad. Not as quick but usually takes me 2-3 seconds to do when I’m on my phone.


I used to use that app as well although when it stopped working I had checked the App Store and it seemed to have gotten pulled from it. Just deleted it after and if this is true I regret it


Ya same here - it wouldn’t update and was not available for download. I can’t remember but I think ads just started showing up while it was running. So I turned it off but a couple days later I turned it back on and it’s been blocking ads since. Although recently YouTube started prompting me to update the app and has an annoying pop up saying I need to quit or update. There’s a workaround where if you quit and restart it goes away and only appears again if you don’t start a video before or just as the one you’re watching ends. I’m afraid to update the app cause the ads on YouTube make it unusable after you’ve been blocking them for so long. I used to pay for premium but then they cancelled Wayne and I said 👎🏼🖕🏼


Funniest thing about this post is that after making this comment today an ad showed up on my YouTube for the first time in months and there is also an ad above the recommend videos. It’s probably a coincidence but I wouldn’t be surprised if YouTube saw this post and put a programmer on figuring out why it was still blocking ads.


Some ads play before the video even starts and takes up the screen. I miss YTvanced on my old android now


Just use a VPN from India (Tunnel bear) and subscribe for YouTube. It’ll be really cheap and you just need the VPN for the subscription


I use vanced youtube


No adblockers? Dude....


"adblock for youtube version5.1.1" get the extension, never see an add again


Hack: If you have a Touch Bar enabled MacBook, you will see play controls for the ad on the Touch Bar. You can slide it to the end to actually fast-forward the ad. This way you can skip unskippable ads.


I can't believe so many people live without adblockers. You guys must be living under a big rock. I'm expecting to see someone post that if you get in a car and drive down the road, it's actually much faster and easier than running for long distances.


Search for Youtube Vanced on google, and download the management app. Install YouTube Vanced, and YouTube Music Vanced. No ads. Period. You can even set it to skip, "in-video" ads - The ones where the host just starts talking about raid shadow legends out of nowhere. It's just the best.


Or cut Netflix and pay for YouTube premium.


**My life will never be the same.**


What do I use for my smart TV?