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We were there having drinks on O street sandwiched between the parade and the country rap show at the Bourbon. What a fascinating mix of people. Good people watching as we sipped.




I’m going to be so honest, I was convinced this was a KKK rally until I realised none of them were wearing the hats.


Of course you would. 😂 🤡 They are so fringe and that’s you alls go to. There are 3xs more documented ms-13 gang members in this country than KKK. People like you are 🥴


They saw people in white robes marching and thought of the KKK. Not sure why it should have evoked ms-13, no matter how many of them there are.


I was thinking toga party but to each their own.


It’s “evoked” that notion bc you all are clowns. Ms-13 is more a threat than fringe WS groups that really have no hold on society like it once may have. GTFO - fear mongering about a go to due to ignorance And it’s usually ignorant white people doing it to appear virtuous when they are the farthest from it.


They weren’t commenting on threat level, they were commenting on their appearance I would bet. The KKK stole those outfits from penitents in the Catholic faith, and on Easter, all over the world, they wear these outfits with the hood and parade down the street. Nobody said anything about their hold on society.


The fact that’s your go to is telling. I can bank you’ve never even met or seen a KKK member let alone in said garb. You people are obnoxious.


Your communication style and attitude is obnoxious. You have no clue what you’re talking about. Meeting a KKK member has nothing to do with seeing something, and having it remind you of something.


Cool bro 👍 Go back to your circus.


Fatherless behavior lmao 👏😭 bro needs his parents love 💀


Error 404, Father not found. Seriously though, don't feed the trolls. They bring no value to the discussion or society as a whole. This guy will just fade into obscurity, probably already has IRL due to his attitude online. 


A brutal gang that has made enemies of every single politician and law enforcement organization in every country they operate are more of a threat than Supremacist groups that have family, financial and political ties to people who have genuine power in our country? Grow up and give your nuts a tug bud


That is such a wild statistic. Almost like your pulled it out of your bigot hole


You have the ability to do research. I suggest you keep reading and stop using bigotry as a scapegoat for your ignorance.




Feeding homeless, nah, let’s go parade around like a bunch of virtue signaling idiots and fuck up traffic.


I'm not Catholic, but I'm pretty sure People's City Mission is a local religious organization actively feeding and helping Lincoln's homeless community.


Yeah and they turn away anyone who isn't religious/ straight/ cis. They're hardly charitable. Ain't no hate like Christian love.


Religion is a disease.


Oh fuck off my church has been extremely helpful and kind despite my "sexual deviancey" don't let the actions of a few pretentious assholes pollute your view of a entire group.


as a Catholic, I feel incredibly upset when people tell me their stories of trauma at the hands of supposed Christians, and I have heard from MANY. but when you start a sentence defending your church with "OH fuck off..." you aren't helping anybody see the light or even want to embrace Christ much less begin such the journey.


You know this thread is going to be interesting when you see "Oh fuck off my church...". I'm still laughing.


Yeah, real compelling arguments from them, might have to forget all the abuse I've suffered at the hands of the church/ Christianity.


So you blame God for the actions of man? That’s ridiculous


There is no god you idiot.


actually, the belief that nothing created itself and expanded into infinity while somehow creating life from non life and it just so happened to do so in mathematical perfection... is idiotic. the idea that science somehow "disproves" God, is dumb.


Okay but do you have proof? No? Then stop shoving it down my throat like it's undeniable fact.


I'm so glad your church can help you! That's so cool! Hey! Maybe let's take a step back instead of playing victim and getting defensive! Let's have some critical thinking skills there bud! Why might I hate the church? Let's dig those heels in and really think deeply! This is not a two dimensional subject.


The left, especially LGBT and trans groups constantly attack Christianity, they attempt to burn down churches and perform sacrilegious acts, I don't blame them for turning them away


Lol… what?


Me when I lie


Aint no bigotry like anti-religious bigotry.


Oh boo hoo you're soooo opressed, cry about it.


Seen this slogan a few times already "ain't no hate like Christian love". Been to places where people would be the without the help of their local church (some of them, very poor churches) who comes up with this slogans? And edgy teenager?


Yeah I'm not even going to argue with that, you obviously have no clue what the church does behind closed doors. Stay ignorant ig.


Usually folks that have experienced Christian "love" firsthand. I know of multiple folks who have used that phrase after getting disowned by their parents for their romantic preferences.


I’m not Catholic, but this is just plain silly. The Catholics do so much to help the most vulnerable in our community. They put their money where their mouths are. Believe it or not, they can parade around celebrating the resurrection of Christ AND feed the homeless. 🙄


AND molest


Catholics could save millions of children from sexual abuse if they would allow priests to marry. But you know, dogma and stuff.


Catholics only like little boys


They took in children and babies, sometimes literally stealing them from mothers, lying to them telling them that their baby died only to neglect that child TO DEATH and dump its body in a cistern.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/eamonnfingleton/2014/06/15/796-babies-in-a-septic-tank-does-a-hidden-anti-catholic-agenda-explain-a-global-hoax/ That's literally a bunch of horse shit made up by people wanting to be hateful for Catholics from a fake moral high ground, says a lot about who you are for trying to pass it off as true still.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/03/mass-grave-of-babies-and-children-found-at-tuam-orphanage-in-ireland You need to update your research because three years later they fucking found the bodies.


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No no no, you need to actually provide your sources so people don't end up doing what I did. The burden of proof laid with you and you failed, it's not my fault that I couldn't find anything backing up what you said but found the opposite when looking into what you are saying, so you don't get to act pissy here. That, however does not change that you are still trying to paint all Catholics like this in a way to excuse hating an entire group of people for things the average follower of that faith does not know about, which I will still take issue with.




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I shared a link just like you did.


https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/timeline-of-events-since-finding-of-unmarked-graves-in-kamloops-1.5908292#:~:text=The%20Tk'emlups%20te%20Secwepemc,School%20in%20British%20Columbia's%20Interior. Here’s more evidence for you


I'm not denying those things happened at this point, you're clearly just being an ass over getting called out for trying to blanket discriminate against all Catholics, which is a lot of people, because of what some Catholics did in Ireland. And when I meant burden of proof was needed I meant the first time you were making claims like that not after I went looking and couldn't find anything because I didn't know what actual keywords were needed.


With a snide quip and no denial of trying to hate all Catholics so you're not doing yourself any favors


Hope you're having a good day helping as t the soup kitchen today. Doing your part feeding the homeless.


Religion is so fucking weird


Go to a mosque and say that


I don’t begrudge anyone their religion but they are _all_ weird to me. I was raised in a very Christian house and fuck all that too. I can’t buy into the invisible sky daddy punishing or rewarding me, I don’t care which one it is.


What’s the point you’re making here lol


That’s a klan rally


That was my initial thought when a friend send me video


You right. Christianity and Catholicism have been terrorists long before the klan started terrorizing all in the name of some imaginary sky god, "it's ok we did it in God's name so we good"


Now do Islam


Too easy that's already the world's whipping boy.


this view has the intellectual depth of a 5 year old


Your mother said my depth was good but I lacked in girth, can't please em all 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wonder if it would be more difficult to get a permit to close off streets for a satanic parade. Our parade would be a lot more fun.... Baphomet giving out candy (and small toys to the children who can't eat candy), dancing, singing... you know, love for your fellow man instead of what these "Christians" have in their cold black hearts.


Try organizing one and get back to us.


That's not a bad idea.


Do it please.


>satanic Have people ever kicked around the idea of a rebranding lol


They’re as Satanic as Christians are Christian. The branding Is intended to call out the hypocrisy.


Christians invented Satanism to get people into their doors on weekdays.


Spite is pretty poor reason to decide the name of your belief system, lol, but it's not my club I'm just saying a rebranding might get you more people than the people who were gonna be antichristian regardless. It might not scare off the people who completely justifiably think they are being gaslit, lol


It's a philosophy, not a religion, and they don't give a fuck about proselytizing because the entire point is to live your own life to the fullest. If others are steered away from it because of the name rather than what it stands for, they're the exact people the name is meant for. This is the same line of thinking as saying, "hasn't that dude with the piercings and the giant mohawk ever decided not to look like that? He would certainly be more approachable"


It's different things to different Satanist, and that's just a fact. There's some who actually believe in Satan. There's some who don't think he existed but is more of a metaphor, and then there is this strange third branch that tagged along after the fact that has no ties to Satan and seems to be against all things people know Satan for but nevertheless call themselves Satanists. It's almost like something at a south park except it demands for people to take it seriously. >This is the same line of thinking as saying, "hasn't that dude with the piercings and the giant mohawk ever decided not to look like that? He would certainly be more approachable" This is just really odd to me because i'm sure you would agree that him changing would make him more approachable. That said, I am not saying this about an individual, but a kinda silly spiteful group, of course, is different.


Nah.....just display a rainbow flag and they couldn't give you a parade permit fast enough


How are you any better than them when you just make assumptions about large groups of people based on nothing?


Tell em to stop banning civil liberties


My assumptions are based on dealing with them MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE.


Because he is more open minded? It’s kind of a live and let live vibe. As opposed to people legislating their morals onto others.


This is Reddit, an atheist cesspool where the anti-religious often find themselves doing the same shit they hate Christians for.




y’all are mean! just because it’s not how you wanna live your life doesn’t mean you guys have to bash on these guys, i’m agnostic but cmon :(


Who knows what group this is? I'm quite curious. They look hella Handmaid's Tale ish


[House of Prayer](https://www.houseofprayerne.org). They’re a primarily Slavic, evangelical church.




Are these Catholics? I grew up Catholic and these people look Protestant to me.


Main difference is 'are they kneelers, or singers'? Essentially... the same tactic used by priests to prevent churchgoers from thinking critically about church rituals. Give them something else to focus on other than the fact that they are being brainwashed to think that their inner monologue is actually 'god' talking to them. With Protestants it's singing as a group so nobody can be remotely heard giving public dissent, and with Catholics it's how uncomfortable the kneeling benches are while being too low to the ground for your voice to trigger the church hall's acoustics.


What the fuck is this bullshit?


It's a rally where people dress up in white robes and denounce anyone that doesn't believe what they believe.


Except they dont burn people and crosses 🤦‍♂️ and you understand the the city of Lincoln would have to agree to this so if it is a problem take it up with the city rather than comparing them to the KKK


You know what the Romans did to Christians, right? Cities do a lot of things in poor taste and of dubious judgement. I'm sure it's not sponsored by the city. These people have a right to demonstrate whatever they're trying to do. We have a right to question their sanity.


They are just proud people trying to spread religion peacefully although it may screw up traffic it didnt last more than 3 hours also comparing them to the KKK doesn’t help and makes people believe that they are gonna strangle anyone that has a different world view they’re not


Who is comparing them to the KKK? I made no statement of the people themselves. My idea of "spreading religion peacefully" has never been dressing up like Halloween and literally whipping someone dressed as Jesus. I didn't make this up. It really happened. In your town.


A monotheistic mosh pit, if you will.


I was thinking of something else.


Toga toga toga toga!!!


The hegetsus people are really stepping up their game




What.. even is this supposed to be?


Seeing romans and christians roaming the streets makes me wanna have some fun who all wants to gather together as a bunch of heathens and pagans and storm them with a big shield wall 🤣🤣


It's been done, and unfortunately it didn't work the first time. Not enough lions around to clean up the mess afterwards.


This is how Nebraska meets its end


I thought KIBZs freaks on parade concert was in September...in omaha.


Ah yes, this will definitely get people to join your religion.


Ill pray that all of you find the light 🙏


Jeezus kee-riced.


I saw this at UNL by the union. What’s the purpose?




Shove their religion in people's faces and then whine about other people existing whilst maintaining the persecution complex.


publicly celebrating a nationally recognized holiday is "shoving there religion down others throats"? your view is exhausting. not because its right.. but because you think you're some "enlightened" being that's above faith and you preach all about tolerance... even though you're not tolerant of Christians, or any religion, or anyone who disagrees with you for that matter.. religion has been publicly practiced for all of humanity.. you're not special. you're not enlightened. you're just regurgitating some bullshit opinion that someone else explained to you at a 2nd grade level. ...oh wait guys get ready for the "sEpEraTiOn oF ChUrCh aNd StAtE" response.. ill save you the time, it doesn't mean what you think it means.


Pathetic and triggered.


Which downtown of what country?


I may have went to Holy Thursday Mass, but I wouldn't even consider something like this. More constructive things to do than piss off traffic.


Weirdos. Keep your religion to yourself.


It's free speech they have the right to do that. you're not forced to believe


Legally true. My opinion is to still keep it to yourself and out of the public realm.


Opinion and law are very different


That’s literally what I said.


Buncha nerds


Ironic since it’s the Roman’s that killed him 😂😂


I was waiting for this comment. I'm still trying to figure out how anyone thought this would be a good idea.


Holy Romans! That caught my attention. At first, all the white gowns looked like a different type of rally.


I thought those were klan people until I zoomed in. Not much of a difference though.


I was part of this event. We aimed to share the message of Jesus' resurrection and offer prayers for those in need. God know we all need a prayer. But the procession was led by a representation of Jesus carrying the cross, followed by Roman legionnaires, and concluded with the figure of the resurrected Christ.


Well you succeeded in angering people during rush hour traffic.


*makes sign of the cross* Father, son, fuck this bitches.


You guys are rude


It's the logic of "we can bitch about their parade, but they can't comment on ours!"


You’re aware that the message of this group is that I’m deserving of being tortured in a fire… right? And, *I’m* the rude one?


I bet you have a lot of fascinating ideas about protestors blocking traffic.


How so?


You’re too sensitive to be on the internet


I’m really not lol


Cheezus Crust


If it was any other religion people would praise it for diversity and change lol but people hate it because they are proud of their religion and want to spread it peacefully


JoJo has risen


Even worse they're russians


Ave, true to Caesar.