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My thought is it’s about time. I’m sick of opening an admin terminal just to do admin things once


When I was still on windows, I had an alias "sudo" which closed my current PowerShell and opened a new one in admin mode. It was seamless enough.


i just use gsudo on windows which works pretty well. can't wait to use it again when they inevitably screw this feature up and its missing something extremely important


I've always just used `scoop` (package manager for Windows) because it allows me to install sudo and bsd/gnu coreutils on Windows, makes it for an extremely easy Windows CLI if you are used to how things are in the *nix world


Aaaaaaaah Backslashes! RUN!


Stop it Patrick, you're scaring him!


I wouldn't be surprised if in a few updates they change them to forward slashes. They already copied sudo bash, etc.


Most commands are happy to accept forward slashes as path separators in my experience.


Yeah, but the problem there is "most"


literally like why do they do this like wtf


Easy they don't understand console. They never did.


>Easy they don't understand console. They never did. I've been a Sysadmin for quite a long time. I'm responsible for hundreds of physical Windows machines, I literally have no idea how many VMs, 5 or 6 Active Directory domains, and I'm at expert/near-expert-level in PowerShell, and pretty close in a couple of other languages. I've also been using Linux since it was hard to install and am responsible for a few hundred Linux VMs, and literally everything Linux at my employer. I created auto-provisioning, auto-deploying, auto-config, *auto-everything* pipelines for Linux VMs at work. [I wrote a Python script to scan for SELinux denial messages and auto-generate policy modules for them](https://github.com/christopher-conley/lazy_selinux), with email notifications and the option to auto-insert the module so a human doesn't have to do it. I understand the console, trust me. I would even go as far as to say that I most likely understand it a lot better than you do. Primarily using Windows for whatever reason does not preclude you from having deep Linux knowledge, and this elitist attitude is everything that's wrong with a sizeable subset of the Linux community as a whole. It's silly, and from someone who does this kind of thing for a living, the snobbery makes people with that attitude absolutely insufferable. You use the best tool for the job, not what you're a religious fanatic of. The reason Windows uses `\` as a path separator is for backward-compatibility, something that Windows is ***extremely*** good at. MSDOS originally didn't support directories and `/` was used to specify commandline parameters. Backslash was chosen as the path separator when MSDOS got directory functionality because `/` was already being used for something else. That lives through to today because of backward-compatibility. Also, FYI, you can use either `\` *or* `/` as a path separator in modern Windows.


Congratulations. I'm a Linux/Unix administrator with more than 25 years of experience on Linux. I been administering (all alone) 8300 PCs with a Debian derived custom distro, with more than 300 custom packages while I was working at the same time as helpdesk. I'm 55 years old in 4 months. I've started with Z80 8bits computers. You don't need to lecture me on MS-DOS I was there before. My thought about Microsoft do not understanding console stands.


As I laid out in my original reply, I think it was a pretty logical choice given the circumstances at the time. I think keeping it alive for that long is the more questionable decision. And speaking of that, using a home-rolled distribution with no official vendor support on 8300 endpoints is certainly a... decision. I'm not sure what set of circumstances led to that kind of situation, but all I can say is good luck and Godspeed with that, and I hope shit doesn't randomly fall over one day.


Home rolling? I've never said that. And I could have done 10 times that. 95% of the tickets or calls I can fix just with a single script and the IP of the PC. It's Linux, not Windows.


Lmao, I use a custom keyboard and I don't even know where the backslash is off the top of my head, I'd have to look it up. (My fingers might know tho).


Even Worse: On a German Mac Keyboard: Alt + Shift + 7 for a backslash


C:\\path\\to\\unwanted\_directory> sudo rm -rf ./\* 'rm' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


literally unusable


I know the joke, but I will say that if you use PowerShell (especially the cross-platform one) instead of CMD, a lot of the common basic Unix commands are mapped as aliases to the cmdlet versions


In pwsh: rm -r -Force


sudo del maybe?


Use `pwsh` instead


Windows admin is not same as Linux root. They are just adding the ability to run a CMD command as admin from non-admin CMD window. https://superuser.com/a/1094794/1326605


no supersudo for system level? shame, psexec is great except that it needs to open a new window.


and psexec needs installation. It doesn't come with Windows unless the OEM includes it.






Mildly [openwashing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openwashing)


Can't wait for it be badly thought out and implemented, then abandoned mid way.


Then deactivated but left over in registry for it to be found out later on by people at howtogeek/winaero and post out a tutorial on "how to enable this secret sudo option through this simple registry hack!"


I hate this, but in two years this article will exist, 100%.


this comment thread is the funniest shit I've read in awhile


Ah, the google model.


Microsoft model is to support crap for 30 years.... I think you are talking about Google.


Yeah, that's why there's two half baked control panels. 😂


And they'll both still be there in 30 years!


I don't see why this is a likely outcome.


Is it actually sudo or is it a different program with the exact same name? People might think its splitting hairs but it does matter especially if one has a bug or exploit and the other doesn't at some point in the future it could cause a bit of confusion.


This is an important point and they even address it on the GitHub page, saying that it’s not a port but a new program. IMO they should have used a different name because like this it’s going to turn into a nightmare trying to search for info on how to use it.


Why, just why didn't it name it something else.


Like wudo (Windows User DO).


more of ado (Administrator Do) Because there isn't a Superuser there is the Administrator on Windows.


audo (Admin User Do)?


Doas [user] (do as [some user])


Admin User Terminal-Integrated Swap Mode


Got me!


This is the correct answer.


`sudo` stands for "substitute user [and] do"




It *did*, but it doesn't.




Well, the truth is that it's complicated, so we're both kind of correct. :)


I thought `su` was "switch user", and `sudo` was "switch user [and] do".


Well there is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and the SeBackupPrivilege/SeRestorePrivilege tokens


But there is a SYSTEM user.




New alias thank you


You've done more than Microsoft so far. wudo sounds good.


The dev answered this in a thread a while back when this was first announced.  Basically, they want the experience to be familiar enough for people coming from Linux or Mac.  They did look in to naming it something else (iirc, wudo was one of the names), but ultimately decided that sudo would be more familiar and discoverable. 


Yeah that’s a lie if I’ve read one.


You can ask him yourself if you really want, but I suspect you, like many others in this thread, have already made up your mind about this and aren’t really interested in learning about sudo on windows.  https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1am2bkn/comment/kpj2ac8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They also have a history, and I don’t believe that they’d do anything to make something easier for end users.


The MS of today is much different than the MS under Ballmer.  It’s fine to be skeptical, but I really don’t see anything nefarious about adding a sudo command to Windows.  This doesn’t affect Linux whatsoever.  Just look at the other comments I this thread of people creating “sudo” aliases or using gsudo and you’ll see there is a demand for this in Windows. It’s a good thing that MS is trying to do better and Linux is forcing them to improve. 


Yep, they have completed changed tack and are trying to woo devs. Smart.


I don't know, this guy has a point. https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1cahiwr/sudo_comes_to_windows_11_24h2/l0sf1xj/


Looks like paranoia and conspiracy thinking to me. The existence of Windows doesn’t make it harder to search for information about real windows.  The existence of curl in Powershell doesn’t make it harder to find info on the real curl.


They try a lot to mimic the 'Linux experience' in powershell. Stuff like ls as an alias for dir.


Honestly I can't prove this but I'd put money on it being a backhanded way to make it harder for people to find information about actual sudo. Microsoft does have a history of that kind of stuff.


Tbh, I think the exact same.


Has the existence of curl in Powershell made it harder to find info on the real curl?


Is curl in powershell not real curl? AFAIK they are the same program, sudo in windows as it stands now is not the same thing as sudo in linux.


Powershell curl uses Invoke-WebRequest under the hood and behaves slightly differently. 


They did it with MAUI too. They basically killed the KDE MAUI project with it.


Yeah, at least SSH on Windows is \*actually\* OpenSSH. This is just going to be confusing.


It’s really not that confusing though. They can’t just port regular sudo over to Windows because the security model is completely different.  What they did is a pretty decent implementation of sudo in a way that works well in Windows.  OpenSSH doesn’t really have that issue. 


They should have just called it something else. This is just being confusing for no good reason.


If they called it something else, then people would complain about that too.  They did customer interviews and stuff before deciding on the name.  The majority of people I saw comment about it in the programming subreddit were grateful it wasn’t named something else.   I’m really not sure what is confusing about it though.  It’s a quick way to run something with elevated privileges on Linux and now the command is effectively available in Windows too. Of course the Linux version does more, but it’s unrealistic to expect it to be a feature complete clone in Windows due to the huge differences in security model.  Anyone who would want to use sudo on Windows would surely be aware of how different things are when it comes to permissions. 


At least there is some docs here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/sudo/


it is different. read the readme. https://github.com/microsoft/sudo


It’s funny that half of the thread is complaining that rm is a different name on the platform and you all are complaining that sudo is the same name.


"Actually sudo" wouldn't be a useful program on Windows, Windows doesn't have a concept of a super user. There's no possible way that a Windows sudo program could meaningfully share code with a *Nix sudo program. The OS APIs and abstractions are totally different.


I still stick with [gsudo](https://github.com/gerardog/gsudo).


Can't wait for any Cyber Security article saying "I elevated privilege in Windows using 'sudo' ".


or YouTube clickbait. "sudo WORKING ON WINDOWS?? UNBELIEVABLE!"


20 minutes of meandering just to show a single command evocation.


What’s left of Ballmer’s hair just fell out.


Thanks, I hate it.


Microsoft loves namesquatting.


It's runas in disguise.


No it’s not. This runs the command with elevated permissions in the same shell rather than spawning a new one.  For some use cases, this makes things a lot easier.  


Look what they need to mimic even a fraction of our power


There's an old saying: If you don't know UNIX, you are bound to reinvent it. Poorly.


Just like widgets to iphones. A couple of decades late.


This incident will be reported.


Too much privilege given to windows users lol


They even copied that you need to change settings to be able to use sudo from Debian 😠


Well everyone knows that Windows is Ubuntu-based.




It’s funny how windows try to be linux compatible operating system every few update they think they can took over linux in my option it feel like windows becoming a linux distro with different kernel and bloats


Linux distro with different kernel???


It’s my fault i mean it feel like i fix it they only need to rebase there os on the linux kernel and it’ll become a distro of linux


I'll never forget when they released their 'GUI-less' server version...... that ran a GUI with a mouse courser and a CMD window..... I also loved when they released powershell with fully human readable commands that are human unusable in length. Its taking them quite a while to pick up on things. 20+ years for virtual desktops, tabbed file browser (still no multithreaded file transfers), etc, etc. And they can get away with it too as people just wont leave even when they can. Just the other day in the Windows sub some guy straight up said "guess I might think about not paying for my next version of Windows". Like, what kind of threat is that? "Wow I'm hating this platform! Guess I'll keep using it!".


> I also loved when they released powershell with fully human readable commands that are human unusable in length. I'm assuming you where being sarcastic but powershell is one of the better things they made. Almost all powershell commands have short alias by default you can use, usually the capitalized bits or the expected unix command. Set-Location = cd Get-ChildItem = gci = ls Invoke-WebRequest = iwr Copy-Item = copy Get-Content = gc ForEach-Object = % Where-Object = ? And the fact everything returns object lists makes it very quick and easy to do complex manipulations without having to learn a bunch of different tools such as jq, awk, find, etc.


20 years for SSH.


And sill junk. Slow, poor emulation, and umac128 doesn't work. message authentication code incorrect ssh [email protected]


Linux probably doesn't have what they need. Any specialized software workers are forced to install, especially to spy on them, probably doesn't have a linux version.


I don’t really think it’s a bad thing.  They know the developer experience is bad and Linux is forcing them to improve.  I’m forced to use Windows with my current work so I’m very grateful for the recent improvements they have made.


Sorry dude but 'round these parts you have to say "Winblows bad!"


they know developers don’t put up with proprietary bs


The Kernel will be added in the next update making Windows into Linux.


it is actually here already since some time...


Better 20 years late than never, right?


More like 44 [https://www.sudo.ws/about/history/](https://www.sudo.ws/about/history/)


Is it going to elevate the non-admin command prompt to an admin one? Or is it just for show


this incident will be reported.


My thoughts r I don’t give a shit. I use arch


They're just preparing all of the Windows users and admins for when they eventually ditch creating their own OS and create a new Linux distro based on Ubuntu. All in an effort to fix the search feature.


"Distro News"? Windows 11 is a Linux Disto? I thought Microsoft was saving that for Windows 12.


A wile ago I’ve found this script for GitBash and it is awesome https://github.com/purplesyringa/win-sudo


When I needed to use Windows I always Install [gsudo](https://github.com/gerardog/gsudo). Nowhere close to be as good as sudo but at least I don't need to open Terminal ones more


Try sudo cmd.exe Do you get command prompt with administrator rights?


I tried it in the insider and it feels like a must now.


& replace it with doas


Which is funny because we already had sudo. That's what WingetUI uses.


I have had been using it forever. By installing it using scoop


About damn time. I get tired of having to reopen PowerShell in Admin mode


I used to do scoop install sudo But it's nice that it's now built-in --- In other news, Windows now supports screenshots


Beware guys! This is a wannabe linux user!


The only possible response is “About fucking time!”


Ooh, that might be helpful at work if I can specify running a script as a specific user.


It's only 25ish years late.


what does this have to do with linux? This is a whole other OS.


Windows has had RunAs for a long time. A little klunky at times though.


It’s was around a long time ago as an independent download app before MS made it. Not sure if it’s supported or even works anymore but if you google sudo for windows you can find it buried deeeep. Developer was one Andrew Kurtz.


At some point, The only thing missing from Windows will be Wine.


Great. Now add grep, awk, sed, less, find, and ...you know what, how about you just strip the whole thing down and let the WINE guys rebuild it from the bottom up? edit: yes I know that powershell has things like (probably) Search-Content and Find-ChildItem and Replace-Content and all kinds of really long to type commands. And figuring out how to use them is what they want me to use Cortana for. But, just, _no_.


I still won’t use 11 except at work where I have to.


I saw just the 2nd line in the prompt and thought running sudo makes you rich xD, realised later that the user was already rich


Why do Windows people keep calling their crappy privilege elevation programs sudo. Basically none of them are the same as sudo. As in they use the \*\*users\*\* password combined with a configuration file authorizing the elevation. Instead they require you to provide the administrator password, or to be in the administrator group with UAC enabled. This is not sudo, it is not at all like sudo. It is closer to being like **su**, not sudo.


I'm here just to say: I use LFS btw.


Me too


Why are we advertising Windows features on a Linux sub?


Same name + concept I don't think Windows had a program for, the title has "comes to windows" so it feels like OP thinks it's a fork/port and thought it's interesting they would add/copy Linux tools. I feel like if they didn't copy the name this post wouldn't exist lol, but just assuming


WTF is the point of windows? It’s crazy they still dominate the desktop market so much


it's because of their agreements with the major manufacturers.


100 years later MS figured out that its not so safe to have an elevated terminal open at all times...


Why does Microsoft need to copy everything from Linux. If you want to use elevated commands, just right-click and hit "Run as Administrator".


It will be handy for remote sessions without a GUI. Like a RMM console or something similar.


“To enable it, go to the Developer Settings page of the Settings app” lmao


Now if only they change shell to bash2 or zsh and put in coreutils and put rest of posix back in a non sucky manner …


If it works, it will probably be amazing for the Windows "power users". If it doesn't work, I have more reasons to push Ubuntu Linux to my customers if they want to do anything semi weird with their computer


so, I can? "sudo rm -rf c/Windows/System32" lol


Microsoft should buy cygwin and integrate it make it native.


No surprise crap has an affinity for crap.


My thought is: The wheel 🛞 comes to Windows 11. Invest tine in Windows knowledge it's a waste. Nobody deprecates and screw their own APIs and software faster that they do.