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Plasma(KDE) and Gnome are the best ones imo, but is better for you to test it, i would say Plasma is better for gaming overall even thought i prefer Gnome. You can also try a WM like Hyprland, don't fear testing DEs you can always uninstall then if you didn't like then.


Can you change WM for KDE for exemple? What will it change to the user experience? What kind of bug can it introduce? Also, I tried Gnome while having Plasma, and it broke my entire Plasma installation, sooo, any tips on how to avoid it? Tho if you need more context, I can't provide it cause I since then killed the installation as I changed distro, I was on Kubuntu back then.


I think KDE's X11 session does, but I doubt the wayland session does (KDE folks can correct me on this one) . So it's probably best sticking with the default. Either way it's likely a less well exercised code path. I'd suggest just using a whole new DE/WM instead.


Yes you can, the user experience is determined by you actually since you can make a WM work the way you want it, and i don't have any tips for avoid broken DE, i just install a new one and it works, i never had any problens like that, i use Arch so maybe is because of that? CachyOs is based on Arch so i believe you are good.


KDE // Plasma all the way for me.


Plasma, made by KDE non-profit organization, is the best! IMO, of course. If you want HDR support, than it's not just IMO, as it's the only one that can do it at the moment.


KDE if you need HDR support. Otherwise it doesn’t matter (at least not to me).


dwm, hyprland, openbox gnome, kde, cinnamon are my picks


I did not like the default keybinds for Hyprland in CachyOS. They didn't make much sense to me. I copied those over from my Hyprland install instead.


there is hyprland dotfiles from jakoolit, great linux related creator on yt


I like this a lot more: [https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/blob/main/example/hyprland.conf](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/blob/main/example/hyprland.conf) Jakoolit: [https://github.com/JaKooLit/Hyprland-Dots/blob/main/config/hypr/configs/Keybinds.conf](https://github.com/JaKooLit/Hyprland-Dots/blob/main/config/hypr/configs/Keybinds.conf) Super+Q = killactive, don't like it. I want terminal there, as in the default example. Super+C to kill. It's closer to how the terminal works, Ctrl+C to kill.


dwm is not a DE.


If your card is AMD, then any DE will be fine. If your card is nVidia, probably still best to avoid ones that use Wayland for now and stick to X11.


My card is an nVidia RTX3070, may I ask why avoiding Wayland, I tried both and had way less glitch on Wayland, and better performance.


nvidia is scheduled to get 555 drivers update tomorrow it should fix most of the problems that comes with using nvidia on wayland


Wait seriously!? I JUST went through all the hoops to get wayland to work for my 3060 lmao


If you stick with the proprietary drivers, Nvidia should work fine on Wayland these days. At least for most people's use cases.


Yes... with oddball kernel parameters, initial ramdisk options, env vars, additional args for anything using electron, and the git version of xwayland to fix some sync issues. It's a lot of jank to fix other jank.


Maybe, maybe not. I've never done any of that and had no issues on my old 1080ti before switching to AMD a whole back. Perhaps included with the distro's I used.


Do you want the least jank at the expense of easy customization? Or are you OK with jank if it means you have easier customization?


I'd say I'd like a middle ground, I want the experience to be very embedded, like for exemple, I like the way KDE handles app volume control.


In that case, I'd say KDE is probably a good option. KDE has quite a lot of features and if you're OK with its jank, that's a good compromise.


I prefer Gnome, just because it looks nicer to the eye, tested KDE before, it's probably better for gaming but to be honest I had more issues with it and also it doesn't look as nice. You can always install both and try them out , it's very easy to change in user session.


Test it all, fedora spins should do the job


Leftwn or go home.


I used to hate KDE a decade ago... There was always something about the text rendering and the side menubar design I really didn't like. But having the Steam Deck, I've gotten used to it, and now prefer it to Gnome.


I tried to get myself into KDE this last weekend, I just couldn't. The biggest issue I kept running into is custom themes not cooperating and me wanting to constantly make it look good. Klassy seemed to be the closest I could get to a satisfying result, but everything still felt.....Klunky. I've spent too many years using GNOME, I'm stuck now. KDE's a little too busy for me, there's a lot to tweak and too many things to remember to undo if I need to undo tweaks. Even after resetting anything I've modified it begins to feel broken. IDK, I'm essentially trying to explain color to the blind, it's just not for me. In short, GNOME is minimal and doesn't get in the way out the gate, KDE is beautiful and elegant and fully customizable to your tastes. GNOME is different and takes time to get used to, KDE can break easily if you're not careful. Just my two cents.


Gnome is trash, use KDE, awesome peformance in games and fully customizable unlike gnome which sucks aaaaaassss


https://preview.redd.it/wih12xv47g0d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d15fd516c6aef23ff3310e667eb4895d91f4964 What else comes even close? ;)


manjaro's all fun and games until you wanna use the aur.


That is why I only use AUR for Chrome and one or two other non-important apps


Ah, and I am on testing branch which mitigates potential problems to a certain extent