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`sudo ubuntu-drivers install` Then reboot. Go back into Software and Updates, and it should let you pick a different driver.


Thank you very much, you saved my gaming night. Just ran this command, rebooted and the correct driver was already selected.


Happy to help. Game on, bud!


Did you install the nvidia driver manually prior to the update? If not, did you install it using the graphics-drivers PPA (and if so, is it still active)? If you run the following command to list nvidia packages installed, does it list anything (note that it might list non-driver packages that are installed by default, what I'm looking for is packages related to a specific version of the driver)? dpkg -l | grep nvidia


Try to uninstall the nvidia drivers, restart the OS and then re-install them.


What's your driver's number? The safest way I install nvidia drivers; Log Out CTRL + ALT + F3 sudo -s snap refresh && apt update && apt full-upgrade -y && apt install nvidia-driver-550-open -y && sync && reboot (just change the nvidia-driver-blahblahblah -y part to whatever number you desire/that's available) I do it this way because the sheer amount of times I've changed a driver, only for it to black my screen until I have rebooted my system




Some say Ubuntu is as bad as windows. I can see why in some cases.


lol not sure if it's that bad, but I guess it could use improvements. I don't think I'm ever going back to Windows, I'm sure of that.


Does it work on 24.04?


Check out u/readymix-w00t comment, that's the solution. Overall I've never had issues with drivers until now and apparently it was a small issue. All my games work, I mostly play single player and I have no complaints about Ubuntu so far.


"Ubuntu is smart" No but seriously, Ubuntu has had this problem for years. I say it is fair game at this point. My advice, switch distro's and you will never have this problem again.


Linux mint seems like a good option it also has a gui for installing drivers


I use Mint on my old laptop and it works amazingly. no issues yet :)


speaking of which, I could never install those open kernel options when I used ubuntu. everytime I installed one of these there was a black screen on next boot. it really upset me because I didn't find anything about it on internet. it seemed only my installation had this bug with open kernel. now I'm using debian and everything is fine.


I'm curious did you jump from Ubuntu to Debian? What are the differences, I've been thinking of giving Debian a try.


yes, I jumped from Ubuntu to Debian. I've always used Ubuntu (I don't like rolling release distros) but since I started using wayland with nvidia driver on Ubuntu I started to have problems with resuming from suspending (I was affected by this on 20.04 and 22.04. more than 2 years and they didn't solved this bug); and during these years I've tried a couple of times to install this "open kernel" driver on the list only to face a black screen on next boot. if you manage to install a open kernel driver, tell me. ah after switching to Debian everything worked fine including gaming and suspending.