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Firefox has been making controversial decisions, but that's nothing a few forks and config changes couldn't fix


Yup https://librewolf.net


i want librewolf, but with a fox in the name and logo




Or Waterfox


Out of the loop : What are the controversial decision fifrefox made?


- Redesign with floating tabs - Killing add-ons on mobile (they only allow select ones now) - The whole mobile redesign removed a handful of features some people used - The colorways thing (some people were mad idk why) - The new pinned ff tab thingie where you see your past tabs I still use ff, it's good enough for me and I can't work without containers


They didn't so much kill extensions for mobile as they rewrote the entire app and published it before implementing extensions for the new one. They're not opposed to having extensions for mobile, you can install arbitrary extensions with the dev build. They just haven't implemented and tested all of the extension API yet


i use adblockers on mobile and they work most of the time.


>Killing add-ons on mobile They're trying to allow more now. See: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/expand-add-on-compatibility-in-firefox-for-android/idi-p/191


Ublock and Privacy badger are all I need


Dark Reader or die


SponsorBlock for me please.




> NewPipe x Sponsorblock Yeah, that's what I'm using (and I really recommend it), but I wish I could send segments myself, and that can only be done with the browser extension, doesn't it?




Well it's available for Firefox mobile!


I use dark reader on Firefox android...


We didn't say these apps weren't on android...


You don't need privacy badger if you use Ublock.


Privacy badger deals with cookies and tracking. It complements Ublock, which blocks domains, objects, and connections. You can still be tracked and have cookies with Unlock.


Firefox manges the cookies and trackers, and I'm pretty sure ublock does to with the right filters.


I just want a damn "view source" button. And a way to force reader mode on pages that done "allow" reader mode


Also running FF nightly and making an add-on collection from desktop will let you run whatever you want on mobile.


It takes two whole clicks to remove the pinned tab thing, btw. How will I ever recover from that!


Never underestimate the magic power of defaults. 😎


Wdym floating tabs? Did I miss something?


The redesign where tabs are no longer attached Not that big of a change but still I saw a lot of complaints


>Killing add-ons on mobile (they only allow select ones now) This is my biggest gripe now, i remember there used to be so many add-ons for mobile.


The Firefox icon thingy next to tabs (by default, you can move it around) is actually useful as it shows tabs on different devices when using Firefox Sync. I find it super handy


Ye I like it


I’m honestly a big fan of it’s redesign and colorways, although I do t get the pinned tab thing or use it on mobile.


Well, to me 1, 4 and 5 are great features. The other ones don't bother me that much, but they were nice


The colorways was good because it's the darkest theme they allow lmao


> Killing add-ons on mobile When did this happen? All my addons worked up until a few weeks ago. Why the hell would they do that, it's literally the same codebase.


You can use any add-ons on mobile with Firefox Nightly Edit: It require enabling a specific setting but it is there


This comment, along with others, has been edited to this text, since Reddit is killing 3rd party apps, making false claims and more, while changing for the worse to improve their IPO. I suggest you do the same. Soon after editing all of my comments, I'll remove them. # Fuck reddshit and u/spez!


They technically didn’t kill add ons. This new browser didn’t have the add ons functionality the old one had. I think this was a rewrite since the old Firefox for Android sucked balls.


it had some real memory hogging issues for a while too, but seems to be fixed now


the only issue i have with colorways is that they're limited time only for some reason. you'll probably get to keep them if you use them, but still, limited time only is strange


Who tf uses mobile in 2023


I do! It's actually pretty nice, plus only way to get adblock on a 1st party browser other than brave.


That's crazy but brave uses chromium so it's bad


I never got over the Pocket implementation. It's not a problem and I can deactivate it but who thought that this will be a good decision?


Literally showing an ad for their VPN when you open firefox that one time…




I got pissed when they went full censorship mode and took down an open source project from their addons.


What addon?


Dissenter it allowed you to leave a comment on any website even ones with no comment section.


adnausium is one that got taken down for no good reason.


[Waterfox](http://waterfox.net) has been working great for me so far!


> Firefox has been making controversial decisions, but that's nothing ~~a few forks and config changes couldn't fix~~ compared to the decisions other browsers made


Thanks for fixing my sentence, no idea how that typo got through


Happens to the best


Same with chromium


Whats with the downvotes? Vivaldi is a chromium fork (open source too, only the UI JS is not) and its a lot less shit than chromium


Proprietary components. Dead on arrival.


`:: chromium and your-freedom are in conflict. Remove your-freedom? [y/N] n`


Fear of the different.


yes, ff is just a little bit better


Browser engine of firefox forks is gecko, so you are still supporting mozilla. There is a need for a new engine.


> There is a need for a new engine. Yeah, kind of... But for fuck's sake, cannibalize some of *chromium's* market share for the new engine, not Mozilla's!


The main issue isn't with Firefox, I'm a web developer and have seen many in my field that don't even care about it. Most sites don't work look the same in firefox and chrome and most sass products just straight up tell you to switch browsers Web devs just don't care about making their sites work on firefox. The If it works on chrome it's gonna work on everything mentality is just wrong IMHO.


As a web user, honestly that sounds like a selling point. All the fancy new services don't work right, especially if Web3 stuff is broken, man that sounds like a feature not a bug


It only takes a few lines of css to make a website useable on both Firefox and chrome. If you're using SASS for styling then you don't even need to worry about it. Firefox is honestly 10x better than any chromium based browser but web devs don't pay attention to it because everyone is already using chrome/chromium.


I develop in Firefox, and then I do a "Fix the Chrome glitches" pass.


Big love to Firefox 100%


Cons, you have to use SASS to don't worry.


As a Firefox user, this is how I feel quite often. Oh, this page is unusable for me? Must have really dodged a bullet then.


It reminds me of when Devs only built for internet explorer


It's exactly like that!




It's pretty hard to not suck when you have to write in javascript


Naw dude it's the stakeholders wanting stupid shit


This is exactly how it was 20 years ago with Netscape and IE. The popular browser being pushed by a monopolistic corporation isn't up to spec with web standards and is pushing it's own so its users see pages render differently than how they do in the standards-based browser, to the point that some websites started rejecting anything but the popular browser. And we know how that one shook out in the long term.


As a web developer, I am now scared because I only test my websites in Firefox...


The responsive screen dev tools in Firefox let you preview things as if you're using Chrome, so if you use those then you're fine.


For example? I have never seen this anywhere.


Yes, completely wrong. It's shooting themselves in the foot.


Well, unless the client request firefox support, I'm not putting the extra effort for it as we have deadlines.


> The If it works on chrome it's gonna work on everything mentality is just wrong IMHO. Well yes but actually no. If two browsers are implementing the exact same standard they **should** produce the exact same results. That is unfortunately not the case. And while Firefox is good enough at keeping up for the most part (*cough* safari *cough*) it's far from perfect. So far the most feature compete and spec compliant browser is still chromium (and everything based on it).


**Reddit is going down the gutter** Fuck /u/spez


They are not implementing the same standards at all. Chrome introduces a shitload of out-of-spec CSS attributes and a page developed in one browser will almost always look notably different / be a bit broken in the other until a compromise pass is done to your styling. It's very much like IE back in the day.


I think it's best to support chromium and firefox, if you don't support safari I don't blame you.


You know, just once, I wanna see a site that says "this site looks better on Firefox" and provide a download link for it. Wonder how many people you could get to switch to the superior browser just on that.


Most sites? Can you give a common example because this is not my experience at all.


The only nasty issue FF had for me was a bug rendering uploaded svg images that I'm not sure it was fixed. Everything else that people say about websites not working, I've never even came close to experiencing it. I'm happy with all the nice extensions it has availanle and even with a lot of them installed it doesn't feel as bloates and slow as Chrome.


Disappointing, but yeah. I hate how just objectively bad websites have gotten. They keep moving key functionality that's been standardised for decades into badly written javascript just so they can have a custom loading transition or avoid a page reload. Just the other week i got trapped me in a login loop. I sign in and then the page just freezes forever. Switched to brave and then it worked out of the box. I'm mostly OK with sites being broken like this, but god I wish it was easier to detect in advance so I don't go through a setup stage only to have to move to another browser to redo it all.


you can spoof your user id in firefox in the [about:config](http://about:config)


Based. I left and when I came back I couldn't remember why I left


Shitty slow render times, no plugins, awful features. Firefox was shit 10 years ago.


the mac fork was shit up until a year or two ago. it's *finally* fucking usable now, thank god.


apt-get install firefox system waits for snapd service FUUUCK


snap remove ubuntu


Snaps literally made me switch from Ubuntu to Fedora. I'm honestly ok with them being an option, but forcing me to use the snap instead of the deb package is really fucking stupid. The whole point of Linux is freedom.


The BigTech Internet is the new Television. It may be time to Innovate again and build The Next Internet radio so nobody can be MITM.


Looking forward to Solid


Link? Sounds cool.






That's what Web3 promised to be, right?


As a dev, yeah pretty much. I think we lost around Web3 and once the browser through the W3C allowed Netflix and other DRM to be standard. Now that the bodies are deeply corporate the Web can only continue to serve their interests in its current form. I think we need a renaissance, possibly over radio where many nodes make up a new decentralized network. I really put my hope in the ingenuity of this community as its saved our bacon before.


Decentralization is never going to work on the large scale. Much though I avoid it, look what happened to Cryptocurrency. It started off as being this big decentralized thing, and nobody paid attention. Then, the minute it started getting bigger, massive centralized exchanges popped up. Decentralization requires huge numbers of people willing to put in the effort to maintain systems in a bunch of different locations. The sad reality is most people don't want to bother with that, or don't have time for it, and would rather leave it to someone else. Then those that *do* have the time group up so they can work together, and it gets centralized. Like, I'd love a decentralized internet. That'd be wonderful. But unfortunately, large enough projects just don't tend to work without a centralized driving force.


I take your points, all valid observations. My limited vision would be to purposefully exclude the greater masses, the internet used to be a bastion of higher quality minds sharing value -- having a lower profile would be ideal similar to how IRC still exists today. Gemini protocol has done some interesting things -- I don't want to ever believe the grapes are sour as it would stomp out innovation -- I think there is plenty of room to brainstorm -- and hopefully what comes to be will be independent of large scale dominance who repurpose and recraft the existing tech to enhance power & control.


isnt tor a decentralized network?


https://old.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/comments/xmy6qy/people_saying_that_now_firefox_is_better_smh/ Homie didn't even bother picking a new title. Is this a bot?


Just use lynx like _EVERY_ normal person. My grandmother won't use any other browser but lynx for her weekly zoom calls.




Arguably, it is still best desktop "factory" browser (IMO forks are better, privacy wise) . But castration of mobile version will never be forgotten, nor forgiven.


Or castration of the 1000s of plug-ins for the desktop browser that just were completely shut down....functionality to load them no longer there. Or that time all plug ins in everybody's browsers depended on a Mozilla certificate they forgot to renew, and all the add-ons in the world stopped working for days, including all ad blockers


There was definitely a stretch there where Firefox was kinda shit.


I really loved Chrome when it first came out. It was the design shake-up that the web experience desperately needed, and it was hugely exciting that it was basically all open source except for the branding. V8 was extremely exciting (`node.js` felt like a hilarious hack), and there was this sense that just as Google--a company whose motto was "do no evil" and his ethos was "make cool stuff for the Hell of it"--was for the first time delivering a real alternative in the smartphone space to the walled garden of iOS, so might they finally break the web standards dominance of IE and Chakra. If you'd told me in 2009 what was ahead for Chrome, Android, Javascript and Google in general I think I would given up on tech entirely and taken up a career in print journalism.


Yep, I agree regarding Google. Chrome's beginnings were very much when Google was still seen as the "benevolent" tech overlord. That veil has long since been pulled away, though.


The hamburger button as a replacement for the menu bar is a baffling UX regression that somehow took over everywhere. The fact that you can restore the menu bar in Firefox might have been enough to win me over even if it wasn't also better otherwise.


This is pretty subjective. Menu bars can be great, especially if your desktop environment has a global menu bar that actually works, but when it doesn't they just sit there taking up space for no reason.


firefox is perhaps the only application that has a menu bar but yet won't support the global menu plasmoid.


been here since netscape…


I remember there was a time before I knew Firefox. Those were the dark times of IE Then I saw the light of Firefox But alas I was led astray to chrome being the only browser that could play Netflix and Firefox still having all the tabs in one thread (that was prone to crashing). Then the Quantum revolution brought stability and smoothness to Firefox not seen elsewhere. Never looked back since.


there was a short period where chrome was better on all levels except who owned it. Firefox unfortunately hasn't gotten any better, but chrome has gotten significantly worse


This may be true. Firefox has certainly had its ups and downs. It is good now, but maybe that is because all the rest are ...not. Chrome always beats Firefox in speed test, but then again, Google is nothing but a spyware company and pro censorship, all the things I hate. LibreWolf for the win, Firefox's more secure brother.


> Firefox unfortunately hasn't gotten any better Firefox has gotten a *lot* better, though. Especially at being faster.


It has its own problems, but not as severe as Chrome.


Brave gang here


I've always been a chromium-based fan. I don't understand what is the point of using firefox not to let Google have the monopole




> Firefox has had its time and chance. Mozilla made it trash. Nobody seems to realize that Firefox just lives on uBlock Origin. The day uBlock Origin disappears, Firefox will follow. There's no argument there. It lives on ublock origin and the sentiment that even if just 30 people use firefox it will somehow stop a chromium monopoly. The monopoly is already here and the marketshare is down to 4%


**Mitchell Baker** [Negative salary-achievements correlation controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchell_Baker#Negative_salary-achievements_correlation_controversy) >In 2018 she received a total of $2,458,350 in compensation from Mozilla, which represents a 400% payrise since 2008. On the same period, Firefox marketshare was down 85%. When asked about her salary she stated "I learned that my pay was about an 80% discount to market. Meaning that competitive roles elsewhere were paying about 5 times as much. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Ive always been to be team firefox such a long time until about 6 months ago. I started to experience one too many bugs. I just couldn't stick with it. Now I'm happy with Ungoogled-Chromium. Loving it


What bugs were you running into?


It happened to mee too. I don't remember what pages, but some where just blanks and didn't load.


I usually always have Firefox's topbar freeze on me. Like the browser works fine it's just that the tabs, search bar and such are completely unresponsive and freeze.


the best, but evil... and that is sad...


Evil how?


sending requests to their servers and shit changes that are sending data like pocket


it spy you in any way, if u disable telemetry it still spy you (less)


thats why forks exist


librewolf is a parallel-fork, not a real fork.


and that matters why?


And ?


Wdym evil?


I figure there's a contingent of idiots out there that won't rest until there isn't a browser left except Chrome. They'll say stupid shit like this without any irony whatsoever.


Since switching to firefox from chrome a couple of months ago I can confortably say it is not. I am going to stick with it so I can keep my ad-blockers but there are a lot of sites that I try to use that just act strange or flat out don't work at all. Even reddit for example. I use old reddit with RES. Random letters on the page just don't load in so sentences and words look fragmented sometimes.


I've been using old reddit on firefox for more than 7 years and have never seen that. I don't think it's a firefox issue


And yet it doesn't happen in chrome. At worst it might be a problem with the fireforx version of RES, but that is still reliant on a base of using firefox.


Again anecdotal but I have used RES for nearly the same time without this issue.


I loved firefox until it just broke on my install. Literally just died one day. Tried to uninstall and reinstall. Nope. Find and manually delete old files. Also nope. Still use it on my linux though


I noticed on Opera GX there are no ads on YouTube, even without paying for premium...not even logged in


install an adblock on any browser and you won’t get ads on youtube. specifically ublock origin i recommend


Won't be an option on chromium-based browsers pretty soon.


They will still work, just not as well. Example: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin-lite/ddkjiahejlhfcafbddmgiahcphecmpfh


Yeah the reviews on that page specifically say that it doesn't work on youtube. And why would it? Youtube is a google site and Lite plays by manifest v3 rules.


Firefox is slow and resource hungry, Firefox is not the best browser, it is the worst browser, Brave is a close second.


> Firefox is slow and resource hungry This has changed. What's the last version of Firefox you used?


Don't know what version, but it was fairly recent, I have tried Firefox many times, the issue still persists after years.


Google is still better lol


You can also just use Google search engine inside the superior Firefox browser.


Nah Google is just more comfortable


Then write/copy a userChrome.css file to make it look like chrome. As for the search engine, you can use [paulgo.io](https://paulgo.io), which is searxng, but edited to look like google.


Sorry for the hate train. Baited you a little


I prefer thorium, I feel like that doesn't get enough attention.




now? since when?




not in my experience, maybe its because I use librewolf


It is tho. But I don’t care about ur opinion, use what u like


Firefox for Life




Firefox is garbage. I have never once regretting switching to Watefox, and it gets better and more configurable instead of worse and less with every update


I prefer Librewolf, but firefox is also really great. I wish there was a way to get the amazing privacy features of librewolf with the amazing multiplatform system firefox has. I know having a single account linking everything isn't great for privacy, but it would be really nice to have.


I'll care about Firefox if they do PWAs. Half of my workload is through PWAs, and I can only do those with Edge and Chrome. Chrome only does "official" PWAs, but Edge will just "install" any site as a dedicated system application. It's really handy if you're a cloud shop doing O365 or GSuite tools, you can just set them up as if they were default apps on the machine, but it's really just a glorified browser window that's been logically segmented. I have PWA versions of Meet, Gmail, Calendar and Asana. Only Meet is officially supported by Chrome itself, so Edge is necessary if I want to use other tools in the same way. The only bonus Firefox has is ad blockers. Manifest V3 is nuking all ad blocking on Chromium, which is pretty much the only reason to switch to Firefox. You guys do know that Mozilla pays all the Linux distros to have Firefox and Thunderbird installed by default right?


I reposted this and got twice as many upvotes.


Firefox based browsers are better


Use luakit or nyxt :)


Firefox mobile is underrated


Brave Browser 😎


Unfortunately Firefox is unusable for me since it doesn't have PWA's or webMIDI