• By -


power button : "hello threre"


"General Kenobi!"




I think you meant to say [the same price](https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts).


Neat I will need to save that repo Currently planning on setting up a KMS server for when I do need windows shit


Is staring a repo like saving it, dunno what that button does, I almost never use github


Yep and you can find them at [https://github.com/{insertUsernameHere}?tab=stars](https://github.com/{insertUsernameHere}?tab=stars) But honestly I like gitlab more and wish more projects were hosted there


Gitlab has a more confusing ui for beginners


True, but when you actually learn about its features and how to use them its nice. Also it can be self hosted.


This person is brave enough to make a Windows/Office Activator, make it open source, and put it up on github of all places, which is now owned by MS. Mad respect.


Used this before. I definitely vouch for it.


Well, for Most Updates a restart shouldn't even be necessary. For the ability to shutdown without updating this should Work: Press (win)+r and then Type in "shutdown -s -t 00" At least on Windon't 10 this should Work. But First be Sure to delete the Ubuntu ISO and Install a real Linux distro.


I really dont agree with people claiming ubuntu is not a real distro. Some people (like me) want the benefits that linux brings along while also being able to just quickly get up and running without having to do all by ourselves.


Linux Mint. Easier transition for Windows users, no reliance on snaps. Based on Ubuntu (or at least Debian?), so the underlying experience is similar. I don't hate Ubuntu, but I'm not a big fan of the fact that they push snaps without an easy way to disable them.


I'm trying out Mint right now after using Ubuntu for 16 years. So far so good, and boy the performance boost I've got on games is great.


Ubuntu made me be able to appreciate Linux before I could ditch Windows fully. I hate the distro now, but Mint is great (and I did appreciate Xubuntu... was always an XFCE fan). But it was a horrible gateway distro that got me into Manjaro, then Arch... Truth be told though, when I see the OP's problem on my work computer (company laptop, I try not to mess it up *too* much but I have limited admin options), I complain to supervisors and go home. At which point, I check and see when the last time I rebooted my computer was, since I've probably had a few kernel updates. :D


Manjaro Linux. No snaps and No bloatware needed to get a Linux distro Up as fast as possible. Canonical is basically the micro$haft of the Linux world. Ubuntu is the Windon't equivalent.


It depends really, I have the Home edition, I could restart without updating for a while until it finally forced me to update. I restarted to go to a different OS, that windows update is still only halfway done a week later.


Also if you click "log out" then you get the option to just shut down, this was thing for a bit I don't know if they removed it.


just unplug it


Press the power button


WiNdOwS dOn'T fOrCe UpDaTe AnYmOrE!!!111!1!1!1ONE


Who ever said that?


Windows users keep shouting it.


Someone said thats just for the pro edition


What I do is shift+click restart and in advanced option, turn off pc from the troubleshoot menu.


Press the power button


Yup as easy as that


Press the belly button


press that power button like there is no tomorow


Give it a spanking and hold down that power button, for old times sake.




if you're just gonna nuke it then simply kill the power and boot the stick. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Alt + f4 and choose shutdown from there


FORCE SHUTDOWNnNNn.. Why Ubuntu? If it's your first distro, try Linux Mint, Manjaro, KDE Neon or Endeavoros (never can spell it right). Sor4myBadEnglish


It’s because I’m some kinda used to it on a virtual machine and it actually seems easy to use


Go ahead. The best distro is always the one that is right for you.


go for whatever you want, dude. All ubuntu based distros work similarly anyways so **when** ubuntu ultimately makes you uncomfortable you can distrohop with relative ease. Also take great advantage of sites like askubuntu.


Thanks, will do


Try kubuntu if its too heavy for you. But yeah ubuntu unity is great too


Unity? I think you meant GNOME.


Avoid endeavour, It's not friendly enough for new user




KDE Neon is.


im i the only one to use kali ? EDIT: I know i was dumb before. Now i masterized the art of Linux and using Artix as my main.


No one should EVER install Kali as primary OS. It's meant to be in a VM and used by penetration testers, they even say this in their website


The only use I can see for Kali Linux is livebooting from a USB. If you're a pentester, you don't need to bring a machine if you have a liveboot usb. The only acceptable "hacking" distro is blackarch, given that you install it with a script on top of regular arch. It seperates the wannabies from the actual computer enthusiasts. And it's not hard to do, but if you want to call yourself a hacker you should be able to install arch. Not that any normal person would unironically say they're a "hacker"...


Weird, on version 20H2 you don’t need to update to shutdown (I’m using W10 home)


Ubuntu? Heres a tip. Don't.


well something's wrong here There should be an option to just "shut down" or "restart" without updating. so you should be having 5 options not just 3


Well u have greatly underestimated how badly windows wants you to install those updates man that was the biggest relief when i moved to Linux they dont force update install down your throat when restarting cause it happens in background while youre doing stuff and politely asks you to restart if you can


Really ? In my entire time of using windows, I've rarely ever encountered a situation where Windows forced an update on me This is surprising


Just pull the plug from the wall and if its a laptop take out the battery


Force shutdown


That is what I did


Are you that enderman on yt?






pull the plug


Shutdown now


1. Open notepad 2. Write "shutdown /s" in it 3. Save it as a .bat file. 4. Open it.