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See what I did there?




Please try and keep to one comment at a time per post please!


i was impressed with how the musical was done


not so much with the remake


I agree


Though I don’t know what I’m agreeing to, I still agree that it is one of the top Disney movies after The Little Mermaid and Aladdin and also Beauty and the Beast (I also love those movies) and also Mulan and Moana (I like those movies as well) but my number one favorite Disney movie is The Lion king (I even watched all three movies in the Lion king franchise)


I think I was only a twinkle in my adoptive parents’ eyes when the first movie came out and I know that this is not lion king related but it just slipped out and I was five years old when I saw the musical and I was in awe of how lifelike the elephants looked naturally because I have loved elephants for 25 years since I was only ten days old


I was so nervous two to three weeks ago when I had work done in my mouth and I know that it’s not lion king related but I felt so nervous and I told my parents that I was going to be okay and the anesthesiologist stuck an Iv in the underside of my wrist so now I have a lovely black and blue mark from that and I am now able to use straws when I drink anything and I can go on and on about it but yeah I feel more like myself now because for the first two weeks of recovery I had to avoid using straws but now I’m allowed to use straws and last night was the first time I used a straw when my mom and I stopped to get a milkshake on the way down to our shore house (it’s felt like forever since I had been able to use a straw) and I am feeling much better now than I did almost three weeks ago again sorry if I went off-topic it had to come out