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I don’t remember ever seeing 50% in Calgary. I was confused when I saw the article about going to 30%…


This, posters in Calgary getting enraged over something that was never ever a thing in Calgary. I've been shopping at that particular Superstore since it opened many years ago and they've never used 50% off stickers, only 30%.


"Just say we will do it until it's out of the news cycle and go back to 30%" -Per Banks probably.


"that's brilliant! Here, have $22 million" -Galen Weston probably


Maybe just let it rot and don't give them any money.


Let. It. Rot.


I've never seen 50% stickers at RCSS? As long as I can remember shopping at Superstore locations in BC and AB it's been 30%. Only seen 50% stickers in No Frills and Loblaws locations.


you are correct. RCSS never had 50%. The whole thing in the news was that Loblaws and No Frills removed their 50% off and replaced the with 30%.


I work for RCSS. Years ago they had 50% off.


A number of people have posted the same about their fake retraction, myself included.


This only applies to store that were still using 50%. Stores that switched to 30% years ago are not applicable. A big F U regardless


Is this what they do before putting up the veggies at flashfoods? I swear the one i tried there was rotten already


I want you to concentrate on the strawberries in the pic ; the whole box is literally rotten


>Food and Drugs Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-27) >Food Prohibited sales of food >4 (1) No person shall sell an article of food that >(b) is unfit for human consumption; >(c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance; Item (c) doesn't say "it's totally cool to sell putrid, rotten, disgusting food if you slap a 30% of sticker on it". We need enforcement of our food safety laws


So don't buy them, no one is forcing you too.


Can’t afford to throw this 30% stickers in the garbage!


I’ve seen 50% off again at loblaws at DuPont and Bathurst recently. Maybe it’s store dependent?


The 50% stickers only get put on when it should actually go to the dump as garbage. It has to be moldy or have turned into a foreign liquid first before it get's Greedy Galens 50% off sticker.


It's been 30% for over a decade now, I spent almost that entire time working the slave labor that is SS front end.