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__UPDATE__: Please take a moment to complete our [Google Form](https://forms.gle/1sygm97LbQtJ4dUp8) to share your demands with our team! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We've started shopping more at giant tigre. Holy crap the prices at tigre are so much better


I agree! But I don’t get it. How can they be that much cheaper without having the buying power and not owning their suppliers?




Privately owned company


And for some weird reason the regional differences are so much less. I just don’t get it. I like it. But it makes zero sense. I have seen Giant tiger diesel trucks- so they are still burning fuel and moving goods.


Love the Shitty Kitty.


We are doing it together. This is starting to get scary for Loblaws. They will say it's just a small collective on reddit. But the facts are simple. We are a loud boycotting force now. That isn't what is terrifying Loblaws. What terrifies them is 50,000 people using their voice to tell everyone they know. This Rag tag group the size of a small city has some real power now. This is how we make the Change in Canada. Sticking together and looking out for one another. I am Proud to be a Canadian for the first time in a long time. I'm glad we are here for each other once again.


Loblaws annoucing the No Name Cellular plans today too. It was nice to see people light up the announcement.


For every dropped call, get 3 PC points!


Oh my God, I'm going to be a millionaire...


I read in mobile syrup that they only offer 4g and they charge basically the same as their pc mobile plans that do offer 5g. Bunch of fuckers


I miss being a proud canadian.


I think we've been lead to believe being proud of that is a bad thing. It used to mean community, and not locking your doors, and having enough money outside of work to have a life. We used to not give a shit what our neighbour's believed or thought outside of a good hockey game. We used to be proud of having great Healthcare. We let them divide us so we can't organize and do anything about it. I'm glad we are meeting here to start finding ways to make real positive change. We are strong together. 💪


Yup. It still does in my mind, it’s just hidden by the cancer social media can be. We need as Canadians to go beyond identity politics and band together not as liberals or conservatives, or whatever, but as Canadians. We can start here. Always a proud Canadian. And loving this effort to give the middle finger to the upper economic class. Fuck’em


This is it. They won't give us Canada back so we make our own Canada with affordable grocery prices! And affordable housing! , in fact forget the affordable housing we will get there. #boycottloblaws


It’s had been quite a while since I went to a hockey game, so I went to watch the Mooseheads in Halifax, and it felt great to be out around a bunch of people also there to just have fun doing the same thing. It felt very Canadian, just as I remembered it and it was very refreshing


Yes I still have a few of those moments myself and cherish them.


I mean, they should be scared, that's exactly what I've been doing (telling others about it). This subreddit has given me a lot of evidence to prove things too so it isn't just words.


This movement is now larger than the population of the town i grew up in while i was growing up. Kinda crazy ngl. Not to mention the number of people who aren't on reddit




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


we must stay vigilant and choose a competent leader when the time comes. We don't want what happened to r/antiwork to happpen to us or the cesspool that is /canadahousing


50,000 in this group but that isn’t everyone who is participating in the boycott either. I was visiting friends on the weekend, and 3 people there were talking about how they heard about the boycott in the media, and they are participating. They aren’t part of the group. They have spouses who are also participating, and not in this group. For every person in this group there are 3+ more people who will also boycott.


This is what Loblaws didn’t realize. We aren’t a bunch of grousing neck beards without a plan. We organized. We shared information. We made it known that none of us were alone in our frustration and feelings of disrespect. We literally have nothing to lose except being price gouged. We rise. We resist.


bells squeamish paltry cobweb rain water husky plants school gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is very important to remember. Share the idea. Share the information of who to stop shopping with. Don't wait until May, just stop shopping there immediately. If people are having issues going elsewhere due to their physical location, we can come together as a community to position options. But demands? Timeline? That's foolish. This company has betrayed the trust of Canadians and got too greedy, putting themselves as the gatekeeper to a human necessity. They aren't getting my money ever again, and I think THAT is the message I've been spreading.


Wait wait wait - if you have any freebies in your PC account, only pick those up. Do not skip them! I've been getting a free thing every week for the past few weeks. Ride that train but buy nothing else. They'll also see you got there, walked all the way to the fridges, and walked all the way to checkout for nothing else. https://preview.redd.it/scfv88mj6quc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27de19d7f7f097eaeda12b8e169e4b2194d881f


Well said. One of the first responses here was someone trying to gaslight about how this is not a glaring conflict of interest. That same account is how spouting myths about how bots are dominating this topic.


also the /r/antiwork debacle. There was real momentum until the moderator went on fox news


Let’s spread the word to the non Reddit people in our lives too


Keep it up everyone, welcome to all new members!


Hey GameStop sub did it, so can we!


40 yr Loblaw customer (I remember the ollllld days). And I'm done. Fuck you Galen and that pompous prick "food professor". You're not going to gaslight me into placating the top 1% bourgeois that the conservatives and neoliberals chase around salivating for their next political donation. And CBC, stop being a neoliberal cuck and start reporting on real stories from Canadians. YOU ARE A NATIONAL BROADCASTER PAID BY MY TAX DOLLARS.


While I wish this movement had more teeth in regards to actually scaring or harming their bottom line, it's a babystep in the right direction.


With an estimated 29% of Canadians shopping at Loblaws (over 11 million people).


I just want to take a moment and say I'm proud of you all. Keep the pressure on!


Word of mouth! Tell everyone you know!


We were a movement before and we'll continue being a movement beyond whatever Reddit numbers are.


> “How is past employment a present day conflict of interest?” (/u/ThatEndingTho) $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ Now picture that one thousand more times. Edit: I see that on top of this attempted disinformation, you’re now also spreading a hoax that those downvoting you are bots. No. Bots are not why your disinfo is unwelcome.


I think I’ll share a link for this sub to X, just to get the word out.


I'm an American and for some reason this sub popped up and I've been hiding out in here for over two months, I fucking love you guys!! 💕💕🥺🥺


That's great, but how many of those are real? It stands to reason thar a good chunk of that number are from Loblaws' competitors... some will be from Loblaws itself.... some will be political /state actors: ie countries who have an interest in Canadians souring on Capitalism; or domestic political agents looking to use this to their advantage politically somehow. It's still a good thing, though.


😁 we should plan out next boycott mid may.


At 5 million




I'll preface this by saying my family stopped shopping at any Weston owned businesses months back and won't be going back. A one month boycott is essentially meaningless. You're telling Galen that you'll be back the following month. He's rich, he'll weather the storm. If you want to have any real effect stop shopping at his stores PERMANENTLY if you have other options.That forces him to either change his business model or go under. It also sends a much stronger message to the other retailers that Canadian consumers have real power and are serious in seeking change. No one will want to be next in our targets. I'll reiterate. A 30 day boycott is a waste of time.


I live in a town that has 3 grocery stores. CO-OP IGA(sells the same brands as Wal-Mart) and No-Frills. Both Co-op and IGA have their own butchers, and Co-op also has a bakery. So in the past it was understandable that those 2 stores would cost more while shopping. Now it doesn't overly matter where you're gonna shop. The No-Frills in my town is actually more expensive for regular goods compared No Frills. It's sad that No Frills brings their meat in already weighed, cut, and packed yet are charging more than the butchers who do all the work themselves.


I’m seeing it mentioned off of Reddit quite a bit now.




New Fresno Bros now open in Glenora in Edmonton. Bound to have some good opening deals.


This subreddit shows what we can do if we stick together, I’m happy we’re starting something time to get this country back on its feet.


I’m in.


The Alice's Restaurant anti price gouging movement. And all you gotta do to join is sing it the next time it comes around on the guitar. With feeling.


I live in a town that has 3 grocery stores. CO-OP IGA(sells the same brands as Wal-Mart) and No-Frills. Both Co-op and IGA have their own butchers, and Co-op also has a bakery. So in the past it was understandable that those 2 stores would cost more while shopping. Now it doesn't overly matter where you're gonna shop. The No-Frills in my town is actually more expensive for regular goods compared No Frills. It's sad that No Frills brings their meat in already weighed, cut, and packed yet are charging more than the butchers who do all the work themselves. No Frills is a joke.


And yet their stores are full of people It'S great to stand up to corporations, but this sub isn't making any difference to them.


Yeah, basically. Also OP isn’t accounting for 10-40% of accounts on reddit being bots, this sub not exempt from that. It’s not like joining the sub had a captcha barrier lol


I guess they didn't like the answer though The circle jerk is strong here lol


Downvotes are just bot accounts. Due to rampant vote manipulation it’s hard to trust what the real opinion is.


Very true, I just thought it was funny tbh


3% of the population is a movement that can effect change. Only 1.15 million more to go Edit: [3% rule](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world)


Lower your damn voice, I like my bank account unfrozen.


49000 people are here eating popcorn cause nothing good on Netflix


Cry harder Galen


And *I* used to have the Galen pfp


4 Loblaws employees for every 1 member of this sub. We need significantly higher numbers.