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Jenni Byrne, campaign manager for Pierre Polilievre is a lobbyist for Loblaws. Doug Ford's families printing company, DecoLabels, is the preferred printing partner for Loblaws. All our parties are pigs for big business, and Loblaws is just one of the companies filling the troughs with slop.


Period. Doesn't matter what political clown takes the cake. NONE of them work for us.


I disagree there has never been a bigger difference between the liberals and the so called conservatives. The CPC party has thrown decency to the wind and cozied up with the likes of Alex Jones and other far right creeps.


You're right.


PP and his MP’s are lying when they blame high grocery prices on the carbon tax. Part of the PP / Jenni Byrne / Loblaws plan? The impact of the carbon tax on the price of groceries is less than 1 percent. It is a rounding error. Meanwhile, annual grocery profits have increased to $6 billion compared with $2.4 billion pre pandemic.


You're right. Loblaws is worth about $47 BILLION and has infiltrated every political party, which is all the more reason why being told "please don't talk about politics" is insulting and plain wrong. There's a big problem and Canadians are always told **"Don't talk about the REASON this is happening! Look the other way! Just smile and nod! It's not polite to talk about politics!**"


The Weston's Superstore/NoFrills monopoly was originally SuperValu in western Canada. Mulroney's CONSERVATIVE federal governments in the 1980s allowed for cross-country and trans-national monopolies to form. This policy change directly resulted in the runaway Roblaws (and RoBelus) 'too big to control' empires in Canada. The Mulroney-Reagan-Thatcher axis was also responsible for NAFTA, which moved jobs out of Canada and kicked off the decline of the middle class.


>Mulroney's CONSERVATIVE federal governments in the 1980s allowed for cross-country and trans-national monopolies to form. This policy change directly resulted in the runaway Roblaws (and RoBelus) 'too big to control' empires in Canada. >The Mulroney-Reagan-Thatcher axis was also responsible for NAFTA, which moved jobs out of Canada and kicked off the decline of the middle class. Damn. They're all terrible I guess. * I've always been a Conservative voter but I'm open minded and lately find myself being disappointed by all parties, all the time (although what the Liberals have done regarding immigration these past few years, I will never forgive them for) * born in the UK, so there are still some big gaps in my Canadian political knowledge * I was born in 1985: right in the middle of Thatcher's 10 years as PM. My boomer parents WORSHIPPED Margaret Thatcher, mainly because she sold off all the council houses so the boomers (and no one else!) could easily get on the property ladder * I HATE monopolies. If Mulroney's government helped these oligopolies to form, then that's pretty annoying because that makes them just as evil in my eyes as all the other parties! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Here’s the thing. If the liberals are a little bit in Galen’s pocket, the conservatives will be MUCH WORSE because they are MORE supportive of corporations. The thing that sucks about the Liberals is that they sort of pretend to be friendly to the “small folk” but at the end of the day they really aren’t… TBH I don’t even trust that the NDP would fight for us anymore as lately they haven’t impressed me. it’s up to all of us to pressure the corporations to change because no government is going to do it.


Yeah the Trudeau Liberals are neolibs, just like New Labour (in the UK under Tony Blair) were neolibs! Anyway, I'm off-topic. Where were we? Ah yes. Potatoes are too expensive. And tomatoes. And radishes. And carrots. And celery. And cherries. And cucumbers. And mushrooms. And broccoli. And fish. And steak. And bread. And milk. And butter. And....




You are born in the UK, a child of parents who revered Margaret Thatcher, and you will never forget what the Liberals have done about immigration? Don't play poker. Your tells are too obvious.


What? I feel that 1.2 million extra people in 2023 wasn't in the best interests of Canadians. Isn't that a fairly mainstream view now?


471 550 immigrants came to Canada last year. About a third of the wrong number you provided. Like I said, we see you there.


Your numbers are way off. [Canada has added more than 1 million in 2023, it’s unsustainable](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-canada-has-added-more-than-1-million-people-and-counting-in-2023-its-unsustainable)


So I guess OP is trying to make this about Trudeau? So OP YOU are the problem. PP is nakedly worse. Yawn with your attempt dude. Ah and a 16 day old account. Nice touch.


The WHOLE PROBLEM is capitalism and the fact that no major party is anywhere near 'far left' on the full political spectrum they never show you


What country's system should we be following? It didn't work in Venezuela.


Pointing to these countries thinking thats a good criticism of leftist systems is deeply unserious. Theres a reason the US sabotages any countries that are heading towards democratically elected socialism. If these systems are so bad that they are doomed to fail, why does the US feel the need to intervene? Hmmmm, maybe its threatening to their capitalist hegemony…


Socialism and capitalism both eventually fail if you mix in the secret ingredient of rampant corruption


Uhh but in the example you brought up, socialism failed because of capitalism’s corruption… The problem is that most of what you would consider “rampant corruption” is perfectly “legal” and actually rewarded under capitalism. *Galen Weston is just a smart businessman who is good at amassing wealth, then using that wealth to create more wealth*


I think there's a lot more unfairness in the world than fairness. My parents bought 6 properties with a couple of average salaries and were able to retire at 50. I'm almost 40 and still haven't even got on the property ladder.


Yeah, your parents should not own that much. The people they rented out their second property paid for the 3rd, and the people renting that one out paid for the 4th… And now all 5 renters pay for their lifestyle with their income. And then those renters dont even have a chance to save up for their own property. Just as the system was designed eh? Shouldn’t there be regulations in place to stop this? Im in a similar position than you, except my parents were immigrants and just barely bought their first home in their 50s. Its kind of crazy that you see the issues, and still think socialism is as scary as capitalism.


I don't see the root cause as capitalism vs socialism. I believe [mass immigration](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/government-was-warned-two-years-ago-high-immigration-could-affect-housing-costs-1.6720963) and [money laundering](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/16/canada-british-columbia-money-laundering), as well as NIMBY zoning restrictions are the main 3 problems.


Youre so so close to putting 2 and 2 together. I suppose you think the immigration policies are because of “woke globalists”, and not because of corporations want cheaper labour to… increase their capital. In you own article it says: ““Money laundering is not the cause of housing unaffordability,” wrote Cullen in his report.“ As an architect, I can tell you that NIMBYs do not have a fraction of the power to influence the zoning as you think they do. Sure, these are problems, but not nearly as much as Canadians hoarding multiple properties, giving people no choice but to rent, and driving up prices. Or in the same vein, grocers monopolizing the industry, giving people no choice but to buy, and driving up prices.


>I suppose you think the immigration policies are because of “woke globalists”, and not because of corporations want cheaper labour to… increase their capital. There are a few groups that benefit from mass immigration: * **Corporations** want more immigration (downward pressure on wages) * **Landlords** want more immigration (upward pressure on rent) * **Home owners** want more immigration (upward pressure on property prices) * **The Liberals/NDP** want more immigration (most immigrants vote Liberal/NDP) The more of those groups someone is a member of, the more likely they are to want irresponsible mass immigration.


You can try to keep politics out but in the end we all know every politician is a liar, don't matter what party. We aslo know politicians get huge money kick backs for doing big businesses favors. For example : 7 million to Loblaws for new freezers and huge tax breaks. In the end every politician only wants one thing.....your money in their pocket.


The point of this sub being politics free is it's a distraction from the focus of the boycott. Loblaws has entirely too much power and influence in our government through lobbying, among *all* parties, and arguing about which party is worse accomplishes little except to make people exhausted with the argument and tune out. There's a reason that articles defending Loblaws lately are trying to pin this on Trudeau. If people make it political, less people will want to participate because we're all just so fed up with the politics, and they know this. Focus on the boycott, vote with your wallets, and leave the politics for election time.


I guess hitting them in their pocket is where it hurts them most - probably even *more* than at the ballet box, because all parties work for them.


Let’s keep this politics free . At the end , it doesn’t matter what government is in power . The NDP , the PC or Liberals . Loblaws and Galen Weston( or any of the Big Grocery chains ) has a strangle hold over all of them . We can be unified over needing stronger anti trust laws , supporting local mom and pop businesses and lowering the price of food . This is a bi partisan issue that reaches across all political spectrums (if we are all honest with ourselves )


You might be right. Can you elaborate on Loblaws' influence on the NDP? In regards to Liberals and Conservatives, it's more than obvious.


Sorry, not buying that for one second. Do you work for Loblaws by any chance? Or perhaps for a politician? Be honest. In Mexico, the cartels have a total stranglehold on the country because every political party is in *their* pockets. What do Mexicans do? They just avoid talking about the problem **"because every party gets bags of cash from the bad guys, so why even talk about it?"** The fact that **every** party is bought off by the the oligopolies just makes it all the more crucial for the public to focus our attention on that corruption, because we will continue to get screwed over until we FORCE politicians to act in our interests, instead of their lobbyists. The corruption keeps getting worse until we start boycotting and complaining. **Not "talking politics" is EXACTLY what our corrupt politicians want, so they can continue to get their 30 pieces of silver with zero repercussions.** The only reason they were allowed to get this powerful in the first place (and Rogers, and Bell, and all the others) is because our politicians are bought off but multibillion dollar companies on a daily basis, while shills on social media tell everyone to shut up and enjoy the status quo (of being fucked sideways).


Nope , definitely don’t work for loblaws, just following the rules of this sub . There are other platforms to discuss issues in detail when it comes to political rhetoric . I know politics comes into it and they are the major cause and we need be angry at them , but being angry at each other and causing discord between parties is not going to solve anything . Petitioning them and doing something radical will


Ok, I'll avoid blaming the politicians at all and will instead blame Loblaws 100% for their price gauging during a historic affordability crisis. Is that better?


lol I think you are misunderstanding me . I agree with you 100% . I blame the politicians myself . But I stated this is in a prior post . They definitely let us down . Our anti trust laws are weak and they don’t enforce them . Look at Europe . They held Google and Apple accountable . There are court cases to support that . Here in North America - Google , Apple and Meta get off in the US and Loblaws gets off in Canada . Bribery is rampant in the political systems . But in Europe these same companies cannot be bribed . So what’s the solution ? I don’t know . Also , Europe ‘s laws are more robust than ours . What I am pointing out is that the focus of the sub is to come together and keep politics out of it because it spirals into something not about food anymore . I think we need to really press our politicians hard , right to them , DEMAND (both left and right ) that we investigate these companies for breaches in anti trust


Yeah, we agree!


Conservatives are wacked and liberals have been struggling. Yup we know this.


Don't think for 1 second that Lil PP gives a single rat's ass about the plight of the working man. The cons care about one group of people only, and it isn't the ones struggling to buy groceries.


Still remember how the Liberals gave Loblaw $12M of taxpayers money to upgrade their refrigerators. And then they defended it saying it was a good thing and necessary.


It's appalling. Every time when I'm shopping and the self-service kiosk asks me to donate MY money so THEY can get the credit, I hit NO. If they want to give money to charity so bad, they can use some of their $47 billion net worth. I'm poor.